Leadership Development
This analysis will consider deferent leadership development systems at a structured organization such as McDonalds as well as an organization that operates in more of a creative space such as Facebook. The definitions of leadership in such organizations differ significantly and require different approaches. Facebook is looking for more out-of-the-box innovators while McDonald's is seeking leaders that can fulfill needed roles with the structures that they have already designed. The different requirements within these organizations produce an interesting dichotomy in perceptions of leadership development that can be studied to provide insights about leadership in general.
Career Development at McDonald's combines a focus on personal growth and development with talent management objectives in order to help employees to perform at their very best -- while experiencing personal career satisfaction. McDonald's has a well-developed leadership development program in place. McDonald's defines leadership development as (McDonald's, N.d.):
As the world changes and new business…...
mlaWorks Cited
Facebook. (n.d.). Careers at Facebook. Retrieved from N.d.:
Transformation of a group to one with unified values and a shared sense of accomplishment requires better people skills than I currently possess (Bass & iggio 2006).
These weaknesses, of course, will present certain obstacles that must be overcome during my leadership development. The drive to accommodate can denote a general desire to subsume one's will for someone else's purposes or ends, and this could limit my potential for development and adherence to my development plan, especially in a practical (i.e. working) environment (London 2002). My concern for people might also cause certain obstacles or gaps in the development plan; much of transformational leadership is directly related to the interrelationships fostered by the leader, and this will require additional attention on my part (Bass & iggio 2006).
Actions and Timeline
Several specific actions can and must be taken in order to bring my leadership development plan into full fruition, and the development…...
Bass, B. & Riggio, R. (2006). Transformational leadership. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Bush, T. (2003). Theories of educational leadership and management. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Hiebert, M. & Klatt, B. (2001). The encyclopedia of leadership: a practical guide to popular leadership. New York: McGraw-Hill.
London, M. (2002). Leadership development. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Leadership Development
The famous Peter Drucker was very prescient when he said that managers do things right and leaders do the right things. Leadership development is being able to know better and better with time what things should be done and why both in general terms and based on particular circumstances and the choices offered (Weinschenk, 2013). Part of knowing what to do and why is knowing the conditions on the ground, knowing how things operate and how to conduct one's self while traversing this environment. The current lay of the land at this college is no different.
Leadership Capacity
In general terms, leadership capacity and the management of the same is all about being prepared to deal with both the mundane and the extraordinary. It is also about managing the expected and the unexpected. At a minimum, any good leader will make sure to help hone, perfect and even create (as needed)…...
Fullan, M. (2005). Eight Forces for Leaders of Change. Journal of Staff Development, 26(4), 54.
Weinschenk, S. (2013, September 20). Leadership | Psychology Today. Psychology Today: Health, Help, Happiness + Find a Therapist. Retrieved September 20, 2013, from http://www.psychologytoday.com/basics/leadership
This is significant, because the author cites studies that indicate how organizations that have a high degree of transformational leadership skills throughout each layer of their companies are much more adept at transforming all forms of knowledge into an ongoing competitive advantage and competitive strength. By making the commitment to an ongoing leadership development program, the author contends that a knowledge-based organization emerges that is capable of interpreting and quickly acting on opportunities and threats (Amagoh, 2009).
Analysis and Conclusions Drawn
The analysis in the article successfully integrates the concepts of transformational leadership with the dominant leadership development theories to deliver insights into how organizations can transform their knowledge into a competitive advantage. It sets the foundation for how an organization can become more competitive by being more coordinated, synchronized around common goals. This synchronization of processes and systems is attained through ongoing leadership development programs.
Implications for Practice
There are many implications…...
Francis Amagoh (2009). Leadership development and leadership effectiveness. Management Decision, 47(6), 989-999.
Leadership Hong Kong
Leadership Developments in Hong Kong
Hong Kong is one of the great business centers of the world. As such, its business and leadership cultures have been subject to many of the paradigm shifts and economic trends that are attendant to the globalizing world economy. This makes this a useful context within which to examine some of the more important recent developments in leadership theory. Included among them, the discussion hereafter considers such leadership dimensions as relationship orientation, task orientation, empowerment, charismatic leadership and transformational leadership. These leadership dimensions help to define a business atmosphere that is in a constant state of evolution since Hong Kong's turnover to Chinese authority in 1997. As the discussion will demonstrate, many of the leadership practices and principles in place reflect Hong Kong's longterm evolution as a free-market society and a bastion for capitalism. Simultaneously though, its role and relationship with respect to mainland…...
mlaWorks Cited:
Bass, B.M. & Stogdill, R.M. (1990). Bass & Stogdill's Handbook of Leadership: Theory, Research, and Managerial Implications. Simon and Schuster.
Choi, J. (2006). A Motivational Theory of Charismatic Leadership: Envisioning, Empathy, and Empowerment. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 13(1), 24-43.
Johnson, C. (2005). Meeting the Ethical Challenges of Leadership, 2nd edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Kim Eng Securities (KES). (2007). Kim Eng Hong Kong. Kim Eng Securities.
Leadership Development Plan
Creating, staffing and managing a virtual team to results presents a very unique set of challenges both form a logistics and leadership standpoint. Creating a state-of-the-art new packaging product that is inexpensive to ship yet durance enough to not get damaged will take cross-functional teams of experts in packaging, physics of containers, logistics, and supply chain systems, in addition to costing and financial analysis. Each of these aspects of an organization are critically important to the development, successful launch and sales of the new packaging product. This paper details the greatest obstacles a team leader would face in completing the project and delivering a profitable new product. These challenges and their recommended solutions are the foundation of this paper.
The Many Challenges Of A Virtual Team
The foundation of effective virtual teams is the insightful selection of its members, the ability to quickly create communication and collaboration throughout the geographically-dispersed…...
Jarge Felfe & Schyns, B. 2004, "Is Similarity in Leadership Related to Organizational Outcomes? The Case of Transformational Leadership," Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 92-102.
Kayworth, T.R. & Leidner, D.E. 2002, "Leadership effectiveness in global virtual teams," Journal of Management Information Systems, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 7-40.
Purvanova, R.K. & Bono, J.E. 2009, "Transformational leadership in context: Face-to-face and virtual teams," Leadership Quarterly, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 343.
Leadership Development Plan
Leadership Development for Mentor
To be in position to coach training nurses and uphold care to patient as a first concern. The core objective of training as a nurse is to attain sufficient expertise in patient care and be able to uphold the ethics of nursing while undertaking roles in the professional (Duffy & Hardicre, 2007). The mentor shall endeavor to coach the training nurse towards this goal and assess the nurses' performance and attitude at work. The mentorship program will be through organizing seminars and workshops related the nursing practice for the training nurses.
By the end of the mentorship program the training nurses should have a wholesome understanding of what entails in the nursing profession. They should also be able to confidently take up nursing duties with the diligence the profession calls for; keep good records of the patient performance; respond appropriately to patient needs and discharge physician's…...
Caldwell, B.J., & Carter, E.M.A. (2001). The Return of the Mentor: Strategies for Workplace Learning (Eds.). . London: The Falmer Press.
Duffy, K., & Hardicre, J. (2007). Supporting students in practice 1: assessment. Nursing Times, 103(47), 28-29.
Gardner, & John. (1990). Leadership. New York: NY: The Free Press.
Mentorship programs and peer organizations alike can support new workers in a positive fashion, so they will feel free to let their leadership qualities shine.
Supervisor support for creativity and innovation, spotting top talent early on to facilitate retention, and fostering the leadership qualities desired by the organization in a consistent fashion are critical in retention (Gilpin-Jackson, & Bushe 2007). So are creating networks of peer supporters. This may seem counter-intuitive to organizations that stress competitiveness as a way of fostering leaders. However, workers must have a sense that a high benchmark of excellence is desired by the organization, and know that their colleagues uphold similar values. Peer support also contributes to a positive work environment. In one follow-up study of a managerial training program: "Verbal encouragement was nice and appreciated but could not necessarily overcome fears of violating peer group norms. One specific way in which having a boss…...
mlaWorks Cited
Gilpin-Jackson, Yabome & Gervase R. Bushe. (2007). Leadership development training transfer:
a case study of post-training determinants. The Journal of Management
Development, 26(10), 980-1004. Retrieved September 30, 2009, from ABI/INFORM
Global. (Document ID: 1454347571).
Leadership Development
The usefulness of the planning methods used to meet the leadership requirements at strategic level
Planning is a very important process at every level of the organization, it is the process being used by the leaders to set the organizational goals, come up with the strategies and set the time limit for the tasks which are relevant to help achieve the set objectives. All the leaders need to have plans which can deliver the organization from its current position to meet its future goals. Various planning methods can be applied by the leaders which require various leadership skills and quality in order to accomplish the set goals and objectives. The type of leadership style being used in an organization determines the planning methods that the organization can adopt. The plans can be very effective and easy to implement if the organization work on the plan as a team. Leaders need…...
Gerhard Plenert, (2012). Strategy Implementation. Retrieved May 26, 2012 from http://www.referenceforbusiness.com/management/Sc-Str/Strategy-Implementation.html
John Wiley & Sons, (2000). Detailing Types of Plans. Retrieved May 26, 2012 from www.cliffsnotes.com/study_guide/Detailing-Types-of-Plans.topicArticleId-8944,articleId-8871.html
SM Advisors, (2010). Tactical Plan Development. Retrieved May 26, 2012 from http://www.smadvisors.com/?id=29258141770
Leadership Development
Challenges faced by Barton
Barton is the senior vice president of human resources in Zendal pharmaceuticals .She had turned in her budget as she did routinely to her boss Palmer. However, the papers had been returned to her, and she noted that her proposed executive education had been cut by almost 75%.she took it as a mistake and decided to approach her boss on the issue. Her boss however said that there was no mistake in the revision claiming that there were orders given to cut down the following year's budget by 20%. Palmer said that recession had made their sales drop and due to their numerous debts they had to cut down on budgets so it was not Barton's budget being cut only (Kesner, 2010).
Palmer gave Barton a condition that she had to satisfy before he made any consideration on the revision he had done of Baron's budget. This…...
Kesner, I.F. (2010). Leadership Development: Perk or Priority?
Executive Education. (2013).Program for Leadership Development Accelerating the Careers of High-Potential Leaders. Retrieved April 28,2013 from http://www.exed.hbs.edu/programs/pld/Pages/default.aspx
Leadership Development
From your personal experience, give an example of each technique and the impact it had on you.
A metaphor had an impact on me, by showing how there were specific ideas which could be used to motivate someone to do more. At the same time, it is utilized as way of warning about the dangers of becoming involved in specific activities. In my personal experiences, these ideas reshaped how I looked at the world around me and my interpretations of different events. Over the course of time, this developed my attitudes and beliefs by creating foundation of comprehending numerous concepts. (Wasonga, 2006) (obbins, 1991)
For example, diverse metaphors taught me morals and behaviors that should be avoided. These areas allowed me to see a situation more clearly by having a basic saying which defined who I was. It is at this point, when these beliefs reshaped my personality. (Wasonga, 2006) (obbins,…...
Robbins, A. (1991). Awaken the Giant Within. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster.
Wasonga, T. (2006). Learning from Tactic Knowledge. International Journal of Educational Management,
20 (2), pp. 153 -- 162.
I will create a study plan to enable me to balance work, home, and school demands and involve my family with this plan.
To enhance my attractiveness as a candidate for employment I will continue to add to my professional areas of expertise. I will obtain additional certification in CMC (Certification in Cardiac Medicine) and CCN (Certification for Adult, Pediatric and Neonatal Critical Care Nurses).
Present what you need or want to learn to improve your practice and the strategies needed to meet your learning needs
Obtaining additional expertise is essential to work in an ICU, given the variety of conditions I will deal with, and also the diverse patient base. Becoming an involved member of professional organizations will be helpful. I also intend to draw upon the mentorship and knowledge resources of my professors and older nurses who have pursued similar career paths. I intend to use my personal strengths of…...
Hildreth, Amy N. (et al. 2010). Surgical intensive care unit mobility is increased after institution of a computerized mobility order set and intensive care unit mobility protocol: A
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Research Proposal: Remote Work and the Leadership Pipeline through the Lens of Impression ManagementIntroductionRemote work has become a staple in many organizations, particularly in the wake of COVID-19 lockdowns, which introduced remote work in a big way. As businesses adapt to this new mode of operation, preferred by many workers, there are significant implications for leadership development and the leadership pipeline. One of the critical aspects that has not been thoroughly explored is how impression management, the process by which individuals attempt to control the perceptions others have of them, plays out in a remote work environment (Franken et al., 2021; Pianese et al., 2023). This research intends to bridge the gap between theory and practice by examining the interplay between remote work, leadership development, and impression management.Research Questions1. How does remote work influence impression management strategies among emerging leaders?2. What are the implications of these strategies on the leadership…...
Bleakley, A., Rough, D., Edwards, J., Doyle, P., Dumbleton, O., Clark, L., ... & Cowan, B. R.
(2022). Bridging social distance during social distancing: exploring social talk and remote collegiality in video conferencing. Human–Computer Interaction, 37(5), 404-432.
Franken, E., Bentley, T., Shafaei, A., Farr-Wharton, B., Onnis, L. A., & Omari, M. (2021).
Leadership and otational Development Program for Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency (SAMA)
Leadership development and rotational programs are crucial for building the potential, skills, and capabilities of new and existing employees. They provide employees with ongoing mentorship, in-depth experiences, as well as training across various functions within the organisation (Columbia University Centre for Career Education, 2016). Organisations rely on these programs to recruit and develop individuals for leadership responsibilities. This paper provides important guidelines for the design of a leadership development and rotational program for the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency (SAMA). The program is aimed at fresh graduates with less than two years working experience.
Designing the Program
Program Objectives
The first step in designing the leadership development and rotational program is to define the objective of the program (Donnelly, 2016). It is indeed a critical step. The objective should resonate with the overall objective of the organisation. It should clearly be informed by what…...
Columbia University Centre for Career Education (2016). Leadership development and rotational programs. Retrieved from: https://www.careereducation.columbia.edu/resources/leadership-development-programs
Donnelly, T. (2016). How to create a leadership development program. Retrieved from: http://www.inc.com/guides/2010/07/how-to-create-a-leadership-development-program.html
Gurdjian, P., Halbeisen, T., & Lane, K. (2014). Why leadership development programs fail. Retrieved from: http://www.mckinsey.com/global-themes/leadership/why-leadership-development-programs-fail
Pernick, R. (2002). Creating a leadership development program: nine essential tasks. Alexandria: International City/County Management Association (ICMA).
Leadership and Conflicts
Teamwork has increasingly become a common aspect within the organizational setup. Organizations in varied sectors and industries are ever more reliant on teamwork in the achievement of their goals and objectives. Nonetheless, teamwork presents a breeding ground for conflict, in large part due to differences in background, views, beliefs, personalities, objectives, and priorities (Toegel & Barsoux, 2016). Indeed, if not properly handled, conflict within a team can considerably hamper team morale, motivation, collaboration and productivity. This section highlights a team conflict scenario, and discusses approaches for dealing with team conflict, clearly pointing out the role of leadership in managing team conflict.
One instance of team conflict I have experienced during my professional life relates to disrespect for team norms on the part of some team members. Every team often has rules that determine how members of the team behave and interact with one another during the course…...
Biech, E. (2007). Thriving through change: a leaders guide to change mastery. Alexandria, VA: ASTD Press.
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Costanza, D., Badger, J., Fraser, R., Severt, J., & Gade, P. (2012). Generational differences in work-related attitudes: a meta-analysis. Journal of Business & Psychology, 27(4), 375-394.
Gratton, L., & Erickson, T. (2007, November). Eight ways to build collaborative teams. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from: build-collaborative-teamshttps://hbr.org/2007/11/eight-ways-to-
Firms meet the challenge of technological change by redesigning their innovation ecosystems in several key ways. This approach involves a strategic overhaul of their internal and external operations, relationships, and culture to foster innovation and adaptability. Here's how they do it:
Embracing Open Innovation: Moving away from solely in-house R&D, firms are increasingly embracing open innovation. This involves collaborating with external entities like startups, academic institutions, and other companies to source new ideas, technologies, and methodologies. This collaboration can take various forms, including joint ventures, partnerships, and innovation hubs.
Investing in Digital Transformation: Firms are investing heavily in digital technologies such as....
Title: Embracing Diversity in the Workplace: A Catalyst for Growth and Innovation
In today's rapidly evolving global economy, workplace diversity is no longer a mere aspiration but a business imperative. Organizations that embrace diversity reap numerous benefits, including enhanced productivity, better decision-making, and increased innovation. This essay delves into the importance of workplace diversity, exploring the various dimensions of diversity, the challenges organizations face in promoting diversity, and the strategies they can implement to create a more inclusive and diverse workplace.
1. The Significance of Workplace Diversity:
Workplace diversity goes beyond race, gender, and ethnicity. It encompasses various dimensions, including age, socioeconomic background,....
Through an exploration of the personal attributes, experiences, and actions that contribute to the development of leadership skills, this descriptive essay aims to demonstrate the intricate process involved in the making of a leader. This involves analyzing the various factors that shape an individual's leadership style, including their communication skills, decision-making abilities, emotional intelligence, and ability to inspire others. By examining these key elements, we can gain a deeper understanding of how leaders are forged through a combination of nature and nurture. Ultimately, the thesis statement for this essay could focus on the multifaceted nature of leadership development and the importance....
## Refining a Thesis Statement on the Making of a Leader
### Original Thesis Statement:
> The journey of becoming a leader is a complex and multifaceted process, shaped by innate traits, environmental factors, and deliberate actions.
### Refined Thesis Statement:
> The emergence of exceptional leaders results from a dynamic interplay of inherent qualities, nurturing environments, and conscious efforts to develop and harness leadership skills.
More specific: Focuses on the "making" of exceptional leaders rather than the general concept of leadership.
Differentiates between inherent and developed traits: Recognizes that leadership qualities can be both innate and acquired through experience and training.
Emphasizes the....
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