Mansfield Park Essays (Examples)

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In Between the Acts, the idea of the general and disordered flow of things is suggested by the form of the narrative itself as well. The play that is set on stage represents the flow of history from its beginning to the present. The play is interrupted often by the audience itself or by the wind, to suggest that the continuum is broken many times. "The wind blew the words away."(oolf) the words of the actors are completely unintelligible at times, and the wind only carries to the audience the few essential names. The wind itself is another element of the natural world that is effectively used in the imagery of the novel:

The words died away. Only a few great names -- Babylon, Nineveh, Clytemnestra, Agamemnon, Troy -- floated across the open space. Then the wind rose, and in the rustle of the leaves even the great words became inaudible;….

Indeed, she sees the world as if it were a play, and she sees herself as part of the play, with her own part to follow. For Miss Brill, the knowledge that she is part of the play is comforting and connects her to the others in the park, giving her and them a shared awareness that she still does not quite understand. The way the two she sees as the hero and the heroine talk about her, though, shatters her comfortable existence and brings back the unpleasantness she has only been able to stave off for a time.

In Mansfield's story "Je ne parle pas francais," which means "I do not speak French," Raoul Duquette is the central character and also the narrator. His word is suspect, and the author treats her spokesperson here in an ironic manner. He starts by claiming he is a true Parisian, though the title….

Feminist Reading of Austen's Persuasion
"I Will Not Allow ooks to Prove Anything":

Women Reading and Women Writing in Austen's Persuasion

Feminist criticism is equally concerned with female authorship and with female readership and in the case of Jane Austen, both issues must be addressed. Frantz in 2009 noted that on one level Austen's influence on female readership has been immense: she claims that "readers and authors of contemporary romance claim Jane Austen as the fountainhead of all romance novels," a genre which constituted the "largest share of the consumer market in 2008" but which is assumed to have an exclusively female readership. Yet feminist criticism of the early novel overall has begun to focus specifically on the rationale offered for novel-reading in the eighteenth century, when the printer's apprentice Samuel Richardson wrote Pamela in imitation of what Jenny Davidson describes as "conduct manuals," or books of etiquette for female readers. As Davidson….

Emma: The Character of Frank Churchill and 'reading' the moral qualities of men in Jane Austen
One of the challenges posed by Jane Austen, of her heroine Emma oodhouse, in the novel entitled Emma, is how Emma must learn to be a good reader of both male and female characters. The persona of Frank Churchill poses a constant series of challenges to Emma -- is Frank a rouge and a coxcomb, or is he a nice young man, worthy (and willing) as a marital prospect? This education of Emma in moral terms is illustrated by the choice eventually posed for the titular heroine, between Mr. Knightly and Frank Churchill. By becoming a better reader of the human character in general, Emma learns that Mr. Knightly is the better choice of the two male romantic prospects, and also, by extension that she has misread the female characters of Harriet Smith and Jane….

Jane Austen's Emma
Jane Austen's Gentleman Ideal in Emma

In her third novel, Jane Austen created a flawed but sympathetic heroine in the young Emma oodhouse. idely considered her finest work, Austen's Emma once again deals with social mores, particularly those dealing with ethical actions and social status.

This paper focuses on how Austen uses the figure of George Knightley to propose a new English Gentleman Ideal to criticize the strictures regarding the role of women and the skewed relationship between the sexes. In the first part, this paper looks at the social world of England in the early 19th century, in which Austen lived. It then compares the reality of these conditions with the seemingly idyllic settings Austen portrayed in novels like Emma.

The second part of the paper then examines Austen's redefinitions of the ideal English gentleman, as embodied by Mr. Knightley. Despite the expected happy ending, this paper argues that Austen….

"Mansfield's characters share the topical hopelessness that characterized much of early Modernist writing. Characters like Miss Brill seem to be living on the brink of personal disaster; the sense of community has vanished; they are largely alone" (Devi). Miss Brill must face the dreadful truth that the community she felt so much a part of could easily go on without her. By the time she reaches her dark room, she is already gone. Robert Peltier maintains, that she "has now withdrawn so far from the world that has hurt her, that she does not realize that it is she who is crying" (Peltier). Finally, Miss Brill has the right, albeit, the most painful perception of the world.
Miss Brill" is a story that forces us to consider our place in the world and it also challenges us to question our place in the world from time to time. Miss Brill….

Miss Brill
Judgment and Otherness in "Miss Brill"

Katherine Mansfield's short story "Miss Brill' appears at first to be a rather simplistic and superficial description of an older woman and her silly infatuation with her fur stole. By the end of the story, however, the reader realizes that there is an irony at work throughout the text on several levels, and the very appearance of superficiality that is so well-crafted early on in the story is revealed to be a misconception contrived equally by the perspective of the story itself and by the reader, who must necessarily employ their standard human perceptions, subjectivities, and judgments in order to engage with the story. Through detailed renderings of character, point-of-view, and setting -- as well as through the rather oblique nature of the story's plot -- Mansfield very poignantly and pointedly explores the theme of "otherness" and the manner in which human beings judge….

Miss Emily and Miss Brill are two highly interesting yet complex characters that refuse to accept change and are thus stubbornly or naively living in the past. The two women symbolize destruction and decay of the past and of those who refuse to move ahead with times and prefer to live in their own fantasy world. Past is meant to perish because forces of change are more powerful than memories of yesteryears. Those who refuse to acknowledge this fact lead a lonely life and become as rusty a figure as the past they hold on to.
William Faulkner's character Emily is one such stubborn obstinate woman who cannot move ahead with time. She refuses to accept that world is changing and that new values are replacing old ones. She is scared that she would not be able to keep pace with changing times and therefore simply closes her eyes to….

characters were similar and different in their ways, personalities and attitude. This paper also highlights some quotes from the stories to support its claim.
Compare and Contrast

Rose For Miss Emily by illiam Faulkner and Miss Brill by Katherine Mansfield relates the stories of two women who had been through a lot in their past lives and were trying to relive their past in their present. The characters of both Miss Emily and Miss Brill are the same. hile Miss Brill relates her past to her present with happy thoughts, Miss Emily considers her present an era that is trying to drift her away from her past. Both the characters of Miss Brill and Miss Emily symbolize loneliness. hile Miss Brill tries to communicate with the outer world, Miss Emily on the other hand shuts herself away from her neighbors and town people. Both the characters are the same and yet….

RFP Purchase of an Ecm

The vendo may be offeed an ongoing maintenance contact, which will be discussed and a new RFP issued at the close of this contact. If the chosen vendo successfully completes the wok outlined in the poject scope, they will be given pioity status fo bids egading the maintenance contact.
The system must meet all of the softwae and data stoage needs of the client on a long-tem continual basis. It must meet the equied secuity paametes and be secue fom any foeseeable natual o manmade disastes. It must be secue fom nay intenal o extenal theats due to tampeing o theft. It must be able to inteconnect with the existing system at the client's cuent location. It must include edundancy and back up plans in the event of a catastophic failue despite any easonable measues to pevent such an occuence. It includes a plan fo the expansion of the system….

As a teacher of the very young therefore, idealism in the sense of the attainment of higher values and aims has a special and positive significance in my profession and personal life. Dealing with very young minds places a particularly heavy burden on the teacher. The teacher has a responsibility to shape these minds. It is a truism but also a reality that the early years of education are often the most important, as it is at this age that young minds are shaped for there future. As an elementary school teacher I therefore feel from a profession standpoint that idealism and higher education ideals are essential to adhere to; especially in the early stages of educative development.

The view of idealism that seems to be the most fitting in terms of my role as an educator can be seen in the following quotation." Idealism in life is the characteristic of….

2007 Economic Crisis on American Car market
Effect of the 2008 global economic crisis on automotive industries

Crisis in the United States

Crisis in Canada

Crisis in ussia

Crisis in European markets

Crisis in Asian markets

Effects by other related crisis events

In this paper, we will review the effects of 2008 global automotive crisis. Our main focus will be on the American car manufacturers and the negative impact they suffered due to the crisis. We will also have a look at how this crisis had affected car manufacturers in other major markets around the world notably Europe, Canada and the prominent Asian markets such as China and India. Finally, we will look at some of the other factors which were important to this event namely the energy crisis since the cost of fuel is directly related to the car industry.


The automobile industry is a very important part of the global economic structure, in many of the….

Despite over 23,000 casualties of the nearly 100,000 engaged, both armies stubbornly held their ground as the sun set on the devastated landscape."
This point is made time in again among the accounts of the battle, where historians laud General Lee's relentless fighting spirit even in the face of growing losses of precious men and materiel. For example, despite his enormous losses, General Lee continued to prosecute the battle in an opportunistic fashion throughout the daylong battle in hopes of ultimately turning the tide. In this regard, Jamieson advises that, "Even [after sustaining devastating losses], Lee conceded the initiative grudgingly and during the day-long battle he made division-sized counterattacks, exhausted all of his reserves, and looked for opportunities to seize the offensive."

After 12 hours, it would seem reasonable to suggest that both sides would have had enough and would have been exhausted to the point where they could fight no….

Women in History

omen to History
omen have contributed to the history of the world from the beginning of time. Their stories are found in legends, myths, and history books. Queens, martyrs, saints, and female warriors, usually referred to as Amazon omen, writers, artists, and political and social heroes dot our human history. By 1865, women moved into the public arena, as moral reform became the business of women, as they fought for immigrant settlement housing, fought and struggled for the right to earn living wages, and stood up to the threats of the lynch mobs. The years beginning in 1865 is known as the Civil ar era and the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. It was a time of great changes, especially for African-American women such as Harriet Tubman and Sojourner Truth. omen of all races had to fight for equal rights, even the right to vote ( indeed 'come a long….

hat you do in life, good, bad, otherwise, comes back to haunt you. And the suicide of Robert X is an embodiment of that lesson.
In reading about this book, in preparation for this essay, I came across a conversation the author had with John Lowe concerning the tight narrative quality of the book, and I think in commenting about it, Gaines underscores one of the book's major themes:

P: There's nothing wasted in that book. It's totally honest and almost foreordained from the beginning, from the first page.

Gaines: A great man falls, and what he's going to do when he gets up. He feels that even God had failed him. He could not even please God any more (Lowe 184).

This theme, or question rather, of how does one deal with failure is an important one, on the individual level as well as on the group level. How does one deal….

I. Introduction

Begin with a brief overview of Jane Austen's life and importance as a literary figure.
Highlight the main themes and issues that you plan to discuss in the essay.

II. Jane Austen's Early Life and Influences

Discuss Austen's upbringing in Steventon, Hampshire, and the influence of her family and social circle on her writing.
Explore the impact of her education and reading habits on her literary development.
Analyze the influence of her brothers' careers in the navy and clergy on her understanding of social class and gender roles.

III. Austen's Literary Career

Discuss the publication of Austen's early novels, including....

5 Pages
Term Paper


Viringia Woolf -Or- Mansfield Park

Words: 2151
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In Between the Acts, the idea of the general and disordered flow of things is suggested by the form of the narrative itself as well. The play that is…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Katherine Mansfield in Many of

Words: 1436
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Indeed, she sees the world as if it were a play, and she sees herself as part of the play, with her own part to follow. For Miss Brill,…

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6 Pages
Research Paper


Feminist Reading of Austen's Persuasion I Will

Words: 2126
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Feminist Reading of Austen's Persuasion "I Will Not Allow ooks to Prove Anything": Women Reading and Women Writing in Austen's Persuasion Feminist criticism is equally concerned with female authorship and with female…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Frank Churchill in Jane Austen's Emma

Words: 2086
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Emma: The Character of Frank Churchill and 'reading' the moral qualities of men in Jane Austen One of the challenges posed by Jane Austen, of her heroine Emma oodhouse, in…

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13 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

Role of Gentleman Ideal in Jane Austen's Emma

Words: 3559
Length: 13 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Jane Austen's Emma Jane Austen's Gentleman Ideal in Emma In her third novel, Jane Austen created a flawed but sympathetic heroine in the young Emma oodhouse. idely considered her finest work,…

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3 Pages
Research Proposal


Perception vs Reality in Miss

Words: 985
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

"Mansfield's characters share the topical hopelessness that characterized much of early Modernist writing. Characters like Miss Brill seem to be living on the brink of personal disaster; the…

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3 Pages


Miss Brill Judgment and Otherness in Miss

Words: 894
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Miss Brill Judgment and Otherness in "Miss Brill" Katherine Mansfield's short story "Miss Brill' appears at first to be a rather simplistic and superficial description of an older woman and her…

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3 Pages


Miss Emily and Miss Brill Are Two

Words: 1257
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Miss Emily and Miss Brill are two highly interesting yet complex characters that refuse to accept change and are thus stubbornly or naively living in the past. The…

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3 Pages


Characters Were Similar and Different in Their

Words: 1215
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

characters were similar and different in their ways, personalities and attitude. This paper also highlights some quotes from the stories to support its claim. Compare and Contrast Rose For Miss…

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3 Pages
Business Proposal

Education - Computers

RFP Purchase of an Ecm

Words: 953
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Business Proposal

The vendo may be offeed an ongoing maintenance contact, which will be discussed and a new RFP issued at the close of this contact. If the chosen vendo…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Black Studies - Philosophy

Idealism Is a Philosophy as

Words: 2702
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

As a teacher of the very young therefore, idealism in the sense of the attainment of higher values and aims has a special and positive significance in my profession…

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88 Pages


Influence of 2007 Economic Crisis on American Car Market

Words: 24230
Length: 88 Pages
Type: Thesis

2007 Economic Crisis on American Car market Effect of the 2008 global economic crisis on automotive industries Crisis in the United States Crisis in Canada Crisis in ussia Crisis in European markets Crisis in…

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14 Pages

Drama - World

Role of General Robert E Lee at the Battle of Antietam

Words: 4657
Length: 14 Pages
Type: Thesis

Despite over 23,000 casualties of the nearly 100,000 engaged, both armies stubbornly held their ground as the sun set on the devastated landscape." This point is made time in…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

Women in History

Words: 2127
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

omen to History omen have contributed to the history of the world from the beginning of time. Their stories are found in legends, myths, and history books. Queens, martyrs,…

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4 Pages
Creative Writing


Self-criticism I Once Heard Cornel

Words: 1398
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Creative Writing

hat you do in life, good, bad, otherwise, comes back to haunt you. And the suicide of Robert X is an embodiment of that lesson. In reading about this…

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