Myers Briggs Essays (Examples)

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Myers-Briggs Type Indicator MBTI
Pages: 10 Words: 2587

Myers-riggs Type Indicator (MTI) is a self-reporting inventory developed from Swiss Psychologist Carl Jung's theory of psychological types and functions by Katharine riggs and her daughter Isabel Myers. The MTI instrument has become the largest personality inventory being used by non-psychiatric individuals. It is claimed that the inventory assists in an understanding of human behavior and potential area of growth. MTI has found applications in workplace and careers, managing life styles, education, psychotherapy and general health issues.
The test results in a 4-letter type code, which describes the personality of the individual. The critic of the test doubt its accuracy and argue that its utility for evaluations such as career, employment and human behavior is meaningless as the person taking the test can respond to the evaluation to suit his purposes to get the desired results.


Human beings have always been interested in understanding their own personality and the personality of the…...



1. Boukalov, A.V., Is the American statistics of types and intertype relations under the test of Myers-Briggs reliable? J. Socionics, Mentology & Personal Psychology, No. 4, 1996

2. CPP Inc., Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Interpretive Report (Sample), 2005, 

3. Freud, S., The Basic Writings of Sigmund, Amazon, 1977, ISBN: 0394604008

4. Harvey, R.J. (1996). Reliability and validity. In A.L. Hammer (Ed.), MBTI applications (pp. 5-29). Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychologists Press.

Myers-Briggs Eval Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
Pages: 8 Words: 2275

Both of these concete pesonality taits, which the MBTI instument was not designed to measue, wee moe diectly measued though the utilization of othe moe specifically and concetely designed instuments, and the values ecoded by vaious individuals on these instuments compaed with thei esponses on the MBTI instument, in ode to detemine whethe o not the instument has geate applicability and validity in detemining pesonality taits than its ceatos intended.
The esults of the study showed that thee did appea to be a high degee of convegent validity, but the authos point out that the constucts used to establish this validity ae diffeent than those suggest by the authos of the MBTI. This makes this measue of convegent validity less diectly significant fo a eview of the MBTI instument itself.

Bown, F. & Reilly, D. (2009). "The Myes-Biggs type indicato and tansfomational leadeship." Jounal of management development 28(10), pp. 916-32.

In this…...


references demonstrated on the MBTI and the SII, and predictive values for these two tests were then established. Analysis took part in a two-phase manner, however, with correlation to responses on the SII alone being established, and then the difference in correlation to the use of both instruments was measured to determine the specific predictive value of and practical assistance provided by the MBTI instrument itself.

This value was not found to be especially high; the SII alone had a predictive validity of 45.4% in this instance, and the MBTI increase this only to 48.3%. Still, this shows a high degree of convergent validity for the MBTI, which ahs been heralded as one of the instruments strengths.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator MBTI Is a Psychometric
Pages: 2 Words: 560

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a psychometric personality assessment questionnaire that measures individual preferences with regards to decision making and worldviews. The MBTI is grounded in the psychodynamic approach exemplified through Carl Jungs theoretical interpretations of personality. The following will discuss the development of the MBTI in relation to its theoretical background, as well as details associated with the psychometric tool, including its purpose, uselfulness, reliability, validity, benefits, and limitations.
The MBTI consists of four dimensions, including the EI (extroversion-introversion index), the SN (sensation-intuition index), the TF (thinking-feeling index), and JP (judging-perceiving index). The first three dimensions of the MBTI are based in the personality types developed through Jung's theory. The EI index relates to preferences of individuals to obtain information in a direct way from other people, which indicates the trait of extroversion. On the other hand, individuals may obtain information through actions such as personal reflection or reading, which…...


Validity of the MBTI has been less conclusively supported by research evidence (Carlson, 1989). With regard to interest validity, some of the dimensions of the MBTI have been effectively related to measures like Rotter's Locus of Control Scale and Eyesenck's Personality questionnaire (Carlson, 1989). In regards to criterion validity, research has demonstrated that the scales are somewhat discontinuous and unsystematic, but still show some predictive power (Carlson, 1989).


Carlson, J.G. (1989). Affirmative: in support of researching the Myers-Briggs type indicator. Journal of Counseling and Development, 67, 484-6.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Results Were Somewhat Accurate
Pages: 1 Words: 390

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator results were somewhat accurate, but they did not completely describe me. The test showed warmth and cooperation, which I do have, but the test also said that I like to work with others, which is not entirely true. While I don't mind working with someone else if it is necessary, I really prefer to work by myself, since I think I often get more done on my own than I do when I work with someone else. The reason for this is that I do enjoy talking with and getting to know people, and when I work with someone else, I tend to talk to them a lot. When I do this, I don't get much done, so over the years I have realized that it is much easier for me to work by myself and leave the socializing until I am done working and have…...

Myers-Briggs Assessment
Pages: 2 Words: 587

Myers-Briggs Assessment

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) seeks to capture an individual's personality typology in a psychometric instrument. The MBTI grew out of Jung's type theory as interpreted primarily by Isabel Briggs Myers. Such technology relies on a sophisticated and intricate analysis of the fundamental modes of various human experiences. The instrument consists of four separate dichotomies or indices (Briggs and Briggs-Myers (1983): Extroversion (E) -- Introversion (I), Sensing (S)-Intuition (I), Thinking (T)-Feeling (F), and Judgment (J)-Perception (P). Within the system, an attitude polarity of introversion vs. extroversion (EI) is present. Additionally, two psychic function polarities are present -- a polarity of rational or judgmental functions (thinking vs. feeling (TF)); and a polarity of irrational or perceptual functions (sensing vs. intuition (SN)). The last dichotomy measures the preference for Judgment or Perception (JP) in which J's having a more planned, orderly way of life and P's being more spontaneous. To assess…...



Briggs, K.C., & Briggs Myers, I. (1983). Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Mental Measurements Yearbook

Humanmetrics. (2012). Jung Typology Test. Retrieved from 

Psychometric Success (2009). Personality tests: Even popular tests are controversial. Retrieved from 

Figure 1

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator MBTI and
Pages: 9 Words: 2457

Furthermore, people change over time as a result of experience. Thus, the MBTI may capture one's current state, but can not predict one's state in the future.
The MBTI is currently the fourth most frequently used standardized test in community-based treatment settings. The test is intended for subjects 14 years and older. Versions adapted for other countries have been developed. The test administrator must have a college degree and have completed a college course in the interpretation of psychological tests and measurement. The test may be taken in a pencil-and-paper or computer format. The original MBIT was published in 1962 by Educational Testing Services. Publication of this instrument was assumed by Consulting Psychologists Press, Inc. In 1975. evisions to the MBTI include a standardization of Form F. And a new Form G. In 1975. In 1998, a major revision to Form G. was implemented as well as a new Form…...



Carlson, J.G. (1985). Recent assessments of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. J Pers Assess, 49(4), 356-365.

Carlyn, M. (1977). An assessment of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Journal of Personality Assessment, 41, 461-473.

Harasym, P.H., Leong, E.J., Juschka, B.B., Lucier, G.E., & Lorscheider, F.L. (1995). Myers-Briggs psychological type and achievement in anatomy and physiology. Am J. Physiol, 268(6 Pt 3), S61-65.

Harvey, R.J. (1996). Reliability and validity. In a.L. Hammer (Ed.), MBTI Applications (pp. 24). Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychologists Press.

Personality Assessment Instrument Critique of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
Pages: 6 Words: 1680

Myers Briggs
Evaluating the Myers Briggs Type Indicator

The Myers Briggs Type Indicator, introduced in 1943 by the social scientists from which it draws its name and revised frequently thereafter, is a questionnaire-based instrument designed to provide personality profiling data on its respondents. As the discussion hereafter will demonstrate, it can be used to produce useful general personality trait outlooks or for diagnostic purposes where mental illness may be present.

Characteristics, Uses and Purposes:

At its root, the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is designed to reflect the core personality dichotomies initially conjectured by Karl Jung. These denote that in four separate personality trait characteristics, the MBTI can be used to determine where a respondent will fall along a particular spectrum. Accordingly, the document by Briggs & Myers (1983) asserts the primary impetus for its design. Here, Briggs & Myers explain that "The instrument was designed to implement Jung's theory of type as understood…...


Works Cited:

Briggs, K.C. & Myers, I. (1983). Myers Briggs Type Indicator. Mental Measurements Yearbook.

Carlson, J.G. (1985). Recent Assessments of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Journal of Personality Assessment, 49(4).

Francis, L.J.; Craig, C.L. & Robbins, M. (2007). The Relationship Between Psychological Type and the Three Major Dimensions of Personality. Current Psychology, 25(4), 257-271.

Janowsky, D.S.; Morter, S.; Hong, L. & Howe, L. (1999). Myers Briggs Type Indicator and Tridimensional Personality Questionnaire Differences Between Bipolar Patients and Unipolar Depressed Patients. Bipolar Disorders, 2, 98-108.

Psychology - Personality Comparing Myers briggs
Pages: 6 Words: 1518

The Rorschach test is comparatively less useful in the context of understanding ordinary psychological differences among individuals within the normal range of behavior, but may contribute more directly to identifying various organic psychological dysfunctions related to biochemical processes. Because of its subjective nature, (both in terms of the test itself as well as with respect to its analysis), it is not particularly well- regarded or widely used within the overall scope of behavioral psychology.

Self-help books vary in their value, depending on the qualifications of their authors (or lack thereof), their underlying premise, and the degree to which their information lends itself to practical application by readers. Those authored by credentialed experts in the field of psychology are helpful, but more so in the context of relatively minor personal issues. More serious matters and conditions attributable to organic processes are not readily addressable by self-help books, but likely require more traditional…...


Works Cited

Gerrig, R, Zimbardo, P. (2005) Psychology and Life. 17th Edition.

New York: Allyn & Bacon.

Hall, C., Nordby, V. (1999) a Primer of Jungian Psychology. Ontario, CA: Mentor

Myer Briggs- INFJ Myer Briggs
Pages: 3 Words: 761

But once again, these people are likely to fall into the trap of misinformation since they do not rely on calculated scientific measures.

Feeling is an indication of a person's ability to respond with empathy. These people would respond to information from the inside. Thus they like to know how it feels to be in that situation and then they respond to it. Thinking would then be in direct contrast to this since people with higher score on thinking would stay more detached from the actual situation and make a decision based on things other than their personal feelings towards it. There is no better or worse way of responding and thus both are considered equally rational.


Now let us see how a person with NF as function would behave. Such a person would be more sensitive to the environment and would like to work on gut and feelings instead of…...


Myers, Isabel Briggs with Peter B. Myers (1980, 1995). Gifts Differing: Understanding Personality Type. Mountain View, CA: Davies-Black Publishing.

Testing and Assessment in Counseling Practice, ed. C. Edward Watkins and Vicki L. Campbell, 2nd ed. (Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2000)

Testing and Assessment in Counseling Practice, ed. C. Edward Watkins and Vicki L. Campbell 116

Personality Research Myers-Briggs - This
Pages: 4 Words: 1500

In addition, the information that I find on their site seems to be very vague, especially about what kind of 'success' they have had in being accurate regarding people's personalities. While this is not just a quick, online quiz, it has much more of the feel of that type of 'test' than the Myers-riggs assessment does. If I were to take a personality test, I think I would avoid the Keirsey test, simply because it does not seem to be that legitimate of an instrument for truly determining a person's personality and temperament, and what he or she should then do with his or her life based on personality.

Harrington, R. & Loffredo, D.A. 2001. The relationship between life satisfaction, self-consciousness, and the Myers-riggs Type Inventory Dimensions. Journal of Psychology, 135(4): 439-450.

Keirsey Temperament Sorter. n.d.

Lewis, V.G. & orders, D. 1995. Life satisfaction of single middle-aged professional women. Journal of…...



Harrington, R. & Loffredo, D.A. 2001. The relationship between life satisfaction, self-consciousness, and the Myers-Briggs Type Inventory Dimensions. Journal of Psychology, 135(4): 439-450.

Keirsey Temperament Sorter. n.d. 

Lewis, V.G. & Borders, D. 1995. Life satisfaction of single middle-aged professional women. Journal of Counseling & Development, 74(1): 94.

Myers-Briggs Personality Test. n.d. Retrieved at

Personality Theorist Isabel Briggs Myers
Pages: 7 Words: 2424

Her wellness did not allow participation in the second that took place in 1977; however Isabel Myers took pleasure in the other 2 extensively, though sometimes she would be dismayed at the different ways that the analysts treated her information. She understood that the intuitive 'kind' or personality indexes will need to alter the MBTI [instrument] as that is in their nature but she hoped that prior to the time when they altered it, they will initially attempt to comprehend exactly what had been done as the foundation of the theory because her reasons for choosing a certain structure were logical and justified. In 1975, publication of the Indicator was presumed by CPP, Inc. For the first time, the MBTI [instrument] was readily available as an instrument prepared for use in assisting individuals (Kirby and Myers, 2000).
In the last months of her life, when she invested much time sleeping…...



Bowdon, T.B. (2010). 50 Psychology Classics. Nicholas Brealey Publishing.

Drucker, C.T. (2007). Once Upon a Type: Mythological Dimensions of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. ProQuest Publications.

Kirby, L.K. And Myers, K.D. (2000). Introduction to Type. Cpp Publications.

Myers, I.B. (1962). The Myers-Briggs type indicator. Consulting Psychologists Press.

Big Five Personality Inventory and
Pages: 2 Words: 583

It is used to determine how dependable a candidate is, as well as how organized that individual is. A sample interview question that would competently assess the one's conscientiousness and emotional stability is: can you provide an outline a five-year plan for your professional and financial goals, which would include your acceptance to this position? The way that people choose to organize what it is that they are trying to achieve, and how they would go about doing so, would indicate their conscientiousness.
A good question to gauge a candidate's agreeableness is: how do you perceive the values of autonomy compare to those of teamwork? This is a trick question, because trust and collaboration is essential to both of these concepts, which candidates should reveal with their answers.

A good question to assess a candidate's level of neuroticism, which can encompass self-conscious, anxious behavior at one end and a sophisticated sense…...

Preferences 1 Introversion-Extroversion 2 Intuition-Sensation 3 Thinking-Feeling
Pages: 5 Words: 1489

preferences: 1) Introversion-Extroversion; 2) Intuition-Sensation; 3) Thinking-Feeling; 4) Judging-Perceiving
Introversion is the quality of being focused on one's inner world. Extraversion is the quality of being more interested in what is going on outside of oneself. Introverts tend to be more analytical and thoughtful in nature, and less prone to going to parties. Extraverts prefer parties to being alone, and like talking and being around others as much as possible.

Intuition refers to gut instinct. Someone who prefers intuition usually demonstrates the tendency to rely on gut instincts or dreamy perceptions rather than on logic when making decisions. A sensation-oriented person needs hard evidence gathered from their physical senses. An intuitive will say, "I have a good feeling about this person, I will date them." A sensation-driven person will say, "I like her hair, I think I will ask her out."

All persons think and feel. However, the preference for thinking means…...

Leadership and Teams
Pages: 2 Words: 726

Personality and Motivation
Most scholarship defines personality as some sort of combination of the emotional, behavioral and attitude patterns for an individual. Different theorists ascribe differing ways the personality is acquired, but there are a few agreed upon ways that help us define a person's personality. For instance, there tend to be five major traits that help define human personality: openness to experience, conscientiousness, extroversion, neuroticism, and agreeableness. Over time, different ways of focusing on these attributes help make up ways of describing a person (Lucas and Baird, 2004, pp. 473-85).

One way to measure personality types evolved from the work of psychologist Carl Jung. Using psychological preferences of how people perceive their universe and make decisions, Briggs and Myers developed a way to consider types of personalities based on personality preferences that focus on the manner of human values, experiences, needs and motivations. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is a basic personality…...



Lucas, R. And Barid, B. (2004). Extraversion and Emotional Reactivity. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 86 (1): 473-85.

Quenk, N. (2009). Essentials of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Assessments. New York: Wiley.

Theory on Work and Management
Pages: 5 Words: 1415

Work and Management
AND Management

The objective of this study is to compare House's Path-Goal theory of leadership with the Situational Leadership model. This study will make provision of an example or application of the two theories utilizing the writer's work situation.

This study will describe the leadership styled utilized by the writer's boss or other CEO or high level personnel in the work organization. For part two of this study examined is how causes of conflict can be found in the organizational and personal characteristics of those involved in the conflict.

This study will answer as to the similar organizational and personal factors and provide examples using the organization the writer is most familiar with.

For part three of this study, Chapter 17 on Career Management will be examined and the following questions answered: (1) What aspects of9 the New vs. Old Career Paradigms can you relate to your work place or any organization…...



Free Personality Test (2014) 16 Personalities. Retrieved from:   Basu, C. (2014) Difference Between Situational Leadership & Path Leadership Theories. Small Business Chronicle. Retrieved from: 

Chapter 17: Career Management (pp. 278-0) Career Management: Chapter Objectives, 2007 Cengage Learning Inc.

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