Mosque Essays (Examples)

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Mosque of Cordoba -- Located
Pages: 2 Words: 664

According to the ArchNet Digital Library the Great Mosque of Cordoba is also called "La Mezquita," "Mezquita-Catedral," "Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba." It has a "hypostyle plan" which consists of a "rectangular prayer hall and an enclosed courtyard." These architectural designs were traditional based on styles established in the Umayyad and Abbasid mosques of Syria and Iraq, the ArchNet Digital Library explains. The system of columns that support double arcades of piers and arches "with alternating red and white voussoirs" is a very original and innovative style of architecture. Structurally, the fascinating visual effect with the actual space created gives greater height within the hall. The ArchNet Digital Library claims that the Great Mosque of Cordoba is similar to the Great Mosque of Damascus and the Dome of the Rock in that the red and white (alternating) voussoirs match up well.

The most "lavish interior ornament" in the Great Mosque of Cordoba is…...


Works Cited (2008). Cordoba City -- Mosque. Retrieved May 25, 2009, from .

ArchNet Digital Library. (2008). Great Mosque of Cordoba. Retrieved May 25, 2009,

From .

Google. (2009). Timeline: 600 AD -- 2009. History of the Grand Mosque of Cordoba.

Mosque and Basilica
Pages: 1 Words: 347

interior of a mosque and a basilica. There are three references used for this paper.
Most religious structures have a unique interior. It is interesting to compare and contrast a mosque and a basilica.


A mosque's interior is "much more inextricably decorated than the exterior. Structures, surface patterns and light are commonly used within mosques to create a sense of space, weightlessness and clarity. Interlacing designs accompanied with variations in color and texture create the illusion of many planes (" There is a mihrab, which is a "niche in the wall of the mosque or a room in the mosque that indicates the direction of Mecca ("

To enter a Christian basilica, one must pass through a "covered porch or antechamber called the narthex. After passing through the narthex, the worshipper enters the nave, a great hall flanked on each side by one or two aisles. Large windows pierce the wall above…...


Works Cited

(Basilica. (accessed 05 April, 2004).


(mihrab. (accessed 05 April, 2004).


Historical Mosques
Pages: 4 Words: 1137

A mosque of this size and importance would have been most important given the strategic and political role of Aleppo as a starting point in the mentioned campaigns.
Until the 10th century, not much can be said about the history of the mosque, which, similar to the city, was negatively affected by different factors over long periods of time. This included the fact that Aleppo had become a provincial city of lesser importance during the Abbasid caliphs and that several periods of tumult and unrest affected both the city and the Great Mosque.

Under the Abbasid caliphs, for example, the city was at the border between Mesopotamia and Egypt and was ruled, for a large period of time, from Egypt, during the second half of the 9th century (nnnn, 1st part). Furthermore, the Abbasids are reported to have vandalized the mosque, which stood as a monument of their predecessors and rivals,…...



1. Bacharach, Jere L. 1996. Marwanid Umayyad Building Activities: Speculations on Patronage. The Encyclopedia of Islam

2. Mitchell, George ed. 1978. Architecture of the Islamic World. Thames and Hudson.

Media Framing in Relation to
Pages: 8 Words: 3388

The argument being advanced is that since, the Muslim extremists were responsible for the 9/11 disaster, the construction of the Muslim religious center would inculcate the jihad teachings and dishonor to the memory of the 9/11 victims. The question one would ask is this, what about the strip clubs, bars and other activities that are zero blocks away from the hallowed ground, do they honor the victims of the attacks. Consequently, it can be argued that Politicians and anti-Muslim groups found an easier way to agitate the crowds by exploitation of their Islamophobic instincts with the aid of the media framing of the issue. In same the interview, what comes out clearly is that Pamela fights against what she perceives as Islamization of America as opposed to Americanization of Islam. he later describes the center, which she refers to as ground zero mosque as a war memorial against the…...


Stone, D.A. (2002). Policy paradox: The art of political decision making. New York: Norton.

Payser, a (May 13, 2010).Mosque madness at Ground Zero.

Public Space The Living Room
Pages: 6 Words: 1966

The presence of water is also central to the architecture of mosques, albeit for religious more than aesthetic purposes.
Conclusion: Two Squares, Two Cultures

The Place de la Concorde shares more in common with the Maidan-i-Shah than is immediately apparent. The two squares are about the same size: around 8 hectares. Both have been used for multiple purposes and whisper the changes that have taken place within their respective cities. Political and social life has centered on each of these public spaces.

More than a century separates the two squares, as the Maidan-i-Shah in the early seventeenth century and the Place de Louis XV in the mid-eighteenth century. The architecture and intended use of the two squares proves to be radically different. Unlike the Maidan-i-Shah, the Place de la Concorde serves no religious function. The lack of places of worship as part of the city square speaks directly to the different roles…...



Boyer, M.C. (1996). The City of Collective Memory: Its Historical Imagery and Architectural Entertainments. MIT.

Carmona, M. (2003). Public Spaces, Urban Spaces: The Dimensions of Urban Design. Oxford: Architectural Press.

The Center for Design Excellence (n.d.). Public space. Urban Design. Retrieved online:

Craven, J. (n.d.). Public spaces: cities, towns, and landscapes. Guide to Architecture. Retrieved online:

Indian Art
Pages: 3 Words: 867

Indian Art
In what ways are the form and function of the Buddhist stupa and Hindu temple similar to or different from the Islamic mosque?

The Buddhist Stupa, the Hindu Temple, and the Islamic Mosque all have social, cultural, and religious functions. Their physical forms are more similar than they are different, in that each boasts tapered and often rounded edifices. However, Hindu temples are more likely to have angular features and involve the use of straight lines and parallel planes; both stupas and mosques prefer curvilinear elements and bulbous forms. Hindu temples and Muslim mosques will also have larger interior spaces devote to personal prayer.

In what ways may the Quwwat al-Islam Mosque in Delhi be considered an Islamic (ate) building and an Indic one in terms of its construction and its design?

The Quwwat al-Islam Mosque in Delhi is clearly Islamic because of the minaret, as well as the domes and arches…...

Counter Terrorism Issues The Writer
Pages: 12 Words: 3245

Even if the torture of these people would save lives it is a slippery slope that we do not want to begin. Once we allow the torture of suspects or terrorists it could begin a landslide witch-hunt in which people who are not terrorists and have not committed any crimes could be tortured based on suspect or circumstantial evidence.

While there is justified outrage at what happened in this country we, as Americans, must maintain our ethical standards at all times. It is only by maintaining these standards that we can hope to set and example worldwide about the strength and dignity of our nation and all that it stands for.

The history of "just war" philosophy stems from religious and secular issues. One of the longest standing Just War traditions centers on religious differences including the differences between Muslim and Christian faiths. In addition the "Just War" theories support the idea…...



Anti-American Backlash The Washington Post; 10/16/2001 The Washington Post

10-16-2001 Anti-American Backlash

IRAQ WAR MIGHT NOT BE A 'JUST WAR' United Press International; 10/1/2002

United Press International 10-01-2002

Participant Observation the Ritual Activity
Pages: 3 Words: 1091

Being a Muslim is an overriding cultural feature that cuts across a large number of races and nationalities, but many have the same common traits of gender segregation, emphasis on cleanliness and the same schedule of life.
My Interpretation

During the ritual I observed at the mosque, I was able to notice how the ritual impacts society. The first distinction is that there was a clear line created between those who are members of the in-group and those who are not. While I was welcome to be there, I was clearly in the latter group. I was welcome to observe, but not to participate in, the rituals. The performance of the rituals allows on to become a member of the society.

It was interesting to see that elements of modern life have crept into the rituals, however. One example is that I observed younger members of the mosque texting outside of the…...

Community Center That Is Planned to Include
Pages: 2 Words: 619

community center that is planned to include a mosque, and which is located two blocks from ground zero -- is an excellent opportunity for anyone looking to champion civil rights in the face of adversity, which in this particular instance, has largely come in the form of anti-Islamic supporters.
The best way to actively promote the value of civil rights which the building of this edifice represents would be to start from a legal perspective. In pure legal terms, there has been absolutely no opposition to the building of this community center or of the mosque which it will house. hen the project was initially proposed in public -- to Community Board 1, an advisory board that represents the lower Manhattan neighborhood -- the board approved the plan at a rate of 29 to 1 with 10 abstentions.

The next legal matter to be used to defend the civil rights of…...


Works Cited

No author. "Muslim Community Center In Lower Manhattan." The New York Times. 3 August. 2011. Web. 29 Oct. 2011. 

Creed, Ryan. "President Obama Supports Building Of Mosque Near Ground Zero." ABC News. 14 Aug. 2011. Web. 29 Oct. 2011.

Religion Mecca and Main Street
Pages: 1 Words: 348

As the author writes of women who are fighting to gain more acceptance and input in Islam and their mosques, it is clear she believes that women are not recognized enough in Islam, and that needs to change. She ends the chapter with a scene of a respected Muslim leader handing out awards to Muslim women, and it indicates her strong beliefs on the subject. Many men recognize Muslim women as a source of strength and family that cannot be ignored, while others simply ignore their existence and purpose. The Muslim religion was not based on inequality, it has grown and become popular through hundreds of years of history. The author feels this needs to change, and that women should be an integral part of the Muslim religion, both inside and outside the mosque.


Abdo, Geneive. Mecca and Main Street: Muslim Life in America After 9/11. New York: Oxford…...



Abdo, Geneive. Mecca and Main Street: Muslim Life in America After 9/11. New York: Oxford University Press, 2006.

Religion and Symbology
Pages: 5 Words: 1794

Space and Things: Incarnating the Sacred
When faced with the term "religion," it is more common than not that a person would associate the word with some kind of symbol. Christianity, for example, is associated with the cross, Judaism with the Star of David, and so on. Festivals also play an important part in making religion real to its adherents. Many Christians, for example, celebrate Easter as the victory of Christ over death. There are also many, many Catholic festivals that celebrate various events in the Christian tradition. Buddhism also includes many different festivals, including the Plowing Festival and the Festival of the Tooth. These, as well as traditional ceremonies and festivals, are often extremely colorful. Symbols are also often made into material objects such as jewelry that the adherent can wear to demonstrate his or her affiliation to a certain religion. And example of this includes medallions, such as those…...



A Virtual Village (n.d.) Retrieved from: 

Buddhist Ceremonies (n.d.) Festivals and Special Days. Retrieved from: 

Copeland, M.A. (2011). The Epistle to the Hebrews: Marks of Spiritual Immaturity. Retrieved from: 

Kummar, D. (2008). Never a Moment When we are not in Touch with Spirit. Retrieved from:

Counter Terrorism You Are a
Pages: 6 Words: 1939

Therefore, regardless of their system of manifestation, they are considered by the law suspicious of any possible acts of violence.
The government is the highest authority to impose rules and regulations. Despite the fact that there are local governments as well, at the level of the federal one, action needs to be taken. For instance in schools, the government may offer free access to the internet. Possible programs that would ensure the communication may be available for getting to know one's country and develop a sense of acceptance of different vaues.

5. Give your overall assessment of the U.S.A. PATIOT ACT. Do you think it has contributed to the lack of terror attacks in the United States since 9/11? If you were in Congress, would you vote to renew the act as is? Would you change anything? Why or why not?

The U.S. Patriot Act is the result of the 9/11 attaches…...



Gregory, a. (2005). Nationalism and Anti-Americanism. 24 Jan. 2008 

Principles of the Just War. (2006). 24 Jan. 2008. 

The Detroit Arab-American Community. (2008). Arab Detroit. 24 Jan. 2008

Islamic Cultural Center the Building of an
Pages: 2 Words: 782

Islamic Cultural Center
The building of an Islamic Cultural centre (ICC) has been a subject of controversy since it was conceived. The Islamic centre is intended to host several Islamic infrastructures like the rooms for Islamic teachings and Madras as well as a worship centre for the Muslims and a section that would be dedicated to the Islamic culture display.

The controversy that ahs surrounded the commencement of the building of the centre has been not so much on the legality of such an entity in the U.S.A. But on the proximity to the ground zero, that is known fro the 9/11 bombings by Islamic extremists. It is considered by many of those who oppose the idea as being too close to the 9/11 site that it would prohibit or injure their ability to commemorate, as one Mr. Brown, a complainant in the supreme court once noted (ABC News, 2011).

This controversy has…...



ABC News, (2011). Ground Zero Mosque' Clears Legal Hurdle to Build. Retrieved November 14, 2011 from 

Allvoices Inc., (2011). Islamic Mosque And Cultural Center Blocks From Ground Zero. Retrieved November 14, 2011 from 

SBA, (2011). Basic Zoning Laws. Retrieved November 14, 2011 from

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon the Film Documentaries
Pages: 7 Words: 2317

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
The film, documentaries and the last docudrama are exceptional production pieces by notable directors and producers. Crouching tiger-hidden dragon defies the usual mantra of strength only attributed to men. Jen effectively acts as person having higher morals. The martial arts performance was exceptional, an unusual feature in Hollywood. Islam, the empire of faith is another documentary made on the rise of Islamic empire and the life of Prophet Mohammad having a great impact on establishment of religion. 'Gandhi' also remains an unquestioned production classic that eloquently portrays Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, the unquestioned leader of India. The film sheds light on Hinduism as a religion and its faith and dogmas. Lastly, Kundan is a docudrama based on life of Dalai Lama. 'Kundan' might not have justified the stature of Buddhism in history of mankind but the piece of production remains an earnest effort on part of Martin Scorcese…...



Bowker, J. & Bowker, D. (1997). World religions. Dorling Kindersley.

Chan, K. (2004). The Global Return of the Wu Xia Pian (Chinese Sword-Fighting Movie): Ang Lee's Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Cinema Journal, 43(4), 3-17.

Conze, E. (2004). Buddhism: Its essence and development. Windhorse Publications.

Driver, M.W. & Ray, S. (2004). The medieval hero on screen: representations from Beowulf to Buffy (Vol. 56). McFarland & Company Incorporated Pub.

Communication Diversity This Is the
Pages: 4 Words: 1935

17. Johann calls you and says that Billy smells and he needs a shower. If you don't move Billy to another ward, Johann will sign himself out. Explain in details what you would do to resolve this cross cultural situation.

I would tell Johann that we are doing all we can to ensure Billy's hygiene and that if his body odor continued to bother Johann that we can move him to another room or ward in the hospital.

18. There seems to be a language and cultural barrier that's blocking effective communication occurring between these two gentlemen. Considering they are both your clients, what strategies would you put in place to improve this situation?

The best way to remedy the situation would be to introduce the two patients to each other. A handshake, some eye contact, and small personal interactions can go a long way toward eliminating prejudices and stereotypes and enhancing interpersonal…...



Australian Indigenous (2008). Retrieved Feb 29, 2008 at 

Department of Education and Training (2005). "Racism No Way." Retrieved Feb 29, 2008 at 

Indigenous Peoples of Australia: Health." Retrieved Feb 29, 2008 at

How does Islam promote equality among its followers?
Words: 688

## Islam's Promotion of Equality

Islam, as a comprehensive religion, places great emphasis on fostering equality and inclusivity among its followers, regardless of their race, gender, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status. This principle of equality is deeply rooted in the teachings of the Quran, the sacred text of Islam, and the actions and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

### Quranic Teachings on Equality

The Quran repeatedly emphasizes that all human beings are created equal in the eyes of God. In Surah Al-Hujurat, verse 13, it states: "O mankind! We have created you from a single (pair) of a male and....

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