Mark Cuban
Everyone knows Mark Cuban as the rather eccentric owner of the Dallas Mavericks. Most of the owners of professional sports teams are corporations, or rather stodgy individual who view their purchase as just one of many. Cuban changed this perception of the wealthy and aloof sports owner. Instead of merely watching the games while attired in a business suit and tie, Mark Cuban watches the Mavericks play while decked in sweats all branded with the team's logo.
hen Mark Cuban bought the Dallas Mavericks, the team was not playing well. Their winning rate was less than 50%. A few years after the purchase, this changed to the point that the Mavs were winning six games out of every ten that they played. Much of the success of the new regime was attributed to Cuban. Unlike many owners who would keep their distance from the team and maybe only voice an…...
mlaWorks Cited:
Lee, Michael. (2006). "The NBA's True Maverick." Washington Post.
"Mark Cuban Biography." (2011). Retrieved from
Cuban Missile Crisis: Why we need more balance of power in the world.
Cuban Missile crisis in 1960s may raise a serious political question in retrospect i.e. should America be allowed to exist as the sole superpower and what could be the repercussions of such an existence? Now fifty years or so later, we are in a much better position to answer this question. United States or any other nation for that matter must not work as the sole superpower because it can cause many political upheaval as we recently witnessed. We will discuss the Cuban Missile crisis in detail but first we must establish that American history is fraught with events and wars that were fought on the false belief of America's superiority which made it an imperial power. Examples of these events include the Mexican-American War, the Spanish-American War and not to mention the current conflict with Iraq. These…...
Rothernberg. R.S. "Crisis Time." USA Today 130.2676 (2001)
Meagher. MR."In an Atmosphere of National Peril': The Development of John F. Kennedy's World View." Presidential Studies Quarterly 27.3 (1997):
Krenn ML. "Robert Weisbrot. Maximum Danger: Kennedy, the Missiles, and the Crisis of American Confidence." International Social Science Review (2002):
Nigro Jr. LJ. "High Noon in the Cold War: Kennedy, Khrushchev, and the Cuban Missile Crisis." Parameters 35.3 (2005)
The absolute deprivation of basic human liberties makes it abundantly clear that all people in Cuba are potential political prisoners, because they are either virtually imprisoned by the country's restrictive laws, or face the threat of real imprisonment by acting out against the country. Moreover, to encourage Cubans to evade U.S. military and police forces in order to gain access to U.S. political asylum only encourages human trafficking and other dangerous practices. Instead of deporting Cubans or forcing them to seek asylum in a third country, which may have more restrictive definitions of what it considers a refugee, the United States should grant asylum to Cubans fleeing political persecution.
Works eferenced
Amnesty International. "Six Years in Prison in Cuba for 57 Activists: Supporters Face Ongoing
Harassment." 2009. Amnesty International. 23 Jun. 2009 .
Buckley, Cara. "Anti-Castro Pilots' Kin Meet." 2004. Cubanet. 23 Jun. 2009
Cubana. "Cuba Detains then eleases about One Hundred…...
Amnesty International. "Six Years in Prison in Cuba for 57 Activists: Supporters Face Ongoing
Harassment." 2009. Amnesty International. 23 Jun. 2009 .
Buckley, Cara. "Anti-Castro Pilots' Kin Meet." 2004. Cubanet. 23 Jun. 2009
Tyack and Cuban with Dewey on Social Change
David Tyack and Larry Cuban do share similar views to John Dewey about the nature of the traditional education system in the United States as well as its origins. Public education as it exists today is a product of the 19th Century industrialization and urbanization process, which created schools that resembled factories, timetables and schedules, and teachers who acted like bosses on a factory floor. Dewey of course abhorred this system and criticized it unmercifully for decades, both in the way it was structured and the type of information it imparted to students. In the history of American education, there has never been a more vocal, prominent and outspoken critic of the traditional system than Dewey, and none has been the subject of greater wrath from conservatives and traditionalists, even decades after his death. Tyack and Cuban are well aware of the…...
Dewey, J. (1938, 1998). Education and Experience: The 60th Anniversary Edition. Indianapolis, IN: Kappa Delta Pi Society.
Tyack, D. And L. Cuban (1995). Tinkering Toward Utopia: A Century of Public School Reform. Harvard University Press.
Diplomay and the Cuban Missile CrisisIntrodutionThe Cuban Missile Crisis (16 Otober 1962 to 20 November 1962) began with the disovery by US intelligene of Soviet missile launh failities in Cuba. The threat of an attak on US soil was made lear to President Kennedy by his Joint Chiefs of Staff, who urged Kennedy to take aggressive ounter-measures. Kennedys main onern was that aggressive ation on his point ould lead to even more aggressive retaliation on the part of the Soviet Union and ultimately to nulear war. Largely seen as exerising oerive diplomay to avoid a military onfrontation, Kennedys diplomati efforts in the Crisis have been praised as a defining moment in the Cold War. The reality of the situation is, however, that behind the senes Kennedy engaged in quid pro quo diplomay to satisfy Khrushhev and avert a war.BakgroundThroughout the latter half of 1962, ampaigns for the upoming Congressional eletions…...
mlac. Nathan, J. (1992). The heyday of the new strategy: The Cuban missile crisis and the confirmation of coercive diplomacy. Diplomacy and Statecraft, 3(2), 303-342.d. Nathan, J. (Ed.). (2016). The Cuban missile crisis revisited. Springer.e. Weaver, M. E. (2014). The Relationship between Diplomacy and Military Force: An Example from the Cuban Missile Crisis. Diplomatic History, 38(1), 137-181.
alarm clock will break and so you'll oversleep. When you do wake up, you will burn your lips, tongue and liver on your coffee. Your car will refuse to start, and when it does you will discover that one of your tires is flat. While changing your flat tire you will be bitten by a black-widow spider. Just as you arrive at the emergency room, the nurses will go out on strike. A small earthquake will then strike, crushing your car in the hospital garage. You will develop gangrene after you leave the hospital without being treated - but not before a bicyclist runs into you as you walk home, knocking you down and breaking your glasses.
Okay, maybe we haven't all had days that were exactly this bad, but sometimes they come close - which is no doubt one reason that many people are so attracted to conspiracy theories.…...
J.C. Penney News Is Bigger Than Lawsuit Decisions, evenue Losses, and esignations - Mark Cuban's Stock Purchase Is Better Than Money for J.C. Penney's ecovery (JCP, MSO)
Organizational context: J.C. Penney
J.C. Penney is one of the most famous and renowned of the major U.S. department stores. It is well-known for its image of Americana and its reasonable prices. However, within this particular market segment, J.C. Penney is facing increasingly stiff competition from major retailers such as Wal-Mart and Target. Wal-Mart boasts that it has considerably cheaper prices than all of its competitors, including Penney; Target has managed, despite its bargain-basement image to cultivate a more sophisticated aura than J.C. Penney. J.C. Penney is struggling to eke out a future for itself, despite a host of challenges that are partially environmental and partly of its own making.
The J.C. Penney Company was first incorporated in 1913. It expanded rapidly, with the company boasting…...
About us. (2013). J.C. Penney. Retrieved:
Corporate social responsibility. (2013). J.C. Penney. Retrieved:
The market was not ready for wireless even five years ago, but that has definitely changed. When Levi's launched its latest 501s marketing campaign earlier this year, a wireless site was a central part of its digital strategy. Now there are nearly 30,000 public wireless "hot spots" in the United States. Advertisers believe that now that wireless has finally become a medium with which consumers are comfortable, the next stage is its exploitation by brands. Many feel that the wireless sites will increasingly become a part of marketing campaigns.
The semi-technical arena is seeing the rise of numerous new search engines, especially since ones such as Google have become so successful. Increasing numbers of Web surfers are going to alternative search engines that specialize in finding certain kinds of information or offering additional capabilities to well-known search sites (Kharif). AOL launched a test version of its new travel search site,…...
Clendenning, a. (March 11, 2005). Are specialty search engines a future trend?
America's Intelligence Wire. [electronic version]
E-Commerce Trends. Website retrieved July 12, 2005.
Frenzel, L.E. (2005). The Internet's next evolution beckons. Electronic Design.
There have been several well-publicized incidents of blatant racism in the news lately, including the bigoted remarks by the owner of the Los Angeles Clippers, Donald Sterling, and the racist rant (suggesting that blacks were better off as slaves) by Nevada rancher, Cliven Bundy. Meanwhile other nationally known figures have also made statements about racism, including billionaire Mark Cuban, owner of the Dallas Mavericks NBA team, who claimed he, too, is bigoted against African-Americans (especially when he sees a black youth in a "hoody"). These remarks -- and the media's coverage of the verbally expressed racism -- have piqued my interest in the subject. So I have in this paper referenced the position of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) on racism, and have also presented some of my own views as well.
Section One: What is your person opinion on racism and what led you to this opinion?
My parents…...
Cuban Gender oles
Concurrent evolutions in Cuba
Describe your understanding of gender norms and ideals in pre-revolutionary Cuba -- for both men and women. In what ways did the Cuban evolution and the revolutionary government of Fidel Castro include women and/or women's concerns in the revolution? What were the strengths and weaknesses of these measures? Be sure to discuss "feminine, not feminist" ideas: Did they support or undermine women's equality? Why or why not? Use specific examples to support your answers.
The Cuban evolution was a tumultuous time in which many fundamental shifts occurred in the society. The primary shift occurred due to the use of force to overthrow a dictatorship in order to implement a government with a communist despite. Despite many objections to the use of force to obtain these changes, or possibly to the communist ideals in general, there were many egalitarian ideals upon which the movement was founded upon.…...
Brown, V. (2011, February). Cuban socialism and women's liberation -- two revolutions entwined. Retrieved from Direct Action:
CDA. (2013). Womens Work. Retrieved from Center for Democracy in the Americas:
Machado, Y. (2012, July 30). Feminists in Cuba: Is It Time to Take Steps Together? Retrieved from Havana Times:
Murray, N. (1979). Socialism and Feminism: Women and the Cuban Revolution. Feminist Review, 99-108.
Although scientists found artifacts and art objects of the Olmecs; until this century they did not know about the existence of the Olmecs. Most of the objects which were made by this community were associated with other civilizations, such as Mayan, Toltec or Chichimecan. The Olmec lived between 1600 B.C. And 1400 B.C. In South Mexico. The name of this tribe comes from an Aztec word "ollin" which means "land of rubber."
At first they ate fish and they later start to farm, and that made it possible for them to "develop the first major civilization in Mesoamerica." (The Olmec Civilization) Thanks to the steady food supplies the Olmec population grew and some came to have other occupations. "Some became potters or weavers. Others became priests or teachers." (Ibidem) Once the population grew, so did their farming villages which developed into cities. The present-day city of San Lorenzo was built…...
1. The Olmec Civilization, Retrieved December 14, 2012, from the Pleasant Valley School website:
2. Villeacas, Daniel, Mother Culture of Mexico: The Olmecs, Denver Public Schools, 2005, Retrieved December 14, 2012, from the Denver Public Schools website:
3. Olmec -- Masterworks of Ancient Mexico, Retrieved December 14, 2012, from the Los Angeles County Museum of Art website:
4. Hansen, Valerie, Curtis Kenneth, Curtis, Kenneth R., Voyages in World History: To 1600, Volume 1, Cengage Learning, December 30, 2008
Kennedy and Khruschev
The Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962 is widely considered to be the moment when the Cold ar between the U.S.A. And the U.S.S.R. came closest to outright hostility and indeed nuclear war. hat is most interesting about the Cuban Missile Crisis in retrospect is its strategic handling by the two national leaders involved, Nikita Khrushchev and John F. Kennedy. I hope by an examination of the correspondence exchanged by these two leaders during the period to demonstrate that Kennedy's handling of the crisis, while marked by some errors, was more responsible than Khrushchev's. In some sense, the Cuban Missile Crisis began as an irresponsible gamble by Khrushchev: if he exhibited some clever statesmanship during the crisis, this does not erase the fact that it was begun by him as an attempt to take advantage of a perceived weakness on Kennedy's part that was not ultimately there.
The Russian…...
mlaWorks Cited
Kennedy, John F. And Khrushchev, Nikita. "Kennedy-Khrushchev Exchanges." Loyola University. Web. Accessed 25 April 2014 at:
World War Turning Point Europe, Significant Change Occurred Emergence Legitimate evolutionary egimes
Self-Determination in Cuba
There are few who would dispute the fact that following the conclusion of World War II and prior to its revolution (which began in 1953 and concluded on January 1 of 1959) Cuba was a prosperous region of the world that was certainly worth fighting for. The country's leader prior to the ascendancy of Fidel Castro, Fulgencio Batista, had cleverly manipulated the assistance of a number of external forces, primarily that of the United States, to assist the country in achieving a degree of economic gain and modernity the likes of which were comparable to, if not surpassing, those of other parts of the world.
Its economic prowess may be demonstrated from the following quotation. "Cuba in 1958, prior to the government of the Communist Fidel Castro, paid its employees an average of $3.00 per hour, which was…...
Epperson, R.A. (1985). The Unseen Hand. Arizona: Publius.
Guevara, C. (2005). Cuba: Historical Exception or Vanguard in the Colonial Struggle? Retrieved from
Kapur, T., Smith, A. (2002). "Housing Policy In Castro's Cuba." Retrieved from
Jones, L. (1966). Home. New York: William Morrow and Co.
What kind of neighborhood is it in?
Lower middle class apartment complex
What is its structure?
Constantly bustling, full of many cultures and ethnicities, although Cuban-Americans predominate.
What does it look like?
Clean, functional, but very impersonal-looking apartment blocks.
What does it contain?
Mainly recent Cuban immigrants
What is its aesthetic?
The aesthetic is very functional, since the area is mainly dominated by recent immigrants coming from underdeveloped countries to the United States.
What does it say about the characters who inhabit that space?
The characters are very new to the United States and are unfamiliar with its social expectations.
Target Demographic: Hispanic-Americans
Gender: As with most relationship-driven sitcoms, more female than male.
Geographic Location: Residents of Latin American-dominated neighborhoods in Miami, New York, and Los Angeles
Age Range: 20 something and older
Education: high school to some college
Ethnicity: Latino, with heavily skewed towards Cubans
Conservative/Liberal Status: Cubans tend to be politically conservative
Socio Economic Class: Middle Class
Q1.What is the significance of the sitcom?
Not since Ricky Ricardo has…...
emarketing Obsolete Products -- the Case of Telephone Handsets
Profiting from Obsolescence
Finding New Markets for Handset Telephones
Analysis of the American Telephone Handset Market
Telephone handsets, once a symbol of upward mobility and continued affluence in the United States have been replaced by the cell phone and smart phone where today they are more seen with nostalgia. The cannibalization of the handset market has gained momentum as the adoption of cell phones and smart phones have accelerated in the most affluent customer segments first followed by broader, larger and more middle-income market segments (U.S. Census Bureau, 2009). What continues to be the catalyst of growth for cell phone and smartphone growth is the ability to complete multiple functions on a mobile device including texting, web browsing and taking and sending pictures (U.S. Census Bureau, 2009). The multifunctional nature of the cell phones and smartphones has led to the quick demise of the telephone…...
Apple, Investor Relations (2013). Investor Relations. Retrieved January 31, 2013, from Apple Investor Relations and Filings with the SEC Web site:
Josh Bernoff, Charlene Li. (2008). Harnessing the Power of the Oh-So-Social Web. MIT Sloan Management Review, 49(3), 36-42.
Cuban daily looks at growing mobile phone use in Cuba. (2009, Feb 10). BBC Monitoring Americas.
Programme summary of Cuban radio news 11007 Dec 11. (2011, Dec 28). BBC Monitoring Americas.
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