Minority Groups: Why They Have Failed to Make Significant
Gains despite Having Lived in the U.S. For A Longer Time
The fact that minority groups have failed to make it up the ranks in the U.S. stratification system remains a query everyone has to battle with. One cannot stop to imagine how such old groups would fail to make the gains that the ordinary u.s citizens and the recent immigrants. It will be noted that the two major minority groups are African-Americans and Native Americans. The Native Americans, it is their land for all intends and purposes and still they are considered a minority group. For the African-Americans it is still a big headache for those who are studying the reasons why they have failed although there are several factors. Therefore in this topic there will be an in depth look into the reason why these groups have failed to make it…...
CERD, Task Force of the U.S. Human Rights Network. (2010-08). "From Civil Rights to Human Rights: Implementing U.S. Obligations under the International Convention on the Elimination of All forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD)." Universal Periodic Review Joint Reports: United States of America, p. 44.
Fegin, J.R. (1984). Racial and Ethnic Relations: Universal Periodic Review Joint Reports: United States of America. Prentice Hall, pp. 10
Netton, Ian, R., Evelyn A. (2006). "From ambiguity to abjection: Iraqi-Americans negotiating race in the United States," pp. 140-143.
Leonard, Karen, Irvine. (July 28, 2007). "American Muslims: South Asian Contributions to the Mix." University of California: Western Knight Center
acism affecting Native and African-American in the U.S.
The topic that was chosen for this essay is minority groups that have failed to make broad gains in the United States stratification system. The essay delves into the reasoning behind why African and Native Americans struggle despite each groups long residence in America. The Native Americans have been persecuted since the white man came to the United States, which is ironic because some Native American tribes helped the Americans in several battles during the evolutionary war with Great Britain. African-Americans were generally brought to the United States to participate in the slave trade business and thus lived lives as slaves (odriguez, 2007).
The reason the topic about minority groups that have failed to make broad gains in the United States stratification system was picked is because the topic generates a great deal of interest and research ability. Three questions that generate specific interest…...
Rodriguez, J. (2007). Slavery in the United States: a social, political, and historical encyclopedia. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, Inc.
Stannard, D.E. (1992). American holocaust: the conquest of a new world. New York, NY: Oxford Univesity Press.
A very large number of Mexicans and Puerto icans came into the country in order to get away from poverty and to find a way to make a living. The 20th-century Cuban migration, which started in 1959 when Fidel Castro took over the government of Cuba, was mostly for political motivations (The Story of Hispanics in the Americas, n.d.).
According to data collected by the United States Department of Commerce, Hispanics are a younger, less well off, and less educated group than the rest of the population. Their median age is about 23. Sixty-three percent were under age 30 in 1992, and 40% were 18 or younger. The median family income was $23,400. This was higher than the median for blacks but lower than the rest of the non-Hispanic median of $35,200. Of the three groups, Mexican-Americans, Puerto icans, and Cubans, the Puerto icans had the lowest incomes and the…...
Calloway, Colin G. (2009). Native Americans First View Whites from the Shore. Retreived October 31, 2010, from American Heritage Web site:
Johansen, Bruce E. (2005). The Native Peoples of North America. New York: Rutgers
Anderson, Talmadge and Stewart, James. (2007). Introduction to African-American Studies.
Marketing Research on Three Minority Groups
Minority Research Paper
The following report is purposed on undertaking marketing research and gaining knowledge regarding different consumer markets. In particular, the report provides information about the size, location, purchasing power, and the market potential for the three largest minority target markets in the United States. These target markets include African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans and Asian-Americans. In addition, the report will expound and give detained analysis information of business potential for each minority target market.
Total numbers in the U.S.
million (United States Census ureau)
Percent of the total U.S. population
% (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
Rate of growth
The U.S. Census ureau forecasts that by the year 2060 there will be approximately 74.5 million African-Americans comprising those of more than one race in the United States, a figure that will constitute about 17.9% of the total U.S. population (United States Census ureau)
Average household size
An average of 2.58 people per household (aker,…...
Alderton, M. (2011). Marketing to African-American Consumers. Business.com. Retrieved 22 January, 2016 from: http://www.business.com/sales-and-marketing/marketing-to-african-american-consumers/
Baker, C. D. (2013). African-American's Buying Power Projected to be $1.1 Trillion By 2015. Black Enterprise. Retrieved 22 January, 2016 from: http://www.blackenterprise.com/small-business/african-american-buying-power-projected-trillions/
Bickle, M. (2013). Seeking To Reach Hispanic Shoppers? Traditional Media Influences This Consumer Group's Purchase Decisions. Forbes. Retrieved 22 January, 2016 from: http://www.forbes.com/sites/prospernow/2013/06/28/seeking-to-reach-hispanic-shoppers-traditional-media-influences-this-consumer-groups-purchase-decisions/#659cc2d45016
Do, A. (2013). Asian-Americans are the most prolific spenders in U.S., survey shows. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 22 January, 2016 from: http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-asian-american-prolific-spenders-20131205-story.html
Sexual, Affectional, Intersex, and Gender Expansive Identities: LGBTGEQIAP+One important consideration to keep in mind when dealing with clients who identify on the LGBTGEQIAP+ spectrum is that not all cultures are equally accepting of queer identities. As a counselor, I have not only counseled individuals who are not heterosexual; I have many friends who identify as queer, and I have grown up in a very inclusive and accepting environment. For individuals who are from different cultural or religious worldviews than myself, such as Ramon, a queer Hispanic man with Roman Catholic parents, sunny advice to simply be yourself is not enough to fully grapple with all the issues the client is struggling with.It is vitally important to understand identity as intersectional. For example, for Ramon, his sexuality often felt in conflict with his desire to be a good son and a fully accepted member of his cultural community. As a member…...
McConnell, E. A., Janulis, P., Phillips, G., 2nd, Truong, R., & Birkett, M. (2018). Multiple minority stress and LGBT community resilience among sexual minority men. Psychology of sexual orientation and gender diversity, 5(1), 1–12. https://doi.org/10.1037/sgd0000265
Wynn, R. & West-Olatunji, C. (2009) Use of culture-centered counseling theory with ethnically diverse LGBT clients. Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling, 3:3-4, 198-214, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/15538600903317218
Injustice and Inequality of ace in the United States
Most people in the world depend on the use of their bodies to acquire money. Professionals such as factory workers, lawyers and doctors among others use various parts of their bodies and then receive a wage in return. Notably, some people acquire good wages while others do not. Similarly, some individuals have a small degree of control of their jobs while others have a high degree of control over their jobs. It is worth identifying that this variation extends to the number of job variations that a person can access. For instance, some people have more employment options, unlike others. Besides, some people are socially stigmatized while others are not. Although well-reasoned arguments might justify the stigmatization of some occupations, some significant cases of these are based prejudice and stereotypes of race and gender (Nussbaum, 1998). The following study discusses the injustices…...
Martinez, R. (2006). The Crossing. The Los Angeles Times. June 25, 2006. Web. From http://articles.latimes.com/2006/jun/25/magazine/tm-thecrossing26
Nussbaum, M. C. (1998). "Whether from Reason or Prejudice": Taking Money for Bodily Services. Journal of Legal Studies, vol. XXVII: 693-724
pre-World War II anti-Semitic depiction of European Jews to the depiction of Muslims in Western media today
Part of the depiction of European Jews prior to World War Two can be viewed as a subtle manifestation of anti-Semitism, ultimately foreshadowing the blatant discrimination and persecution that would come to unfold its wrath upon the world. A certain amount of this depiction can be seen in a never before published article that Churchill wrote, where he asserted that the reason that Jews were persecuted for so long, was not simply because of the wickedness of the persecutors (euters, 2007). In this article, Churchill essentially blames the Jews in part for their own persecution, a notion which highlights the very alive anti-Semitism of even educated people in the pre-Holocaust world. Churchill refers to Jews as "…sober, industrious and law-abiding and praised their readiness to fight and die for the country they lived…...
Mediasmarts.ca. (2013). Media Portrayals of Religion: Islam. Retrieved from Mediasmarts.ca:
Reuters. (2007). Pre-WW2 Churchill article says Jews partly to blame for anti-Semitism.
Retrieved from Haaretz.com: http://www.haaretz.com/news/pre-ww2-churchill-article-says-jews-partly-to-blame-for-anti-semitism-1.215251
The Interaction of Identity and Space or PlacePrompt: From your perspective, how is the interaction of identity and space or place relevant to intelligence or human security? Based on the articles by Erhkamp and by Hopkins et al., where do you see convergences between identity, space or place, and threat? That is, were there examples from the articles that demonstrated some potential threat linked to the interaction of identity with space or place?Minority immigrant groups frequently transform the spaces they routinely inhabit in ways that reflect their respective cultures, a practice that can result in contestation over the public space with the majority population who may view these changes as threatening their fundamental sense of normality and their conception of those spaces (Ehrkamp, 2008). This trend has some unfortunate outcomes, including most especially reinforcing any preexisting negative stereotypes about minority groups (Ehrkamp, 2008). This ugly reality has assumed even greater…...
Ehrkamp, P. (2008). Risking publicity: Masculinities and the racialization of public neighborhood space. Social & Cultural Geography, 9(2),117-132.
Hopkins, P., Botterill, K., Sanghera, G., and Arshad, R. (2017). Encountering misrecognition: Being mistaken for being Muslim. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 107(4), 934-948.
But most people he socialized with were for him members of a secondary group. My friend socialized with them for the purpose of getting used to a new social environment, practice his English, and find new friends. But his relationship with most people in the neighborhood and at school was not based on the kind of social intimacy that characterized his relationship with other Kurdish refugees in the neighborhood. My friend told me often that he was thankful to the United States for welcoming him in this country and that people were generally very friendly. But he also told stories about his school life and some people's treatment which were based on ethnocentrism. Some of his peers looked down upon him because of his foreignness, Kurdish accent while speaking English, and his inability to fully practice dominant American culture. For example, his peers at school sometimes would not allow…...
Unintentional Appropriation in Cultures
The cultural appropriation concept of using another culture's symbol, genres, artifacts, rituals, or technologies, as per Rogers is just inescapable when two of them had to meet at a certain point of time. This includes both the virtual as well as the representational contacts. Such appropriations involve in exploiting the marginalized and colonized cultures and help in the survival of subordinated cultures. Their resistance to dominant cultures is also quite visible. According Rogers, the definition of cultural appropriation is the association of one culture to another and ends their own culture. This imitation or borrow tactic might have been done unintentionally to deconstruct or distort one's culture and this is a form of appropriation. [footnoteRef:1] [1:. Ibid., 476]
We can even say that the Cultural appropriation as an active process that represents the meaning as 'taking'. However, cultural appropriation does not include the mere exposures to music or…...
Finley, Taryn. 10 Times Black Culture Was Appropriated In 2015. December 16, 2015. Accessed November 18, 2016. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/10-times-black-culture-was-appropriated-in-2015_us_566ee11de4b011b83a6bd660 .
McLeod, L. Poppy. Nice Day for a 'White' Wedding: The Problem With Whiteness in Bridal Magazines. July 23, 2016. Accessed November 18, 2016. http://www.theroot.com/articles/culture/2016/07/nice-day-for-a-white-wedding-the-problem-with-whiteness-in-bridal-magazines .
Nittle, K. Nadra. What Is Cultural Appropriation and Why Is It Wrong? November 14, 2016. Accessed November 18, 2016. http://racerelations.about.com/od/diversitymatters/fl/What-Is-Cultural-Appropriation-and-Why-Is-It-Wrong.htm .
Rogers, Richard A. "From Cultural Exchange to Transculturation: A Review and Reconceptualization of Cultural Appropriation." Communication Theory, Vol 16, Issue 4 (November 2006): 474 -- 503. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1468-2885.2006.00277 .
unning Head: ACIAL AND ETHNIC MINOITY GOUPS 5ACIAL AND ETHNIC MINOITY GOUPSacial and Ethnic Minority GroupsCOVID-19 Affect on some Ethnic and acial Minority GroupsIntroductionLong-standing social inequalities have placed several individuals from racial and ethnic minority groups at a raised risk of acquiring COVID-19 and dying from it. acial and ethnic minority groups include individuals of color with a range of experiences and backgrounds. However, some encounters are common to individuals within these groups. Social determinants of health have always barred them from having fair opportunities for emotional, physical, and economic well-being.According to Kirby (2020), there is rising evidence that some racial and ethnic minority groups are affected disproportionately by COVID-19. Factors such as healthcare access and poverty affect these groups. To attain health equity, barriers must be eliminated so everybody can have a fair opportunity to be healthy. In the United States, Blacks are acquiring COVID-19 at an alarming rate,…...
mlaReferencesFairlie, R. W., Couch, K., & Xu, H. (2020). The impacts of COVID-19 on minority unemployment: First evidence from April 2020 CPS microdata (No. w27246). National Bureau of Economic Research.Kirby, T. (2020). Evidence mounts on the disproportionate effect of COVID-19 on ethnic minorities. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, 8(6), 547-548.Moore, J. T., Ricaldi, J. N., Rose, C. E., Fuld, J., Parise, M., Kang, G. J., ... & Honein, M. A. (2020). Disparities in incidence of COVID-19 among underrepresented racial/ethnic groups in counties identified as hotspots during June 5–18, 2020—22 states, February–June 2020. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 69(33), 1122.Shippee, T. P., Akosionu, O., Ng, W., Woodhouse, M., Duan, Y., Thao, M. S., & Bowblis, J. R. (2020). COVID-19 pandemic: exacerbating racial/ethnic disparities in long-term services and supports. Journal of aging & social policy, 32(4-5), 323-333.Tai, D. B. G., Shah, A., Doubeni, C. A., Sia, I. G., & Wieland, M. L. (2021). The disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on racial and ethnic minorities in the United States. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 72(4), 703-706.
Hispanics have become the largest minority group in the United States (Grow 2004). Like every immigrant group before them, they have faced obstacles assimilating and adapting to life in the United States; from overt discrimination to subtle discrepancies in lifestyle, life in a different nation than that of one's origin is never easy. Business practices have been significantly influenced by the Hispanic demographic, however, and in larger and more noticeable ways than any immigrant group before them. This essay will explore a few ways that Hispanics have influenced the business world as well as ways in which their difference in terms of background has been a factor in their treatment.
There are three major ways that Hispanics have influenced business practices: products demanded, languages available, and as business owners and entrepreneurs. These changes are especially significant because the type of demographic shift that the increasing numbers of Hispanics represents is…...
mlaWorks Cited
Armendariz, Yvette, 2005. "Latino entrepreneurs are focus of new study," The Arizona Republic, October 2, 2005.
Dougherty, Tim, 2001. "Hispanic Purchasing Power Takes Off," published online at June 2001.http://www.hispanicbusiness.com/news/news_print.asp?id=4564,
Grow, Brian, 2004. "Hispanic Nation," in Business Week, March 15, 2004 issue.
"Virginia Agency Sued for Procurement Discrimination," published online at no date.http://www.hispanicbusiness.com/news/newsbyid.asp?id=23258,
Minorities in Europe
Europe is a multicultural, multi-ethnic continent that is experiencing significant growth of its immigrant and minority communities. Countries that have not had to contemplate the status of minorities, are now faced with the issue on how to incorporate successfully incorporate them into society. This paper examines two countries, Estonia and Germany, and their approach to minorities and their inclusion into their respective societies.
Estonia is an interesting case because its minorities are Russian; a group that while always small was the dominant political and economic force. The change in status occurred after the fall of the Soviet Union, Estonia once a satellite country, wanted to assert its independence by shedding its Soviet past. Ethnic Russians, on the other hand, did not feel included in Estonia's revival. The issue, according to Greene (2010), is about a people who want to protect their culture and forget its Soviet past against a…...
mlaWorks Cited:
Greene, David. "Russian Minority Struggles In Post-Soviet Estonia." NPR. NPR, 23 Aug. 2010. Web. 14 Feb. 2014. .
Turton, David, and Julia Gonza-lez. Cultural identities and ethnic minorities in Europe. Bilbao: University of Deusto, 1999. Print.
It is true, healthcare is not free. Yet, in an environment where so many are uninsured, it is clear that the free market method of private insurance is not working. This is where the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act comes into play. All tax payers will see an increase in tax rates in order to help provide quality healthcare for the millions of uninsured Americans in need. Still, "the wealthiest 2% of Americans will take the biggest hit," with the majority of average Americans seeing very little increases in their taxes (Cass, 2012). This ultimately means that individuals making more than $250,00 annually will take the brunt of the tax increases. Also, increased taxes on certain activities, like smoking and tanning, will also help allocate funding for the healthcare reform bill. Still, the government is also allowing for greater tax credits "that start in 2014 to help them pay…...
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2010). Disparities in healthcare quality among racial and ethnic minority groups. National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report. Web. http://www.ahrq.gov/research/findings/nhqrdr/nhqrdr10/minority.pdf
Cass, Connie. (2012). PPACA's tac hikes are coming" Who pays? Life Health Pro. Web. http://www.lifehealthpro.com/2012/08/09/ppacas-tax-hikes-are-coming-who-pays
The Nazis, however, were seriously mistaken. According to Thomas D. Morgan, "No group that participated in orld ar II made a greater per capita contribution, and no group was changed more by the war." Native Americans willingly enlisted in the war more than any other group in America. Native American tribes that had a long tradition of warrior culture took up arms to defend the American nation. They also served as communication liaison agents who befuddled German and Japanese code-breakers.
Native American contribution fundamentally changed hite's attitude toward American Indians. Many soldiers referred to Native Americans as "Chefs," as a sign of respect. Holm explains: "hites, who made Indian policies at the time, came out of the war with new, or at least different, images of Indian people. These changed views created an atmosphere in which men of varying motives and goals could institute the termination policy under the cloak…...
mlaWorks Cited:
"America at War: World War II." Digital History. Web. 23 May 2012
Black, Helen K., and William H. Thompson. "A War Within a War: A World War II Buffalo Soldier's Story." Journal of Men's Studies 20.1 (2012): 32-46. Web. 23 May 2012.
Clive', Alan. "Women Workers in World War Ii." Labor History 20.1 (1979): 44. Web. 23 May 2012.
De Graaf, Lawrence B. "Significant Steps on an Arduous Path: The Impact of World War II on Discrimination Against African-Americans in the West." Journal of the West 35 (1996): 24-33. Web. 23 May 2012.
1. The prevalence of gender stereotypes in society
2. How stereotypes impact minority groups
3. The influence of media in perpetuating stereotypes
4. The psychological effects of stereotypes on individuals
5. Stereotypes in the workplace and their impact on career advancement
6. How stereotypes can lead to discrimination and prejudice
7. The role of education in challenging and changing stereotypes
8. Stereotypes in the entertainment industry and their impact on representation
9. The intersectionality of stereotypes and how they intersect with race, gender, sexuality, and other identities
10. Ways to combat and challenge stereotypes in daily life and society.
11. The impact of stereotypes on mental health and well-being
12. Stereotypes....
Choosing Comparative Essay Topics
1. Literary Works:
Compare and contrast the themes and characters in two novels or plays by the same author.
Analyze the similarities and differences in the narrative structure, setting, and style of two short stories.
Discuss the different perspectives and interpretations presented in two poems on the same subject.
2. Historical Events:
Compare the causes and consequences of two major historical revolutions.
Analyze the similarities and differences in the strategies and tactics used by two military leaders during a particular war.
Discuss the impact of two different technological advancements on society.
3. Social Issues:
Compare and contrast the experiences....
Compare and Contrast Essay Topics
Literary Analysis
Compare and contrast the themes and motifs in two works of literature.
Analyze the use of symbolism and imagery in two different poems.
Explore the development of a character in two different novels.
Examine the differences in narrative structure between two short stories.
Compare the perspectives of two narrators in a novel.
Historical Events
Compare and contrast the causes and consequences of two major historical events.
Analyze the similarities and differences in the strategies used by two different leaders during wartime.
Explore the impact of two different technological advancements on society.
Examine the ways in....
1. The Impact of Socioeconomic Status on Legal Representation
Thesis: Individuals from lower socioeconomic backgrounds face significant barriers in obtaining adequate legal representation, leading to disparities in access to justice.
Systemic bias in the legal system that favors the wealthy.
Lack of pro bono legal services for low-income individuals.
Financial constraints that prevent access to private attorneys.
Impact on legal outcomes and the ability to enforce rights.
2. Social Class and Sentencing Disparities
Thesis: Social class significantly influences sentencing outcomes, resulting in harsher punishments for individuals from lower socioeconomic backgrounds.
Disproportionate representation of minority and low-income defendants in the....
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