Microsoft Essays (Examples)

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Microsoft Access Computing Technology Has Greatly Aided
Pages: 3 Words: 860

Microsoft Access
Computing technology has greatly aided human technology and has presented new and easier ways for goals and objectives to be accomplished by its users. Technology works best when it is mostly aligned with the intent and purposes of its wielders and it is important to understand and know how such applications work and operate in order to get the most out of these tools.

The purpose of this essay is to describe the and highlight the important aspects of planning and creating a database using Microsoft Access. This essay will discuss the steps involved in the process but ultimately suggest that the planning stage is the most important of the entire approach. The essay will conclude by suggesting some useful suggestions that can help the users of Access to achieve better results and apply the necessary knowledge to help maximize the use of this software.

Creating A Database Using Access

The most…...



Knight, K. (2011). The Basics of Good Database Design. One Extra Pixel, 17 Mar 2011. Retrieved from (nd). "Support Microsoft Access: Design the Tables for a New Database." Viewed on 3 Jan 2014. Retrieved from (nd). "Support Microsoft Access: Database Design Basics." Viewed 3 Jan 2014. Retrieved from

Microsoft Monopoly Why Was Microsoft Investigated for
Pages: 3 Words: 1173

Microsoft Monopoly
Why was Microsoft investigated for antitrust behavior?

In the eyes of some legal analysts, Microsoft was investigated and taken to court over antitrust allegations because of the belief that it would not live up to its own word about what it intended (McKenzie and Shughart, 1998). There was little doubt about the fact that by the mid- to late-1990s Microsoft had virtual control over the operating system (Windows) that it had created to operate the vast majority of personal computers, and that it was trying to control how it packaged its favored Internet access portal (Internet Explorer, IE). Even Microsoft knew that it had a privileged position. That was why it agreed in 1995 to a consent agreement that had two basic provisions. One being that Microsoft would not require that buyers of its Windows operating system to separately purchase and install other stand-along components (which presumably meant independent versions…...



Beatie, A. (2011). Why was Microsoft subject to antitrust charges in 1998? Investopedia. Viewable at .

McKenzie, R.B. And Shughart II, W.F. (1998). Is Microsoft a Monopolist? The Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy. Vol. 3, No. 2. Viewable at .

Wauters, R. (2009). EU Drops browser antitrust charges against Microsoft, won't fine. TechCrunch. AoLTech. Viewable at .

Microsoft Dupont Analysis of Microsoft Dupont Analysis
Pages: 2 Words: 562

Microsoft DuPont
DuPont Analysis of Microsoft

DuPont Analysis Overview

The DuPont Analysis is a type of analysis that provides a more detailed look at a company's Return on Equity (ROE) by breaking it into three main components. The three components are profit margin, asset turnover and a leverage factor. By separating the ROE into these smaller categories, investors can quickly identify how effectively or efficiently a company is using their resources. If any of the three categories is performing poorly then this can lower the overall figure. To calculate a firm's ROE through Du Pont analysis, multiply the profit margin (net income divided by sales), asset turnover (sales divided by assets) and leverage factor (total assets divided by shareholders' equity) together - the higher the result, the higher the return on equity.

Microsoft's Profit Margin

Profit Margin = net income / total revenues

Income Statement

Revenue (ttm): 72.93B

Net Income: 15.46B

Profit Margin

15.46 / 72.93 = 22%

Microsoft's Asset Turnover


Microsoft's Vega Project
Pages: 4 Words: 1351

Micosoft's Vega Poject
Micosoft Vega Poject

Companies' success on the maket elies on the pefomance of thei employees, which is detemined by seveal factos. Human esouces pactices in these companies aim at ecuiting and maintaining skilled employees that can develop as stong assets to them, while developing motivational stategies in accodance with employees' needs and pefeences. Micosoft is one of the companies that invest the most in the development of thei employees.

Situation Analysis

The case study pesents the situation that Jim Kaplan, poduct unit manage at Micosoft must confont with when his potege, Matt MacLellan, a successful poduct manage in the Inteactive Leaning System team decides he is not satisfied with his position, and wants to become a softwae design enginee. Kaplan must figue out a way in which he can solve this in ode fo all the paties involved in the situation to benefit.

Thee ae seveal issues that must be addessed when…...


references. In this case, Microsoft would like MacLellan to occupy a management position, while he would be happier with a software design engineer job. It is important that managers identify and understand what their employees want in order to increase their productivity.

Reference list:

1. Werner, S. et al. (2012). Human Resource Management. Cengage Learning. Retrieved February 10, 2014 from .

2. Buhler, P. (2002). Human Resources Management. Retrieved February 10, 2014 from

3. Sims, R. (2007). Human Resource Management: Contemporary Issues, Challenges and Opportunities. Retrieved February 10, 2014 from .

Microsoft Management the Four Functions of Management
Pages: 2 Words: 773

Microsoft Management
The Four Functions of Management at Microsoft

The ability of any organization to stay agile and responsive to market conditions is in large part determined by how balanced their management structure is, and how effective their management practices are. At Microsoft the four functions of management are used to create a scalable foundation of future market growth while aligning their internal resources to each opportunity. The intent of this analysis is to define the four functions of management, specifically taking into account external and internal factors. Specific attention is given to the diversity and ethics programs that Microsoft continues to be successful in using as well. The paper is organized by each of the four functions of management which are planning, organizing, leading and controlling.

Planning at Microsoft

Microsoft was one of the first companies to create a strategic planning process that took into account real-time analysis of external market factors so…...



Anderson, J., & Wood, R. (2002). Seven management lessons from microsoft. Business Strategy Review, 13(3), 28-33.

Behling, O. (1998). Employee selection: Will intelligence and conscientiousness do the job? The Academy of Management Executive, 12(1), 77-86.

Bonfiglioli, E., Moir, L., & Veronique Ambrosini. (2006). Developing the wider role of business in society: The experience of microsoft in developing training and supporting employability. Corporate Governance, 6(4), 401-408.

Cusumano, M.A. (1997). How microsoft makes large teams work like small teams. Sloan Management Review, 39(1), 9-20.

Microsoft Monopoly Assessment of Microsoft's Monopoly Microsoft
Pages: 2 Words: 744

Microsoft Monopoly
Assessment of Microsoft's Monopoly

Microsoft has for decades engaged in commercial activities both with its direct enterprise customers and its many distribution channel partners that could be considered monopolistic. While Microsoft has long asserted it is one of the most efficient competitors there are in an oligopolistically-based market of enterprise and consumer software, in reality its strategies and tactics show a pattern of deliberate monopolistic behavior (Information Management, 2009). Microsoft initially used complex contracts that defied legal interpretation to limit their Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) from installing any other operating system besides MS-DOS and later Microsoft Windows (Werden, 2001). At this same time Microsoft also devised a pricing strategy that made it economically impossible for its OEM customers including Dell, Gateway, IBM and many others from installing or even supporting any other operating system. Most recently Microsoft was fined by the European Union (EU) for bundling its Internet browser, Internet…...



Is Microsoft's monopoly in jeopardy? (2009). Information Management, 19(2), 8.

Gisser, M., & Allen, M.S. (2001). One monopoly is better than two: Antitrust policy and microsoft. Review of Industrial Organization, 19(2), 211-225.

Khan, S., Islam, F., & Ahmed, S.M. (2004). Is microsoft a monopoly: An empirical test. American Business Review, 22(2), 130-130.

Liebowitz, S. (1999). Competition, innovation and the microsoft monopoly: Antitrust in the digital marketplace. Managerial and Decision Economics, 20(7), 397-398.

Microsoft Word Microsoft's Commitment to
Pages: 1 Words: 334

There is also a very useful section called Reader's Choice: Top Picks that lists the top five most requested tips on the website, and as of today they are creating a resume, changing page margins, creating a calendar, creating or modifying e-mails and creating a conference record. There are also key tips for growing skills and for those in charge of supporting many users in an enterprise deployment of Word, support for Training and Certification programs. There is also a useful series of tips on what Word 2007 is all about, including a demo and document that lists answers to frequently asked questions. There are also quick access business clip art, templates, essential business downloads and online tutorials that explain how to work with Word. icrosoft's inclusion of so many resources makes it possible for any member of the five segments they are targeting with their website to get…...


Microsoft Word

Microsoft's commitment to its Office Suite of applications via their website is world-class, and illustrates how popular Microsoft Word has become throughout businesses, colleges, and homes throughout the world. The section of the Microsoft website dedicated to Word provides, in broad terms, tools for the beginning, intermediate, and advanced user, in addition to guidance for corporations looking to standardize on this application. This last group of Word users is considered enterprise-level, as the companies they work for license thousands of copies of the application for use throughout the company. There are also sections for developers who are building applications on the Microsoft Word platform. These five segments form the basis of the website's content, focusing on the diverse needs of beginnings, intermediate-level users, then advanced, with wide-scale deployment tips for enterprise users, followed lastly with guidance for developers.

Microsoft's approach to organizing information for all these audiences is to provide discussion groups, access to Word experts, links to the Microsoft Press for books, a marketplace where Word add-ons can be purchased, and support from TechNet for developers. There is also a very useful section called Reader's Choice: Top Picks that lists the top five most requested tips on the website, and as of today they are creating a resume, changing page margins, creating a calendar, creating or modifying e-mails and creating a conference record. There are also key tips for growing skills and for those in charge of supporting many users in an enterprise deployment of Word, support for Training and Certification programs. There is also a useful series of tips on what Word 2007 is all about, including a demo and document that lists answers to frequently asked questions. There are also quick access business clip art, templates, essential business downloads and online tutorials that explain how to work with Word. Microsoft's inclusion of so many resources makes it possible for any member of the five segments they are targeting with their website to get up and running quickly with Microsoft Word.

Microsoft Monopoly Microsoft Was Investigated for an
Pages: 2 Words: 714

Microsoft Monopoly
Microsoft was investigated for an antitrust behavior because it was engaged in an activity that was believed to be unlawful according to the U.S. Laws. The U.S. market does not allow monopoly and it is unlawful to engage in monopolistic activities that tend to harm the competitors in the same market. The market is guided on the principles of free and open market for all where there is fair competition in the market place which is aimed to be in favor of the consumers in terms of commodity pricing, quality and more innovations.

Competition is healthy for any economy and it is through competition that the economy thrives and the consumer is the beneficiary in getting better quality products and at a lower price. An economy that is dominated by a single supplier lacks what a competitive market can offer whereby consumers are at the mercy of a single supplier…...



Devon Willis, (1999). Advantages and Disadvantages of monopolies. Retrieved May 22, 2012 from

Howard Gilbert, (2003).Technical perspective on U.S. v. Microsoft. Retrieved May 22, 2012 from 

Nicholas Economides, (2003). The Microsoft Antitrust Case. Retrieved May 22, 2012

Microsoft Monopoly Since Feudalism Gave Way to
Pages: 2 Words: 925

Microsoft Monopoly
Since feudalism gave way to capitalism and the Industrial evolution sparked a number of economic ideas, scholars have debated the idea of competition within the market. In most any economic system, competition forms the basis of the market economy. As well, within economic systems, there may be ethical and unethical practices and arrangements. Most of the unethical practices, after a time, become illegal and are discouraged, but others become part of the economic landscape. In many ways, strength in the competitive marketplace has been seen as both ethical and unethical. One player in the marketplace that uses unethical tactics is often seen as negative -- a bad monopoly. This is especially true when that organization uses unfair competition (price gouging or price fixing) to retain their market share. If, within a specific market or area one business is the sole or overwhelming player, that is said to be monopolization.…...



Is Microsoft a Monopoly? If so, why does it matter? (2009). Retrieved from:

Department of Justice. (2012). United States v. Microsof Corporation. USDJ Antitrust Division. Retrieved from:

Foldvary, F. (1999). Natural Monopolies. The Progress Report. Retrieved from:

Microsoft at the Core of
Pages: 2 Words: 664

It is also worth noting that as time moves forward there is less of a downward sloping demand curve in software. This means that the demand for browsers is less likely to decline as price increases over time, as more people go online and the technology becomes ubiquitous. If there was a downward sloping demand curve, the monopoly firm would be prevented from increasing prices infinitely because it would lose customers doing so. The worry was that as the demand curve flattens, Microsoft would simply earn more profit from its monopoly position and thus consumers needed protection.
Economically, there are few conditions where a monopoly would be considered better than a competitive environment. Natural monopolies are an exception, although there is some disagreement as to what precisely constitutes a natural monopoly. Something like a military or a police force, or an electrical grid, could constitute a natural monopoly where it…...


Works Cited:

Epple, K. & Schafer,

R. (1996). The transition from monopoly to competition: The case of housing insurance in Baden-Wurttemberg. European Economic Review. Vol. 40 (3-5) 1123-1131.

McCullagh, D. (2000). Judge's conclusion: MS guilty. Wired Retrieved January 22, 2012 from

Microsoft Using the First Three
Pages: 10 Words: 2870

S. $1 billion dollars operating with around 1200 suppliers that are hugely diversity. The number has seen a more than 200% increase in the last few years. The company also creates linkages with organization that are related to promoting diversity so that technological innovation can be fostered within the organization and the increasingly diverse communities can be catered to. The company endeavors to sustain relationships and linkages with institutions through employee membership and volunteerism, career events, conference interaction, software donations, and sponsorships (Microsoft, 2010).
Corporate hierarchy

The founder and chairman of Microsoft, Bill Gates is reported to have encouraged keeping a flat organizational structure so that all ideas, problems and discussions can be carried out easily. He reportedly values such organizational types because they assist in developing a flexible and dynamic organization that possesses little inertia to change, promotes an exemplary environment and motivates employees (Gates, 2010).

A main element that offers success…...



Gates, B. (2010).Innovation Management Policies for Large Corporations. Taken from: 

Microsoft. (2010). About Microsoft: Taken from:

Microsoft. (2010). Diversity and Inclusion: Taken from:

Microsoft Anti-Trust
Pages: 5 Words: 2266

Microsoft Anti-Trust Issues
Issues in anti-trust cases tend to be very complex and technical, but in the case of the government vs. Microsoft, they are quite understandable. The government alleged that Microsoft used predatory pricing tactics to destroy competitors and eliminate competition in the marketplace. They were also accused of erecting technical barriers within their operating systems to make it difficult or impossible for non-Microsoft software to run on Windows. In 1993, the Justice Department (DOJ) began an investigation into these practice, which resulted in a consent decree on July 15, 1994, in which Microsoft agreed that it would not tie other Microsoft products into its Windows operating system.

In the late 1990's Microsoft began bundling its Internet Explorer web browser product into Windows and soon acquired a dominant position in the browser market. As a result, an anti-trust case was brought against Microsoft in October 1997. The four counts filed against…...



DOJ v. Microsoft II: U.S.A. v. Microsoft, Case No. 98-CV-1232, and New York v. Microsoft, Case No. 98-CV-1233, Consolidated." Tech Law Journal. April 26, 2005. .

Economides, Nicholas. "The Real Losers in the Microsoft Anti-Trust Case." SternBusiness Spring/Summer 2000. April 25, 2005. .

Fontana, John. "Microsoft Puts Anti-trust Issues Behind It." Network World. November 15, 2004. April 25, 2005. .

Freiberger, Paul and Swaine, Michael. Fire in the Valley: The Making of the Personal Computer. New York: McGraw Hill, 2000

Microsoft Change Implications for Leadership and Management
Pages: 8 Words: 2193

Microsoft Change
Implications for Leadership and Management in Designing and Controlling Innovation and Change: The Microsoft Case

No organization can hope to remain competitive today without carefully and efficiently managing the pace of innovation within that organization in response to changing consumer needs, industry trends, and internal capabilities. Communications technologies and other new mechanisms of conducting and creating business that have come about in the Digital Age have increased the pace of business dramatically, affecting all levels and segments of the supply chain and the product life cycle. In short, innovation is the new standard, and companies need to be researching and developing the next generation of products while still celebrating the release of the current generation. Consumers have proven to be more than willing to meet this ongoing supply with a never-ending demand for new gadgetry and more and faster capabilities, and businesses that fail to perceive and take advantage of…...



Ambler, G (2006). Setting SMART Objectives. Accessed 26 April 2011. 

BITS. (2010). Microsoft's Innovation vs. Dick Brass. Accessed 26 April 2011. 

Brass, D. (2010). Microsoft's Creative Destruction. Accessed 26 April 2011. 

Clarke, G. (2010) Inside Microsoft's Innovation Crisis. Accessed 26 April 2011.

Microsoft's Search Analysis & Evaluation General Environment
Pages: 7 Words: 2198

Microsoft's Search
Analysis & Evaluation

General Environment

The advanced show of the U.S. economy in the late 1990's has led a lot of experts to conjecture that a New Economy has materialized in which heavy investment in information technology (IT) has led to an period of continued economic growth. Even though the current economic slowdown has dampened some of the passion for the idea of a New Economy, a basic question remains of whether the output growth experienced in the late 90's, can be attributed to IT and how is this going to look going forward (Information Technology and the New Economy, 2001).


Some time after the dotcom boom turned into a magnificent bust in 2000, the industry as a whole began to hope for another chance. And it looks like they got what they hoped for. Facebook and Twitter are valued by secondary-market trades at some seventy six billion and almost eight billion…...

Microsoft Diversification Strategy Define the
Pages: 5 Words: 1450

Thirdly there is the broader dynamic of how social computing is completely re-ordering the competitive dynamics of the two sectors that comprise this division as well.
a. Determine the extent to which Microsoft competes with other companies in its industry by assessing the levels of market commonality and resources similarity for each major competitor.

Microsoft's levels of commonality and resources similarity with other competitors are relegated to those companies who have the ability to scale enterprise-wide with systems, whether those enterprises are companies or state, regional or national governments. The future of Microsoft's competitive strength is in the.NET platform and its scalability, integration flexibility and reliability as an SOA architecture of choice for enterprises. All other aspects of development within Microsoft are centered on.NET as the basis of creating integration links to.NET, so that from any given Microsoft Office document to a wireless connection from a PDA, to the integration of…...

I need help writing an essay on CSR and how it helps environment, cultural arts and poverty?
Words: 350

CSR, or corporate social responsibility, refers to the idea that companies should hold themselves accountable for how their policies and procedures impact the greater world at large.  CSR does not have a single definition, because it is tailored to each individual company and that company’s view of how they act in a responsible position.  CSR is self-regulating, insofar as it is not imposed by outside forces, at least in terms of being regulated; outside forces, such as client decisions to purchase products or services, competitor responses to corporate policies, or business partner....

Could you provide some suggestions for titles for my essay on company analysis?
Words: 219

1. An In-depth Analysis of Apple Inc: A Leading Technology Company

2. Examining the Success Factors of Amazon: A Retail and Technology Giant

3. Company Analysis: The Business Strategy of Coca-Cola

4. A Comprehensive Review of Tesla Motors: Innovation in the Electric Vehicle Industry

5. Analyzing the Growth Strategies of Google: A Dominant Player in the Tech Industry

6. Uncovering the Success Story of Walmart: A Retail Giant's Business Model

7. Company Analysis: Understanding the Marketing Strategies of Nike

8. Exploring the Financial Performance of Microsoft Corporation

9. Case Study on Starbucks Corporation: A Coffee Company's Global Expansion

10. The Evolution of McDonald's Corporation: A Fast Food Empire's Business....

I\'m looking for a unique and fresh essay topic on Entertainment. Any ideas that stand out?
Words: 592

The Impact of Immersive Technologies on the Evolution of Entertainment

In the contemporary world, the entertainment industry is undergoing a transformative shift, driven by the advent of immersive technologies that are blurring the boundaries between the physical and digital realms. From virtual reality (VR) to augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality (MR), these technologies are revolutionizing the ways in which we interact with entertainment content, creating unprecedented experiences that challenge traditional notions of immersion and interactivity.

The Transformative Power of Virtual Reality
Virtual reality (VR) has emerged as a leading force in transformative entertainment, offering users the ability to step into immersive virtual....

Is there anything in the news related to thesis outlines that would make a good essay subject?
Words: 514

Title: The Evolution of Thesis Outlines in the Digital Age: Implications for Academic Writing

In the realm of academic discourse, the thesis outline serves as an indispensable scaffolding, guiding writers through the labyrinthine process of research and argumentation. However, the advent of the digital age has ushered in a paradigm shift in the way outlines are conceived, constructed, and utilized. This essay will delve into the transformative effects of technology on thesis outlines, examining how the digital landscape has reshaped their significance and utility in contemporary academic writing.

Body Paragraph 1: The Rise of Digital Outlining Tools
The digital revolution has introduced an....

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