Observation Essays (Examples)

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Fast Food Restaurant: McDonalds
For this study, the researchers went to a McDonald's fast food restaurant to observe operations during a standard high-traffic weekday lunch hour (11am-2pm). The goal of the study was to observe different operational aspects of the business. These operational aspects included: role differentiation; coordination mechanisms; technology; and stakeholders. The observation yielded surprising information about fast food workers. They were far more efficient than we had previously assumed, with an error rate that was lower than we would have guessed. In addition, the workers were not treated very well by some of the customers, though management seemed to treat them well.

Introduction and Overview

For this project, we engaged in an observation at a local McDonald's fast food restaurant. The observation occurred during a weekday lunch hour, from 11am until 2pm. We chose this time after asking the McDonald's manager to tell us the highest-traffic times for that location.….

Community Group Meeting Observation for Hepatitis B
One of the major ways of promoting personal involvement in health policy issues is through involvement in community group meeting. Personal involvement in health policy issues regarding Hepatitis B is also facilitated through participation and observation in a community group meeting. While they are not professional meetings, community group meetings influence policy formulation through discussions on various issues relating to the community in relation to the disease, treatment measures, and effectiveness of the treatment measures in the community. Through discussing various issues relating to a specific health issue, community group meetings develop certain goals that influence health planning and/or policy development. An example of the impact of a community group meeting in policy development for Hepatitis B is a Hepatitis B community meeting that was sponsored by Korean Community Services in New York.

Hepatitis B Program

Hepatitis B meeting was held on April 17, 2015 in….

Observation in Classroom

Teacher esponsibilities
Observed Lowe, and Motely plan for the Unit 1 Poetry Segment

Through observation it has become apparent that the Ms. Lowe has numerous responsibilities throughout the day. She was often planning lessons, teaching students in an imaginative fashion and partnering with Ms. Smith on instruction material

The team of English teachers is also very collaborative. They utilize ideas, thoughts and concepts to their advantage, particularly when designing classroom assignments. The team, in regards to responsibilities also delegates tasks in an efficient manner.

The teachers were also responsible for creating quiz content that reinforced student knowledge of the material. This surprisingly, was a daunting tasks as the team wanted to create an evaluation that wasn't too strenuous, but also would demonstrate understanding. Elements of standardized testing also came into the discussion when designing quiz material.

Another responsibility was creating an environment conducive for learning. Teachers wanted to allow student ample opportunity to learn and….

Public Observation

Public qualitative observation: WOW Fitness Center
WOW Fitness Center is a part of a chain of gyms which offers a wide variety of weight machines, cardio machines, and fitness classes. There is also a juice bar located within WOW. WOW charges monthly membership fees that are relatively low in cost and thus it attracts a wide representation of persons from the larger community of varying levels of fitness. It often offers trial membership subscriptions to lure new people to the gym and free weekly passes for those people who wish to try out WOW. To do my observation, I obtained a one week free weekly pass. The gym is large and sprawling, with several rooms boasting various types of equipment. Although some rooms have more cardiovascular equipment or more weight machines than others, there is no specific room devoted to one or the other.

Televisions hang above many of the pieces of….

Unobtrusive observation on the word "fuck" with friends and family:
Fuck was often used by the males of the family when expressing disappointment or disregard for authority. It was often used in an informal and casual setting with light emphasis on the word when it came to disappointment and strong emphasis when it came to anger. I noticed early on that the males of the family would curse more with each other than in the presence of females. When with women and girls, they not only changed their speaking tone and mannerisms, they also became quieter in conversation.

The males also demonstrated similar behavior amongst friends. Age was not a dependent factor on using "fuck" as they would use to speak of intercourse, not caring, or showing remorse or disbelief. Examples would include: "I fucking feel so bad for him." "I fucked her pretty good." "Fuck yeah buddy." The last phrase was….

It is a quantitative instrument, that has been statistically validated, and probably most appropriate as an instrument to ensure adherence to certain state and/or national standards.
MCC -- Dialogue approach to rating a teacher's performance. Both qualitative and quantitative in nature, does encourage robust dialogue between teacher and observer, and more self-analysis from the instructor. Essentially an evolving template that can be used in multiple grades, classrooms, and subject areas. ubric is clear, concise, and well-developed. Allows for all types of rating structures, as well as localized adherence to district and/or state standards. Allows for video taping, and is robust in terms of classroom layout and management.

PEP -- ather short, quantitative instrument, that is designed to primarily assess math and science in the K-8 level. It is appropriate for regular observation, more valuable as an indicator of whether a certain lesson met standard than the overall competence level of the….

She agreed. The first twenty minutes of the observation is complete at this stage. At this time the strongest support for my hypothesis is the non-verbal behavior and the final sentences of the conversation.
The hypothesis was tested and confirmed during the second twenty minutes of the conversation. The male and female continued to display non-verbal behavior that supported the hypothesis regarding their developing feelings for each other. They frequently touched hands and looked into each other's eyes. They also smiled more frequently at each other than at me and gave more attention to each other than to me. When speaking to each other, both the female and male leaned forward slightly and focused their attention on the other.

In terms of conversation, the subject of the conversation continued to revolve around college life and how this contrasted with their lives at home. They appeared to agree that they were grateful….

Kitchen: The Second Observation
Upon entering my kitchen for a second observation, the first feature I notice is the bright orange walls that remind me of summer. My eyes are then drawn to the wide window with light pouring in. The window has a deep ledge and on this ledge sits a small potted cactus that my brother purchased several days ago. As I look around I notice the large stainless steel appliances and how they compliment the wide expanse of granite countertops. The double-door refrigerator consists of a cold water dispenser and an ice maker. It is five feet tall and four feet wide, but it is built in so it does not overpower the kitchen. It also consists of cheery wood panels that blend well with the rest of the cabinetry. Other major appliances include a microwave sitting above a convection oven, a dishwasher, a wine refrigerator, and….

The students were animated and worked diligently; at times, it was necessary to tone down the volume of voice. The 45 minutes went by quickly.

This more flexible and nontraditional method of teaching worked in most cases. However, there were times, depending on the students, when someone asked for help and could not find anyone free or asked for help and was helped to quickly and did not truly understand the rationale for the answer.


While this class went to lunch and the play ground, the observer went to the special needs room. This area was for about a dozen students maximum at a time. The students there ranged from ADD to a child who was incapable of acquiring any more learning. There was one teacher and the students all in one row along a long table. The teacher sat on the opposite side of the table.


These students….

Preschoolers Observation
The observation took place at a local playground in a nearby park, because I felt that this would be the most comfortable, and therefore the most conducive environment for gathering the information I needed unobtrusively. I also chose this venue because according to renowned Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget, playing is a critical part of the development process -- it enhances social exchanges, teaches a child patience such as how to wait their turn and inspires creative thinking and problems solving (Piaget, 1963).

I sat on a bench and my attention almost immediately went to a young girl with short brown hair who seemed to be about 4 years old. She had just arrived with a woman I assumed to be her mother, and she was quick to get into the action. I decided to name her "Lydia" for this purpose of this observation report. "Lydia's" attention turned quickly to a….

At the third session, the same member expressed sympathy for the same woman and both of them shed some tears. By the third session I observed it became apparent that the group was solidly within the third stage, developing the cohesiveness necessary to meet the group goals. When any group member exhibited resistance or antagonism, another member would point it out before a leader had to say anything. I also noticed that the leaders intervened less during the third session than at either of the first two. Group members seemed to have gotten into a rhythm within the format of the group so that strong leadership was not as necessary as it might have been during the first two stages. When leaders did intervene they did so sensitively and carefully, not patronizing the members but assuming they knew why they were in the group and also how the group….

Classroom Observation
Interview Transcripts

Interview #1 with myself and Mrs. Evans.

Myself: Hello I am a student and I am interested in observing your classroom for one hour of play if that is possible?

Mrs. Evans: Sure, we have playtime at 10:00 AM and at 1:00pm.

Myself: Great, I just need to observe one student. I will be there tomorrow at 12:30.

Mrs. Evans: Your welcome, I will speak to you again when you arrive. Make sure to come prepared to learn and take some good notes.

Myself: Thanks again for this opportunity and I appreciate your time.

Interview #2 with myself and Mrs. Evans

Mrs. Evans: A good student for your observation today would be Billy.

Myself: Thanks, I was going to ask if there is a student you recommend I observe.

Mrs. Evans. Billy is one of the smartest kids in the class and really teaches the other kids what he knows and is learning.

Myself: Sounds like a good….

Interpersonal Non-Verbal Communication Observation
The importance of Non-Verbal Communication is evident in the fact that it constitutes the bulk of human communication. The fact that non-verbal communication is more important than any other form of communication is due to the emotional information it conveys, which is otherwise usually controlled or concealed. Thus, human beings base their feelings and emotional responses not so much on what another person says, but upon what another person does. In fact, it is estimated that the impact of non-verbal communication on a message's meaning can be as high as 93%. It is, therefore, obvious that learning to interpret nonverbal communication is critical in order to effectively decode meaning and underlying motivations in messages. But, first, it would be necessary to define the concept itself: "Non verbal communication is a process whereby people, through intentional or unintentional manipulation of normative actions and expectations express experiences, feelings, and….

Animal Observation Lab

All ethological research must begin with accurate observation of the subjects at hand. One of the most important aspects of accurate observation is that the observer be able to isolate and distinguish one type of behavior from another. For example, when a primate scratches itself, is it engaging in ritual grooming behavior or is it simply scratching an insect bite? esearchers must be able to distinguish and catalogue such differences if they are to acquire a complete picture of the range of meaningful behaviors of an animal (Shanor & Kanwal, 2009).

In my observations of two species of animals at the Bronx Zoo I was able to observe (and record) a number of distinct behaviors. In observing a group of monkeys (some orange in color, others dark brown) I was very much aware of the fact that the different individual monkeys displayed very distinctive behavior: I noticed one orange-colored….

Criminal Court Observation
As I wandered into the courtroom (after a considerable amount of time waiting in line to clear the metal detector in the main hall of the courthouse), I hardly felt comfortable. The room was stuffy from the people who had arrived before me, and I could not help but wonder if I was sitting next to family members of the defendant (who would turn out to be a young white male dressed in an orange jumpsuit.

Interestingly, what I recall most strongly was the sight of the man, one Wayne Thomson, as he was led shuffling into the room in handcuffs and shackles. I wondered how he felt -- scared, humiliated, angry? From looking at his face briefly before he sat down, he looked absolutely blank.

Although it seems silly, I actually felt frightened myself after the judge railed angrily at another person sitting on the bench three people down….

Looking for the best practices on endotracheal suctioning often involves determining whether open or closed suctioning is better.  Open suctioning requires disconnecting the patient from the ventilator, while closed suctioning allows the patient to remain connected to the ventilator.  While closed suctioning is generally preferred, it is not always the best practice, but the research investigated looked specifically at closed suctioning because of the research question presented.   

In 1999, Kinloch ran an observational study that compared oxygenation in patients that either had normal saline instilled at the start of endotracheal tube suctioning or did not have saline instilled.  Until....

There are four different philosophical approaches in education: idealism, realism, pragmatism, and existentialism.  While each of these four philosophical approaches can be seen in parts of modern-day education, realism is probably the most pervasive current philosophical influence.

Realism developed from the teachings of Aristotle and can be thought of as concerning objective facts.  While different people may perceive things in various ways, the objective truth of an event does not change.  This emphasis on rational thought means that realism underpins much of what we think of as truth. 

Realism is reflected in educational approaches that teach critical thinking skills....

There is no understating the importance that the Church and the development of Christianity and alternative churches have in the history of the world and the creation of modern culture.  Christianity and the Church were a driving factor behind the colonial development of the world, which required incorporating foreign aspects into worship, and led to the creation of the modern worship experience.

It is important to look at how the Age of Discovery, when the Catholic Church expanded around the globe by establishing missions in conquered or colonized countries with indigenous populations of people who....

To be honest, writing book reviews can be challenging, even for writers who love to read.  It can feel difficult to strike the right balance between objective observations about a book, critical discussion of the book, and subjective opinion of the book. This is especially true when the book is a highly emotional one like Tuesdays with Morrie, which is beloved by many readers. You also have to consider the approach that you are taking in your book review.  Are you writing the review for readers, in general, or with a specific audience in mind? ....

4 Pages


Observation and Analysis of a Fast Food Restaurant

Words: 1280
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Fast Food Restaurant: McDonalds For this study, the researchers went to a McDonald's fast food restaurant to observe operations during a standard high-traffic weekday lunch hour (11am-2pm). The goal…

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5 Pages


Observation of Hepatitis B Community Group Meeting

Words: 1617
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Community Group Meeting Observation for Hepatitis B One of the major ways of promoting personal involvement in health policy issues is through involvement in community group meeting. Personal involvement in…

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5 Pages
Application Essay


Observation in Classroom

Words: 2298
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Application Essay

Teacher esponsibilities Observed Lowe, and Motely plan for the Unit 1 Poetry Segment Through observation it has become apparent that the Ms. Lowe has numerous responsibilities throughout the day. She was…

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7 Pages


Public Observation

Words: 2221
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Public qualitative observation: WOW Fitness Center WOW Fitness Center is a part of a chain of gyms which offers a wide variety of weight machines, cardio machines, and fitness classes.…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Sports - Women

Obtrusive and Non-Obtrusive Observation

Words: 975
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Unobtrusive observation on the word "fuck" with friends and family: Fuck was often used by the males of the family when expressing disappointment or disregard for authority. It was often…

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6 Pages


Classroom Observation Quality Questioning Is

Words: 1824
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

It is a quantitative instrument, that has been statistically validated, and probably most appropriate as an instrument to ensure adherence to certain state and/or national standards. MCC -- Dialogue…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

Naturalistic Observation the Observation Took

Words: 1024
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

She agreed. The first twenty minutes of the observation is complete at this stage. At this time the strongest support for my hypothesis is the non-verbal behavior and…

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2 Pages


Kitchen The Second Observation Upon Entering My

Words: 716
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Kitchen: The Second Observation Upon entering my kitchen for a second observation, the first feature I notice is the bright orange walls that remind me of summer. My eyes…

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9 Pages
Term Paper


Teacher Observing Observation Elementary School

Words: 2462
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The students were animated and worked diligently; at times, it was necessary to tone down the volume of voice. The 45 minutes went by quickly. THOUGHTS This more flexible and…

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4 Pages


Preschoolers Observation the Observation Took Place at

Words: 1610
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Preschoolers Observation The observation took place at a local playground in a nearby park, because I felt that this would be the most comfortable, and therefore the most conducive environment…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Group Observation the Breaking Down

Words: 1302
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

At the third session, the same member expressed sympathy for the same woman and both of them shed some tears. By the third session I observed it became…

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3 Pages


Classroom Observation Interview Transcripts Interview 1 With

Words: 950
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Assessment

Classroom Observation Interview Transcripts Interview #1 with myself and Mrs. Evans. Myself: Hello I am a student and I am interested in observing your classroom for one hour of play if that…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Interpersonal Non-Verbal Communication Observation

Words: 1600
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Interpersonal Non-Verbal Communication Observation The importance of Non-Verbal Communication is evident in the fact that it constitutes the bulk of human communication. The fact that non-verbal communication is more important…

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2 Pages


Ethograms Animal Observation Lab All Ethological Research

Words: 585
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Ethograms Animal Observation Lab All ethological research must begin with accurate observation of the subjects at hand. One of the most important aspects of accurate observation is that the observer be…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Law

Criminal Court Observation as I Wandered Into

Words: 1016
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Criminal Court Observation As I wandered into the courtroom (after a considerable amount of time waiting in line to clear the metal detector in the main hall of the courthouse),…

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