Love Song Essays (Examples)

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Love Song of J Alfred
Pages: 1 Words: 377

Prufrock also distances himself from the people at the tea, saying they talk of "Michelangelo," which seems to say he has little in common with them. A man who loves a woman will try to find things in common with her to enjoy her company. This man instead finds things that make them different.
Finally, there is an underlying gloomy theme throughout the poem that cannot point to love. Prufrock often mentions the "yellow smoke and fog" that surrounds the city, and this almost sounds like poison or death creeping through the streets. He also talks about time "to murder." This is not a love song at all - the title is ironic. Instead, this is a poem about death and the inevitability of death. The critic Walcutt seems to be taking the poem much too literally, and reading much between the lines. Instead of love, this poem looks at…...

Love Song of J Alfred
Pages: 1 Words: 357

Ultimately, as his dialogue continues, it becomes clear that Prufrock is afraid. He is afraid of growing old, of ending up alone, and of being ridiculous and a fool because he did not to back to the woman he loved and make the relationship right. Eliot writes, "At times, indeed, almost ridiculous -- / Almost, at times, the Fool" (Eliot 118-119). Prufrock then is a sad and lonely character who is sympathetic to the reader because he is so pathetic and hopeless.
In conclusion, this poem is not a "love song" at all, it is the story of a lonely, middle-aged man who regrets the choices he has made in life and sees no way to reconcile them. He is afraid he will die alone and unloved, and that is probably the truth. He is sad because he is clearly so unhappy, but he is also pathetic because he will…...



Eliot. T.S. "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock." 2008. 11 Dec. 2008.

Analysis and Summary of Love Song by Joseph Brodsky
Pages: 4 Words: 1189

Love Song" By Joseph Brodsky
Losip Aleksandrovich Brodsky, alias Joseph Brodsky, lived between 1940 and 1996. His place of birth was Leningrad, ussia (USS), and he spent his last moments in the U.S.A. (Brooklyn, New York). He was a poet of Soviet-ussian-American origin. In 1987, he was awarded a Nobel Prize in Literature, and in 1991, he gained the title of Poet Laureate from the Congress Library. Brodsky wrote a poem named "Love Song" which is quite important and unique (UKEssays, 2015).

Summary and Interpretation

On the surface, this poem seems straight forward and simple. This poem mainly focuses on the position of women and men in society, submission and love. Brodsky expresses his love in passionate and adoring tones at the same time (Anti Essays, 2016). The deep, disturbing feelings are evident in the first two lines in each stanza 'If you were drowning, I'd come to the rescue, wrap you in…...



Anti-Essays. (2016). A Short Story. Retrieved June 25, 2016, from Anti-Essays: http://www.anti***.com

UKEssays. (2015, March 23). Pleasures And Obligations Of Love English Literature Essay. Retrieved June 25, 2016, from UKEssays:***.com

Eliot's the Love Song of
Pages: 5 Words: 1807

That is not it, at all." (Eliot, 875)

In these lines the poet makes a play upon words with the word "all": it is either to know all, or else not to be able to render one's meaning in a work of art. Eliot finds it impossible to actually unveil the mystery and tell all, it is not only that complete knowledge of the universe is impossible, but that the mystery even when reached and experienced, as when hearing the luring song of the mermaids, it can not be told.

This distance from mystery is due also to the modernist consumerist society, as Daly noticed in his study:

here Marx imagined commodity fetishism coming to an end only with the demise of capitalism itself, Hemingway sees a new relation to objects arising through a qualitative change in the subject, through a mutation in appetite T.S. Eliot's typically ineffectual modern subject, J. Alfred Prufrock,…...


Works Cited

Daly, Nicholas. Modernism, Romance & the "Fin de Siecle": Popular Fiction & British Culture.

Port Chester, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press, 2000

Eliot, Thomas Stearns The Oxford Book of Verse, New York: Bartleby, 1999

Ferrall, Charles. Modernist Writing & Reactionary Politics.

Love Song and Poem
Pages: 3 Words: 1064

New Criticism and Eliot's Prufrock
Eliot's use of tone, imagery and symbol in "Prufrock" allows him to create a poem that does two things at once: on the one hand it mocks modern culture and on the other hand it impresses upon the reader the fact that it is okay to reject all of this and search for the deeper somethingness -- that higher question that no one seems to want to ask. This paper will show how the poem uses irony, tone, image and symbol to convey a sense of the emptiness of modern culture to the reader using a seductive, fun, hypnotic way with words.

The tone of Eliot's "Prufrock" is overwhelmingly ironic: the poem plays up the tone of triviality while simultaneously skewering the triviality of the characters it describes. The poem lures the reader to the precipice of sanity -- pointing out the insanity and utter emptiness of…...


Works Cited

Altieri, Charles. "Objective Image and Act of Mind in Modern Poetry." PMLA, vol. 91,

no. 1 (Jan., 1976): 101-114.

McNamara, Robert. "Prufrock and the Problem of Literacy." Contemporary Literature, vol. 27, no. 3 (Autumn, 1986): 356-377.

Smith, Gerald. "Eliot's The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock." Explicator, vol. 21, no. 2

Song You're Still the One
Pages: 3 Words: 1016

At the beginning, Twain makes it clear that she is happy she chose her husband for a partner, and that he's "still the one" she loves and admires. She also makes it clear that others were against the match, and predicted they would not "make it" as a couple. This shows how outside influences can often doom a relationship. Later, she celebrates the fact that she and her husband did not listen to the nay-sayers. She says, "I'm glad we didn't listen / Look at what we would be missin'." She also shows that their relationship has not become tired or old in any way when she says "You're still the one I kiss goodnight." All of this is a celebration of her relationship and commitment, but it is also a deeper look into relationships in general, and what types of forces can tear them apart. She is proud of…...

Song Dynasty Refers to Period in the
Pages: 11 Words: 3282

Song dynasty refers to period in the history of China spread over the span of 300+ years. This period lasts from 960 to 1279 (Kuiper). In the history of China, the Song Dynasty enjoys special portion of eminence. The uncountable inventions made this era to be named as China's Age of Invention (Benn). The paper tends to explore it from various angels and aspects. The objective of paper is to give the reader a fair idea about the achievements and shortcomings of the Song Dynasty and compare it with other dynasties to see the possible causes of rank at which the Song Dynasty is placed.
Before going into the details of the Dynasty, it is important to mention that the period between 10th to 13th centuries was the period when human race was developing and exploring the earth resources for betterment of lifestyle. It was the time, when civilizations were developed…...


Works Cited

Benn, Charles. China's Golden Age: Everyday Life in the Tang Dynasty. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004. Print

Deng, Yinke. Ancient Chinese Inventions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011. Print.

Hansin, Valerie, Curtis, Kenneth and Curtis, Kenneth. Voyages in World History -- Vol 1. New York: Cengage Learning, 2008. Print

Kuiper, Kathleen. The Culture of China. New York: Rosen Publishing Group, 2010. Print.

Song of Songs While the
Pages: 3 Words: 1184

The Song also affirms, albeit, that humans consist of more than mere bodies.
Francis Landy (2007), University of Alberta, notes in his review of "Song of Songs," by Richard S. Hess, that Hess intentionally writes with his conservative audience in mind. "He assumes a context of married love for the Song, while recognizing that this is never made explicit: 'the erotic love of the couple does not lie outside the bounds of marriage but is integral to it" (Hess, quoted in Landy, ¶ 2). Hess resists direct sexual interpretations, for instance of 5:4-5 as a euphemistic description of intercourse, pointing out that "the whole point of the passage is the failure of the couple to reach and touch each other."

Tremper Longman (2001) points out in Song of Songs that, according to the Bible, the relationship between a husband and wife reflects the most intimate of all possible human relationships. Longman…...



Cunningham, Lawrence S. "Religion Booknotes (Letters to a Young Catholic, The

Church's Bible, The Song of Songs, Behind Closed Doors: A History of Papal Elections,

Dorothy Day: Portraits by Those Who Knew Her )" Commonweal Foundation. (2005).

HighBeam Research. 9 July 2009 .

Song of Love Music Is a Universal
Pages: 5 Words: 2036

Song of Love
Music is a universal language shared and understood across all countries and cultures. It can help express emotions and create an array of reactions, ranging from relaxed feelings to the most motivated ones. Apart from this, music can be used therapeutically for people who face difficulties physically, emotionally, cognitively or socially (Bodner). There is some difficulty when defining the concept of music therapy because there are numerous definitions out there concerning to this practice. According to the American Music Therapy Association (AMTA) "Music therapy is an established health profession in which music is used in a therapeutic relationship to address physical, emotional, cognitive and social needs of individuals" (Ronna). This includes addressing mental and physical problems such as: self-awareness, spiritual enhancement, social and interpersonal development, and motor skills (Ronna). This type of therapy is used in many settings, such as schools, hospitals, nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, and even…...


Works Cited

Bodner M, M.. "Music Therapy." American Cancer Society., 2008. Web. 19 Apr 2013..

Darnley-Smith, Rachel, and Helen Patey. Music Therapy. London: SAGE Publications Ltd., 2003. Print.

Davis, William Charles, Kate Gfeller, and Michael Thaut. An Introduction to Music Therapy: Theory and Practice. 2nd . Boston Burr Ridge: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 1999. Print.

Oak, M.. "Effects of Music on the Mind and Brain." Buzzle., 2012. Web. 19 Apr 2013. .

Song of Myself Categorizes the Concept of
Pages: 1 Words: 415

Song of Myself categorizes the concept of the American self as Whitman creates the conflict between the individual and the society encapsulating love, life, death, the material and the spiritual within one paradigm. He then reconciles the spiritual with the material and presents the union as the equalizing of individuals in society.
Song of Myself" is one of the two strongly personal and autobiographical poems in Leaves of Grass. Writing during the mid-nineteenth century when the concept of democracy and individualism was creating a focus on the human aspect of progress., Whitman's poems allowed a reconciliation of the soul with the human experience. Using the stream-of-consciousness technique he presented a rambling sequence of ideas and impressions to flow freely through a character's mind. In "Song of Myself" we see Whitman's tumble and mixture of private sensation and external universal experience that sharply contrasts to the Victorian stiffness of his day. His…...



Whitman, Walt. "Leaves of Grass [Song of Myself] (1855)." The Norton Anthology of American Literature, Fifth Edition. Ed. Nina Baym. New York: W.W. Norton, 1998. 2095-138.

Songs of Kabir A Review
Pages: 2 Words: 547

Songs of Kabir The poetry of mysticism is as a type of prophecy or a temperamental reaction towards Reality vision. It is a unique mystical consciousness commitment to mediate between having a good relationship with God and sharing eternity secrets with men. It means the artistic consciousness self-expression possesses two attributes. It is love-poetry written with a missionary purpose. Kabir is a popular spiritual saint in India. The songs of Kabir are mystical poems that powerfully connect spirituality with life in a simple way. His songs have been an inspiration to many poets. The words used in his poems are figurative, literal and of a universal language, breaking down obstacles to experiencing the divine. The songs of Kabir are based on his spiritual visions, mystic and lifelong faith in the Supreme Being, God. The mystic songs are allusive to symbols and myths in the Hindu religion; they are full of devotion,…...


Work Cited

Callewaert, Winand M. \\\\\\\"Kabir: Do We Sing His Songs or Someone Else’s?.\\\\\\\" The Intimate Other. Love Divine in Indic Religions (2005): 129-152.

Hess, Linda. Bodies of Song: Kabir Oral Traditions and Performative Worlds in North India. Oxford University Press, USA, 2015.

Man Loves a Woman Is a Romantic
Pages: 5 Words: 1608

Man Loves a Woman is a romantic movie written by Al Franken and onald Bass. It was produced in the year 1994. It starred Andy Garcia who acted as Michael green, Meg yan who acted as Alice green, Tina Majorino who acted as Jessica Green and Mae Whitman who acted as Casey green among others. Meg yan was nominated for screen actors' guild award for the best female in a leading role. The movie was well received by the audience and was rated among the best movies at the time.
Film Aspects

Story telling

The movie is a story of a woman Alice Green who is an alcohol addict and the challenges she faces in her quest to recover from the addiction. Alice, ironically, is a high school counselor but an alcoholic. She is good at counseling the students, hence does not lose her job. Her husband Michael Green is a pilot…...



David J. (May 16, 1994). The Crow' Takes Off at Box Office Movies: The opening is the biggest ever for Miramax. In second place is 'When a Man Loves a Woman,' with 'Crooklyn' third.." The Los Angeles Times. Retrieved December 28, 2010.

Julie M. (2007). Psychological Review of the Movie When a Man Loves a Woman. Retrieved from: 

Neill, J. (2010). Movie director. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Cherry Lake Pub.

Comparing a Poem to a Song
Pages: 3 Words: 1480

Gentle into That Good Night and This Is it: A Comparison
Dylan Thomas' poem Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night and the Kenny Loggins, Michael McDonald song This Is It both deal with the mortality of man. Each is a plea to a dying father, Thomas' and Loggins', not to give up the good fight as they neared death. Both works are saying that even at the end of life one should choose to fight against the inevitability of death.

Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night

Thomas' poem is composed of six stanzas of three lines each except the sixth with four. The rhyme scheme is A, B, A with the last line alternating between Rage, rage against the dying of the light, and Do not go gentle into that good night. The last stanza ends with both refrains, thus the extra line and an A, B, A,…...

Emotion of Love and Its Commercialization Sexual
Pages: 6 Words: 1667

Emotion of Love and Its Commercialization
Sexual love and marriage is a central theme in the lives and culture of human beings throughout the world. With very few exceptions, even the most diverse societies share the general concept of romantic love and the ritualistic importance of the monogamous union between man and woman (Ackerman, 1995). Certainly, major components of the complex emotions and physical urges that we associate with romantic love are purely biologically based. In this respect, we share sexual urges, ritualistic mating, courtship displays and pair bonding with (other) animals. In other respects, human intelligence and cultural diversity have given rise to a tremendous variety in societal beliefs about romantic love and marriage. In the United States, sex and love have been commercialized to such a degree that it is clearly the dominant overall marketing theme of the advertising industries. Many of the same evolutionary biological bases of…...



Ackerman, D. (1995) A Natural History of Love.

Vintage: New YorkBranden, N. (1981) The Psychology of Romantic Love.

Batam: New York Sex in America. U.S. News & World Report.

October 17, 1994 (Cover Story).

Lamentations and Songs of Solomon a Study in Contrast
Pages: 4 Words: 1191

Lamentations and Songs of Solomon: A Study in Contrast
Lamentations and Songs of Solomon are both poetic books in the Hebrew Bible; however, whereas Lamentations is a lament poem, the Songs of Solomon is more of a love poem. Nonetheless, the two complement each other, providing a number of crucial insights about love, God, sin, and the destruction of God's relationship with the church. This text demonstrates how the two books complement each other in providing insights for daily Christian living.

Analysis of Lamentations and the Songs of Solomon

Lamentations and Songs of Solomon are the two final poetic works dealt with in this course. Neither fits perfectly into the confines of psalm or wisdom poetry; however, both include elements of the same. The main difference between the two is that they focus on two different aspects of life -- love and death. The Song of Solomon presents itself as a love poem…...



Brenner, A. (1989). The Songs of Songs. Sheffield: JSOT Press.

Huey, F. B. (1993). Jeremiah, Lamentations. Nashville, TN: Broadman Press.

Slavitt, D. R. (2001). The Book of Lamentations: A Meditation and Translation. Baltimore, MD: John Hopkins University Press.

How do Parker\'s \"Love Song\" and Lorde\'s \"Never to Dream of Spiders\" differ and align?
Words: 308

Love Song by Dorothy Parker and Never to Dream of Spiders by Audre Lorde are two poems that explore the themes of love and relationships in distinctive ways. While both poems delve into the complexities of human emotions and desires, they do so through different perspectives and stylistic choices. In this essay, we will compare and contrast these two poems, examining how they approach the theme of love and what sets them apart from each other. Through an analysis of their structure, imagery, and tone, we will uncover the unique ways in which Parker and Lorde express their views on....

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