Moral Decline Essays (Examples)

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One of the best examples in the play is that of the name of Ernest, with which both Gwendolyn and Cecily seem to fall in love in the most superficial manner. Wilde ironically points out that his age is one of ideals, but to this Gwendolyn gives her commentary about the importance of names:
We live, as I hope you know, Mr. Worthing, in an age of ideals. The fact is constantly mentioned in the more expensive monthly magazines, and has reached the provincial pulpits, I am told; and my ideal has always been to love some one of the name of Ernest. There is something in that name that inspires absolute confidence. The moment Algernon first mentioned to me that he had a friend called Ernest, I knew I was destined to love you."(Wilde, 2000, p. 516)

In Wilde's view, moral depravity in the modern age has to do with….

Both Hymnowitz (2004) and Bork (1994) address this question, each taking a different stance on the subject. In “Our Changing Culture,” Hymnowitz (2004) adopts an optimistic view, claiming that the younger generations are returning to traditional family values and rejecting the excesses of their parents’ generation. Bork (1994) disagrees, claiming that liberalism’s “rot and decadence” have been leading to the decay of morality in American society—and possibly in Western society in general (p. 6). Both authors occasionally slip into hyperbole, and both make some valid points backed up with references to popular culture, facts, or data. Ultimately, though, Hymnowitz (2004) makes a far stronger rhetorical case: America’s moral character remains strong
Hymnowitz (2004) argues that America is returning to some of its roots family and cultural values, and not necessarily for the better. The author introduces the subject by using examples from popular culture and media and then offers statistics including….

Moral Hazard
The term moral hazard arises out of a contractual agreement. hen the terms of the contract serve as motivation for one of the parties to behave in a manner that is "contrary to the principles laid out in the agreement" (Investopedia, 2013). An example that is commonly used is when a salesperson is paid entirely on salary. The salesperson in that case has little direct incentive to perform according to the spirit of the contract, save for the threat of dismissal. The deal assumes that both parties will act according to the spirit of the contract, but the way the contract is structured this is not necessarily the case.

The concept of moral hazard is often applied to the financial industry. Most contracts are designed to prohibit moral hazard, but multiple hazards have been identified. For example, homeowners who found themselves in arrears or their homes under water might have….

Moral Criticisms of the Market
Moral Criticisms Market This assignment requires read article Ken S. Ewert (found eading & Study folder). Note article, Ewert defending free market "Christian Socialists." He states position a rebuttal

Moral criticisms of the market: A critique of Ewert's analysis

It is interesting to read Ken S. Ewert's 1989 criticisms of 'Christian socialists' in light of current debates on other types of economic policies today. Ewert portrays Christian, leftist defenders of socialism as impervious to logic, in contrast to other former critics of capitalism, who grew more acclimated to capitalist principles in light of the failure of the Soviet Union Similar criticisms are made of 21st century religious fundamentalists, who stress the need for private enterprise to address societal problems 'on principle,' even when public regulation might be helpful and who try to define science, including science education, in religious terms rather than in terms of logic. Ewert's essay….

Domestic Violence at the Root

This presents as the most important issue for family dissolution or divorce among low-income families (Haskins et al. 2005). Research conducted by Kathrun Edin and her team found that many poor mothers are willing to bear children even for men they consider unsuitable for marriage. Often, it is because these women believe they are in love with these men and that having children may improve these men's attitude in the long-term. ut these women are aware that their boyfriends or cohabiters have problems with forging long-term relationships. Quarrels often grow out of chronic infidelity, physical abuse, alcoholism and drug addiction, criminal activity and imprisonment. Research showed that these men harbor similar doubts about their women (Haskins et al.).

Some of the problems in these situations and relationships may be managed by quality marriage education when combined with employment, mental health and other support services (Haskins et al.….

The line of legitimacy, separating socially approvable use of force from violence, cannot be effectively drawn without an agreement on what constitutes the optimum amount of force necessary to maintain social order and to protect human rights against encroachment. A society subscribing to infinite morality which condemns all use of force as immoral is doomed no less than a society accepting the absolute pragmatism of tyrants. "
As Oleg Zinam proposes, these two extreme social attitudes to morality are equally unprofitable to the societies that adopt them. The attitude of absolute pragmatism can easily lead to the acceptance of political assassinations, as long as such acts may help the final political purpose. An example of absolute pragmatism can be the regime initiated by Hitler, who ordered the extermination of all Jews in an attempt to "purify" the human race by excluding anyone who did not fill in the Arian ideal.….

This moral sense is often bigger and more powerful than us. Some people could call it psychological effect, others might term it differently but the fact remains that if we are doing something wrong, this moral sense would keep nagging us to the point that we would no longer be able to enjoy what we are doing and might eventually starting harming ourselves.
In order to protect ourselves from such negative consequences, its best to make a decision that is free of guilt. In this way, we can enjoy the fruits of our success and live a more happy life in general. This is really what is in our best interest though we might fail to see it at first.

It also pays to study the offer from an objective viewpoint. If someone else were offered this job: what would you suggest? Would you allow the person to take the job….

Another important area of change relates to sexual norms and values in the family. Studies show that there has a definite growth in more permissive attitudes towards sex and particularly premarital sex. The number of people who see sex between an unmarried man and woman as "wrong" dropped from 36% in 1972 to 24% in 1996. (the Emerging 21st Century American Family)

These statistics indicate a change for the earlier view of sex as only being acceptable between married couples; which questioned the established norm and role of sexuality in the traditional family.

Another central area of change since the 1950's is the value associated with child rearing and the family. The more traditional concept of the family has at its core the ideal and value of providing secure and moral child - rearing practices. This aspect has changed and there has been a move away for this central value. There is….

Rather than hysterically creating units to force fathers to do their duty, the underlying reasons for their lack of dutiful response should be investigated. Once the root causes of family decline are investigated, more effective remedies can be put in place. Certainly what has been done to date has not worked, if statistics like those of Vitz are to be believed.
Furthermore, I do not believe that we are facing a national crisis with regard to the family. Greater equality for women, more tolerance towards divorcees, and more opportunities in terms of work and childcare have opened doors for women that were not available in history. Abused women for example now have the means to escape the situation, be believed by the court, and raise their children with love and respect. Certainly this cannot be seen as a family in decline. Emotional issues and underlying reasons, rather than simple, surface….

Moral Criticism of the Market
I disagree with the author's major premise and conclusion. He contradicts himself by suggesting that the basis of his support for a free market is that it depends on offering something of value to others and that the problem with the dynamics of commercial advertising lies primarily with the individual. The reality of the advertising industry is hardly that it merely increases public "awareness" of available products. In fact, the main effort of commercial advertising is precisely to create the perception of need, even (or specifically) where it is illusory. To use the author's example, by the time someone covets a Mercedes that he sees driving past him on the street, he has already been inundated by years of explicit and implicit messages that the Mercedes symbolizes respect and achievement.

The fashion industry provides an even better example because it no longer exists to fill any actual….

Bernadette alsh
orld History 111


Buddhism -- the religion founded by Gautama Buddha -- has witnessed a steady decline in India, despite the country being one of those in which Buddhism was earliest practiced. The accounts of some well-known scholars have proven that the waning of Buddhism in India dates back to the 7th century AD. hile its decline commenced in the sixth century AD, Buddhism's internal degeneration became evident starting from the next century. Numerous factors were perceived to have had an impact on Buddhism's collapse in India, with all having contributed together to guarantee its decline. Buddhism declined in India because of these main causes: moral decline of leadership, royal persecution, Islamic persecution, and the rise of Buddhism.

Scholars argue that one significant reason for Buddhism's decline in India was the moral decline of the leadership and the leniency in monastic discipline. Buddhist monks' and nuns' moral conduct declined and this….

As we have already mentioned, the mood and tone for moral corruption in New York City was prime in the 1920s and while it may seem there are the rich and the poor, class distinction among the rich plays an important role in the novel. Gatsby's success will only carry him so far because of a dividing line that exists between the new wealth and the old wealth. This is best depicted with the est and East Egg sections that divide individuals according to their wealth. Gatsby, regardless of how much money he makes, cannot hold a candle to the old wealth of the community in which Tom and Daisy live. Tom comes from an "enormously wealthy" (6) family and when he moved to the rich East Egg, he "brought down a string of ponies from Lake Forest" (6). The Buchanan's home is "more elaborate" (7) than what our….

cell phone technology in Japan. Specifically it will discuss the moral and ethical issues brought about by Japanese cell phones. In Japan, cell phones are as ubiquitous as they are in the United States. However, the ethics and morals of cell phone usage in Japan are very different from usage in the United States, largely because of moral and ethical issues of how the Japanese view cell phones and their usage.
In Japan, everyone from schoolchildren to the elderly carry cell phones. A group of writers note, "The Japanese term for mobile phone, keitai (roughly translated as 'something you carry with you'), evokes not technical capability or freedom of movement but intimacy and portability, defining a personal accessory that allows constant social connection" (Ito, et al., 2005). This very definition shows that the Japanese view cell phones differently than many other parts of the world, and because of this, they….

Wars that have seen far more than the 3,500 deaths that the U.S. saw, and a self-fulfilling prophecy; creating more anger and resentment against the U.S., more potential terrorists, and the complete opposite of what the neo-cons wanted; global downturn and U.S. decline instead consolidating their power and position in the world.

Over 6,000 U.S. soldiers killed in wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, with possibly 100 times that number of civilians in those countries (in Iraq, at an early point, there was an estimated range of 400,000 to 900,000 civilian deaths, which of course Bush had to reject, claiming it used flawed techniques, even though it used estimation techniques his own government agencies taught others to use).

By framing this as a war on terror, an excuse is now afforded to all governments to put in place tough security measured on any potentially flimsy basis. Subsequently, the predicted war on civil liberties….

Value of Moral Ethics in the Life of Ex-President Clinton
In today's world, working in organizations means working in an environment with people from multicultural backgrounds. If one were asked what type of organization they would like to work in, the chances are the reply will be "ethical organizations." So what exactly is an ethical organization and how positively does the 'code of ethics' apply in a professional working environment? Are they really functioning to benefit the workplace such as the government, which was constantly plagued by lawsuits of sexual harassment, especially during the terms of the Clinton administration or are they just operational in the documents where they rest for the staff to read on new employment?

In today's political world, leaders are looked up to for creating a healthy social environment that is a pre-requisite for a healthy governing environment. More over, a growing population of the working class Americans….

1. The Decline and Fall of Rome: A Historical Analysis

2. Unraveling the Mystery of Rome's Downfall

3. Factors Leading to the Collapse of the Roman Empire

4. Rome's Demise: A Comprehensive Examination

5. The Fall of Rome: Causes and Consequences

6. Exploring the Reasons Behind Rome's Decline and Fall

7. From Glory to Ruin: Understanding the Collapse of Rome

8. The Decline of Rome: A Tale of Political, Social, and Economic Factors

9. Rome's End: Tracing the Path to Destruction

10. Lessons from the Fall of Rome: Implications for Modern....

1. Unveiling the Essence of Integrity: A Comprehensive Examination

2. The Pillars of Integrity: A Philosophical and Ethical Exploration

3. Integrity in Action: Exploring the Role of Character in Human Conduct

4. The Imperative of Integrity: Its Significance in Personal, Professional, and Societal Life

5. The Paradox of Integrity: Balancing Personal Values and External Expectations

6. The Erosion of Integrity: A Cultural Analysis of Moral Decline

7. The Restoration of Integrity: Strategies for Rebuilding Trust and Ethical Behavior

8. Integrity as a Moral Compass: A Guide for Ethical Decision-Making

9. Integrity in the Modern Era: Challenges and Opportunities in a Changing World

10. The Power of Integrity: Its Impact....

I. Introduction
A. Attention-Grabbing Opening Sentence
B. Background Information on "A Good Man is Hard to Find"
C. Thesis Statement

II. Overview and Analysis of Characters
A. The Grandmother
1. Personality Traits and Motivations
2. Significance to the Storyline
B. The Misfit
1. Personality Traits and Motivations
2. Significance to the Storyline
C. Supporting Characters
1. Bailey (Grandmother's son)
2. The Children (John Wesley and June Star)
3. The Mother
4. Red Sammy Butts

III. Plot Summary
A. Exposition
1. Introduction of Characters
2. Grandmother's Manipulations
B. Rising Action
1. Road Trip Details
2. Encounter with the Misfit
C. Climax
1. The....

The Roaring Twenties: A Catalyst for Social Transformation

The Roaring Twenties, a vibrant and transformative decade that unfolded after the cataclysmic horrors of World War I, witnessed an unprecedented surge in cultural movements that profoundly impacted society's entrenched views on traditional norms and values. These movements challenged established conventions, promoted individualism, and fostered a spirit of liberation that reverberated throughout the social fabric.

The Rise of Modernism

Modernism, a multifaceted movement encompassing art, literature, and design, emerged as a radical departure from the ornate and sentimental past. Modernist artists favored abstract forms, geometric shapes, and fragmented perspectives, seeking to break free from traditional....

5 Pages
Term Paper


Moral Decline in Hamlet and

Words: 2154
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

One of the best examples in the play is that of the name of Ernest, with which both Gwendolyn and Cecily seem to fall in love in the…

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3 Pages

Ethics / Morality

Is America in moral decline

Words: 959
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Both Hymnowitz (2004) and Bork (1994) address this question, each taking a different stance on the subject. In “Our Changing Culture,” Hymnowitz (2004) adopts an optimistic view, claiming that…

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3 Pages


Moral Hazard the Term Moral Hazard Arises

Words: 1120
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Moral Hazard The term moral hazard arises out of a contractual agreement. hen the terms of the contract serve as motivation for one of the parties to behave in a…

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2 Pages


Moral Criticisms of the Market Moral Criticisms

Words: 891
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Moral Criticisms of the Market Moral Criticisms Market This assignment requires read article Ken S. Ewert (found eading & Study folder). Note article, Ewert defending free market "Christian Socialists." He…

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6 Pages

Family and Marriage

Decline of the Institution of

Words: 1838
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Thesis

). Domestic Violence at the Root This presents as the most important issue for family dissolution or divorce among low-income families (Haskins et al. 2005). Research conducted by Kathrun Edin and…

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22 Pages
Term Paper


Moral Legal Political and Practical

Words: 9721
Length: 22 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The line of legitimacy, separating socially approvable use of force from violence, cannot be effectively drawn without an agreement on what constitutes the optimum amount of force necessary…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Ethics

Morality When Morality and Ethical

Words: 1162
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This moral sense is often bigger and more powerful than us. Some people could call it psychological effect, others might term it differently but the fact remains that…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Decline in the American Family

Words: 1140
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Another important area of change relates to sexual norms and values in the family. Studies show that there has a definite growth in more permissive attitudes towards sex and…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Decline of Traditional Family the

Words: 1812
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Rather than hysterically creating units to force fathers to do their duty, the underlying reasons for their lack of dutiful response should be investigated. Once the root causes…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Moral Criticism of the Market

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Moral Criticism of the Market I disagree with the author's major premise and conclusion. He contradicts himself by suggesting that the basis of his support for a free market is…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


Analyzing What Were the Major Causes of the Decline of Buddhism in India

Words: 1605
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Bernadette alsh orld History 111 'Title' Buddhism -- the religion founded by Gautama Buddha -- has witnessed a steady decline in India, despite the country being one of those in which Buddhism…

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24 Pages
Research Proposal


Decline of the American Dream

Words: 6858
Length: 24 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

As we have already mentioned, the mood and tone for moral corruption in New York City was prime in the 1920s and while it may seem there are…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Moral and Ethical Issues Brought About Japanese Cellphone

Words: 1425
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

cell phone technology in Japan. Specifically it will discuss the moral and ethical issues brought about by Japanese cell phones. In Japan, cell phones are as ubiquitous as…

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2 Pages


Distorted Morality Ethical Morality Has

Words: 693
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Wars that have seen far more than the 3,500 deaths that the U.S. saw, and a self-fulfilling prophecy; creating more anger and resentment against the U.S., more potential terrorists,…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Ethics

Value of Moral Ethics in the Life

Words: 2044
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Value of Moral Ethics in the Life of Ex-President Clinton In today's world, working in organizations means working in an environment with people from multicultural backgrounds. If one were asked…

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