Mr Smith Goes To Washington Essays (Examples)

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The mine owners did what they did for profit and personal gain, while the coal miners who worked until they died, only wanted a measure of respect and value. Their fight was justified, and they used legal means to attempt to get what they wanted, while the brutal owners used brutality, violence, and finally murder to keep the protesters in check.
The difference in these two films is the ways the characters choose to overthrow the system. The coal miners go on strike and attempt to form a union, while Smith attempts to follow the rules honestly and with his own patriotism and enthusiasm. In addition, Smith uses the own rules of the Senate against them, filibustering for over 23 hours to get his point across and try to convince others he should not be expelled for corruption. In the end, he wins, because he has made Senator Paine's conscious….

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
The 1939 movie Mr. Smith Goes to Washington portrays a fairly accurate picture of how Congress operates, although the film is rather idealistic at times. The film is an accurate representation in that there is undoubtedly behind-the-scenes scheming and planning that goes on akin to what was portrayed when an unnamed state's political boss in the movie, Jim Taylor, conspires with the state's senior senator, Joseph Paine, to ensure that a dam is built on property that Jefferson Smith wants to build a boy's camp on. The plan involves corruption and graft and a lot of deal-making among various parties. An attempt is made at first to persuade Smith to keep quiet about the events and then there are attempts to discredit him, but in the end, Smith and his ideals prevail. At the risk of sounding cynical, there is no doubt that these sorts of….

Paine is broken and reveals the entire scheme.
Similarly, Dumbo suggests that a belief in one's self can accomplish anything, even in the face of the most seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Dumbo is the story of an elephant with enormous ears. Dumbo is a freak and the mockery of the circus. His mother is taken away after she tries to protect him. The circus is a cruel and judgmental environment that put animals on display for the public's entertainment. However, Dumbo proves that with gumption, unrecognized talents can be honored. This is was typical of the Disney style -- much like during the Great Depression, the third little pig was celebrated as someone who "exhibits old-fashioned virtues, hard work, self-reliance, self-denial" (Sklar 204). The social prejudice that hurts Dumbo does not have to be cured; he merely needs to try harder to use his disability in service of society.

These films are….

Film History

exception, most of Director Frank Capra's greatest movies take place during the depression, 1929-1941, or shortly after. His films are unique in that they are some of the first to display a faith in American opportunity and values in the context of institutional reform. Author Annalle ewitz aptly articulates Capra's contribution to films with the following quote:
The kind of 'socially conscious' movie we associate with Frank Capra's name does not tend to get made in or outside Hollywood at this point in history. Movies that critics and audiences of the 1990s dub 'socially conscious' do not offer portraits of American communities in the process of coming together; more often than not, American communities in contemporary popular movies are falling apart or are bound together by morally repugnant ideals and practices."

This discussion explores five Capra files in chronological order, IT HAPPEED OE IGHT (1934), MR. DEEDS GOES TO TOW (1936),….

American History -- journal
In the September 2000 issue of the highly-prestigious history journal American Heritage, the main topic of discussion has to do with "ales From the Cold War," a period in American history following World War II when the U.S. And the Soviet Union were engaged in detente and threats related to the use of nuclear weapons.

he first article, "he Day We Shot Down the U-2" by Sergei Khrushchev, the son of Premier Nikita Khrushchev, makes it clear that the U-2 incident of May 1, 1960 involving U.S. pilot Gary Powers was far more complicated than has previously been realized. Khrushchev states that "In the 1950's, years of deep freeze in the Cold War caused politician and ordinary people on both sides to be gripped by the same fear," being "whether Moscow or Washington would seize the opportunity to deal the first, and possibly the last, nuclear strike" (37-38).….

Tourist Behavior Toward Nature-Based Tourism Activities
For most of the developing countries tourism industry is playing a very important role in boosting their economies. In 2004, it was found out that Asia Pacific was one of the fastest growing tourism regions (Cruey, 2005). According to WTO, up to 3% of world's tourism market is made up of Thailand, Indonesia, India and Sri Lanka. It was in 1970's that the development of Thai international tourism started (Mcdowall and Wang, 2007). Tourism industry accounts for 5.1% of Thailand's National Gross Domestic Product (Tourism Authority of Thailand, 2009). For the purpose of providing a proper development direction, the National Economics and Social Development Plan (NESDP) served as a guide (Mcdowall and Wang, 2007). The result of the survey which was conducted by the Universities of USA and Thailand, showed that Thailand stood on the first place as best hospital city for all the….

Spade walking down to examine a murder makes use of shadows as well as high black-white contrast in order to convey drama and suspense. This is commonly referred to as the film noir lighting technique because it conveys a sense of mystery and danger. The lighting highlights the most extreme contours of the character's faces, but none of the moderating details such as texture or color. This makes the facial expressions look much more dramatic than they would under normal lighting.
The costumes are also very typical of the film noir genre. Spade is wearing a black wool overcoat and a fedora and his counterpart from the police station is wearing the same outfit. This is a style of dress associated with detectives, who sometimes had to conceal their identity and not stand out. The overcoat conceals much of the person's figure and could conceal weapons or other objects.

The camera….

Male ithout Female
In the classic films of the 1940s and 1950s, filmmakers tended to use very strict representations of gender in their characters. omen could be either virgins or tramps and men could be either heroes or villains. There was very little transgression of the stereotypical boundaries of character. Society as a whole during this period was heavily masculine. Men made up the executives and the politicians and of course the majority of the powerful filmmakers. Consequentially, the perspective of most films and literature of the era was decidedly masculine. Female characters were heavily marginalized and forced into one of the two categories listed above. In two works from the period, The Big Sleep and The Maltese Falcon, the women characters are portrayed as useless or as venomous and evil. Some scholars have speculated that the reason behind such portrayals is the basic male fantasy which is a world without….

Media and Film

Shattered Glass
Stephen Glass, the protagonist of the film, played by Hayden Christensen, works for The New Republic as a reporter. His use of colorful stories to draw attention from readers earns him a solid reputation amongst his peers and his employers. Michael Kelly, an editor that backs Glass' eventually discovered false stories, gets fired for standing up for himself. Glass then writes a hacker story that he himself did not check and is therefore caught in the first real instance of the movie of corruption. A reporter, wishing to earn or maintain a good reputation, fabricates a story.

How it was discovered, was when Charles Lane becomes weary of the so called, "credible sources," of Glass' piece. When he discovers that Glass never went to the restaurant he said he did and never went to a hacking convention, and only relied on online, false sources, Glass gets suspended. Many times….

Challenger Launch Decision

Challenger Launch Decision

On January 28, 1986, the Challenger, one of the reusable space shuttle by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration or NASA, was launched off at the John F. Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida but exploded 72 seconds after liftoff. The launch was approved and ordered by the management of the Morton Thiokol, Inc., an aerospace company, that manufactures solid propellant rocket motors for big clients, including the NASA, and per NASA's urging despite the objection of Morton Thiokol's engineers that the 30-degree F. temperature was inclement to the shuttle's boosters. The launch was a publicized event as NASA's 25th mission and had a selected teacher, Christa McAulifee and six astronauts on board. All these passengers perished (Jennings 1996).

The launch was repeatedly postponed because the engineers of Thiokol notes the failure of an O. ring assembly in the rockets they used….

Nixon's Speech This Is a

C. with interest 4 1/2 per cent.
To further arouse compassion, he includes the personal detail about his parents:

"I owe $3,500 to my parents and the interest on that loan which I pay regularly, because it's the part of the savings they made through the years they were working so hard, I pay regularly 4 per cent interest."

. He calls himself "a man of modest means" adding that Abraham Lincoln said: "God must have loved the common people -- "he made so many of them." Nixon, inother words, refers to himself as a 'common'man.

In Paragraph 4, he abuses his opponent commiting the as hominem fallacy i.e. attemtpting to negate the truth of a claim by pointing out negative characteristics or beliefs of the person supporting it.

And now I'm going to suggest some courses of conduct. First of all, you have read in the papers about other funds now. Mr. Stevenson, apparently,….

A fourth foundational element is the strength of the Starbucks brand itself and is ubiquity globally. As a result of rapid and well-defined strategies for opening up retail stores, Starbucks is now considered one of the most preeminent and strongest brands globally.

Starbucks has generated the strength of their brand through combining high-quality coffee and tea beverages with the third-place concept to generate customer loyalty and world-of-mouth among customers and their friends. It is common to hear students mention they will have a team meeting at the local Starbucks, for studying or completing projects.

In summary the Starbucks model is strengthened by the company's coffee expertise, impressive new product development record, and the development of Starbucks locations as "third places" where friends can meet and enjoy coffee and pastries. Underscoring all these points is the strength of the Starbucks brand.

What were the key issues and the decision by Starbucks to go international?


Not simply risky in that he is trying to create an integrated Middle Eastern policy when the issues involved are so complicated and so volatile (and the grievances so intractable). But also because by applying specifically religious language to the situation he runs the risk of exacerbating the tensions in the region that run so deeply along religious lines. (On the other hand, by emphasizing the important of connections among all Muslims, Obama may have some success in reducing the conflicts along national, ethnic, cultural, and linguistic lines.)
The importance of studying U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East is that all carefully considered information and theories about this subject, by adding to the marketplace of ideas, help even if only incidentally to move the world towards a more rational (and equitable) set of policies in the region (Dworkin, 1996, pp. 46; Hanania, 2009).

The thesis that I will be testing….

Black Films as a Reflection

The Aftermath

Uncle Tom characters were common in both white and black productions of the time, yet no director before Micheaux had so much as dared to shine a light on the psychology that ravages such characters. By essentially bowing to the two white men, Micheaux implied that Old Ned was less than a man; an individual whittled down to nothing more than yes-man and wholly deprived of self-worth. At this point in the history of black films, with some of the most flagrant sufferings of blacks exposed to the American public, the only logical path forward that African-Americans could take was to begin making cogent demands to improve their collective social situation.

Slowly, black characters in film took on greater and more significant roles in film. Sidney Poitier was one of the most powerful film stars of the mid twentieth century. In roles like the 1950 film by director Joseph L.….

Pedagogic Model for Teaching of Technology to Special Education Students
Almost thirty years ago, the American federal government passed an act mandating the availability of a free and appropriate public education for all handicapped children. In 1990, this act was updated and reformed as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, which itself was reformed in 1997. At each step, the goal was to make education more equitable and more accessible to those with special educational needs. During the last presidential term, the "No Child Left Behind" Act attempted to assure that individuals with disabilities were increasingly mainstreamed and assured of high educational results. All of these legislative mandates were aimed at insuring that children with disabilities were not defrauded of the public education which has become the birthright of all American children. The latest reforms to IDEA, for example, provided sweeping reforms which not only expanded the classification of special needs….

3 Pages
Term Paper


Mr Smith Goes to Washington

Words: 1073
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The mine owners did what they did for profit and personal gain, while the coal miners who worked until they died, only wanted a measure of respect and…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Movie Mr Smith Goes to Washington 1939

Words: 483
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington The 1939 movie Mr. Smith Goes to Washington portrays a fairly accurate picture of how Congress operates, although the film is rather idealistic at times.…

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2 Pages


Myth of the American Dream

Words: 658
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Paine is broken and reveals the entire scheme. Similarly, Dumbo suggests that a belief in one's self can accomplish anything, even in the face of the most seemingly insurmountable…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Film History

Words: 967
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

exception, most of Director Frank Capra's greatest movies take place during the depression, 1929-1941, or shortly after. His films are unique in that they are some of the…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

American History -- Journal in the September

Words: 649
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

American History -- journal In the September 2000 issue of the highly-prestigious history journal American Heritage, the main topic of discussion has to do with "ales From the Cold War,"…

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23 Pages
Multiple Chapters


Study of Tourist Behavior Toward Nature-Based Tourism Activities

Words: 8137
Length: 23 Pages
Type: Multiple Chapters

Tourist Behavior Toward Nature-Based Tourism Activities For most of the developing countries tourism industry is playing a very important role in boosting their economies. In 2004, it was found…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Native Americans

Spade Walking Down to Examine a Murder

Words: 1622
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Spade walking down to examine a murder makes use of shadows as well as high black-white contrast in order to convey drama and suspense. This is commonly referred…

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6 Pages


Male Without Female in the Classic Films

Words: 2048
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Male ithout Female In the classic films of the 1940s and 1950s, filmmakers tended to use very strict representations of gender in their characters. omen could be either virgins or…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Media and Film

Words: 1948
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Shattered Glass Stephen Glass, the protagonist of the film, played by Hayden Christensen, works for The New Republic as a reporter. His use of colorful stories to draw attention…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Challenger Launch Decision

Words: 2891
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Challenger Launch Decision JOE KILMINSTE'S ACCOUNTABILITY IN THE CHALLENGE DISASTE On January 28, 1986, the Challenger, one of the reusable space shuttle by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration or NASA,…

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2 Pages

Black Studies - Philosophy

Nixon's Speech This Is a

Words: 929
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

C. with interest 4 1/2 per cent. To further arouse compassion, he includes the personal detail about his parents: "I owe $3,500 to my parents and the interest on that loan…

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14 Pages
Term Paper


Starbuck's Case Study Briefly Describe

Words: 3967
Length: 14 Pages
Type: Term Paper

A fourth foundational element is the strength of the Starbucks brand itself and is ubiquity globally. As a result of rapid and well-defined strategies for opening up retail stores,…

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10 Pages
Research Proposal

History - Israel

Israelis and Palestinians Do Not

Words: 3326
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Not simply risky in that he is trying to create an integrated Middle Eastern policy when the issues involved are so complicated and so volatile (and the grievances…

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10 Pages

Black Studies

Black Films as a Reflection

Words: 4019
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

" The Aftermath Uncle Tom characters were common in both white and black productions of the time, yet no director before Micheaux had so much as dared to shine a light…

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230 Pages

Teaching - Technology

Application of a Pedagogic Model to the Teaching of Technology to Special Education Students

Words: 60754
Length: 230 Pages
Type: Dissertation

Pedagogic Model for Teaching of Technology to Special Education Students Almost thirty years ago, the American federal government passed an act mandating the availability of a free and appropriate public…

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