Lying Essays (Examples)

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Lying is, what some see, as a means to an end. It enables relationships and maintains bonds (at least that is how a lot of people act and behave every day). However, this may not be a good means of socializing when it comes to long-term relationships. People sometimes believe the saying: "You can't handle the truth" and treat those they fear cannot deal with honesty, by chronically lying to them. There are some who lie to themselves and prefer to live in denial of important things like looming health issues, infidelity, or an unsatisfied life to keep from going insane. Lies then become an avenue for expression of bad behavior and avenue for constant repression (a way to prolong or delay something) to survive. Why then is lying so harmful? Are there instances where lies are beneficial?
Little white lies are almost always seen as harmless. People see these lies….

Lying in International Relations
hat are your thoughts on lying in international relations?

International relations can be a very complicated issue and the relationships can be tenuous and easily broken if not handled correctly. The importance of a solid relationship cannot be underestimated. Countries with which a nation has a good relationship will be a source of economic support in terms of trade and lending of funds, a sharer of technological progression, as well as a potential ally in times of strife. It is the hope that when countries are building a relationship, there will be a level of honesty between the governments. However there will always be certain secrets which a nation's government should never share to a country and indeed with nations where there is a history of mistrust or dubious actions, it is even less prudent to share top-secret information. Some people naively state that "honesty is the best….

Rhetorical Strategies used in Lying

Honest self-disclosure is an important factor that strengthens interpersonal relationships, since this is a manifestation of one's trust and sincerity to the individual. However, there are sometimes situations or information about one's self that cannot be easily disclosed, for reasons that every individual can have: perhaps disclosure of personal information may threaten or weaken the relationship, or simply, the individual is not yet ready to let his/her partner know about particular information about his/her life.

One alternative to self-disclosure is lying. Defined as the "deliberate attempt to hide or misrepresent the truth," lying is considered unethical since it is an act of disinformation, a breach of one's trust and belief to the individual (Adler, 1998:332). There are many reasons for lying. People may lie in order to avoid tension or conflict, to save face from embarrassment or shame, to guide social interaction among other people, to expand….

Is there any way(s) to know when someone is lying or telling the truth? Consider body language, voice patterns, handwriting, or other traits. Consider situations. hat could you do to reach a conclusion? Detective work? polygraph/lie detector?

Yes it is possible to detect a liar, but it can be difficult to do in some situations. There are several verbal and nonverbal clues that reveal deceit. Among these clues are physiological reactions such as pupil dilation, blushing, blinking, hyperventilating, blanching skin, and increased sweating. (Ford)

Most often individuals that are lying display one or more of these reactions and if you pay close attention these clues are obvious. According to an article entitled "Lies!, Lies!!, Lies!!!: The Psychology of Deceit," physiological reactions "are governed by the autonomic nervous system and thus are out of the liar's control. Dilation of the pupils can be a physiological sign of fear or anxiety." (Ford)

In addition the….

The situation is different in Henry IV, where the main character, prince Hal as he is called by his friends, will ascend to the throne in the second part of the play in spite of his past as a villain. As the play begins, we see the king Henry IV, prince Hal's father, caught up in the midst of a civil conflict with Hotspur and the entire Percy branch of noblemen, because of a debt he had failed to pay to them.

During this conflict, Henry shows his bitterness at not having his eldest son, prince Hal to help him in the military matters. Hal is, at this time, with a group of rogues and villains who accompany him in his unlawful actions. Falstaff is the most famous of these, and seems to be Shakespeare's best known personification of falseness (a word from which his name is undoubtedly derived) lying and….

Lying on your resume is never acceptable to any organization. In the case of Tracy, we understand that she lied on her resume and instead of explaining that she dropped out of MBA program just when she was about to complete, she instead mentioned MBA anyway in order to get the job even though it was not needed for the position she had applied for. Secondly, we understand that organization found out the truth through someone else and not through their own suspicions which means that Tracy had been doing a good job and no one needed to recheck her credentials and educational qualifications. We also know that Tray dropped out due to family reasons and had been very close to getting the degree.
Now that Human Resource knows that Tracy did not complete her MBA and had lied on her resume, it is in a state of conflict and wondering….

On the other hand there are arguments for why people should lie, in other words when lying would be justified. Lying could be justified if it was done in self-defense. This is the same concept as shooting someone in self-defense; if you have to tell a lie in order to exit a situation that is harmful to yourself it is justified. Additionally, lying to protect trade secrets, like discussed above in lying by omission, is justifiable. If businesses shared their trade secrets openly with competitors it would create many issues for the businesses that are trying to stay ahead of others. Lastly, an argument for when lying is justified is when it is done to protect national security. The cases of when lies are justified are much rarer than when they are not justified. In all cases, even when it seems justifiable the consequences should be thoroughly considered. 4 Overall….

lying and deceit and questions its acceptability in society. Lying is something which stands at a different perspective for everyone. Every form of lying is because an individual is trying to gain or achieve something, most of people's actions are meant to deceive in some way for personal gain, and this goes on underlying, since people are so used to doing it. There is, however a possibility to change someone's patterns of duplicity. The detection of this duplicity is what may be difficult.
These patterns of duplicity are difficult to detect since they are already embedded within the person. This does not mean, though, that the person is of ill will. There are needs for this deception, justifiable or not, which arise through certain stressors in one's life. These types of stressors present themselves as challenges or types of competition in an individual's life. The drive for success or material….

"(Hemingway, 303) Not only did the experience of the war change and affect him in a total way, but, when he returns home, the war becomes an obstacle impossible to surmount in the way of his new life because he is forced to lie about it and about his actual experiences and feelings. e intimate from his indirectly given thoughts, that after the war, everyone taking part in it was in the habit of forging unreal stories, most of them regarding heroism and what the author terms "atrocities." The only thing that he can coherently say about his experience is that he was horribly frightened all the time, "badly, sickeningly frightened all the time," as he tells himself (Hemingway, 303).
Hemingway's short story announces its theme already in the title: the phrase "soldier's home" is a very suggestive linguistic construction. However, the phrase in the title implies more than that- "soldier's….

Is Lying Always Wrong

lying always wrong?
While the concept of lying appears simple at first, upon consideration one is able to imagine any number of situations in which lying would not appear to always be wrong, thus creating something of a quandary for anyone attempting to argue in favor of ethical and honest behavior, especially in the corporate world. The problem to be investigated in this essay, then, is the problem of determining if lying is always wrong, and the implications of the answer to that question. In order to address this problem, one may examine certain relevant, well-known instances of lying in which an argument can be made for either side, such as the padding of resumes with misleading or false information, or James Frey's repackaging of a novel he wrote into an ostensible memoir.

James Frey wrote a book-based roughly on his own experiences but embellished enough that when he first shopped….

He sentenced Grimes to 30 days in jail and ordered him to pay a $500 fine. Given the fact that a lie by a police officer can deprive a person of their liberty, this seems like a reasonable sentence. Only the use of monitoring in patrol cars revealed that the tests were not performed.
Members of the public must trust officers, not technology alone, to ensure that officers do not lie in court and that citizen's rights are protected. That is why Grimes' sentence is reasonable. According to court records, Grimes has more than 160 pending cases within the courts system which are now in doubt. If Grimes testified inaccurately and innocent defendants were convicted in the past, he has breached the public's trust. His proven lie also calls into question many successful prosecutions, which could result in guilty people going free. And much bureaucracy and legal wrangling lie ahead….

Lying is perhaps one of the most common wrongs we (virtually all of us) commit in the course of our life. It could even be true to say that it is human nature to tell lies. Consciously or unconsciously, we often lie to evade embarrassing or awkward situations, get out of trouble, and/or make other people feel better or intimidate them. Unfortunately, even though lying may be good or bad depending on the situation at hand, or depending on who you ask, we usually disregard the impact our lies can have on not only those lied to, but also us. Even the most trivial of lies can have severe unexpected consequences.
As an individual, I regard myself as a straightforward and honest person. This is a value that I have emulated from my father since childhood. My father has always taught me the importance of candidness and truthfulness. I have used….

coach, lying with my head on pillow; back down with a book up in the air when I heard the clock ding six times alerting me to the hour. I had been reading for several hours straight and my eyes grew heavy. The sun was setting quickly and with each passing moment the light found a new path through the window blinds. The article I was reading was written by Zhu Ziqing, who became popular in the twentieth century. The article was apparently written as Ziqing was approaching the mid-point in his life and he was reflecting on his earlier years. He was contemplating the style of parenting that he used with his children when they were younger. Ziqing was raised by parents in an authoritarian manner which was typical of his culture and he automatically, without forethought, chose the same style to use with his children.
Finally the light….

Police Officer and Lying

law enforcement agencies have often struggled with officer dishonesty and the impact such an action leaves not just in the criminal justice system, but more specifically in court proceedings. When an officer lies, their credibility may be threatened due to their previous dishonest comportment. Agencies must, on a continued basis, disclose information to prosecutors concerning the issue of officer dishonesty if the officer in question must testify against a defendant. That defendant must also be made aware of the instance of officer dishonesty and if this is not done, the agencies and officers may be held accountable as well as potentially lead to dismissal of charges against the defendant. An example of this was seen in Brady v. Maryland.
The landmark case of Brady v. Maryland demonstrated the effects of withholding information or evidence in case proceedings by the decision of the prosecutors to not submit Boblit's confession as evidence.….

Aristotle believed there should be guidelines governing the act of giving testimony (Kennedy, 2004, p. 227-228). For example, a jury member should place greater weight on the reputation and social standing of the witness, than on the content of the testimony given. If a person of good character is called to testify before a formal investigative body, a reasonable listener is therefore required to open their mind to anything the witness may claim. This process of 'reciprocation' requires reasonable jury members and judges to accept as trustworthy the testimony of a reputable person, even if the events described seem incredible and go beyond their own personal experiences.

Unfortunately, the days of small village tribunals where jury members knew most of the participants in a trial, and therefore the reputations and trustworthiness of witnesses, are generally a thing of the past in the United States and much of the world. eputations of….

Plato's underlying attitude toward the body is that it is temporary, and something to be cast off. The body is not the person, it is a shell. The actual person is what resides inside the body until separated by death. Overcoming the fear of death and feeling like death could actually be a good thing - a new adventure - is a large part of Plato's focus. Whether he is correct in this cannot be answered, because there is no factual proof of whether or not a person lives on after the body dies. Many believe it does, but there....

One of the cornerstones of the idea of liberty and freedom, especially when viewed from a religious perspective like Thomas Merton’s, is the idea of free will.  Whether human beings truly have free will is a surprisingly divisive philosophical question that, by design, must consider questions like natural versus nurture, motivation, the influence of society on people, and even the nature of good and evil (O’Connor).  However, the idea of free will is central to Christianity and also to Merton’s explorations of liberty and freedom in a Christian context.

Using the concept of free will to explore the....

The topic of violence is a broad one because violence is persuasive in our society, there are competing theories about the causes of violence, and violence begins to impact people at a very young age.  According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, there are eight types of violence children may be exposed to or experience: bullying, child maltreatment, community violence, domestic and intimate partner violence, school violence, sexual abuse and sexual violence, sex trafficking, and teen dating violence. These different types of violence not only impact children, but also adults in the community,....

2 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage


Words: 811
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Lying is, what some see, as a means to an end. It enables relationships and maintains bonds (at least that is how a lot of people act and behave…

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4 Pages


Lying in International Relations

Words: 1454
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Lying in International Relations hat are your thoughts on lying in international relations? International relations can be a very complicated issue and the relationships can be tenuous and easily broken if…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Lying Rhetorical Strategies Used in Lying Honest

Words: 589
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Lying Rhetorical Strategies used in Lying Honest self-disclosure is an important factor that strengthens interpersonal relationships, since this is a manifestation of one's trust and sincerity to the individual. However, there…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Lying Is There Any Way's to Know

Words: 927
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Lying Is there any way(s) to know when someone is lying or telling the truth? Consider body language, voice patterns, handwriting, or other traits. Consider situations. hat could you do…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Lying Shakespeare's Historical Plays Richard

Words: 1434
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The situation is different in Henry IV, where the main character, prince Hal as he is called by his friends, will ascend to the throne in the second part…

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3 Pages


Lying on Your Resume Is Never Acceptable

Words: 896
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Lying on your resume is never acceptable to any organization. In the case of Tracy, we understand that she lied on her resume and instead of explaining that she…

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2 Pages

Business - Ethics

Lying Is Morally Accepted One

Words: 739
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

On the other hand there are arguments for why people should lie, in other words when lying would be justified. Lying could be justified if it was done in…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Ethics

Lying and Deceit and Questions Its Acceptability

Words: 2167
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

lying and deceit and questions its acceptability in society. Lying is something which stands at a different perspective for everyone. Every form of lying is because an individual…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Lying in Hemingway's Soldier's Home

Words: 682
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

"(Hemingway, 303) Not only did the experience of the war change and affect him in a total way, but, when he returns home, the war becomes an obstacle impossible…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


Is Lying Always Wrong

Words: 1746
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

lying always wrong? While the concept of lying appears simple at first, upon consideration one is able to imagine any number of situations in which lying would not appear…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Criminal Justice

Testifying Lying Under Oath Police

Words: 525
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

He sentenced Grimes to 30 days in jail and ordered him to pay a $500 fine. Given the fact that a lie by a police officer can deprive…

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5 Pages


Personal Experience with Lying

Words: 1256
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Lying is perhaps one of the most common wrongs we (virtually all of us) commit in the course of our life. It could even be true to say that…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Coach Lying With My Head on Pillow

Words: 1201
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

coach, lying with my head on pillow; back down with a book up in the air when I heard the clock ding six times alerting me to the…

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4 Pages

Criminal Justice - Police

Police Officer and Lying

Words: 1236
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

law enforcement agencies have often struggled with officer dishonesty and the impact such an action leaves not just in the criminal justice system, but more specifically in court…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Criminal Justice

Perjury False Testimony Lying Under Oath

Words: 1404
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Perjury Aristotle believed there should be guidelines governing the act of giving testimony (Kennedy, 2004, p. 227-228). For example, a jury member should place greater weight on the reputation and…

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