Once Upon A Time Essays (Examples)

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"Once upon a time there was a boy who loved a girl, and her laughter was a question he wanted to spend his whole life answering…" These were the opening lines that began a love story so powerful that Alma Singer's parents were moved to name her after the story's heroine. These lovers, Alma's parents, would also be separated when death claimed her father, leaving Alma's mother consumed with her loss.

At not quite fifteen years of age, Alma's experience of romantic love would be limited, but that doesn't stop her from trying to find a man for her mother to love. Certainly Alma loves her mother so much that her mother's pain becomes her own, and Alma does what she can to ease her mother's suffering. Alma is motivated to try to change her mother's life for the better, and Alma too becomes preoccupied with love.

Much has been written about….

Time Bind

Russell Hochschild, Arlie. The Time Bind: When Work Becomes Home and Home Becomes Work. New YOrk: Owl Books, 2001.

Explain the title. What is the "Time Bind"?

The author of The Time Bind, Arlie Russell Hochschild, states that for many parents today, particularly women, when the formal, paid part of their work shift ends, another unpaid work shift begins. This second shift comprises the demands of home and family care and is effectively another full-time job. This creates a tension, or time bind between work and home, leaving no time for private leisure, much less devoting time to making a better world and community life for the next generation.

More and more women are working, and these women working full-time rather than part-time, despite the demands of their children. Also, men are working more rather than fewer hours, leaving husbands and fathers even less available to help raise the children or to….

Spy Kids 2001 A Radical

The names of the characters in Spy Kids, such as Floop, give a illy onka-espionage-in-fun verbal as well as visual tone to the film, and the thumb-shaped henchmen of Floop seem like a tribute to the onka oompah-loompas.
For students of Rodriquez, Spy Kids may not be the director's most significant film, but it is an argument that the director, even when making a mainstream Hollywood genre film, has a clear vision as a filmmaker. He is unapologetic in his call for the centrality of Hispanic life and ordinary Hispanic heroism in cinema. His heroes are ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances, yet capable of showing grit and wit and rising to the occasion when needed. His heroes take themselves as well as the audience by surprise.

orks Cited

Ebert, Roger. Spy Kids. The Chicago Sun Times. March 30, 2001. March 15, 2010.


El Mariachi. Directed by Roger Rodriquez. 1992.

Mitchell, Elvis. Spy Kids. The….

Trace the roots of many of the traditional cannon of fairy tale - Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty etc. - and women and children are often subdued by the establishment. Stardust's suggestion that there might be greater things inside all of us seems perfectly in line with traditional fairy tales.
If, however, you believe in more traditional gender roles and are very conservative in regards to family structure then Stardust may present a problem namely, that homosexuality is okay. To those coming from the hard right, Captain Shakespeare's effeminate behavior behind closed doors (or in the closet), and his revelation to the crew that he enjoys cross-dressing and they're subsequent reveal that they already knew, Stardust is definitely a challenge to the status quo. Even the heterosexual romance between Tristan and Yvaine pushes the limit as they are shown in bed together on more than one occasion. Magic and the….

Wanna Hear a Poem
I agree with you that Steve Coleman's piece "I Wanna Hear A Poem" would be an excellent choice of a first poem to study in an introductory poetry class, given the way that it frames all of the many weighty and sometimes contradictory expectations teachers and students bring to poetry. Questions which inevitably arise in a class when students begin to discuss poetry are: what is poetry? How is it different from prose? What purpose does poetry uniquely fill in the literary landscape? Coleman's ambitious demands for poetry, rendered as a long, searching, compelling drumbeat of a list highlight the 'specialness' we demand of the poetic format. Poetry must mean something that transcends the surface meaning of the poet's words. I also agree the poem is an excellent jumping-off point for discussing the various functions poetry has fulfilled in societies across the ages.

However, as well as….

Farmers' markets: A history
Farmers' markets are often praised as the solution to many of our nation's food problems. "Farmers markets are an integral part of the urban/farm linkage and have continued to rise in popularity, mostly due to the growing consumer interest in obtaining fresh products directly from the farm" (Farmers Markets, 2012, USDA). Farmers' markets are defined as places were farmers can sell products directly to consumers. The products are believed to be more likely to be locally grown and the food sold there is viewed as having a lower carbon footprint regarding transportation. According to the USDA: "farmers markets allow consumers to have access to locally grown, farm fresh produce, enables farmers the opportunity to develop a personal relationship with their customers, and cultivate consumer loyalty with the farmers who grows the produce" (Farmers Markets, 2012, USDA). In an age in which so many people feel disconnected from….

When instituting organizational change, emphasizing the need for that change is vital to increase the chance of acceptance of the new alterations in approach. It must be communicated that an organization cannot succeed in a global environment if it is not diverse. Multinational departments and a diversity of employees, with a wide range of skills and knowledge spheres make the organization more flexible and responsive. If employees are aware of this fact, they will be more accepting. Transmitting examples of intercultural success stories is particularly essential as an organization adjusts to its multinational status.

Conclusions: Improvements in the current environment

Diverse organizations are stronger, after the initial adjustment period, and also are able to more effectively communicate to a wide range of consumers, internationally. And common language of virtual communication may eventually be established, reducing the chances of offense in coming eras. The new global era of business has also erased many….

Health Public Good
Public Health as a Public Good

The United States has one of the lowest cost food options available to its consumers in the world. For an extended period, people assumed that this was a benefit of capitalism and that competition had helped push down the prices and made food available at lower costs through the market. However, many externalities have arisen in these circumstances that are now pointing researchers to question the consequences of having mass processed food available to consumers. The United States, as well as many other industrialized nations, currently has epidemic rates of obesity as well as the related obesity diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.

This trend is not restricted to just adult and the obesity rates among children have subsequently risen as well. This has made many instructions and activists compare the effects of poor diets and their health consequences to smoking cigarettes and….

Myths and Narratives
My great-grandfather was a school teacher in est Virginia. He taught in rural schools that were one-room school houses in what he called the "boondocks." He rode his horse between schools and parents of his students would put him up for the night. His storytelling, according to my father and grandfather, was so powerful that kids believed his myths even though he told them it was just a story. One of his stories (about how horses came into existence) has been told by other family members through the years. I will tell that story in this paper.

How Horses Came into Existence -- Summary

The story of how the horse came into existence involves a little boy, his dog, his family and a pail that holds water. Basically this story is about the family's need for water and the great distance family members had to travel to fetch water and….

English for academic purposes approach focuses on the reader, too, not as a specific individual but as the representative of a discourse community, for example, a specific discipline or academia in general. The reader is an initiated expert who represents a faculty audience. This reader, particularly omniscient and all-powerful, is likely to be an abstract representation, a generalized construct, one reified from an examination of academic assignments and texts (aimes, 1991).
Partnership Teaching is not just an extension of co-operative teaching. Co-operative teaching consists of a language support teacher and class teacher jointly planning a curriculum and teaching strategies which will take into account the learning needs of all pupils. The point is to adjust the learning situation in order to fit the pupils. Partnership Teaching is more than that. It builds on the notion of co-operative teaching by linking the work of two teachers with plans for curriculum improvement….


The ubiquity of online media has prompted the magazine to reduce its rate of print publications to 10 from 12 publications a year, and cut its print subscriptions in favor of digital advertising. This will also allow for greater segmentation, as it can more easily create "digital single topic editions, mobile applications, e-reader products and videos" of specific interest to segments of its core consumer base, and hopefully draw more advertisers who wish to target their publications online (Bell 2009). It can also feature general articles and condensed stories to suit the desire of readers still seeking the Reader's Digest compressed form that tells them 'everything they need to know.' Through the online website, searchers can select what stories interest them the most.

Industry environment (Porter's Five Forces)

Reader's Digest is currently in a medium with very low barriers to entry -- virtually anyone can start a blog about parenting or eating….

Of course, there are many other factors that contributed to Vietnam, but such a simplistic argument that drafts prevent or cause wars is similar to the equally logically fallacious argument used by people who wish to instate the peacetime draft.
Freedom from national compulsion, including compulsion to serve was one of the reasons our nation was founded. One of the causes of the war of 1812 was the forced conscription or impressment of American seamen into the British army -- but the British were not above impressing their own citizens, when needed, into military service, something the Americans abhorred. "The Napoleonic ars increased English need for sea power and led to the impressment of a large number of deserters, criminals, and British subjects who had become naturalized Americans" ("Impressment," Columbia Encyclopedia, 2008). America was resistant to a professional federal force in general (hence the need for the amendments allowing semi-or….

After all, once upon a time it was supposedly a scientific truth that the earth was the center of the universe. "Insular self-sufficiency" or the sense that one person's framework of knowledge and ideas is perfect and complete is a great danger, because things can always change (70). "Self-control," determining what are the "proper attitudes" to display and finding a sense of a firm ground for moral reason has been the focus of estern philosophy since the ancient Greeks, as if human experience could be calculated, and every moral problem anticipated (110-111).

hy are we as a culture so obsessed with hard, fast, and unalterable facts? hy has the need for a single standard of morality become an unquestioned truth, why must a code of morality be certain, rather than vary from situation to situation? hy not involve feelings as well as facts in determining morality?

This quest for certainty and objective….

Bind Chaos in a Pair

What is the significance and quality of his life? He is a little like a force of nature, a little like a trickster god, a little like a criminal... his activities make his like and that of all those around him at once interesting and uncomfortable, and every day he challenges those around him to change and renew their lives.
To understand how his behavior itself is and creates chaos, one can just glance at a few of his reported activities. I wrote to him just a few days ago, asking him to tell me a few of his newest stories -- as always, they were full of humor and insight. Once upon a time, he said, not long ago, this little girl came up to him. "Are you a boy or a girl?" He grinned at her, leaned in close, and said: "I'm a radical gender*****." "What's that?" He….

The Donations of Constantine were in fact a fraud - a fact that could only have been revealed through the subjecting of the "original" document to unbiased evaluation. Yet Leonardo Bruni, much more than Valla, deserves the credit for shaping the modern idea of history. Advancing on the style and technique of such Classical authors as Herodotus and Thucydides, Bruni developed a more modern, and scientific approach to the subject. Though not all of his writings can be taken as shining exemplars of the new commitment to accuracy and truth, Bruni at his best, charted new territory for historical scholarship.
Bruni's monumental Historiarum Florentini Populi Libri XII (hereafter Historiae) is often singled out as an exemplary work, one that set the whole enterprise of history writing on a new plane.... Bruni destroys the legends surrounding the founding and early history of Florence, and then recasts the story on the basis….

3 Pages

Family and Marriage

Love Once Upon a Time There Was

Words: 917
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Love "Once upon a time there was a boy who loved a girl, and her laughter was a question he wanted to spend his whole life answering…" These were the…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Time Bind

Words: 967
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Bind Russell Hochschild, Arlie. The Time Bind: When Work Becomes Home and Home Becomes Work. New YOrk: Owl Books, 2001. Explain the title. What is the "Time Bind"? The author of…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Spy Kids 2001 A Radical

Words: 1715
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The names of the characters in Spy Kids, such as Floop, give a illy onka-espionage-in-fun verbal as well as visual tone to the film, and the thumb-shaped henchmen…

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3 Pages


Subversive Elements in Stadust 'Once

Words: 947
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Trace the roots of many of the traditional cannon of fairy tale - Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty etc. - and women and children are often subdued by…

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1 Pages
Peer Reviewed Journal


Wanna Hear a Poem I Agree With

Words: 307
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Peer Reviewed Journal

Wanna Hear a Poem I agree with you that Steve Coleman's piece "I Wanna Hear A Poem" would be an excellent choice of a first poem to study in…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


Farmers' Markets A History Farmers' Markets Are

Words: 1685
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Farmers' markets: A history Farmers' markets are often praised as the solution to many of our nation's food problems. "Farmers markets are an integral part of the urban/farm linkage and…

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7 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Management

Creating Effective Communications in a

Words: 2098
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

When instituting organizational change, emphasizing the need for that change is vital to increase the chance of acceptance of the new alterations in approach. It must be communicated that…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Companies

Food as a Public Good and Obesity as an Externality

Words: 1729
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Health Public Good Public Health as a Public Good The United States has one of the lowest cost food options available to its consumers in the world. For an extended period,…

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3 Pages


Myths and Narratives My Great-Grandfather Was a

Words: 1130
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Myths and Narratives My great-grandfather was a school teacher in est Virginia. He taught in rural schools that were one-room school houses in what he called the "boondocks." He rode…

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15 Pages

Communication - Language

Theory a Critical Discussion of

Words: 4698
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Essay

English for academic purposes approach focuses on the reader, too, not as a specific individual but as the representative of a discourse community, for example, a specific discipline…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Communication - Journalism

Digest Strategic Management a Condensed

Words: 1075
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Technology The ubiquity of online media has prompted the magazine to reduce its rate of print publications to 10 from 12 publications a year, and cut its print subscriptions in…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


America Reinstitute a Draft Once

Words: 1431
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Of course, there are many other factors that contributed to Vietnam, but such a simplistic argument that drafts prevent or cause wars is similar to the equally logically…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Inward Morning Is a Philosophical

Words: 987
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

After all, once upon a time it was supposedly a scientific truth that the earth was the center of the universe. "Insular self-sufficiency" or the sense that one person's…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Bind Chaos in a Pair

Words: 1201
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

What is the significance and quality of his life? He is a little like a force of nature, a little like a trickster god, a little like a…

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11 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

European Renaissance Represents a Rebirth

Words: 3470
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The Donations of Constantine were in fact a fraud - a fact that could only have been revealed through the subjecting of the "original" document to unbiased evaluation.…

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