Legal Memo Essays (Examples)

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Legal Memo

Legal Memo
The dismantlement of Affirmative Action within the University of California was appropriate

Graduate education and learning has been the crucial pathway to enter critical spheres of influence in the U.S. And also the grounds for obtaining the specific skills and information essential to individual, nationalized, as well as international financial achievement (CGS, 2009). However, regardless of current boosts in registration for college students of colour, this human population continues to be significantly underrepresented within graduate research. Latinos constitute 16% of the American populace, only 6% of the whole graduate-pupil populace within 2008; of the entire doctorate degrees conferred in the year 2007, just 4% had been given to Latinos along with 6% to African-Americans, who signify 12% of the American citizenry (Aud, Fox, & Kewalamani, 2010). These differences have been particularly starker inside science-associated professions. Within science as well as engineering-domains that have been essential towards the financial edge of….

Legal Memo

IN E: Mr. Sam Witwicky (Our Client) -- Criminal Concealed Weapon Charge

The firm's new client, Sam Witwicky, has retained this firm for legal representation in a criminal matter. Mr. Witwicky was arrested on his front lawn for carrying a concealed weapon. The police know Mr. Witwicky from a previous instance in which they were called to the residence of the client. Mr. Witwicky has retained this law firm in his defense against these charges which have not yet been filed although it is the understanding of the firm that the District Attorney does intend to proceed with filing charges against the client.



The Michigan Penal Code Act 238 of 1931 750.227 Concealed weapons; carrying; penalty Section 227 states as follows:

"(1) A person shall not carry a dagger, dirk, stiletto, a double-edged nonfolding stabbing instrument of any length, or any….

Legal Memo Re Lapham v

Recreational dancing is not universally protected. Therefore, Lapham cannot rely solely on the perceived violation of First Amendment rights in this case.
Plaintiff Rebecca Willis sought protection for her rights to dance provocatively in public. Lapham, on the other hand, seeks protection for his right as a bar owner to let his patrons move and sway to music as they please.

In other words, the town of Marshall, NC did not restrict dancing in itself; it only sought to monitor the type of dancing that took place. If a new form of dancing evolved that involved punching strangers, that too could be restricted but would have no bearing on whether citizens have the right to move and sway.

Lapham cannot rely on Fourteenth Amendment arguments either, as there may be no evidence that the city of New York is discriminating against his license application. However, there is no reason why the city….

Legal Memo

Legal Memorandum
Natalie Attired Unemployment Compensation Claim.


The client in this case, Natalie Attired is 23 years of age and is a high school graduate as well as having attended New Mexico State University but dropped out after one year and began waitressing. She has most recently been working for Biddy Baker, 60 years of age who has been in the restaurant business for more than 20 years. Every three months Biddy conducts an evaluation of the waitresses. The client in this case got a full-sleeve tattoo covering her entire upper right arm from shoulder to elbow and while the waitress uniform partially covers the tattoo, when the client wears short sleeves part of the tattoo is visible. Biddy asked the client to remove the tattoo and the client refused and was terminated on the grounds of 'misconduct' making her ineligible to receive employment compensation. The client has consulted the….

Legal Memo

prayers should be allowed, does the majority opinion written by Justice Kennedy or Justice Kagan's dissent more accurately characterize the Town of Greece meetings as being similar or dissimilar from the legislative sessions in Marsh?
Reasoning and Analysis: In his opinion, Justice Kennedy takes the position that a town hall meeting is essentially similar to a legislative session, but fails to ignore the fact that legislative sessions, while open to the public, exist for the very specific purpose of legislators engaging in legislation. Any type of prayer offered in that situation is offered for the purposes of the legislators who, at least theoretically, come to the table with the same level of power as the other legislators with whom they are negotiating, and as representatives of the people, not in a personal capacity. There seems to be a difference between that type of meeting and a town-hall meeting, which does….

Internal Legal Memo

Dr. Thomas Furlow

Statement of Facts: Our client, Dr. Thomas Furlow, has been sued by his patient John Brown. Furlow examined Brown and discovered an infected tooth; he advised Brown to return for treatment. Instead, Brown went on vacation. While camping in the desert, Brown's tooth infection worsened, spreading through his body, causing pain and putting his life at risk. Brown sued Furlow on the grounds that Furlow had failed to extract his infected tooth. Furlow was served with the complaint on March 1. Furlow had 20 days to answer the complaint. Furlow had an appointment with his attorney on March 19. On March 18, Furlow's house was robbed and the safe, where he had stored the complaint, was robbed. Furlow went to his mother-in-law, and rescheduled his appointment with his attorney for March 23. On March 23, the court entered a default judgment against Furlow. We have filed a motion….

The exemption status of the employee's position thus changes when the docking occurs, making them non-exempt, and thereby eligible for overtime for all extra hours worked" (Dorf 1994). By docking the pay of salaried workers, the company was effectively treating them as salaried employees (hence the restitution of their pay).
The employees who did work the full forty hours, however, are claiming that in doing so the company revoked their exempt status as well and because they worked more than their colleagues, they effectively worked 'overtime.' However, there are significant differences between the case of the engineering firm and that of Martin vs. Malcolm Pirnie Inc. The engineering company did act fairly in retroactively restoring pay, in an effort to comply with the FLSA by treating the workers as salaried, rather than unsalaried employees. The status can be revoked when the company treats exempt employees like nonexempt employees, but in….

Legal esearch and Argument
To begin the research for this case and the argument that follows, one must first examine the case and determine what is essential. It is assumed that the engineer was negligent because he should have known about the circular which advised that further structural support would be required for the type of building he was constructing. It is not enough to rely upon 20 years-worth of experience in the field because situations change which may negate all of that experience. Thus, this does not seem to be a legitimate argument for the engineer. It could be argued that the engineer was not made aware of the circular and that this was not his negligence but the persons who filed the document before he had seen it. Unfortunately, this would seem to be immaterial because it is the engineer's responsibility to stay abreast of important changes within the….

Memorandum In Brief
It is important to note, from the onset, that there are many commercial benefits that our company could reap by expanding internationally. Thus, the expansion into Mexico is not only timely, but also well considered. However, in engaging in the said expansion, the company ought to be aware of the pertinent aspects of both the U.S. and Mexican law. It is with this in mind that this memo highlights the most likely compliance issues or concerns in as far as the various aspects of law and ethics specific to Mexico are concerned.
Pertinent Aspects of U.S. Law
There are a number of laws and certain legal provisions specific to our expansion into Mexico. Key amongst these include, but they are not limited to; USMCA (which replaced NAFTA a month ago), Customs and Border Protection (CBP) laws, and laws relating to engagement in corrupt practices and money laundering.
For a long time, 26….

Liability of a Negligence
Judy Taylor

From: Smith & Associates LLP

Seeking Legal Advice whether the school has a Potential Liability for a Negligence


Under N.Y.S.3d 307, does Montauk High School has potential liability for a negligence of supervision of the school student? The issue is to investigate whether Montauk High School can be accused of negligence of the student wounded by the other student.

Short Answer

No, the Montauk High School has no potential liability for Andrew Miller, a 9th Grader because school has already suspended the student out the school, and the incident happens outside the school's premises.

Statement of Facts

On September, 2015, the Montauk High School received a letter from Andrew Miller parents threatening the school a lawsuit. The school wants an advise in order to decide whether the school needs to offer a quick settlement to avoid a legal battle with the student's parent. In August, 2015, Ms. Judy Taylor,….

Legal Brief
McCurdy v. Arkansas State Police, 375 F. 3 762 (8th Cir. 2004)

Type of Action

The case covered in this legal brief was the case of an employee of the Arkansas State Police, that being McCurdy, filing an action against the State of Arkansas in the form of the Arkansas State Police, that being her employer. Ms. McCurdy was trying to hold the Arkansas State Police liable for the sexual harassment of her supervisor. The case in this legal brief was argued before the United States Eight Circuit Court of Appeals (Leagle, 2014).

Facts of the Case

Jamie McCurdy, while being an employee of the Arkansas State Police, was subjected to about an hour of sexual harassment. The harassment in question was explicitly banned and disallowed as a matter of policy with the Arkansas State Police. On the Friday in which the harassment occurred, Sergeant Hall (McCurdy's supervisor) asked her where her uniform….

Management Behavior Imagine a midlevel sales manager InterClean, Inc. -level managersunder responsibility. In response a merger place EnviroTech, instructed


InterClean Sales Managers

Overview of Manager's Behavior

With the upcoming merger after InterClean, Inc. acquired EnviroTech, the managers' role will be to ensure a smooth merger and their role during this merger is very important for its success. To ensure that the company meets its post-acquisition goals, the managers' abilities to manage the upcoming changes skillfully is required. Most managers are not aware of how their behavior affects the employees. The success of this merger and employee productivity is critical, and managers should know its success lies in the relationship between employee performance and leadership behavior Norgard & Skodvin, 2002.

Modeling the way is one of the methods to ensure employee productivity according to a study in employee effectiveness and leadership behavior. Therefore, to have productive employees, managers will need to show….

Poor ebsite -- Informal Memo
Purpose / Opening Statement

It is difficult to know how many new websites are being put up every day but clearly the numbers are enormous. Meanwhile, the purpose of this paper is to locate a spiritually-related website that needs changes; also, the purpose is to evaluate it. Hence, in advance it should be clear that when looking for a spiritually-related website on the Internet, a user wants a site that clearly spells out what it offers, is user-friendly as far as links and has an obvious informative purpose with credibility. In that regard, the website called "Constellation Seven" is among the most cluttered, confusing, prosaic and artistically disastrous to be found on the eb. This paper discusses this terrible website and suggests how it could be made better and more usable.

Research Method

By going into Google and typing in "the worst websites" or "websites that suck" lists….

T.C. Memo 2010-54: The court decision located at T.C. Memo 2010-54 is that of David J. And Letitia B. Crawford v. Commissioner of Internal evenue, appearing as the petitioners and respondent respectively.
The Court that Heard the Case: The United States Tax Court. This particular court according to aabe, Whittenburg, Sanders, Sawyers, and Gill (2011) hears and determines Federal tax cases. In the words of the authors, "its jurisdiction is limited to cases concerning the various Internal evenue Codes and evenue Acts that were adopted after February 26, 1926" (aabe et al., 2011, p. 156).

The Judge(s): B.L. Garber

Case Decided on: March 22, 2010

Issues Involved:

The respondent in this case discovered a deficiency of $2, 230 in the Federal income tax of the petitioners for the year 2006 (U.S. Tax Court, 2010). As the court further points out, the deficiency was, essentially, "attributable to the respondent's disallowance of David J. Crawford's (Petitioner's) deductions….

Accounting Case Study
Legal Plan Services

What type of product is Legal Plan Services selling? Tangible or intangible? What type of benefits does the client receive for his membership?

The kind of products that Legal Plan Services is selling is legal representation for civil litigation. The way the company's approach works is to provide customers with access to some of the top law firms for purchasing a membership. The services are considered to be intangible because this is not something that can be physically held. The benefits that the client receives are the ability to consult with any one of the attorneys from affiliate firms for free. This involves select cases including: personal injury, tax, criminal and civil related issues. If the client goes beyond a certain amount of hours is when the membership will provide a 25% discount on the firm's hourly rate. ("Intangible")

What accounting concepts, objectives, and definitions should the….

10 Pages
Term Paper


Legal Memo

Words: 3329
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Legal Memo The dismantlement of Affirmative Action within the University of California was appropriate Graduate education and learning has been the crucial pathway to enter critical spheres of influence in the…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Law

Legal Memo Marshal Mathers in Re Mr

Words: 1100
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Legal Memo MASHAL MATHES IN E: Mr. Sam Witwicky (Our Client) -- Criminal Concealed Weapon Charge The firm's new client, Sam Witwicky, has retained this firm for legal representation in a criminal…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

American History

Legal Memo Re Lapham v

Words: 892
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Recreational dancing is not universally protected. Therefore, Lapham cannot rely solely on the perceived violation of First Amendment rights in this case. Plaintiff Rebecca Willis sought protection for her…

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3 Pages


Legal Memo

Words: 1075
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Legal Memorandum Natalie Attired Unemployment Compensation Claim. STATEMENT OF FACTS The client in this case, Natalie Attired is 23 years of age and is a high school graduate as well as having…

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5 Pages
Case Study

Mythology - Religion

Legal Memo

Words: 2161
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Case Study

prayers should be allowed, does the majority opinion written by Justice Kennedy or Justice Kagan's dissent more accurately characterize the Town of Greece meetings as being similar or…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Law

Internal Legal Memo

Words: 649
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

CC: Dr. Thomas Furlow Statement of Facts: Our client, Dr. Thomas Furlow, has been sued by his patient John Brown. Furlow examined Brown and discovered an infected tooth; he advised Brown…

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3 Pages
Case Study


Legal Analysis for Engineering Company

Words: 815
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Case Study

The exemption status of the employee's position thus changes when the docking occurs, making them non-exempt, and thereby eligible for overtime for all extra hours worked" (Dorf 1994).…

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7 Pages
Case Study


Legal Research and Argument to Begin the

Words: 2020
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Case Study

Legal esearch and Argument To begin the research for this case and the argument that follows, one must first examine the case and determine what is essential. It is assumed…

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8 Pages


Legal Implications Expansion into Mexico

Words: 2514
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Memorandum

Memorandum In Brief It is important to note, from the onset, that there are many commercial benefits that our company could reap by expanding internationally. Thus, the expansion into Mexico is…

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7 Pages


Memo of Potential Liability of a Negligence

Words: 2078
Length: 7 Pages

Liability of a Negligence Judy Taylor From: Smith & Associates LLP Seeking Legal Advice whether the school has a Potential Liability for a Negligence DEFINING THE ISSUE Under N.Y.S.3d 307, does Montauk High…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Criminal Justice

Sexual Harassment Legal Case Study

Words: 934
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Legal Brief McCurdy v. Arkansas State Police, 375 F. 3 762 (8th Cir. 2004) Type of Action The case covered in this legal brief was the case of an employee of the…

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3 Pages


Manager's Behavior Memo Management Behavior Imagine a

Words: 892
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

MANAGE'S BEHAVIO MEMO Management Behavior Imagine a midlevel sales manager InterClean, Inc. -level managersunder responsibility. In response a merger place EnviroTech, instructed HM/531 InterClean Sales Managers Overview of Manager's Behavior With the upcoming…

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3 Pages

Education - Computers

Poor Website -- Informal Memo Purpose

Words: 1057
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Poor ebsite -- Informal Memo Purpose / Opening Statement It is difficult to know how many new websites are being put up every day but clearly the numbers are enormous.…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Law

T C Memo 2010-54 Court Decision

Words: 548
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

T.C. Memo 2010-54: The court decision located at T.C. Memo 2010-54 is that of David J. And Letitia B. Crawford v. Commissioner of Internal evenue, appearing as the petitioners…

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4 Pages
Case Study


Accounting Case Study Legal Plan Services What

Words: 1115
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Case Study

Accounting Case Study Legal Plan Services What type of product is Legal Plan Services selling? Tangible or intangible? What type of benefits does the client receive for his membership? The kind…

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