Matrix Essays (Examples)

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Matrix Neo

Matrix Neo
The movie The Matrix constructs Neo-as a Jesus-like figure in many ways. From the onset of the movie, another hacker says to Neo, "You're my savior, man, my own personal Jesus Christ." Neo-as Jesus is also suggested by the Nebuchadnezzar's crew, who wonder if he is "the One" who was foretold, and who repeatedly swear in Neo's presence by saying "Jesus" or "Jesus Christ." As Neo-enters the Nebuchadnezzar for the first time, the camera rests on the make: "Mark III no. 11." This is another messianic reference, since the Gospel of Mark 3:11 reads: "Whenever the unclean spirits saw him, they fell down before him and shouted, ' You are the Son of God!'"

In the movie, Morpheus offers Neo-two pills, each one representing a separate destiny for him. If Neo-opts for the blue pill his life will remain as is, but if he selects the red one, he will….

Matrix Movie

Matrix or the Cave?
The Matrix (1999) has singlehandedly brought the debate over the epistemology of the Real into popular dialogue. or the first time in centuries --if not in history-- a large section of the common crowd had a metaphor by which to question the very existence of objective reality. At bus-stops and street-corners, in fast-food restaurants and movie-houses, populations who would never have read Plato or Heidegger were discussing the very serious matter of whether or not there was, so to speak, a spoon. The entire plot of the movie can be seen as a retelling of the plot in Plato's mythical prisoners in the cave of shadows, though there are significant differences in the actual significance of the story. The movie's impact was not so much in that it got across its specific philosophical point-of-view, for in fact it raised far many more questions than it answered, but….

Matrix Context Technology Strategy Covering -Topics: - Articulate Core Concept - Describe Types Process - Discuss Product
Project Planning Matrix (PPM): Purposes and use

The process of project management has been called both an art and a science (Project management methodology, 2012, City of Chandler). A Project Planning Matrix (PPM) can be used during the planning process as a 'reality check,' forcing "the planner to constantly check whether the project design is plausible and consistent" (PPM, 2012, FAO). It also can be helpful as a facilitator of communication between employees on the who, what, why, when, and how of the project, and 'allows for a project monitoring based on common understanding" (PPM, 2012, FAO). The PPM is designed to facilitate clarity, a free flow of information, and maximize project efficacy. "Projects contain a lot of unknown facts, risks, generate many decisions and need someone to focus the team towards the project….

Matrix Plato Marx

Marx, Plato, and the Matrix
There are various dichotomies that are explored in the 1999 film the Matrix including concepts of reality and illusion as well as the relationship between man and machine. The concepts of reality and illusion can be explored through a comparative analysis of Plato's "The Allegory of the Cave," whereas the relationship between man and machine can be explored through comparative analysis of Marx's Communist Manifesto. The Matrix incorporates the concepts of ignorance and knowledge that are found within Plato's "The Allegory of the Cave," as well as integrating the social class dilemma that is outlined in the Communist Manifesto.

There are two distinct ways in which the Matrix can be divided. In order to take Plato's the Allegory of the Cave into consideration, emphasis must be placed on the state of man before he realizes that he or she is a disposable commodity to the machines that….

Indeed, the role of therapist entails being both coach and teacher to the patient and family. In this way, a helpful and encouraging relationship is created by which the patient is encouraged to feel secure and accepted. Treatment is therefore not focused simply upon removing the addiction, but also upon removing its root causes, such as lack of self-esteem and any other social or personal problems the patient may be experiencing. In this way, the model is flexible and is modified to suit the specific needs of the patient and the family. As such, the therapist works on creating a positive environment for the patient in which dignity and self-esteem can flourish.
In addition to therapy and support, patients and their families are also provided with manuals and supporting materials that they can use in preparation for therapy and for support while they are not within the therapeutic process. These….

Matrix" Neo-is offered the choice between a red pill and a blue pill. The red pill will free him with what he thought to be the truth and offer him a new reality. The blue pill will have him forget that the world is not as he thought and have him awake in his bed, accepting his reality.
As we see the red pill is the hard way, it does not mean an easy solution, it means struggling to understand the truth. The blue pill is the easy way, it means living in a world that is created to keep people satisfied. The world of the blue pill is not as satisfying as the world of the red pill, but it is real. In that situation, I would chose the red pill.

The issue can be looked at from a philosophical viewpoint and the main question that needs answering is 'what….

Matrix Movie

Cypher's desire in The Matrix, to be plugged back into the program. It is maintained that this desire is wrong or misleading from the viewpoints of both Plato and Socrates, who say that knowledge is virtue and thus, nothingness -- the result of the Matrix -- is essentially nothing.
Ignorance is bliss"

The first important philosophical question raised by The Matrix is whether reality is better than illusion, or the other way around. Cypher was wrong to make a deal with Agent Smith to be plugged back into the Matrix. The Matrix at best could have been a ride in an amusement park rather than a way to live. However, through the movie we learn that those involved deeply with the Matrix consider it somewhat to be larger than life. Cypher and others do question their own minds about what is real, what is not, they are aware of the answers.….

Elitism and Pluralism- A Perspective Study
Elitism and Pluralism governance theories are about the mode of power distribution. Pluralism can be defined as a form of government where the entire population of participants share equal status in rights, power or possession. Elitist theory on the other hand is based on the premise that the successful or the privileged inherit power to govern, given their superiority evidenced by the success they have attained for themselves (Johnson, Dickinson & Morley, n.d). The mainstay in Pluralism is distribution of power. Elitism on the other hand describes the concentration of power (Porche, 2012). In the matrix I have given, I shall give examples for each of the perspectives and identify groups or individuals representing the roles.


Pluralism stresses on immaterial or insignificant power, given the conditions and circumstances. The power discussed can take many forms: religious, political, persuasive, or skilled power. The power distribution among the….

The goal especially at this Behavior Intensity level is to provide corrective action rather than punitive. This can be initiated by the use of visual or non-verbal prompts, proximity or even a subtle verbal warning. The goal is to alert the student to the 'annoying' behavior and to demonstrate that this behavior won't be accepted without yet resorting to punishment.
For the student that insists on either becoming distracted easily or distracting other students with teasing, pestering or general speaking out of turn, it may be appropriate to take steps such as relocating the student to another part of the room. As the Behavioral Matrix demonstrates, this is one of a number of measures that a teacher has to demonstrate that there will consequences for unacceptable behavior. It is also important to differentiate this concept of consequences from the concept of punishment.

Intensity II:

As the findings from the Matrix worksheet show,….

THEOETICAL MATIX Use Appendix A (attached) create a matrix theoretical change models. Include theoretical change models matrix. The matrix include model: • Name theoretical model • Description theoretical model 200 words • Description type change situation theoretical model applies 200 words.
Matrix of Theoretical Models

Theoretical Change Model

Description of Theoretical Model

(200 words each box)

Type of health care change situation where model best applies

(200 words each box)

Systems theory

Systems theory suggests that organizations are complex, adaptive systems greater than the sum of their parts. Organizations cannot always be logically analyzed in terms of their ability to accept or reject change. Organizational behavior is hard to predict. Systems are in dialogue with the environment, and changes in the environment can produce changes in the system but "some type of [exterior] energy is required" otherwise organizations grow static (Iles & Sutherland 2001). Also, "players within a system have a view of that system's function and purpose….

matrices for human trafficking. They observe that although in recent years great progress has been made towards understanding and of the problem and combating it, little development has been made in effectuating measures that can specifically delineate it and in developing effective ways to collect the data. This results in contradictory information on the subject and on few studies being based on extensive research.
It was only fairly recently that a joint decision was made on how to define "human trafficking." Nonetheless, there are so many variables and divergences within the phenomenon that difficulty still exists in international agreement in defining the term.

The authors state that efforts against trafficking will only improve when all countries have a unanimous standardized system of measures with which they can track the problem and when all countries begin to enact and implement the necessary anti-trafficking legislation. The latter depends on help from the former.


Matrix and Descartes
The film The Matrix represents many of the ideas of Descartes regarding perception and reality, truth and selfhood, knowledge and falsehood. The film is about a man who is awakened from a simulated world and shown the reality of his life. The man's objective is to free humankind from its enslavement by machines. He achieves this objective by essentially putting mind over matter. This paper will discuss how scenes in The Matrix represent Descartes' ideas on doubt, reason, self and knowledge, and explain how the film correlates with our own society today.


In the quest for certainty, Descartes turns to doubt. Doubting in order to find the truth is a way to check oneself to see if whether what one believes is actually correspondent with reality. When researchers conduct research, they typically test a hypothesis, which is a form of doubting whether a thing is true and running a….

It is only then that Neo-can begin to fulfill his role as the metaphorical intermediary between worlds. As McCullagh (1999) reports, "when Neo/Reeves wakes up from his VR slumber and unplugs from The Matrix, he joins a ragtag band of rebels led by the charismatic Morpheus (Lawrence Fishburne). Their plan: To overthrow the artificial intelligences that have robbed humanity of reality." (McCullagh, p. 1) The ambition to do so can only be instilled in Neo-by forcing him to confront the realities that had detained him. He does this with increasing acceptance and, consequently, success, as the film proceeds.
The result is an experience for the audience that is especially compelling, placing an individual of seemingly ordinary if not somewhat antisocial characteristics and demonstrating him to be capable of doing nothing short of dismantling the artifices and illusions that keep us from freedom.

orks Cited:

McCarl, R. (2011). Robert Nozick's 'Experience Machine.'


Privacy Related Matrix

Ethical Matrix
Ethical Dilemma Matrix

Ethical Dilemma:

A business organization's Internet Service Provider (ISP) is providing preferential service (improved access, faster connection and download/upload speeds) to certain websites, apparently on the basis of business ties and co-ownership entanglements.

Ethical Principles:

Autonomy, Justice, espect for Persons


End Users:

-Users of the Internet have the duty to make and exercise their own choices, which is limited by preferential access.

-This duty also insists that users be able to face all risks and opportunities available in equal measure, and with fair access.

-Users have the right to be viewed as important ends in and of themselves, served by the ISP and not simply serving the ISP in terms of money.

The Organization:

the organization has a duty to ensure that its employees can perform their functions with minimal interference, and that stakeholders in the business are able to exercise autonomy in their investments, which requires full knowledge.

-Justice demands that the organization be able to….

Plato, Descartes, And the Matrix
The Matrix can be compared with Plato and Descartes. While that might seem like a very odd comparison, there are many similarities. In each scenario, there is the concept of reality and how to determine what is real and what is not. While it may seem as though it is easy to tell if something is real or not real, the truth is more complicated. People can have experiences in their lives that feel completely unreal to them, and they can have dreams that feel so real that they have trouble understanding why they have ended once they wake up. Naturally, that is a serious concern for people who are attempting to really understand the truth. There are some differences in the three works, though, because Plato was fixated more on people seeing something while they were awake and not being exposed to anything else. Descartes….

1. The role of red bone marrow in hematopoiesis versus the role of yellow bone marrow in fat storage and energy regulation.
2. The differentiation process of hematopoietic stem cells in red bone marrow compared to the storage of adipose tissue in yellow bone marrow.
3. The effects of aging on red and yellow bone marrow composition and function.
4. The therapeutic potential of red bone marrow transplantation compared to the potential drawbacks of yellow bone marrow transplantation.
5. The impact of diseases such as leukemia on red bone marrow function versus the impact of metabolic disorders on yellow bone marrow function.
6. The relationship....

1. Comparison of Red Bone Marrow and Yellow Bone Marrow: Structure, Function, and Clinical Significance:

Comparative analysis of the cellular composition and histological features of red and yellow bone marrow.
Elaborate on the functional differences between red bone marrow (hematopoiesis) and yellow bone marrow (energy storage).
Discuss the clinical implications of red bone marrow disorders (e.g., anemia, leukemia) and yellow bone marrow disorders (e.g., fatty marrow infiltration).

2. Red Bone Marrow Transplantation: Mechanisms, Applications, and Challenges:

Provide an overview of the process of red bone marrow transplantation, including donor selection, harvesting techniques, and conditioning regimens.
Explore the mechanisms of engraftment and....

1. "Delving into the Marrow: Exploring the Profound Significance of Bone Marrow": This title emphasizes the importance and complexity of bone marrow, piquing the reader's curiosity and setting the stage for an in-depth exploration of the topic.

2. "Bone Marrow: The Lifeline Within - Unraveling the Vital Functions and Therapeutic Potential": This title highlights the crucial life-sustaining functions of bone marrow and introduces the concept of its therapeutic applications, hinting at a deeper exploration of its significance in medical treatments.

3. "Bone Marrow: A Microscopic World of Cells and Tissues - Unveiling the Complexities of Hematopoiesis": This title delves into the microscopic....

Pathophysiology of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic autoimmune disease characterized by inflammation of the synovial joints, leading to progressive joint damage and disability. The pathophysiology of RA involves a complex interplay of genetic, environmental, and immunological factors.

Genetic Susceptibility
Genetic factors play a significant role in the development of RA. The most strongly associated genetic risk factor is the human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DRB1 gene, particularly the shared epitope alleles (e.g., DRB10401). These alleles are present in approximately 60-70% of RA patients and increase the risk of disease by 20-40 times.

Environmental Triggers
Certain environmental triggers, such as smoking, periodontitis, and exposure to....

2 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Matrix Neo

Words: 686
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Matrix Neo The movie The Matrix constructs Neo-as a Jesus-like figure in many ways. From the onset of the movie, another hacker says to Neo, "You're my savior, man, my…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Black Studies - Philosophy

Matrix Movie

Words: 1987
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Matrix or the Cave? The Matrix (1999) has singlehandedly brought the debate over the epistemology of the Real into popular dialogue. or the first time in centuries --if not in…

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4 Pages

Business - Management

Matrix Context Technology Strategy Covering -Topics -

Words: 1230
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Matrix Context Technology Strategy Covering -Topics: - Articulate Core Concept - Describe Types Process - Discuss Product Project Planning Matrix (PPM): Purposes and use The process of project management has…

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4 Pages

Black Studies - Philosophy

Matrix Plato Marx

Words: 1425
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Marx, Plato, and the Matrix There are various dichotomies that are explored in the 1999 film the Matrix including concepts of reality and illusion as well as the relationship between…

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2 Pages
Research Proposal


Matrix Model Was Created by

Words: 717
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Indeed, the role of therapist entails being both coach and teacher to the patient and family. In this way, a helpful and encouraging relationship is created by which…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Matrix Neo-Is Offered the Choice Between a

Words: 1098
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Matrix" Neo-is offered the choice between a red pill and a blue pill. The red pill will free him with what he thought to be the truth and…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Black Studies - Philosophy

Matrix Movie

Words: 1216
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Cypher's desire in The Matrix, to be plugged back into the program. It is maintained that this desire is wrong or misleading from the viewpoints of both Plato…

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2 Pages


Matrix on Pluralistic and Elitist Perspectives

Words: 767
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Elitism and Pluralism- A Perspective Study Elitism and Pluralism governance theories are about the mode of power distribution. Pluralism can be defined as a form of government where the entire…

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5 Pages


Student Discipline the Behavioral Matrix

Words: 1263
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

The goal especially at this Behavior Intensity level is to provide corrective action rather than punitive. This can be initiated by the use of visual or non-verbal prompts,…

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4 Pages


Theoretical Matrix Use Appendix a Attached Create

Words: 1421
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

THEOETICAL MATIX Use Appendix A (attached) create a matrix theoretical change models. Include theoretical change models matrix. The matrix include model: • Name theoretical model • Description theoretical model…

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2 Pages


Matrices for Human Trafficking They Observe That

Words: 762
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

matrices for human trafficking. They observe that although in recent years great progress has been made towards understanding and of the problem and combating it, little development has…

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5 Pages


Mainstream Media and Matrix

Words: 1640
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Matrix and Descartes The film The Matrix represents many of the ideas of Descartes regarding perception and reality, truth and selfhood, knowledge and falsehood. The film is about a man…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Black Studies - Philosophy

Nozick Matrix Questions on Cinema

Words: 1744
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

It is only then that Neo-can begin to fulfill his role as the metaphorical intermediary between worlds. As McCullagh (1999) reports, "when Neo/Reeves wakes up from his VR…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Privacy Related Matrix

Words: 560
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Ethical Matrix Ethical Dilemma Matrix Ethical Dilemma: A business organization's Internet Service Provider (ISP) is providing preferential service (improved access, faster connection and download/upload speeds) to certain websites, apparently on the basis…

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2 Pages

Black Studies - Philosophy

Plato Descartes and the Matrix

Words: 717
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Plato, Descartes, And the Matrix The Matrix can be compared with Plato and Descartes. While that might seem like a very odd comparison, there are many similarities. In each scenario,…

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