Marketing Mix Essays (Examples)

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Marketing Mix for Effective Marketing:
The marketing mix can be considered as the most famous marketing term after it was published in 1964 in an article by Neil H. Borden. The term has become common in marketing because its elements are the fundamental, tactical components of a marketing plan. The marketing mix elements are product, price, place, and promotion which are the four major categories that guide marketing decisions. These four elements are also parameters that marketing managers can control based on the internal and external constraints of the marketing environment.

History of the Marketing Mix:

As an important topic in marketing, the concept of the marketing mix was generated in 1948 by James Culliton who described the marketing manager as a combination of ingredients. In his development of the idea, Culliton stated that marketing decisions should be the product of something like receipt. Culliton's explanations analogues to the restaurants provision of the….

Marketing Mix and Kindle Fire
The Marketing Mix and Amazon's Kindle Fire

The marketing mix is an important tool used by organizations and individuals as part of an effective marketing strategy. "Every marketing strategy is composed of the same four components: price, product, place, and promotion" (Colbert, Nantel, Bilodeau, & ich, 2001, pp. 19). A marketing specialist needs to know the function of each of these components and must also know how to balance them in order to create a successful marketing strategy. Most importantly, and before the marketing mix can be utilized, a marketing specialist must know the product he or she is marketing inside and out to best determine how to develop a marketing strategy. The combined components of the marketing mix are often also referred to as the four Ps. The four Ps can be used to show the marketing approach taken by e-commerce giant (Amazon) in marketing….

Marketing Mix
Companies intending to market their products have to make sure that the product they intend to sell is the right one for their market niche. The product has to be sold at the price which can make them penetrate the market and in the right place. Finally, to guarantee brand visibility, they have to use the most suitable promotional gimmick (Kerin & udelius, 2001). All these constitute what we call the marketing mix. Certain critical conditions have to be met for a businesses entity to create the right marketing mix. One, the product being sold has to look good and work well. Secondly, it has to set the right price so that the consumers of this product buy larger quantities that can enable them accrue profits (Kerin & udelius, 2001). The product has to be within the reach of the intended buyers. Finally, those intended to use this product….

Marketing Mix Frozen Food Company Japan
This paper is based on a case study that involves an organic food retailer firm called, Quick Frozen food Company Japan. The company has enjoyed a formidable position in the frozen food sector, being the leader, and committed to provide top quality frozen food to its customers. In this paper, we will be focusing on the marketing mix, marketing strategy and persisting trends in the market, which has seen a tremendous growth in contemporary times due to presence of potential competitors, striving to make their mark in the ever-growing industry.

Marketing Mix


The product is currently clearly at the market introduction stage. This is because this product is new and has been brought into the market only recently. There are varieties of frozen and canned foods offered by Quick Frozen food for its customers. However, the new range that has been brought in the industry has a….

Marketing Mix
In terms of a company's 'marketing mix,' 'place' refers to where the product is sold. 'Distribution' is another word for 'place' ("Marketing mix," The Times Business Case Studies, 2012). In the case of the Nike polar pedometer 'Nikecount,' the most obvious initial 'place' to sell the product is through major retail sporting good chains such as Sports Authority and Dick's Sporting Goods. These stores attract a wide range of consumers of different fitness levels. The Nike pedometer is likely to be most popular amongst individuals beginning a fitness program, and offering it at a general sports merchandise retailer would enable a consumer buying walking shoes and other types of fitness gear (like small hand weights to carry while walking) to purchase the pedometer at the same time.

Of course, Nike has its own network of brand-specific stores across the nation and also offers its merchandise for sale online. These 'places'….

Marketing Mix -- Kopparberg's Cider

Kopparberg's flavored cider is the product focus of this analysis. Kopparberg produces several flavors of alcoholic cider, all of which is distilled and bottled in Sweden ("Kopparberg," 2011). The target market for Kopparberg cider, at least when it first entered the UK market, was the 23 to 35-year-old crowd -- in other words, a consumer group that was no longer in college ("Kopparberg," 2011). The marketing goal was to take market share away from the manufacturers of white wine, flavored alcoholic beverages (FAB), and spirits ("Kopparberg," 2011). White wine tends to be preferred by women, particularly those in their late 20s to early 30s ("Kopparberg," 2011). But flavored alcoholic beverages (FAB) drinkers are generally in their late teens to early 20s -- the same demographic that picked up Kopparberg ciders as a favorite ("Kopparberg," 2011). People who prefer to drink spirits and spirits with mixers run….

The most extensively used type of promotion is advertising which can be delivered through a lot of channels like TV, radio, printed magazines, theatres, outdoor media like billboards, hoarding, posters and Point of Purchase (POP). The Internet in the recent years has also become a potent media option for the marketers as also cell phone users through SMS. The particular segments of society which are marketing segments being targeted will influence the categories of media selected, as will be the cost. For a computer manufacturer, the right media will be the computer magazines through which it can target the computer users. A sales promotion is devised to push new and repeat sales. Similarly loyalty cards, give-away gifts, running competitions and voucher schemes are the most popular. Using sponsorships and public relation exercises are employed by the companies to improve their image in the minds of consumers, especially by way….

Marketing Mix for a Service Company
Marketing Mix Analysis for a Service Company -- Gartner Inc.

Gartner Group (NYSE:IT) is a $1.3B provider of IT consulting and industry analysis services for the enterprise software, technology and outsourcing industries globally. The company operates in over 20 countries globally, with offices and teams of analysts and project management professionals available for implementing business process re-engineering, enterprise software and wide-scale IT deployments. The four most dominant countries include China, India, the United Kingdom and the U.S. Each of these countries is at varying levels of maturity in their IT requirements and needs, and as a result the marketing mix Gartner uses within each varies significantly. The intent of this paper is to analyze the marketing mix Gartner relies on across these four geographies.

Assessing Gartner's Product and Services Strategies

Gartner's expertise in the areas IT consulting, vendor evaluations of enterprise software vendors and the ability to manage….

Marketing Mix Promotion

Marketing Mix: Promotion
Promotion strategies for CABONATED SOFT DINKS and AILINE FLIGHTS

Companies across all industries always seek to market and sell their products as much as possible. They always desire to have more shareholder value, more market share, and more profits. Companies have achieved these objectives through &D, successful initiation and monitoring marketing strategies across various domains (Baines Fill & Page, 2013). In the business world, for firms to attain such objectives, efficient and effective marketing strategies must be implemented to compete with rivals in the industry. This paper has focused on analyzing Promotion strategies for carbonated soft drinks and airline flights. The paper will refer to various companies in the respective industries.

Promotional and other marketing mix strategies are crucial aspects in the business field. esearchers have defined marketing as the social process that companies use to acquire what they want through producing and exchanging items or services with others. Marketing….

Marketing Mix
Ideally for a product or service to be marketable and saleable to consumers, it must have an effective marketing mix. Achieving an effective and ideal marketing mix means having a quality product, competent pricing, effective product placement, and strategic communication campaign/promotion. The absence or ineffectiveness of one element renders the marketing mix, and therefore, the product, not marketable for consumers.

From this insight, what differentiates or makes a product or service unique from the competition is the absence or presence of an element in the marketing mix. Take as an example the marketing mix utilized by major mobile phone manufacturers, Motorola and Nokia. Comparing both Motorola and Nokia products yield similarities in product quality, pricing, and even the channels of distribution, since they are both electronic products. However, what differentiates Nokia from Motorola is its effective series of marketing campaigns, geared to target the youth and employed sectors of the….

Marketing Mix
An integrated marketing communications, or IMC approach, involves "coordinating the various promotional elements and other marketing activities that communicate with a firm's customers" (Belch & Belch 1999, p. 8). The most significant point is that all communication and promotional activities should be integrated so that a clear and consistent message is communicated to customers. This involves clearly defining the message, considering the various ways that it will be communicated, and considering the promotional activities that will help to communicate the message.

Before the communication and promotional strategies can be considered, it is first necessary to define the actual message. The first consideration is that the business environment is rapidly changing and is increasingly competitive. With this in mind, organizations need to ensure the best use of every dollar spent, including money spent on promotional efforts. For these promotional dollars to achieve the most value, they need to be aimed at….

Marketing mix is the term used for the four marketing variables over which the company can exercise control. It can be defined as the combination of detailed strategies, tactics, operational policies, programs, techniques and activities to which resources may be allocated such that the company's marketing objectives are achieved. The role of the marketing mix is to move objectives and plans into the reality of implementation and achievement (Kotler & Fox, 1985).
Marketing mix consist of 4-Ps as described below from a company -- Barnes and Noble -- a bookseller: This company is a private company that specializes in selling the books of various categories to the readers.


Pricing a product or service is one of the most important business decisions. A company like Barnes and Noble, a book seller, must offer its books for a price that its target market is willing to pay -- and one that produces a profit….

Maketing Mix fo a Tablet PC
The intoduction of the Tablet PC in its many foms, fom the minibook and netbook to the iPad, all shae a common seies of maketing mix attibutes which ae analyzed in this pape. The fou Ps of maketing ae discussed with emphasis on the stategies maketes ely on to incease maket acceptance and sales.

Pice Stategy

Diffeentiation is inceasingly becoming difficult fo maketes to attain with the many fom factos and types of Tablet PCs. Picing is one of the most poweful diffeentiatos in that it can communicate value and unique position in the maket, especially fo Tablet and laptop PCs (Ozok, Benson, Chakaboty, Nocio, 2008). The picing stategy that would be of the most value would concentate on communicating the unique, high value of the Tablet PC being intoduced, while also ensuing enough pofits ae geneated as well. The picing stategy fo the poposed Tablet PC….

There is an abundance of work going on inside Starbucks right now to bring GIS expertise in-house to aid in their segmentation planning based on taking both demographic, psychographic and attitudinal segmentation criteria overlaid against potential market areas.

Marketing Mix Analysis

The following is an analysis of the marketing mix for Starbucks compared to Dietrich Coffee and Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf Company.


Starbucks' ability to continually innovate new products is central to its lasting competitive advantage in this area. That combination of innovation and focus on being able to executive product delivery globally is a sustainable competitive advantage. Starbucks has steadily grown their cold and hot drink menu equally in terms of product offerings, and continues to experiment with light lunch, mainstay bakery items, and seasonal fruit and bakery goods.

The approach to this product strategy however is muted and not as pronounced on their website as it is in their stores. The….

Marketing Mix
Analysis of Sony Electronics' Marketing Mix

Identifying and analyzing the marketing mix of a particular organization requires knowledge about its elements, which are the product, pricing, place (channels of distribution) and promotion of the organization's products and/or services. In this paper, the marketing mix of Sony Electronics is analyzed.

The primary reference used for the analysis of the organization is thru Sony's online web site, The web site provides complete information about the products and services offered by Sony, whether purchases were made online or ordered and bought personally in Sony stores.

Sony's range of products demonstrates that the organization fulfills its customers' needs -- that is, as a business company that specializes on electronic products, Sony must create and produce electronic products that are in demand among consumers at present. Thus, the company offers products such as computers (desktop, notebooks, and laptops), digital cameras, camcorders, televisions, as well as portable….

Levels of Business Strategies

Business strategies are the plans and actions that a company undertakes to achieve its objectives. These strategies can be classified into three distinct levels: corporate-level strategies, business-level strategies, and functional-level strategies.

1. Corporate-Level Strategies

Corporate-level strategies are broad in scope and provide the overall direction for the entire organization. They define the company's mission, vision, and values, and establish the overall goals and objectives. Corporate-level strategies also determine the company's relationship with its external environment, including its competitors, customers, suppliers, and the regulatory environment.

There are three main types of corporate-level strategies:

Growth strategies: These strategies focus on expanding the....

10 Pages

Business - Advertising

Marketing Mix for Effective Marketing The Marketing

Words: 3153
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Marketing Mix for Effective Marketing: The marketing mix can be considered as the most famous marketing term after it was published in 1964 in an article by Neil H. Borden.…

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5 Pages

Business - Advertising

Marketing Mix and Kindle Fire the Marketing

Words: 1638
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Marketing Mix and Kindle Fire The Marketing Mix and Amazon's Kindle Fire The marketing mix is an important tool used by organizations and individuals as part of an effective marketing strategy.…

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4 Pages

Business - Advertising

Marketing Mix Companies Intending to Market Their

Words: 1228
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Marketing Mix Companies intending to market their products have to make sure that the product they intend to sell is the right one for their market niche. The product has…

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3 Pages

Business - Advertising

Marketing Mix Frozen Food Company Japan This

Words: 1169
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Marketing Mix Frozen Food Company Japan This paper is based on a case study that involves an organic food retailer firm called, Quick Frozen food Company Japan. The company has…

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2 Pages
Marketing Plan

Business - Advertising

Marketing Mix in Terms of a Company's

Words: 608
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Marketing Plan

Marketing Mix In terms of a company's 'marketing mix,' 'place' refers to where the product is sold. 'Distribution' is another word for 'place' ("Marketing mix," The Times Business Case Studies,…

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6 Pages

Business - Advertising

Marketing Mix -- Kopparberg's Cider Marketing Kopparberg's

Words: 1613
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Thesis

Marketing Mix -- Kopparberg's Cider Marketing Kopparberg's flavored cider is the product focus of this analysis. Kopparberg produces several flavors of alcoholic cider, all of which is distilled and bottled in…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Advertising

Marketing Mix the Marketers to

Words: 1219
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The most extensively used type of promotion is advertising which can be delivered through a lot of channels like TV, radio, printed magazines, theatres, outdoor media like billboards,…

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4 Pages

Business - Advertising

Marketing Mix for a Service Company Marketing

Words: 1169
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Marketing Mix for a Service Company Marketing Mix Analysis for a Service Company -- Gartner Inc. Gartner Group (NYSE:IT) is a $1.3B provider of IT consulting and industry analysis services for…

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4 Pages

Business - Advertising

Marketing Mix Promotion

Words: 1248
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Marketing Mix: Promotion Promotion strategies for CABONATED SOFT DINKS and AILINE FLIGHTS Companies across all industries always seek to market and sell their products as much as possible. They always desire…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Advertising

Marketing Mix Ideally for a Product or

Words: 728
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Marketing Mix Ideally for a product or service to be marketable and saleable to consumers, it must have an effective marketing mix. Achieving an effective and ideal marketing mix means…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Advertising

Marketing Mix an Integrated Marketing Communications or

Words: 1640
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Marketing Mix An integrated marketing communications, or IMC approach, involves "coordinating the various promotional elements and other marketing activities that communicate with a firm's customers" (Belch & Belch 1999, p.…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Advertising

Marketing Mix Is the Term Used for

Words: 571
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Marketing mix is the term used for the four marketing variables over which the company can exercise control. It can be defined as the combination of detailed strategies, tactics,…

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2 Pages

Education - Computers

Marketing Mix for a Tablet PC the

Words: 604
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Maketing Mix fo a Tablet PC The intoduction of the Tablet PC in its many foms, fom the minibook and netbook to the iPad, all shae a common seies of…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Marketing Mix at Starbucks Marketing

Words: 1160
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

There is an abundance of work going on inside Starbucks right now to bring GIS expertise in-house to aid in their segmentation planning based on taking both demographic, psychographic…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Marketing Mix Analysis of Sony Electronics' Marketing

Words: 558
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Marketing Mix Analysis of Sony Electronics' Marketing Mix Identifying and analyzing the marketing mix of a particular organization requires knowledge about its elements, which are the product, pricing, place (channels of…

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