Marine Corps Essays (Examples)

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U S Marine Corps History

Marine Corps and its development over time.
The Marine Corps were formed as a compliment to the naval forces. hile the navies fought at sea they still required some link to the land, which became essential for the naval operation success. It was in 1775 that the Continental Congress of the U.S. gave rise to two battalions of marines who served for the naval infantry and it was in 1798 that the U.S. Marine Corp was officially launched. [1]

In the past the focus of the military campaigns rested mainly on the basis of the naval strength. Land forces came as reinforcement. After the establishment of the Continental Marines the concept of having an elite force that acted completely separately but for the Naval forces arose and this gave birth to the United States Marine Corps. Amphibious in nature the Corp. distinguished itself through many operations and made its necessity felt….

Many of the everyday jobs in a civilian workplace can also be found on a military base. As such, they fall under the OSHA laws the same as any other workplace. Employers must ensure that the workplace is free from any workplace hazards and health issues that would harm the employee. Posters must be placed in conspicuous areas in the workplace identifying potential health and safety hazards. Employers must also inform workers about first aid methods. To make sure that employers are keeping their workplaces up to standard, an inspection from an OSHA employee may take place without advance notice. This usually happens when a complaint is filed with OSHA by an employee of an organization. The employer may not take action or discriminate against the employee that filed the complaint.
If OSHA finds that the complaint is warranted, the employer must correct the situation and obtain certification that the….

General James Mattis led U.S. Marine Corps into war in Fallujah, Iraq in 2004 where he earned the nickname, “Mad Dog.” During the battle, members of the U.S. Marine Corps shot at ambulances and aid workers following General Mattis’ command. The Marine Corps cordoned off the city to prevent civilians from escaping and would pose for trophy pictures with individuals they murdered (Glantz, 2017). By the conclusion of the battle, U.S. Marine Corps had killed so many civilians to an extent that the municipal stadium had to be converted into a graveyard. Since then, Mattis has constantly protected U.S. Marine Corps who murdered many civilians, which has resulted in the lack of accountability for these killings. General Mattis’ command for U.S. Marine Corps to kill civilians and shoot at aid workers and ambulances contrasted the wisdom of Sun Tzu on attacking by stratagem. In the book, The Art of War by….

Marine Speed
Speed, Intensity, Success

There are many things that a Marine needs to incorporate into his character and his action if he is going to be an effective member of his team and successfully achieve goals. Speed and intensity are two of the most important qualities for Marines to possess, for a variety of reasons. It is through these qualities that the Marine Corps has developed and maintained its reputation as an elite, effective, and highly efficient military force, and it is only through these qualities that this same reputation and the success rate upon which it is built can be maintained. The following paragraphs will detail the importance of speed and integrity to the members of the U.S. Marine Corps, demonstrating their necessity for continued success.

Speed carries obvious benefits, including becoming a more difficult target and achieving a greater element of surprise. The faster a task or a mission can….

Marines build leaders that last. By preparing soldiers that are ready and able to enter into any combative situation, soldiers are not only skilled in ways of warfare, but in ways of leadership as well. This is no mistake -- by establishing a set of core values and leadership skills, the Marines are prepared for almost anything. By integrating important values with distinctive leadership skills, the Marines are one institution that develops successful leaders. This paper will examine how intense training, challenges, responsibility, mentoring, and accepting failure as experience creates model leaders in Marines.
The Marine Corps Core Values are honor, courage, and commitment. (Marines) Simply put, "the qualities of maturity, dedication, trust and dependability commit Marines to act responsibly, to be accountable for their actions, and to fulfill their obligations" (Marines). These core values are just the stepping stones to what obligations lay ahead for each Marine.

Awaiting each new….

Behavior of Concrete in ivers and Marine Areas
The marine atmosphere and also the river atmosphere are infamously harsh on man-made structures; furthermore, the materials employed for construction are seriously examined through these elements and how they would impact each other. Strengthened concrete is among the materials frequently employed for near shoreline, as well as off the shore, structures. These structures, whether submerged in or suspended within the marine or river area are susceptible to high amounts of chlorides, sulphates and magnesium -- all of which are hazardous to the surrounding environment. Furthermore, they are also exposed to high velocity of waves, the potentially harmful results of that are well recorded. This paper will indicate whether another method of strengthened concrete design, inside the limits from the codes, for marine as well as river structures may be more beneficial in the perspectives of engineering, construction, sturdiness and financial aspects. This….

NMCI Project Management
Need a prelimary scope statement-based NMCI project provided, analyze critique NMCI project term organization handled estimation, handled quality communication. 2.Explain challenges.

The NMCI (Navy-Marine Corps Intranet) project was meant to link all the Navy's disparate networks, into a single network operated by one contractor. The project was not well estimated in terms of time and money required to fund the whole project. According to Verton (2002)

the contractor EDS (Electronic Data Systems) discovered there were many legacy applications that could not be incorporated into the new system. This increased the number of multiuser kiosks that were required to operate these applications. The amount of time taken for a decision to be reached and approved was longer than had been initially estimated by the contractor. This delay has caused the project to lag behind schedule and if drastic measures are not taken it is likely the project will not come to….

plenty of hostile reporters, media moguls and other types of individuals with access to a pen and a phone that do not agree with the Marine Corps mission. As the Marine Corps website states "the Marine Corps has been America's expeditionary force in readiness since 1775. e are forward deployed to respond swiftly and aggressively in times of crisis" (Our Purpose, 2014). Additionally, the Marine Corps mission is to be America's 'First Line of Defense'. Reporters or journalists that do not understand the Marine Corps mission oftentimes feel that Marines are there under the guise of taking from these countries instead of giving to them. As a Captain, my job is to ensure that our mission is accomplished and that it is done so in the least obtrusive manner, and that civilians are protected (including journalists). Therefore, explaining to these journalist in an ongoing manner, leading by example, and….

F 35 Joint Strike Fighter

F-35 Joint Strike Fighter
The F-35 Lightning joint strike fighter (JSF) is being developed by Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company for the U.S. Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps and the UK oyal Navy. The fighter is described as a "stealthy, supersonic, multirole fighter" which is being built "in three variants: (1) a conventional take-off and landing aircraft (CTOL) for the U.S. Air Force; (2) a carrier variant (CV) for the U.S. Navy; and (3) a short take-off and vertical landing (STOVL) aircraft for the U.S. Marine Corps and the oyal Navy. (American Federation of Scientists, 2010) The concept demonstration phase is reported to have started in November 1996 when contracts were awarded to Boeing and Lockheed Martin. The contracts were made for the construction of demonstrator aircraft for three different configurations of the Joint Strike Fighter.

esearch Questions

The research questions in this study include those as follows:

(1) Is this aircraft worth the….

Hemingway Analysis
The Returning of Soldiers from Combat in America

"Soldiers Home"

Although Earnest Hemmingway's, "Soldiers Home" (187) was written in 1925, and the war at that time was different, there are several things in the story that still ring true today for servicemen. In "Soldiers Home" (187) Krebs, the main character in the story goes through some changes while he is away fighting in the Marine Corps. Krebs was a young man from Kansas who is in college at the time that he is drafted into the Marine Corps. So he leaves his friends and family to go overseas to fight for his country, as do the young men and women of todays armed forces. As told by the author Krebs fights in some of the toughest battles that were ever fought, "Belau ood, Soissons, Champagne St. Mihiel, and The Argonne Forrest" (187), he feels out of place when he returns home….

integrate a HUMINT operation (2) support vetting process. You define specific approaches, basic source acquisition process a template identifying points integration.
HUMINT operations

Intelligence analysts play an essential role in HUMINT operations, taking into account that they are in charge of collection, processing and of exploitation. One of the most common form of intelligence that these analysts have to deal with is related to biographical intelligence, taking into account that they have to be able to realize when they are dealing with individuals who are likely to be dishonest. Such a person needs to deal with "people and their associated documents and media sources to identify elements, intentions, composition, strength, dispositions, tactics, equipment, personnel, and capabilities." (John A. United States Army, United States Marine Corps 119)

hile most people are likely to consider interrogation when taking into account an intelligence analyst involved in a HUMINT operation, the reality is that such operations….

Changing Nature of arfare
According to generals like Rupert Smith and David Petraeus, postmodern conflict is radically different from warfare between industrialized states, such as the American Civil ar and the world wars of the 20th Century. It does not begin with a condition of peace or return to it after the total defeat of the enemy, but rather is a "continuous crisscrossing between confrontation and conflict," often with indecisive results (Smith 19). Confrontations with North Korea and Serbia, for example, continued long after the end of the actual fighting on the battlefield, and the political issues that gave rise to the conflicts remained unresolved. These types of conflicted often dragged on for years or even decades, as in Afghanistan and Somalia, and were always fought among the people, with enemies who had a strong tactical advantage over their better funded and equipped opponents because of their familiarity with local cultures….

Warfare the More War Changes

This will continue to be the case for the foreseeable decades as the United States fights wars that are so far not yet even imagined. If these wars have been fought (as many have suggested) over the presence of the scarce resource of oil, the next wars may be fought over the even more precious resource of water.
Looking not too far into the future, the next wars may be fought over the consequences (the magnitude of which has not been determined) of climate change. As the surface of the world itself changes with rising seawater and increasing disastrous floods, hurricanes, and droughts, the nature of war is likely to change ever more dramatically and ever more quickly. Petraeus has proven to be the kind of military leader who can understand that strength is based on intelligence and flexibility, not a clinging to traditions and -- most importantly -- the….

Blacks Break the Barriers

African-Americans reaking arriers in World War II
arrier reakers

African-Americans and Non- Combat Jobs

First General: enjamin O. Davis, Sr.

Howard Perry

Doris Miller: "The Hero"

Tuskegee Airmen

Phyllis Mae Daliey

African-Americans reaking arriers in World War II

History shows very well that African-American soldiers were a group of men that played a significant role in World War II. Furthermore, it actually shows that more than half a million had actually served in Europe. In spite of the numbers they still encountered racial discrimination: prior to the war the military maintained a racially segregated force. In recent that have been done by studies from the military, blacks were most of the time classified as not being the best fit but being very unfit for combat and were not permitted on the front lines. It is also important to note that they were typically given support duties, and were not permitted in units with soldiers that were white. However, during….

Female Soldiers in the Contemporary Society

Effectiveness of having women soldiers

Impediments preventing female soldiers from being considered equal

Typical solutions

Education as the solution

There is much controversy regarding the presence of women in the military, in spite of the fact that the contemporary society has reached a particularly advanced level of civilization. Although women tended to be discriminated when being involved in military corps over the years, some situations required their presence and thus made it mandatory for men to accept them. The military in general acknowledged the important role that women can play in the army but there is still a lot to do in order for them to actually be appreciated for their abilities. Education is the key to better integrating women in the military and in order for army corps to be as effective as possible individuals who are part of them have to realize the importance of treating each-other….

6 Pages
Term Paper


U S Marine Corps History

Words: 1510
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Marine Corps and its development over time. The Marine Corps were formed as a compliment to the naval forces. hile the navies fought at sea they still required some…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


United States Marine Corps Marine

Words: 1381
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Many of the everyday jobs in a civilian workplace can also be found on a military base. As such, they fall under the OSHA laws the same as…

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1 Pages


Comparison of Sun Tzu and General James Mattis

Words: 378
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

General James Mattis led U.S. Marine Corps into war in Fallujah, Iraq in 2004 where he earned the nickname, “Mad Dog.” During the battle, members of the U.S. Marine…

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2 Pages


Marine Speed Speed Intensity Success There Are

Words: 570
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Marine Speed Speed, Intensity, Success There are many things that a Marine needs to incorporate into his character and his action if he is going to be an effective member of…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Marines Build Leaders That Last By Preparing

Words: 947
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Marines build leaders that last. By preparing soldiers that are ready and able to enter into any combative situation, soldiers are not only skilled in ways of warfare,…

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13 Pages

Business - Miscellaneous

Behavior of Concrete in Rivers and Marine

Words: 3632
Length: 13 Pages
Type: Dissertation

Behavior of Concrete in ivers and Marine Areas The marine atmosphere and also the river atmosphere are infamously harsh on man-made structures; furthermore, the materials employed for construction are…

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4 Pages


NMCI Project Management Need a Prelimary Scope

Words: 1329
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

NMCI Project Management Need a prelimary scope statement-based NMCI project provided, analyze critique NMCI project term organization handled estimation, handled quality communication. 2.Explain challenges. The NMCI (Navy-Marine Corps Intranet) project was…

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2 Pages


Plenty of Hostile Reporters Media Moguls and

Words: 565
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

plenty of hostile reporters, media moguls and other types of individuals with access to a pen and a phone that do not agree with the Marine Corps mission.…

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6 Pages
Research Paper


F 35 Joint Strike Fighter

Words: 1809
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

F-35 Joint Strike Fighter The F-35 Lightning joint strike fighter (JSF) is being developed by Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company for the U.S. Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps and the…

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6 Pages


Hemingway Analysis the Returning of Soldiers From

Words: 2978
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Hemingway Analysis The Returning of Soldiers from Combat in America "Soldiers Home" Although Earnest Hemmingway's, "Soldiers Home" (187) was written in 1925, and the war at that time was different, there are…

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3 Pages


Integrate a Humint Operation 2 Support Vetting

Words: 834
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

integrate a HUMINT operation (2) support vetting process. You define specific approaches, basic source acquisition process a template identifying points integration. HUMINT operations Intelligence analysts play an essential role in…

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15 Pages
Term Paper


Authors Referenced Works Specific Recent Circumstances Discussed That Have Changed the Nature of Warfare

Words: 4784
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Changing Nature of arfare According to generals like Rupert Smith and David Petraeus, postmodern conflict is radically different from warfare between industrialized states, such as the American Civil ar and…

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15 Pages
Term Paper


Warfare the More War Changes

Words: 4069
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This will continue to be the case for the foreseeable decades as the United States fights wars that are so far not yet even imagined. If these wars…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Blacks Break the Barriers

Words: 2295
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

African-Americans reaking arriers in World War II arrier reakers African-Americans and Non- Combat Jobs First General: enjamin O. Davis, Sr. Howard Perry Doris Miller: "The Hero" Tuskegee Airmen Phyllis Mae Daliey African-Americans reaking arriers in World War…

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8 Pages
Research Paper


Women Serving in the Infantry

Words: 2412
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Female Soldiers in the Contemporary Society Implementation Effectiveness of having women soldiers Impediments preventing female soldiers from being considered equal Typical solutions Education as the solution There is much controversy regarding the presence of women…

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