Murder Mystery Essays (Examples)

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The Girl Scouts Murder Mystery
Pages: 2 Words: 656

murders, the evidence that the court presented did not provide confirmation of Hart's involvement. The first bit of evidence, that at the time was believed to be true, was Hart's vasectomy. If he had a successful vasectomy, no semen could be ejaculated from the sexual act, yet there was semen found in the bodies of the young girls. The second is, the footprints and the shoe prints did not match Hart's. ith all of this evidence pointing away from Hart, it clearly shows prosecutors did not have a solid case against Hart, which is why he was later acquitted due to lack of physical evidence. hile the attacks on the pregnant women were similar and the photos that police found pointed to Gray, all of that was not enough to convict him.

The police did not plant any evidence that made Hart look like the criminal. There was no conspiracy…...


Works Cited

AY Mag,. "Murder Mystery: The Oklahoma Girl Scout Murders." N.p., 2015. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.

Murders it Began in February
Pages: 6 Words: 1930

The year 1998 brought the highest number of murdered young girls yet and authorities arrested another man for those crimes.

Press reports from the summer of 1999 typically offered body counts between 180 and 190, sometimes coupled with a reminder that "at least 95 women" were still missing. Chihuahua authorities claimed that FBI agents had endorsed their conviction of Abdel Sharif, while El Paso G-men indignantly denied it (MUDES of the YOUNG WOMEN of JUAEZ, MEXICO ("

At that point they brought in a serial killer forensics expert who told the authorities she believed there were a minimum of three serial killers involved and that the area had simply become a safe place for serial killers to carry out their murder fantasies.

By 2001 authorities in the area were desperate and had a rumored 50 suspects in custody hoping to stop the carnage but it continued even as the suspects were being charged,…...




Another body found in violent Mexican border city that is site or rape-murders." Associated Press (November 20, 2001).

Brooks, Karen. "Juarez fears serial killer is still on the loose." Fort Worth Star-Telegram (November 21, 2001).

1892 Borden Murders Lizzie Borden
Pages: 7 Words: 2030

Both Andrew and Abby had been killed in a similar manner -- crushing blows to their skills from a hatchet (Tetimony of Bridget Sullivan in the Trial of Lizzie Borden).
Just prior to the murder there was a great deal of conflict at the Borden house. The two living Borden sisters, Lizzie and Emma, occupied the front of the house, while Andrew and Abby the rear. Meals were rarely served as a family; Andrew was very tight and rejected many modern conviencences and the two daughters, well past marriage age for this time period, argued with their Father about his decision to dive the valuable properties among extended relatives before his death instad of the estate going to them. Lizzie did not hate her step-mother, but did not really enjoy her company and the combination of Andrew's monetary views, the new social mores of the time, and Andrew's insistence that…...

How Paganism and Mystery Religions Influenced Christianity
Pages: 6 Words: 2172

paganism and mystery religions influenced Christianity.

Paganism and mystery religions

Pagan Mystery religions have been associated with paving the way for Christianity presentation across the ancient and present world. They played the role of preparing the people emotionally and mentally in understanding the kind of religion which was represented by Christianity. They existed in varying degrees, examples was the Galilean cult which was to replace them. There encouragement was for a shift from the philosophical and state religion systems towards the craving for personal salvation as well as promise of immortality. It is believed that Christianity have been manifested through the paganism and mystery religions, since they were involved in doing the groundwork which paved the way for Christian missionary work. Most of the perception, as passed from paganism into Christianity got a highly insightful and spiritual meaning by Christianity.

The early church developed from the Greco-oman world which formed one of…...



Angus, S., The Mystery Religions and Christianity, (Charles Scribner's Sons, New York: 1925),

Cumont, Franz, The Mysteries of Mithra, (The Open Court Publishing Co., Chicago: 1910).

Cumont, Franz, The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism, (The Open House Publishing Co., Chicago: 1911).

Spade Walking Down to Examine a Murder
Pages: 6 Words: 1622

Spade walking down to examine a murder makes use of shadows as well as high black-white contrast in order to convey drama and suspense. This is commonly referred to as the film noir lighting technique because it conveys a sense of mystery and danger. The lighting highlights the most extreme contours of the character's faces, but none of the moderating details such as texture or color. This makes the facial expressions look much more dramatic than they would under normal lighting.
The costumes are also very typical of the film noir genre. Spade is wearing a black wool overcoat and a fedora and his counterpart from the police station is wearing the same outfit. This is a style of dress associated with detectives, who sometimes had to conceal their identity and not stand out. The overcoat conceals much of the person's figure and could conceal weapons or other objects.

The camera…...

Real Inspector Hound Tom Stoppard's the Real
Pages: 4 Words: 1463

Real Inspector Hound
Tom Stoppard's The Real Inspector Hound, which was written between 1961 and 1962 and premiered on June 17th 1968, is an absurd play that comments on the role of the critic in relation to the play he or she critiques and comments on the interdependent relationship that is formed between critic and actor. The Real Inspector Hound's plot revolves around a couple of critics, Moon and Birdboot, who become embroiled in a murder mystery while watching a play about a murder mystery; in this sense, The Real Inspector Hound is a play-within-a-play. Through the play's plot and theme, Stoppard not only comments on the interdependent and mutually beneficial relationship critics have with the theatre, but also on how the theatre and critic must remain separate entities.

The Real Inspector Hound is an absurdist play that is highly self-aware, or self-reflexive, of its premise and structure. For the purposes of…...


Works Cited

Stoppard, Tom. The Real Inspector Hound. Scribd. Web. 14 December 2012, from

Ibsen's Side Note Is a Remarkably Astute
Pages: 2 Words: 654

Ibsen's side note is a emakably astute and honest appaisal of the ealities of patiachy. The statement was cetainly tue of Noa and he society. Even as she ties to negotiate some semblance of powe in the domestic ealm, the baies to women achieving genuine political, financial and social equality ae too entenched in the society.
The cental theme of patiachy is played out though the motif of the doll house itself, which is a metapho fo the domestication and subjugation of women. A woman is pevented fom acting outside of he ole in the domestic sphee. She cannot "be heself" in the way a man can, which is to say, pemitted to pusue any level of education she pleases o acquie any type of pofessional cedentials she would like. Women ae beholden to men and become financially dependent on them, as they ae lauchned into caees of domestic sevitude. They…...


references to the need to subvert patriarchy in whatever means possible. Patriarchy has a literal and symbolic stranglehold over society. It chokes the ability of women to be happy, as the story of Mrs. Wright shows. Her neighbors muse about the way Mrs. Wright used to be happy, "She used to wear pretty clothes and be lively, when she was Minnie Foster." This shows how marriage can kill the spirit of a woman. The play is an outcry against gender inequity and injustice, not a murder mystery.

Josephine Tey's Daughter of Time
Pages: 5 Words: 1475

The mystery cannot be solved like other cases where witnesses are interviewed and the crime scene is investigated, because Grant is bedridden with a broken leg and can only solve this mystery by reading history books and other documents. Grant uses other people while investigating unlike his other escapades where he goes about almost single-handedly.


The organization of the book is clear although it is from an omniscient point-of-view, writing from a third person making us see inside her characters and enabling us to understand them. Several of the characters are seen through Grant's eyes but he is not the only narrator of the story.

The author has a unique way of unfolding the historical facts through banter and dialogue at times being humorous and fascinating subject matter making the readers to be glued to her story. The story takes a twist from being just a detective story or historical fiction to…...


Works cited

Richards, Rebekah. Summary of Josephine Tey's the Daughter of Time. Feb 3, 2010.

October 22, 2010. 

BookRags. The Daughter of Time. 2005. October 22, 2010.

Film Lone Star Discussing Various Aspects of
Pages: 8 Words: 2063

film Lone Star discussing various aspects of the movie.
Lone Star" is John Sayles' best movie yet, a richly textured, multi-racial, multi-generational examination of a Texas town. The writer/director Sayles brilliantly combines drama, romance, mystery, and social observation into a one third love story with a twisted one-third-murder mystery. Exploring the lives of half a dozen people in a Texas border town (i.e. border) Sayles ties them all together in his script with discovery of a skeleton in the desert that brings the skeleton out if every closet in the sleepy little berg. Two off-duty sergeants from an Army post near the town of Frontera find skeleton remains and a rusty Sheriff's badge. The current sheriff of Frontera Sam Deeds, son of late legendary lawman uddy Deeds, begins an investigation. Sam quickly learns that the remains are those of the corrupt sheriff Charley Wade, his father reputed to have run…...



Lone Star" Director: John Sayles, Producer: R. Paul Miller, Maggie Renzi, Screenwriter: John Sayles, Year of Release: 1996

Films and Life of Alfred
Pages: 6 Words: 1793

He consistently uses the technique of lifting the curtain to introduce scenes and essential actions. This kept his films rooted in the early traditions of theater but in a covert manner. Many of these theatrical illusions were portrayed using modern interpretations, such as his use of the curtain effect with the image of an opening door into a new environment. These traditions were at the very root of his style, and he continued to use such dramatizations throughout his career as director.
5. Hitchcockian films represent a sharp and dynamic style which relied on suspense and anticipation. Many of Alfred Hitchcock's most infamous works never showed any real gore on screen. Instead, he placed his emphasis on the film score and visuals in order to build suspense for the act which was occurring slightly of camera. This was one of the major defining aspects of Hitchcock's suspense thrillers, such as…...


Works Cited

Rothman, William. (1984). Hitchcock: Murderous Gaze. Harvard University Press.

Wennerberg, E. (2003). "The Women of Hitchcock." University of California San

Diego. 16 June. 2008.

Morbid Taste for Bones --
Pages: 3 Words: 1068

Part of the delight of reading a Morbid Taste for Bones is that the relatively limited nature of science means that the author of the work must focus on human character, rather than laboratory means of detecting the criminal. There is no implicating DNA evidence to be found on a bow and arrow. But there is also a very 21st century emphasis on the value of reason in all of the books. hen Rhisart is killed, at first people assume it is because he objected so strenuously to the removal of the saint's remains. His death is seen as a judgment, rather than having a human cause. Cadfael is immediately suspicious. Likewise, when Brother Columbanus temporarily loses his reason, the prior and Brother Jerome search for divine causes, not earthly ones. A pilgrimage is seen as the solution, not medicine because that is the primary way that life was interpreted…...


Works Cited

Peters, Ellis. A Morbid Taste for Bones. New York: Mysterious Press Reprint Edition,

Blooding by Joseph Wambaugh
Pages: 5 Words: 1671

Blooding by Joseph ambaugh. Includes biographical information on the author, review of book, message in the story, proven point about the book, critique of authorship, overall impact of the book.
Five sources used. APA.

"The Blooding" by Joseph ambaugh

One cannot talk about American crime writing, whether fiction or nonfiction, without discussing the contributions of Joseph ambaugh. A Los Angeles police veteran, ambaugh has 15 books to his credit, four works of nonfiction and 11 novels, eight being made into feature and television films. His gritty, hyper-realistic style has influenced numerous authors for decades (Dunn 2000). ambaugh transformed the sub-genre of the police novel into serious literature of a hard boiled nature. His first four books and his work on the 1970's television series Policy Story set the standard of realism, dialogue, and character development for subsequent writers or turned them in new directions (Marling 2001).

Born in 1937 in East Pittsburgh, ambaugh…...

Inadequacy of Forensic Hair Analysis
Pages: 19 Words: 6513

Hair is also in contact with chemicals in shampoos, and any dyes, gels, sprays or other cosmetics that may be placed on the hair (11).
Since there is no standardized method for cleaning these external contaminants off of the hair prior to analysis, the potential for inaccurate results from external contamination is widespread. There is no way to tell in the laboratory if a chemical is contained within the hair, and therefore came from with in the body, or if it is on the surface of the hair and did not come from within the body (12). An enormous amount of scientific research studies have indicated that hair analysis is unreliable as a diagnostic tool in crime solving. For example, in one study, the researchers took hair from the head of a single individual and sent portions of the sample to six laboratories; the results varied widely from laboratory to…...


43. Lee, H. 2004. Advances in Forensics Provide Creative Tools for Solving Crimes. Bulletin of the Council of Science and Engineering, 19(2).

44. Lee, H. 2004. Advances in Forensics Provide Creative Tools for Solving Crimes. Bulletin of the Council of Science and Engineering, 19(2).

45. Lee, H. 2004. Advances in Forensics Provide Creative Tools for Solving Crimes. Bulletin of the Council of Science and Engineering, 19(2).

Red Square by Martin Cruz
Pages: 3 Words: 1034

ussian society is hungry for innovations and products, and there are plenty of people who would be more than happy to sell them what they want. The author shows how this is a new and vibrant society that has the choice to go anywhere it wants to go right now. It is like a baby taking its' first tiny steps. It is certain the ussian people will make mistakes along their new journey, but with author's like Smith showing the rebirth of ussian society, it is certain that people around the globe will understand just what the ussian people are working, hoping, dreaming, and striving for today.
The book also looks at other European society and subtly compares it to ussia and beyond. A beer garden in Munich shows the reader how much Europe has also changed since World War II and in the wake of the Soviet breakup. Smith…...



Smith, Martin Cruz. Red Square. New York: Random House, 1992.

Agatha Christie and The Lord
Pages: 4 Words: 1348

A series of writers and film directors shown interest in adapting parts (some even adapted the whole plot) of "And Then There Were None" into their works.

Suspense, along with the ten little ndians theme was very successful elements in crime fiction. These were decisive in the success experienced by the individuals who inspired from Agatha Christie.

The film industry has come up with a large number of motion pictures based on Christie's masterpiece and the book has even been adapted to suit the events present in a video game. Similar to other adaptations of the book, the game does not provide a plot that is identical to the one wrote by Christie. Even with that, it puts forward a challenging chain of events which make the individual feel as if he or she were part of the action in the book.

Golding's boys are not much different from the adults in "And…...


Irene Kahn Atkins, "Agatha Christie and the Detective Film: a Timetable for Success," Literature/Film Quarterly 3.3 (1975)

"Cracking Agatha Christie Case for Amateur Sleuths; Computer Games," Coventry Evening Telegraph (England) 8 Feb. 2008: 64.

"And Then There Were None." Retrieved June 19, 2910, from the Macmillan Web site:

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