Nightmare Essays (Examples)

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Money is, of course, the primary driving factor in all of the human relationships that are shown in this film. The prostitutes' connection to money should be fairly obvious, as is the idea that the fish are being picked up and shipped for a profit from the large conglomerates outside Africa. In this way, the film clearly shows how intimately economics and politics are tied together. Even the money from the European Union and the World Bank wasn't arriving in this area -- which has been quite poor and destitute for many decades, if not for centuries -- until after it was realized that there was profit to be made from the fish in the lake. The fact that this trade also fuels and funds the delivery of arms to the region, which perpetuates the war and therefore the poverty and depravity of the people living in the area as….

As Yogurt and ice cream as a product category are pure milk-based products, the richness and superior quality of Yak milk will definitely make a highly successful brand. Product proliferation and also its extension into rural markets through repeated does of reminder ads will also help in cornering greater market share as a whole. On the other hand, shopping malls, city kiosks and supermarkets could be the point of sales in the urban markets where it could serve as good impulse purchase. Since the product i.e. ice cream and yogurt is in the initial stages of product life cycle, a good headway could be to launch a competition among the customers for generating brand awareness. The competition could highlight on the unique attributes of the product to be given by the consumers and also the consumers will be asked to give a slogan for the product that can be….

North Carolina ranks 48th in per capita consumption of alcoholic beverages, compared to South Carolina, which ranks 30th.

Because of North Carolina's monopolistic system, alcohol prices are lower in neighboring states.

Bar owners should also be concerned about the recent smoking ban in bars. Given that cigarettes and liquor are quite often consumed in tandem, the ban may inhibit bar visits and lower sales due to frequent cigarette breaks.

In conclusion, anyone with the dream of buying a bar should pause to consider the real life ramifications of such a significant purchase: licensing requirements, exposure to legal liability, daily duties that require acute attention to detail, and stiff competition. aken together, these practical aspects of bar ownership make it look like a daily nightmare followed by a stressful evening.

Retail Permitting, North Carolina ABC Commission website,



Business Owner's oolkit, "Why the LLC May Be the Best Entity Choice," Dictionary,

Article IA, Compensation for….

Researchers used standard sleep questionnaires to assess sleep problems and characteristics in ADHD (n = 122) and non-ADHD (n = 105) comparison youths. They concluded that ADHD may be one of the consequence of nightmares but is not an outcome of it.
This study is valuable to my study in that it teaches me to be skeptical regarding differentiating between outcome and cause.


StRanjbaran, Z., Keefer, L., Farhadi, a., Stepanski, E., Sedghi, S. And Keshavarzian, a. (2007), Impact of sleep disturbances in inflammatory bowel disease. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 22: 1748 -- 1753.

Study showed that inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients have significant sleep disturbance even when their disease is not active. This problem might affect quality of life, gastrointestinal symptoms and coping ability, and might potentially increase or decrease disease severity. A self-administered, mail-in questionnaire package was sent to 205 subjects using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), a measure….

, 2005). A second airplane design in the replacement program was the 747X, which would have provided better efficiency than the 747-400 with a longer plane body (Norris et al., 2005). Boeing couldn't generate much excitement around the 747X, but the Sonic Cruiser offered stronger appeal (Norris et al., 2005). Continental Airlines was a particularly interested customer, but the feedback from the airlines focused on operational costs (Norris et al., 2005). The attacks of September 11, 2001 (9/11) brought about long-lasting changes in the airlines industry and travel sector. To make matters worse for Boeing, the potential customers for the Sonic Cruiser were U.S. based airlines -- the very airlines that had been most negatively impacted by 9/11. The Sonic Cruiser was officially cancelled by Boeing on December 20, 2002 (Norris et al., 2005). Whether this is attributable to design flaws or simply the dramatically changed economy is not really….

Types of Takeovers

There are several consequences of whether a takeover is considered hostile or friendly. These consequences are more in the practical business realm than legal ones. Hostile takeovers are riskier for the acquirer than friendly ones. In a friendly takeover, the bidder will have a better chance to examine the company and its health. If the board is amicable to the situation, they will provide a full disclosure of the company's strengths and weaknesses. In a hostile takeover, the bidder only has access to publicly available information. There may be situations within the company that have not been disclosed. This can be good or bad depending on the situation. The acquirer might get a pleasant surprise, or they might find out that they have bought a sinking ship. Due to the risk involved in a hostile takeover, it is often more difficult to obtain financing than for a friendly….

Oil Canvas Artwork As Both

As a result, the artists are both directly challenging the traditional Paris Academy style (Stokstad, 2011, pg. 928, 978)
Stylistic Differences

The differences in the paintings are evident in subject matter and style. Fuseli is telling a story through: imagination and creating an incubus to trouble the woman. The main colors in the painting are hues of red with the woman clothed in white (perhaps a reference to purity and virtuosity). Fuseli is in line with other Romantics, with his personal touch to a situation, intertwining passion and fear in a highly imaginative portrayal of a woman being seduced. The idea that the seduction is unwarranted by the woman is identified through: the name of the piece -- the Nightmare.

Manet's Olympia is a prime example of the Realist period. The painting appears to be realistic display of his use of light. The effects of this on the painting were a key….

They are rocked by a hand of fear, not motherly nurturance. They are obsessed by their fears, of becoming like his father in the case of Okonkwo and of not becoming like his father in Nwoye's instance. However, Nwyoe, because of the cultural and political shifts endured by his native land, has another framework of self-definition that his father lacks -- the availability of another culture, namely that of the Christian missionaries who have come to the country. To find a new identity, Nwyoe literally as well as metaphorically slouches towards Bethlehem. Within the foreign doctrine of Christianity Nwoye finds a prop for his sense of self against which his father's African nationalism and masculinity ultimately proves to be powerless. Through the weakness advocated by Christianity (a false weakness, given the overarching ambitions of the missionaries to convert all African natives) Nwoye finally finds strength that his father's worldview….

South This Report Is About

Some of the biggest incentives for manufactures are the outrageously low tax bases in southern states. "When taxes are paid, southern levies are lower than most Northern states. GM's Hamtramck, MIG, plant, for instance, has one of the highest property tax mileages in the United States at 88 mills." (Corbett, 2002) Taxes are some much lower than in say Michigan or New Jersey and southern state officials are very open to negotiations to land the new factories and the plethora of jobs. In other words, land values are low and government incentives are extraordinary so the automobiles industry would be crazy to not migrate south for those reasons alone. "Furthermore, utilities costs are lower. After the products have been assembled, the South's location is superior to the Midwest or the East Coast for delivery." (Corbett, 2002) but there are other incentives.

Not only is the land for the new facilities cheaper….

Business Law Contracts, Defenses, Breach, And emedies
The Dream House:

-Was your contract with Bobby a unilateral or bilateral contract; if unilateral, at what time did Bobby substantially undertake performance?

The prerequisites for a bilateral contract are that an offer must be made, that offer must be accepted, and consideration must be tendered. In the Dream House scenario, I offered Bobby an opportunity to build my house in exchange for $500,000, and Bobby accepted my offer. Bargaining the performance of construction work in exchange for a predetermined payment amount represents consideration, completing the third and final requirement and making this agreement a bilateral contract.

-What remedies and/or damages are available to you and to Bobby?

I would be able to sue Bobby for damages while seeking the amount needed to compensate Sheila to complete the unfinished job, which amounts to a sum of $350,000. Conversely, Bobby could defend himself by claiming that he must be….

The strongest case in the criminal law annals for race-based affirmative action occurs in "drug possession offenses," Heffernan writes. The drug busts show "compelling evidence of discrimination against blacks," the author insists; moreover, he claims that many law enforcement personnel have admitted that they practice "a kind of affirmative action: they admit that they selectively enforce anti-drug laws in the black community." The justification for busting black people in the inner city is that "heightened enforcement is good for the community," and further, the reason so many African-American men are caught dealing drugs is that is much easier for police to find crimes among poor people -- this assumes that many blacks in inner cities are low income -- because poor people "are more likely to commit those crimes in public places" (Heffernan, p. 225).

All of the issues that Heffernan has referenced contribute to the reason that the criminal….

During her reorganization phase, her personality and the emotional support from other social units played a vital role. As a person, she was a survivor. She appeared to posses a character which made her endure the pain yet live through the moment. It was her resilience that made her go to public authorities even after she lost her case the first time. Alice always wanted to be somebody whose presence could be felt. This is the reason why she wanted to be Ethel Merman (2009, p.87). She was an actress and a singer whom according to her mother, had no talent but she managed draw the attention of audience solely on herself. Her personality made an exceptional role in letting her cope up with the trauma and also with getting her culprit punished in the later phase.
Another important factor which played a key role in her retaliation was her….

436-437). In other words, official commitment to multiculturalism is just a smoke screen for many Canadian officials who believe that the Euro-Canadian way of doing things is the norm.
The limits of multiculturalism in practice are also visible in the treatment of Canadian citizens and immigrants who have dark skin color. According to Kelly (1998), African Canadians are routinely "racialized" and "othered" (that is, they are put outside of the dominant group). The manner in which African Canadians are unable to become fully-fledged Canadians even if they are born in Canada was succinctly explained by Marlene Nourbese Philip, an African Canadian essayist: "Being born elsewhere, having been fashioned in a different culture, some of us may always feel 'othered,' but then there are those -- our children, nephews, nieces, grandchildren -- born here, who are as Canadian as snow and ice, and yet, merely because of their darker skins, are….

Huxley & G Orwell Two

Whatever happened you vanished, and neither you nor your actions were ever heard of again" (Orwell, 1949, p.168).

Principles of mass production are very clear in the novels. Huxley for instance, applied the idea of mass production in human reproduction, since the people has abandoned the natural method of reproduction. Mass production as the conventional feature of capitalism and Huxley's novel reinforces such. He talked about the requirement of the World State about constant consumption, which is considered as foundation of its stability. Huxley apparently criticizes the commercial dependence of the world towards goods. Conditioning centers teaches people to consume. Orwell similarly provides criticism to capitalism as well: "The centuries of capitalism were held to have produced nothing of any value." The Proles are the symbols of the capitalist system as they constitute the working class who work in assembly lines.

Destruction of the concept of family

oth novels dispose the concept….

In the story, he claims that a big title wave hinder him from doing what he wanted to do. However, when he accomplished his goal, he claimed the title wave was not there at all. The reader could take as the water/title wave to be a metaphor to represent the obstacles he had to go through in order to become a good storyteller again.

Part fantasy, part allegory and always clever and engaging, the story told of Haroun's adventures speaks to the power of story in our lives and in the world. The constant word play and twists of language are funny, though at times I felt they became just "too much." While we are being entertained by maniac bus drivers, strange genies and odd fish, Haroun and his father both are coming to terms with the things in the world that truly matter. This is one of those rare books,….

Trauma is an emotional response to a distressing or disturbing event that overwhelms an individual's ability to cope. It can be caused by a single event, such as a car accident or a natural disaster, or by ongoing stressors, such as abuse or neglect.

Trauma can have a wide range of effects on a person's mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Symptoms of trauma may include flashbacks, nightmares, anxiety, depression, and difficulty concentrating. It can also impact a person's ability to form and maintain relationships, perform daily tasks, and function effectively in work or school.

Trauma can be treated through various therapeutic approaches,....

1. The Twisted Mind of John Wayne Gacy

2. A Deep Dive into the Crimes of John Wayne Gacy

3. The Legacy of Terror: John Wayne Gacy's Murderous Rampage

4. Exploring the Dark Psychology of John Wayne Gacy

5. John Wayne Gacy: The Killer Clown's Reign of Terror

6. Unraveling the Horrors of John Wayne Gacy's Murder Spree

7. The Chilling Details of John Wayne Gacy's Crimes

8. From Clown to Killer: The Story of John Wayne Gacy

9. Justice and Closure: The Aftermath of John Wayne Gacy's Crimes

10. The Infamous Case of John Wayne Gacy: A Study in Evil
11. Inside the Mind of a Serial Killer: The....

1. The Deterioration of Mental Health: The Impact of the Yellow Wallpaper

2. A Haunting Presence: Analyzing the Symbolism of the Yellow Wallpaper in Mental Health

3. The Yellow Wallpaper and Its Devastating Effects on Mental Well-being

4. A Prison of Madness: The Significance of the Yellow Wallpaper in Mental Health

5. The Slow Descent into Madness: How the Yellow Wallpaper Affects Mental Health

6. The Yellow Wallpaper: A Reflection of Mental Health in Isolation

7. Breaking Down Walls: The Psychological Impact of the Yellow Wallpaper

8. The Yellow Wallpaper and Its Role in the Mental Breakdown of the Protagonist

9. Unraveling the Mind: The Yellow Wallpaper's Influence....

1. The Role of Communication in Crisis Management
2. The Importance of Preparing a Crisis Management Plan
3. Case Study: Successfully Managing a Crisis in a Business or Organization
4. Crisis Management in the Digital Age: How Social Media Impacts Response
5. Ethical Considerations in Crisis Management
6. The Psychological Impact of Crisis on Individuals and Organizations
7. Lessons Learned from Failed Crisis Management Strategies
8. Crisis Management in Healthcare: Addressing Pandemics and Natural Disasters
9. Crisis Management in Government: Balancing Transparency and Security
10. Crisis Management in Public Relations: Rebuilding Trust and Reputation after a Crisis.
11. Crisis Management in the....

2 Pages
Research Proposal

Literature - African

Darwin's Nightmare Ultimately the Story

Words: 633
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Money is, of course, the primary driving factor in all of the human relationships that are shown in this film. The prostitutes' connection to money should be fairly obvious,…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Advertising

Yak Milk Niche or Nightmare

Words: 1534
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

As Yogurt and ice cream as a product category are pure milk-based products, the richness and superior quality of Yak milk will definitely make a highly successful brand.…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Sports - Drugs

Dream and the Nightmare Bar

Words: 1765
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

North Carolina ranks 48th in per capita consumption of alcoholic beverages, compared to South Carolina, which ranks 30th. Because of North Carolina's monopolistic system, alcohol prices are lower in neighboring…

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3 Pages
Annotated Bibliography


Cukrowicz Kelly C Otamendi Ainhoa

Words: 982
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Annotated Bibliography

Researchers used standard sleep questionnaires to assess sleep problems and characteristics in ADHD (n = 122) and non-ADHD (n = 105) comparison youths. They concluded that ADHD may…

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15 Pages
Research Paper


Production Delays Results in Delivery

Words: 4350
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Research Paper

, 2005). A second airplane design in the replacement program was the 747X, which would have provided better efficiency than the 747-400 with a longer plane body (Norris et…

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24 Pages
Term Paper


Hostile Takeover -- the Modern

Words: 6689
Length: 24 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Types of Takeovers There are several consequences of whether a takeover is considered hostile or friendly. These consequences are more in the practical business realm than legal ones. Hostile takeovers…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Art  (general)

Oil Canvas Artwork As Both

Words: 1091
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

As a result, the artists are both directly challenging the traditional Paris Academy style (Stokstad, 2011, pg. 928, 978) Stylistic Differences The differences in the paintings are evident in subject…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Second Coming Things Fall Apart

Words: 638
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

They are rocked by a hand of fear, not motherly nurturance. They are obsessed by their fears, of becoming like his father in the case of Okonkwo and…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


South This Report Is About

Words: 1398
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Some of the biggest incentives for manufactures are the outrageously low tax bases in southern states. "When taxes are paid, southern levies are lower than most Northern states. GM's…

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2 Pages

Urban Studies

Career and Contracts Defenses

Words: 724
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Business Law Contracts, Defenses, Breach, And emedies The Dream House: -Was your contract with Bobby a unilateral or bilateral contract; if unilateral, at what time did Bobby substantially undertake performance? The prerequisites…

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9 Pages
Term Paper


Criminal Justice Explain How Policy

Words: 2909
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

224). The strongest case in the criminal law annals for race-based affirmative action occurs in "drug possession offenses," Heffernan writes. The drug busts show "compelling evidence of discrimination against…

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10 Pages

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Lucky by Alice Sebold Analysis

Words: 3376
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

During her reorganization phase, her personality and the emotional support from other social units played a vital role. As a person, she was a survivor. She appeared to…

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8 Pages


Educational Equality in Canada Canada's

Words: 2862
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

436-437). In other words, official commitment to multiculturalism is just a smoke screen for many Canadian officials who believe that the Euro-Canadian way of doing things is the…

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8 Pages

Family and Marriage

Huxley & G Orwell Two

Words: 2815
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Whatever happened you vanished, and neither you nor your actions were ever heard of again" (Orwell, 1949, p.168). Capitalism Principles of mass production are very clear in the novels. Huxley…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Salmon Rushdie's Haroun and the

Words: 882
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In the story, he claims that a big title wave hinder him from doing what he wanted to do. However, when he accomplished his goal, he claimed the title…

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