Noise Pollution Essays (Examples)

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Noise Pollution Thermal and Acoustic
Pages: 20 Words: 6532

S. However, ussia continues to treat noise exposure as a minor problem. American physicians have associated some seemingly unrelated conditions to sound exposure. Long-term exposure to transportation noise has been associated with increased cardiovascular risk (Babisch, 2006). Hearing loss can occur at even low levels of sound that occur for an extended time (Sisto et al., 2007; euter et al., 2007; Dobie, 2007). Noise related hearing loss can occur in a variety of work settings (Mrena et al., 2007; Trost and Shaw, 2007; Moon 2007).
). Therefore, every work situation needs to be evaluated for the potential to cause hearing loss. Many of the ill effects of noise may be linked to loss of sleep (ios and daSilva, 2005; obertson et al., 2007; Lu et al., 2005).

Although the limits set by Title 42 are not requirements by ussia or the UK, they will be used as guidelines in the design of…...



Air Services Limited. 2007. Company Overview. [online]

  / [Accessed October 11, 2007]. 

Babisch, W. 2006. Transportation noise and cardiovascular risk: updated review and synthesis of epidemiological studies indicate that the evidence has increased. Noise Health. 8(30):1-29.

Country-Studies. 2007. Russia. Environmental Problems. [online]

Noise and Stress Noise Pollution
Pages: 4 Words: 1395

'" (Meer, 1986)
But there are still many misleading and conflicting findings that affect Congress' efforts in noise control. While some feel that noise is not a distraction if you are used to it, there are other studies that vehemently oppose such claims. "Noise affects more than our health and quality of life; it even influences social behavior and cognitive development. In 1997, a Cornell University study found that children exposed to frequent airplane noise don't learn to read as well as other children. Excessive background noise caused the children to tune out human voices and interfered with their language acquisition. The psychologists who conducted the study speculated that as a result of noise pollution, parents and teachers were also less willing to speak or read aloud." (Blanchard, 1998)

Noise research has been suffering from some serious drawbacks which have caused many to question the veracity of claims made by various studies.…...



Fields, J.M. (1990). A quantitative summary of non-acoustical variables effects on reactions to environmental noise. In I. Busch-Vishniac (Ed.), 1990 Conference on Noise Control Engineering: Reducing the annoyance of noise. Austin: University of Texas.

Jeff Meer. (1986). Make a wholesome noise - new study indicates that noise is not always a distraction. Psychology Today, May.

Langdon, E.J. (1976). "Noise nuisance caused by road traffic in residential areas: Part III." Journal of Sound and Vibration, 49, 241-256.

Lee, D. (1994, July/August). "Breaking the sound barrier." National Parks, 68, 25-29.

Noise Pollution
Pages: 2 Words: 638

Noise pollution might not be as apparently detrimental to health as air or water pollution, but it can be highly disruptive, according to Ember. Some degree of ambient noise is to be expected, especially in city life. However, there is a difference between manageable or tolerable noise, and noise pollution. Noise pollution is defined as noise that is either excessive or unpleasant, and which causes “temporary disruption in the natural balance,” (Ember para. 2). The causes of noise pollution include electrical appliances, factory equipment, vehicles, and social congestion. The effects of noise pollution include stress, impaired hearing, and disruptions to the local ecosystem. Becoming more aware of the causes and effects of noise pollution should inspire changes to urban planning and design. Some of the known causes of noise pollution in cities include electrical appliances and vehicles. Therefore, noise pollution does not just take place outside the home, but also inside…...


Works Cited

Ember, Joan. “Understanding Noise Pollution.”

Noise Pollution Radon High Noise Levels Can Have
Pages: 2 Words: 609

Noise Pollution/adon
High noise levels can have a negative impact on individuals and communities. If a nightclub were to be opened within my neighborhood, the following potential risks must be assessed: "interference with communication; noise-induced hearing loss; sleep disturbance effects; cardiovascular and psycho-physiological effects; performance reduction effects; annoyance responses; and effects on social behaviour" (World Health Organization, 1999). Not only are these health issues detrimental to the individual, but also affect the community as a whole.

In order to prevent an overabundance of noise within the neighborhood, certain precautions must be taken. In this case, any and all of the following noise management approaches may be implemented to help reduce or prevent noise pollution in the neighborhood: the precautionary principle which recommends that "noise should be reduced to the lowest level achievable in a particular situation;" the polluter pays principle in which "full costs associated with noise pollution (including monitoring, management,…...



Health Risks: Radon. (2011). United States Environmental Protection Agency. Accessed 20

August 2011, from 

Radon Fact Sheet. (2009). Air Chek, Inc. Accessed 20 August 2011, from .

Radon Gas. (2011). American Home Inspector's Directory. Accessed 20 August 2011, from .

Indoor Noise Pollution Noise Pollution
Pages: 5 Words: 1842

(How to Stay Healthy amid Indoor Noise Pollution)

Of course, one could also reduce noise emissions indoors by only purchasing electrical appliances with low noise emission levels. Dysfunctional electrical appliances also tend to make more noise and should be repaired.

6. esults and conclusion

As many experts reiterate, there is no cure for hearing that has been damaged by noise and noise pollution. In other words, noise pollution is a serious problem that can affect human beings in a variety of negative ways. Therefore, it is a problem that need to be dealt with effectively at home and at work and efforts should be made to ascertain whether the environment in which one works or relaxes is subject to noise pollution.

In terms of the research and literature on the topic, one point is very clear; there is a need for more in-depth research into the way that noise effects and impacts on the…...



Colls, J. (2002). Air Pollution. New York: Spon Press. Retrieved September 26, 2008, from Questia database: 

How to Stay Healthy amid Indoor Noise Pollution. Retrieved September 26,

2008, from

Noise Pollution. Retrieved September 26, 2008, from

Noise Pollution and Airport
Pages: 2 Words: 592

Adopt an Airport
The Miami International Airport (code MIA) generates upwards of $30 billion in revenue per year, bringing in the vast majority (70%) of all international visitors to the entire state of Florida ("About Us," 2017). Therefore, MIA is a gateway airport to Florida and not just Miami. Furthermore, MIA is the gateway airport linking Latin America and the Caribbean with the United States, with more flights to and from these regions than any other airport in the United States ("About Us," 2017). According to the Miami International Airport's own website, their goal is to become a "hemispheric hub," ("About Us," 2017). However, there are several impediments to MIA reaching its status, the main one being its outdated infrastructure and terminals, which are reflected in its outdated and clunky website.

Financial Performance

One of the key strengths of MIA is the role the airport plays in the community, as a major employer…...



"About Us," (2017). MIA. Retrieved online: 

"Environmental," (2017). MIA. Retrieved online:

How to Control Workplace Noise
Pages: 2 Words: 709

Noise Controls
Engineering controls should be the first choice for dealing with noise pollution issues in the workplace, and this is NIOSH policy - they have three categories that all involve engineering and all three are ranked higher than administrative controls and PPE (NIOSH, 2015). Engineering solutions would include designing noise buffers around particular pieces of equipment, whereas administrative controls would reflect things like supplying protective equipment or scheduling people to reduce their exposure to unsafe noise levels. There are two reasons for this. First, an engineering solution is a one-time fix that hopefully will solve the problem, so that it no longer needs to be dealt with. Second, an engineering solution deals with the problem by reducing the amount of noise, where an administrative solution merely works around the problem, but the problem still persists.

There are some instances where it is onerous to use engineering controls first. In some situations,…...



NIOSH (2015). Controls for noise exposure. Centers for Disease Control. Retrieved December 4, 2015 from

Control of Indoor and Noise
Pages: 6 Words: 1713


Blondeau, P., Tiffonnet, a.L., Damian, a., Amiri, O., and Molina, J.L. (2003). Assessment of contaminant diffusivities in building materials from porosimetry tests. Indoor Air, 13(3), 310-318.

Daisey, J.M., Angell, W.J., and Apte, M.G. (2003). Indoor air quality, ventilation and health symptoms in schools: an analysis of existing information. Indoor Air, 13(1), 53-64.

Fink a. (1998). Conducting research literature reviews: From paper to the Internet . Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage

Overmeire, M.V., Verbrandt, F.J.. & Jonckheere, .E. (1999) Noise Pollution: Causes, effects and control. In Environmental Management in Practice: Compartments, Stressors, and Sectors. Volume: 2, eds. Nath, B. Hens, L. Compton, P. & Devuyst, D. London: outledge.

Palfrey, J. (1994) Community child health: An action plan for today. Westport, CT: Praeger

Pope, C.A., Thun, M.J., Namboodiri, M.M., Dockery, D.W., Evans, J.S., Speizer, F.E., and Heath, C.W. (1995). Particulate air pollution as a predictor of mortality in a prospective study of U.S. adults. American Journal of espiratory…...



Blondeau, P., Tiffonnet, a.L., Damian, a., Amiri, O., and Molina, J.L. (2003). Assessment of contaminant diffusivities in building materials from porosimetry tests. Indoor Air, 13(3), 310-318.

Daisey, J.M., Angell, W.J., and Apte, M.G. (2003). Indoor air quality, ventilation and health symptoms in schools: an analysis of existing information. Indoor Air, 13(1), 53-64.

Fink a. (1998). Conducting research literature reviews: From paper to the Internet . Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage

Overmeire, M.V., Verbrandt, F.J.R. & Jonckheere, R.E. (1999) Noise Pollution: Causes, effects and control. In Environmental Management in Practice: Compartments, Stressors, and Sectors. Volume: 2, eds. Nath, B. Hens, L. Compton, P. & Devuyst, D. London: Routledge.

Multiple Forms of Pollution Are Quickly Becoming
Pages: 7 Words: 2377

Multiple forms of pollution are quickly becoming a focal point of concern for many societies concerned with both human and natural environments. One of the primary difficulties with controlling pollution is that it frequently comes from many sources and possesses the power to contaminate numerous aspects of life. Additionally, companies and corporations are often very resistive to implementing pollution controls, as they can have substantial costs associated with them. Ordinary citizens, as well, tend to resist actions that potentially could help the environment simply because they are time consuming or conflict with other aims. Nevertheless, as the population of the earth grows and Americans continue to utilize an ever increasing amount of the world's resources and energy, pollution is reaching levels that threaten lives and the traditional functioning of society.
One form of pollution that has received increased attention in recent years has been noise pollution. Usually, the problem is associated…...


Works Cited:

Asia Africa Intelligence Wire. (2005). "Pollution: Smells Like Money." Financial Times, Feb. 18.

Asia Africa Intelligence Wire. (2005). "Too Little, Too Late to Check Pollution." Financial Times, Feb. 17.

Dodson, Stanley I. And Anthony R. Ives. (1998). Ecology. New York: Oxford University Press.

Edwards, Rob. (2005). "Study Reveals Cancer Risk to Unborn Babies from City-Center Air Pollution." Sunday Herald, Feb. 20.

Urban Pollution by Joel A Tarr
Pages: 3 Words: 926

Urban Pollution by Joel a. Tarr
Human Dissatisfaction

Joel Tarr's article, "Urban Pollution -- Many Long Years Ago" is largely about the form of urban pollution that preceded that created by automobiles. In short, this pollution was largely caused by horses, which were used as the dominant form of transportation from the end of the Middle Ages to the beginning of the 20th century. The author is essentially establishing a comparison between the pollution caused by horses and that caused by automobiles, although he devotes the vast majority of the article to elaborating on the fact that the pollution caused by horses was considered as big of a problem as the pollution caused by automobiles in the 1970s. If one examines the amount of space he uses for detailing the concerns regarding horse pollution to that of automobile pollution, one can infer that the former appears to be worse than the latter.



Works Cited

Tarr, Joel. "Urban Pollution -- Many Long Years Ago."

Effects of Noise Air and Water Pollution
Pages: 4 Words: 1074

How Pollution Negatively Affects Our HealthPollution is an important issue today because it impacts both the health of the planet and the health of human beings around the planet. In fact, whenever the planet is harmed by pollution, humans are harmed as well because people depend upon the environment for sustenance. Pollution is therefore a major social and environmental issue that has negative effects on both the environment and human health. There are many different types of pollution, such as air pollution, water pollution, and noise pollution. All of these types of pollution can have negative consequences for the people, and include consequences such as damage to ecosystems, climate change, and poisoning. Pollution can cause respiratory problems, cancer, and other health issues for people, depending on the type of pollution (Turner et al., 2020). Even noise pollution can harm peoples mental health and have both short and long-term effects on…...


ReferencesMa, J., Li, C., Kwan, M. P., & Chai, Y. (2018). A multilevel analysis of perceived noise pollution, geographic contexts and mental health in Beijing. International journal of environmental research and public health, 15(7), 1479.Turner, M. C., Andersen, Z. J., Baccarelli, A., Diver, W. R., Gapstur, S. M., Pope III, C. A., ... & Cohen, A. (2020). Outdoor air pollution and cancer: An overview of the current evidence and public health recommendations. CA: a cancer journal for clinicians, 70(6), 460-479.WHO. (2018). Nine out of ten breathe polluted air. Retrieved from   (2022). How air pollution is destroying our health. Retrieved from WHO.

Addressing the Problem of Pollution in Tampa Florida
Pages: 13 Words: 4211

urban area of Tampa, Florida, and serves as an instrumental case study of how an urban locale can address problems of environmental health and safety. Specifically, this study assesses the failures and successes of Tampa to regulate and reduce water, air and waste pollution through various programs. Through quantitative analysis of city managers' statistics and survey of the population (random sampling), findings indicate that positive steps have been taken through initiatives like S.W.E.E.P. and the attention given to Tampa's estuaries and water sources so as to maintain healthy ecosystems. However, air pollution has yet to be addressed, as the state has eliminated its vehicle emissions testing. Coal-burning power plants like Big Bend also contribute to air pollution and a discussion of the beneficial impact of wind power is provided as a recommendation for addressing this issue.
Environmental Health and Safety Case Study: Tampa, Florida


Urban areas in the U.S. are impacted…...



Ackermannn, T., Soder, L. (2000). Wind energy technology and current status: a review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 4(4): 315-374.

Boyle, G. (2012). Renewable Energy: Power for a Sustainable Future. UK: Oxford.

City of Tampa. (2013). Solid Waste Recycling. Retrieved from 

Creswell, J. W. (2007). Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing among

Zapper Zapping Away the Annoying Sounds of
Pages: 6 Words: 1672

Zapper: Zapping Away the Annoying Sounds of Modernity
One of the most annoying aspects of modern life is the inability to find peace and quiet. Our entire lives are filled with noise, and our only respite is often turning up the volume on our own iPods. Zapper provides a solution to this problem of over-stimulation. The Zapper is a small device that can literally 'zap' away unwanted noise, spanning from background noise in a shopping mall to the loud phone conversation of your neighbor on train. In the workplace, it can give the customer a 'home away from home,' enabling him or her to find solitude amongst noisy coworkers. At home, it allows harried mothers and fathers to escape the loudness of a child's video game.

Consumers have had to resort to a variety of techniques to separate themselves from annoying, distracting sounds. Some people use earplugs; others use noise cancellation headphones.…...



Noise pollution. (2012). UMDMJ. Retrieved:

Yu, Justin. (2012). Best noise-cancelling headphones. Retrieved:

IMC and Customer Satisfaction Zapper
Pages: 5 Words: 1832

In addition, there will be a follow-up interview process to capture specific area of low customer satisfaction scores. These scores will be used for process improvement and business process reengineering within the company. One of the most critical aspects of these measures is the need to use them to fundamentally re-architect the company and make it more customer-centric. This is critical for the Zapper to reflect customers' needs and requirements and for the company to have a very solid fidelity and transparency to its customers.
Measuring and Acting on Gaps Between Customer Expectations and Experiences

One of the innate strengths of the SEVQUAL methodology is the ability to quickly assess the differences between expectations and experiences quickly, and in very quantitative terms. These differences across expectations and experiences are measured with a minimum of 32 different variables, which can be highly effective in pinpointing just what areas of public relations, marketing…...



Allen, E., & Fjermestad, J. (2001). E-commerce marketing strategies: An integrated framework and case analysis. Logistics Information Management, 14(1), 14-23.

Genestre, a., & Herbig, P. (1996). Service expectations and perceptions revisited: Adding product quality to SERVQUAL. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 4(4), 72-82.

Gurau, C. (2008). Integrated online marketing communication: Implementation and management. Journal of Communication Management, 12(2), 169-184.

Hopen, D. (2003). The message is clear. Quality Progress, 36(10), 50-58.

Enviroprop the Following Project Is
Pages: 2 Words: 557

It is therefore quite important to evaluate each experience on its own merits, as well as to how well each experience is integrated into the overall picture. An evaluation form has been developed for each participant as well as the parents of that participant. The evaluation form will be handed out at the end of each of the camps (whether the attendee stayed for a one-week or the full three-week course will be noted) for completion and return to the directors of the camp.
After the evaluation forms have been returned, the responses contained therein will be analyzed and broken down into categories pertaining to each camp experience and how it (they) were perceived by the campers. Follow-up questionnaires can be sent to each participant on a bi-yearly basis in order to gauge what type of long-term effects the camps continue to have on the participants.

The project is proposed to…...

I need a spark of inspiration! Can you share some captivating essay topics related to caged birds?
Words: 260

1. The ethical implications of keeping birds in cages
2. The psychological effects of caging birds on their well-being
3. The role of caged birds in human culture and history
4. The impact of bird trafficking and illegal bird trade on caged bird populations
5. The importance of bird conservation and protection of endangered species in captivity
6. The relationship between pet birds and their owners in captivity
7. The challenges and benefits of bird rehabilitation and re-introduction programs
8. The symbolism of caged birds in literature and art
9. The rights of caged birds and the debate surrounding animal rights
10. The potential alternatives to caging birds for....

Could you assist me in finding essay topics pertaining to Pollution?
Words: 191

1. The causes and effects of air pollution in urban areas
2. The impact of plastic pollution on marine ecosystems
3. The role of industrial activities in water pollution
4. How deforestation contributes to environmental pollution
5. The health effects of pollution on human populations
6. The effectiveness of government policies in combating pollution
7. The role of technology in reducing pollution levels
8. The ethical implications of pollution on future generations
9. The connection between climate change and pollution
10. The importance of public awareness and education in addressing pollution issues
11. The link between pollution and wildlife extinction
12. Case studies of successful....

Could you assist me in finding essay topics pertaining to Pollution?
Words: 549

Essay Topics on Pollution

Air Pollution:

The Impact of Air Pollution on Human Health and the Environment
The Role of Vehicle Emissions in Air Quality Degradation
The Economic and Social Costs of Air Pollution on Cities
The Effectiveness of Air Quality Regulations and Standards
The Future of Air Pollution Mitigation and Control

Water Pollution:

The Causes and Consequences of Water Pollution in Developing Countries
The Impact of Agricultural Practices on Water Quality
The Role of Wastewater Treatment Plants in Reducing Water Pollution
The Legal and Policy Framework for Water Pollution Control
The Challenges and Solutions to Marine Pollution

Land Pollution:

The Sources and....

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