Office Space Essays (Examples)

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Then he checks the bank account and is amazed to find out that over $300,000 dollars has siphoned off to them in just a short time. He, Samir and Michael are panicked and sure they will be caught. Peter, reasserting his moral code, says he will take full responsibility, writes a note confessing the crime, and places it, along with travelers' checks paying back the total amount, under Lumbergh's office door late at night. Joanna forgives him amid his assurances that love is more important to him than job satisfaction.
Be that as it may, justice is on its way to Initech. Milton, having finally snapped, enters the building to reclaim his red stapler the morning after Peter's visit. Unable to find it, he lights a fire and burns down the entire office.

Peter finds a job that provides him with far more satisfaction. It is more physical, better suited to….

Industrial Organization (I/O) Psychology and the Film Office Space (1999)
The movie Office Space (1999) although it is clearly a comedy, could almost be a recruiting vehicle, in and of itself, for the profession of industrial organizational (I/O) psychology. According to the web article Careers in industrial organizational psychology:

Industrial Organizational (I/O) Psychology is the study of behavior in work settings. I/O psychology is very important in the workplace for promoting productive worker attitudes and behaviors and for selecting and promoting candidates in the most effective fashion . More and more companies are hiring I/O psychologists to come in and help revamp certain aspects of their company. It seems that today there is a great demand for equal employment, equal pay and an enjoyable yet productive environment.

InTech, the fictional software company that the main character Peter Gibbons, and his equally under-appreciated and burned out friends Samir and Michael worked for, was an….

Office Space opens with an extended scene showing Peter stuck in traffic on his way to work. The morning commute is the commencement of many workers’ days, and impacts their perception of their job and overall quality of life. Yet it is corporate culture itself that is the primary focus of Office Space. Supervisor Lumburgh micromanages, focusing on inane details as a means to assert his authority, without considering the big picture issues he could be focusing on to help the company. As Peter’s dissatisfaction mounts, he takes increasing risks with his career, which ultimately pay off. Initech represents the dysfunctional way many companies continue to operate. The progressive tech companies of today have learned that the organizational culture and leadership styles exhibited in Office Space are detrimental to employee satisfaction, productivity, and ultimately to the success of the organization.
The environment at Initech is bureaucratic and hierarchical, leading to a….

Office Market Analysis of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Today, Philadelphia is highly modern and vigorous city that hosts a number of historic American sites and enjoys numerous natural resources. It is the fourth largest city in the United States and the largest in Pennsylvania. Philadelphia exhibits a number of characteristics of a small town environment complete with trees, parks, and other open spaces; these attributes reflect the legacy of the city's founder, illiam Penn. Philadelphia represents an important urban center of national and international commerce, with one of the largest and busiest freshwater ports in the world. The tremendous industrial production of the city and the surrounding metropolitan regions represent an enormous opportunity for those who recognize what will be needed in this environment today and in the future. To this end, this paper will provide a market analysis of the Philadelphia to determine the condition of the local economy, the competitive supply….

New York eal Estate and Office Markets

New York is one of the premiere metropolitan areas of the world, exerting a significant impact on global commerce, finance, media, art, fashion, research, technology, education, and entertainment. The home of the United Nations Headquarters, New York City is an important center for international affairs and is widely deemed the cultural capital of the world. With its unmatched scope of building types, diverse tenant base and extensive transportation system, the city has earned an iconic and prominent place in the global market.

The borough of Manhattan serves as its hub and is the nation's largest single office market with 450 million square feet of space (Brown, 2007). Its office inventory is greater than the next five largest U.S. markets combined and features some of the world's most iconic properties (Beauregard, 2005). This paper explores the current state of office market conditions….

Philadelphia Office Market Analysis
Downtown Philadelphia -- Analysis of the Office Market of the Central Business District

Recently, the city of Philadelphia has garnered considerable national attention in the national media. This is partly due to the fact that the Philadelphia schooled and owned colt named 'Smarty Jones' has dazzled the eyes of racetrack spectators and betters all over the nation. This prospective winner of racings illustrious Triple Crown makes the old city of Philadelphia as a whole seem, if not glamorous, then at least a city that is showing a newly marketable face to the nation.

Philadelphia resurgence in the Central City Business District has been predicted since the early 1990's. But, from an office owner's real estate oriented perspective and vantage 2004, is Philadelphia a 'good bet'? hat about specifically regarding office space targeted to that of the horary perspective of the legal profession? ould the purchase of a small, Class….

Office elocation
I would like to propose relocation of office building due to following reasons:

The current location has major parking issues

This location cannot fully accommodate our expansion plans

The present location being in commercial hub of the city causes too much congestion and noise

The new location can be a more efficient place in terms of operations and costs.

The rent of the present location is very high

I would truly appreciate if this proposal is given due consideration keeping in mind the fact that our organization is keen to invest in intrapreneurial ideas. Intrapreneurship as opposed to entrepreneurship takes place within an organization when an employee with a brilliant idea decides to start a mini-business with support of senior management and using organizational resources. This business is associated with the organization but can also be seen as a completely separate entity because it may or may not be linked to existing products in….

Hangar Space - A Physical

egulations and requirements

The Federal Aviation Authority -- FAA passed the "Vision100 - Century of Aviation eauthorization Act," which among other regulations also allowed for the allocation of the AIP funds for the facilities like hangars and fuel farms. This is stated in the law that the secretary can pay the funds "apportioned to the airport sponsor under section 47114 (d) (3) (a) and if the Secretary determines that the sponsor has made adequate provision for financing airside needs of the airport." ("Airport Improvement Program," 2004) Therefore all planners and builders are required to submit a business plan. In the event where the promoter of the proposed airport is not requiring the genera fund, still considering these guidelines will help in determining the profitability and the types of facility and structures required. The foremost concern is to evaluate the need. The plan must show the demand envisaged for the facility. There….

Virtual Offices

Virtural Offices
Virtual Offices

Technology has allowed for the unyielding array of products and services that we know enjoy. In just a few seconds anyone can be connected to anyone, anywhere around the world. Technology has brought people closer together, allowed for the transportation of goods and services across borders and reduced the time for many transactions. Many companies, such as Procter & Gamble, IBM, Hewlett-Packard, AT&T, and Compaq have partially or fully eliminated traditional offices for field sales and customer service. Other companies have eliminated offices for workers including researchers, real estate managers, and accountants. For these businesses, work is becoming something you do, not a place where you go. Smaller firms have also taken advantage of technology in order to increase productivity, reduce costs and achieve other strategic goals. Most recently, companies have been redefining the traditional meaning of office and begun to seek cost effective and efficient methods to….

Security measures are available to minimize this effect, in fact an entire industry has emerged to address these needs, but control will never be the same as when the employees are under one roof and subject to scrutinizing eyes and ears and computers and cell phones are free from potential hackers.
To put virtual office security into perspective think about all the security measures that are taken in traditional offices to ensure the safety of a business' equipment and information (Lombardi, 1994). Closed circuit surveillance systems are installed, alarm systems, security guards are utilized to protect the physical plant while extensive firewalls, networking passwords, and layered access systems are used to protect the business information (Rodriguez, 1996).

A distributed workforce can cause problems relative to collaboration. Many work projects require the coordination of different skills and with the workforce being distributed this may be difficult. Specialization of knowledge-based work, falling communication….

.governments are created by law and are continuously regulated by legal provisions found in constitutions, statutes, charters, ordinances, administrative regulations, legislative resolutions and judicial interpretation… the accounting system must produce data and information which indicate the extent to which the financial operations carried out by all agencies of the government pursuant to their designated objectives comply with applicable laws and legal requirements. The existence of a vast network of legal provisions and the diverse nature of governmental operations make necessary the utilization of fund account." (Snodgrass, 1993)
The fund accounting system is ostensibly the full gamut of accounting services and compliance protocol. "The general ledger, financial statements, accounts payable, purchase order processing with encumbrances, payroll including payroll projections and encumbrances, grants management and reporting, grants receivable, human resources, fixed assets management, central stores/inventory." (eis, 1996)

The city therefore should increase its capacity to more properly manage the financial and managerial accounting practices….

Restoration Project
Office Renovation Project

Main Descriptions, Analysis and Evaluation of the Project

Activities Discussion

Project Activity Schedule

Risk Planning

Scope Creep

This project involves the renovation of a new office headquarters for Acme Project Consultants. The company has grown fast due to their expertise in project management consulting. The company has various divisions which handle various types of projects, such as IT projects and construction projects, and a growing staff of professionals who can manage a wide array of various requirements. The company has decided to purchase an older building in a great location and renovate the existing building to suit their growing needs. It was found that this renovation project should be scheduled for 347 working days. The project will begin on the last day of March, 2012 and its expected completion date is 7/30/2013. Thus the project is expected to take roughly sixteen months from beginning to end. Recommendations for the company include developing….

Co-ork Business Plan
The author of this report is offering several parts of a business plan that centers on a co-work location where people can work and network within the greater Reston, Virginia area. The parts of the business plan that will be addressed in this brief report are the competitive environment, the customer demographics, the product positioning map and the ongoing market research plan and budget. A number of competitors that exist for this market will be selected and explained as well. hile a co-work business plan may seem a little silly and out of place in the greater business market, there is actually a place for virtual offices and other places scattered around the country where people can work and be productive without committing a lot of money and resources for a full-on office.


A competitor for the business being proposed will be suggested first. The name of the business….

Office Depot is a retailer of office supplies, operating in 53 countries around the world, but with a primary focus on the American market. The company is relatively young, having been founded in 1986 in Fort Lauderdale (, 2011). The company competes as a "category killer" in office supplies, with a focus on a cost leadership business model (QuickMBA, 2010) that relies on high volumes and low margins for success. The company's success in general relates to its ability to execute this business model and to the broader macroeconomic conditions. It has approximately 40,000 worldwide employees. Most of these are low-level retail workers. At the managerial level, it is critical for Office Depot to have a high level of competency, because the managers are responsible for the effective implementation of the company's broad strategy.
This paper will focus on the role that human resources plays in the success (or lack thereof)….

New York City

Use of Temporary Space

(NYC Department of Parks & ecreation)

Images & Charts

Illy Push Button House

Store Front Library

Brooklyn Bridge Park


Images & Charts

According to the NYC Department of Parks & ecreation, Dutch traders established farming communities and villages east of Manhattan around 1652. One such village, Vlackebos, literally translated into the "wooded plain." This wooded plane area at the time consisted of virgin thick forests coupled with flat terrain so it eventually was called Flatbush. The area stayed in this overgrown natural state for nearly three centuries. "But, in the 1920s, the new Interborough apid Transit linked Flatbush to the rest of the city, sparking new developments that began welcoming successive generations of immigrants. As with the Dutch traders, these newcomers built homes and roads, only more quickly and densely. iding through East Flatbush today, there are still trees that line its quiet residential sidewalks. But the area's open space is….

In a market economy, the forces of supply and demand play a crucial role in determining prices and quantities of goods and services exchanged. When the government intervenes by imposing a new tax on a specific market, such as the commercial office property market, it can have significant implications on the equilibrium price and quantity. By analyzing the situation through the use of supply and demand curves, we can understand how the market will react to the imposition of a 10% property tax on all commercial office property buyers. This essay will delve into the dynamics of the market and....

Impact of Commercial Office Space Tax on the Market
The imposition of a tax on commercial office space can have far-reaching implications for the real estate market. Here's an analysis of how the market typically responds to such a tax:
1. Reduced Demand and Renting Activity:
The tax increases the cost of occupying commercial office space, making it less affordable for businesses.
As a result, demand for office space declines, leading to a decrease in renting activity.
Tenants may seek alternative, less expensive options, such as subletting, co-working spaces, or working remotely.
2. Lower Rental Rates:
With reduced demand, landlords must adjust their....

The market typically responds to a new tax on commercial office space in the following ways:

1. Increase in property operating expenses: Commercial property owners may pass on the cost of the new tax to tenants by increasing rental rates on office space.

2. Decrease in demand: Higher rental rates due to the new tax may result in decreased demand for commercial office space, as businesses may seek more affordable alternatives or reduce their office space requirements.

3. Impact on property values: The new tax may affect the value of commercial office properties, as potential buyers may factor in the additional tax burden....

Impact of a New Tax on Commercial Office Space on the Market

The imposition of a new tax on commercial office space can have significant ramifications on the real estate market, affecting both landlords and tenants. Here's a detailed analysis of the potential responses and implications:

1. Reduced Demand for Commercial Office Space:

A new tax on commercial office space will inevitably increase the operating costs for businesses. This will make it more expensive for companies to lease or purchase office space, leading to a potential reduction in demand. Businesses may explore alternative options such as remote work, reducing their physical space requirements,....

8 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Management

1999 Movie Office Space Written

Words: 2425
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Then he checks the bank account and is amazed to find out that over $300,000 dollars has siphoned off to them in just a short time. He, Samir…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


I O Psychology Office Space

Words: 1620
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Industrial Organization (I/O) Psychology and the Film Office Space (1999) The movie Office Space (1999) although it is clearly a comedy, could almost be a recruiting vehicle, in and of…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


office'space organizational culture environment

Words: 962
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Office Space opens with an extended scene showing Peter stuck in traffic on his way to work. The morning commute is the commencement of many workers’ days, and impacts…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Urban Studies

Philadelphia Office Market Analysis

Words: 1687
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Office Market Analysis of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Today, Philadelphia is highly modern and vigorous city that hosts a number of historic American sites and enjoys numerous natural resources. It is the…

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7 Pages
Research Paper

Urban Studies

New York Real Estate and Office Markets

Words: 2269
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

New York eal Estate and Office Markets NEW YOK CITY OFFICE MAKET New York is one of the premiere metropolitan areas of the world, exerting a significant impact on global commerce,…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Urban Studies

Philadelphia Office Market Analysis

Words: 995
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Philadelphia Office Market Analysis Downtown Philadelphia -- Analysis of the Office Market of the Central Business District Recently, the city of Philadelphia has garnered considerable national attention in the national media.…

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3 Pages

Business - Management

Ideas and Proposal to CEO for Office Relocation

Words: 935
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Office elocation I would like to propose relocation of office building due to following reasons: The current location has major parking issues This location cannot fully accommodate our expansion plans The present…

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25 Pages
Term Paper


Hangar Space - A Physical

Words: 9159
Length: 25 Pages
Type: Term Paper

egulations and requirements The Federal Aviation Authority -- FAA passed the "Vision100 - Century of Aviation eauthorization Act," which among other regulations also allowed for the allocation of the AIP…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Virtual Offices

Words: 1415
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Virtural Offices Virtual Offices Technology has allowed for the unyielding array of products and services that we know enjoy. In just a few seconds anyone can be connected to anyone, anywhere…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Virtual Office Disadvantages of Virtual

Words: 2525
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Security measures are available to minimize this effect, in fact an entire industry has emerged to address these needs, but control will never be the same as when…

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15 Pages
Research Paper


Expenditure Plan From the Office

Words: 3754
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Research Paper

.governments are created by law and are continuously regulated by legal provisions found in constitutions, statutes, charters, ordinances, administrative regulations, legislative resolutions and judicial interpretation… the accounting system must…

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7 Pages

Business - Management

Restoration Project Office Renovation Project Main Descriptions

Words: 2043
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Restoration Project Office Renovation Project Main Descriptions, Analysis and Evaluation of the Project Activities Discussion Project Activity Schedule Risk Planning Scope Creep This project involves the renovation of a new office headquarters for Acme Project Consultants.…

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3 Pages


The Emergence of Co Work Offices

Words: 1167
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Co-ork Business Plan The author of this report is offering several parts of a business plan that centers on a co-work location where people can work and network within the…

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12 Pages
Research Paper


Actual Personnel Policies for Office Depot

Words: 3682
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Office Depot is a retailer of office supplies, operating in 53 countries around the world, but with a primary focus on the American market. The company is relatively young,…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Urban Studies

Temporarily Use of Empty Spaces in NYC

Words: 4440
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Space New York City Use of Temporary Space (NYC Department of Parks & ecreation) Images & Charts Illy Push Button House Store Front Library Brooklyn Bridge Park Chashama Images & Charts According to the NYC Department of Parks &…

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