Operating System Essays (Examples)

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One of the main drawbacks of the user authentication is the essence of various attacks to the protection mechanism. The concept of user authenticity is weak and susceptible to numerous attacks. The protection mechanism also relates to the ability of the user to maintain the user ID and password secret for the purposes of minimizing threats and attacks (Weber 2010). This is an indication that the users must have the right memory and the ability to keep the essentials secret with the aim of reducing external threats thus enhancing the validity and integrity and availability of the information within the context of the user's computer system.
It is ideal to note that the authenticity mechanism is ineffective in relation to making financial transactions remotely. This focus on the making of fund transfers though the concept of the internet banking channel. There is an increase in cost of utilization of this….

The system will also assist the company to incorporate a fleet management system that has a tracking device to assist the Jinx Transport & Logistics Company to track all its fleet of vehicles located at any location. With the new systems, customers will have platform to interact with the systems, and the system will assist them to make inquiry and track their parcels.
2. OS Processor and Core

Jinx Transport & Logistics Company will require multi-core processor and multi-core configuration to do multiple tasks. The multi-core will be 64-bit Intel Xeon processor 7000. The hardware will be Processor Core VMs/VD's, while the software will be Firmware/BIOS.

A multi-core processor is a computing unit having multiple central processing units. Multi-core processor could be widely used for many applications, which include digital signal processing (DSP), network, graphics, and general-purpose application. The company will derive several benefits from upgrading to multi-core processing.

Benefits from Upgrading to….

Without the consent of the user, the program will never be elevated to administrator privilege. The MIC or integrity levels is again a new security concept with Vista OS. This feature is controlled by the Access control entry (ACE) in the System Access control List (SACL) of a file, process or a registry key. y associating every process with an integrity level, the OS limits privilege escalation attacks. [Matthew Conover]

Operating systems are the very core of the computers and control the basic functions of resource abstraction and resource sharing. Today, new, more efficient and robust operating systems are being developed that promise to offer entirely new levels of computing power, improved stability and overall security. Most operating systems use virtual memory mapping and extensive security features such as firewalls and other encryption tools built in to control data compromise and information theft specifically for the Web. There is also….

Configuration of Microsoft Windows in more complex networking environments required an extensive amount of add-in software and programming to ensure all systems could work. Finally the levels of security inherent in the Microsoft Windows operating system continue to be problematic (Bradley, 2009).
The Linux and UNIX operating systems are comparable in terms of kernel and memory architectures (MacKinnon, 1999)(Predd, Cass, 2005). There are variations in the pricing models used for selling them, with Linux being open source and offered in a variety of distributions from leading open source providers including ed Hat (Predd, Cass, 2005). Linux has the strengths of being one of the more stable server-based operating systems given the architecture of its kernel and memory allocation algorithms (MacKinnon, 1999). Linux is more affordable than any of the operating systems in this analysis as well given the unique pricing structure of open source software (Predd, Cass, 2005). Linux also….

In addition the cost makes it expensive to own the hardware required to support these systems as personal computers. he university has also indicated its preference for the PC and the Windows operating system. All training and skill acquisition is also generally offered for the windows system in the college. Standardization and uniformity of the design platform of Microsoft has greatly enhanced the applicability in the workplace. Standard packages have allowed Microsoft to reduce the development speed, reduce development staff requirement, and offer a constant state-of-the-art it capability through upgrades.
he most common software that I use are MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint. In addition, I also use the email services provided by the college as well as my own personal email. I use the Internet Explorer for surfing and navigating the web as well as Instant messenger that is also offered with the standard Office package. By 'bundling of….

7 billion by 2008 establishing the fact that Linux is no more a fringe player but rather a mainstream. IDC admitted that Linux is not being used just on new hardware only. As an alternative customers frequently reinstall existing servers to run Linux. While considering for such use as also the use of Linux for secondary OS, IDC forecasts for servers running Linux to remain 26% larger in 2008. Evidently, the big opportunity the growth comes from the server market and that is where Linux is having a stupendous amount of achievement, according to Stuart Cohen, CEO of OSDL. Nevertheless, in spite of the speedier growth of Linux, IDC estimated earlier this month that market share of server delivery on Linux still would be behind Microsoft Windows by 2008. (Linux Loom Larger Than Thought)
VI. Summary and Conclusion

To conclude, the future is rosy for Linux. The strong points being it being….

Operating Systems
equirements of my Company

To keep up in a significantly competitive globe, my company has to operate as effectively as feasible. In time, any type of firm not running effectively will run out company. Effectiveness is more crucial for little and medium-sized companies, since their sources are restricted compared with huge worldwide business.

Provide workers safe, constant accessibility to info. I have a benefit over bigger rivals since my business can easily respond swiftly to company modifications. I can rapidly shed this edge if my business network is regularly down, slower, or unsecured. A safe, trustworthy network based upon brilliant modems and changes allows my workers access the details and devices they need to keep ahead of rivals.

Provide anytime, anywhere accessibility to staff members on the move. To remain efficient, my workers should have the ability to get to individuals and info they require-- anywhere, anytime. Within devices like virtual personal….

More than two hundred enterprise applications are now assured to be Vista-compatible. Vista SP1 systems start up in forty five rather than ninety seconds, according to Microsoft, and shut down in eleven. and, according to a new Microsoft-commissioned study, eighty six percent of consumer customers utilizing Vista would recommend it to their friends (Parker, 2008).
Microsoft believes that broadcasting this type of data will help the company make the case that Vista is getting better all the time. But here's where that reason breaks down. Many users intrinsically disbelieve data about Microsoft products that comes from Microsoft, rather than independent reviewers or third-party researchers not taking Microsoft's money to do studies. At the same time, only some of the analysis of Vista is based on genuine Vista users working with current construct of the product. Apples-to-apples assessments between Vista and XP, Vista and Leopard and Vista and Linux are few….

operating system can be simply defined as a "program that manages a computer's resources, especially the allocation of those resources among other programs" ("operating system (OS) (computing) -- Encyclopedia Britannica"). There is no definitive answer to the question that which is the best operating system that has been produced till date. Windows and MAC OS X are two of the renowned operating systems that are used all over the world. Therefore, it is exceedingly important to have a comparison of these operating systems in order to know their advantages and disadvantages.
Windows is the first operating system in this regard. Windows is the pride of the Microsoft Corporation so far and no other product can compare with it definitely. The usage rate of Windows is 80-90% of all the computers which are generally called desktop computers. There is a bigger percentage of computer users who are not very computer savvy….

Operating Systems: The U.S. Navy

One recent article on the operating systems utilized by the U.S. Navy, authored by the Intergraph Solutions Group, was entitled "Rugged Hardware for Harsh Environment." hat better way of phrasing the needs of this branch of the armed forces, or indeed any of the branches of the United States armed forces? The U.S. Navy sends its men into environments that are extraordinary, and place extraordinary demands on its personnel. Similarly durable operating hardware is necessary to ensure that the brave individuals who serve are able to do their duty and minimize all of the possible and very real risks to their physical persons. Computer operating systems must support, not pose additional risks, to their missions.

Operating Systems

One of these "rugged examples" is the Smart Ship concept, recently employed and adopted by the navy to increase efficiency upon ships and reduce risks to military personnel. It was also….

Operating System Ideas

Chrome Operating System
Google is the mastermind behind the Chrome OS and the philosophy which guides it is largely the belief in the fact that there's no need for an inflated client desktop: the idea is that all that is sufficient is just a Linux operating system in conjunction with a Chrome web browser. One of the overwhelming benefits of a Chrome operating system is that it runs easily on older personal computers as well as chromebooks, working smoothly and without a hitch for most purposes. Chrome can run easily on anything, ranging from the cheapest lap tops to even pricier desktops that cost in the thousands. One of the major benefits of Chrome is that it the learning curve is almost non-existent: "If you can use a web browser, you can use a chromebook" (Vaughn-Nichols, 2013). However, if one is to make the choice with the Chrome operating system….

Windows Operating System:
As one of the mainstream modern operating systems, Windows Operating Systems is commonly used across the globe. The series of Windows Operating Systems are developed by Microsoft and have developed to become the leading operating systems that are used by many people in the globe. The history of this operating system can be traced back to 1981 when it was basically considered as a graphical user interface that provided easier and pleasant means of using MS-DOS. Similar to other mainstream operating systems, Windows is designed to incorporate all components of an operating system.

Development of Windows Operating System:

The history of this operating system begins with the development of MS-DOS or PC-DOS by Microsoft for the initial IBM personal computer. Upon its release in 1981, the first version of the operating system contained 4000 assembly lines for language source code and could function effectively in 8 Kb memories and Intel….

indows 7 Operating System
Guide to Operating Systems

The role of operating systems continues to be critical to the overall performance of enterprise information systems globally. In the majority of enterprises today there is a wide variation in the type of operating systems used, as the information needs vary significantly across organizations. The intent of this analysis is to evaluate the Microsoft indows XP, indows 7 and Linux operating systems. The architectures, pros and cons or advantages and disadvantages of these operating systems, pricing, and feature analysis is included in this analysis.

Architectural Differences

All three of these operating systems vary most significantly at the architectural levels, as the design philosophies of the architects Microsoft vary significantly from Linus Torvalds' initial designs in the early 1990s to today (Foley, 36). Both Microsoft indows XP and indows 7 share a common legacy of kernel-based design that completely changes the dynamics of how applications are created….

Operating Systems
Copernicus, Newton, Kepler, and Einstein all developed "laws" or theories so fundamental to our understanding of the universe that they are known to most people (Krass, 2003). Moore's notion that computing power would double about every 18 months as engineers figure out how to build ever-faster microprocessors is not as popular as Einstein's theories, but it has held up very well over the years.

Many of those advances, however, have been made within the confines of the 32-bit architecture. However, since the mid-'90s, some computers have been built with expanded memory and processing speeds, as a result of 64-bit architecture. While 64-bit processors have traditionally been expensive, proprietary, and complex computers used mainly by scientists and engineers, modern and relatively inexpensive 64-bit processors bring this speed advantage to the everyday processors that power Websites, corporate applications, and even personal computers.

Sixty-four-bit computing represents the third major architecture shift since the….

Storage management, creating and maintaining a file system, and integrating them into networks also share a common set of functions that allow for programmer flexibility in terms of their use and sequencing through an application. These functions are specifically called as part of the kernel of the Linux operating system, and as a result they can be selectively updated very quickly. A full recompile of the entire operating system is not necessary with Linux to enhance or modify the three functions mentioned; as the kernel itself just needs to be recompiled for system-level modifications to be made to the Linux operating system (Ebert, 2008).

The Linux operating system continues to grow at a faster rate than the comparable Windows equivalents it competes with in enterprises (Natarajan, 2009). This analysis has provided insights into the reasons why, starting with the development and launch of applications, and progressing through the differences in….

Refined Thesis Statement:

The multi-layered security protocols employed by modern online banking platforms, combined with robust user awareness and vigilance, effectively safeguard financial transactions, mitigating cyber threats and ensuring the integrity of online financial services.

Supporting Arguments:

Multi-Layered Security Protocols:

Strong Authentication: Two-factor authentication (2FA) and biometrics provide an additional layer of protection by requiring multiple forms of authentication.
Encryption: Advanced encryption algorithms ensure that data is securely transmitted and stored, protecting against eavesdropping and data breaches.
Firewalls and Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs): These systems monitor network traffic for suspicious activity and block unauthorized access.
Secure Socket Layer (SSL)/Transport Layer Security (TLS): Encrypts....

1. Be cautious of unsolicited emails: Be careful when opening emails from unknown senders, especially if they contain links or attachments.

2. Verify the source: Before clicking on any links or providing any personal information, verify the sender's email address or website URL to ensure it is legitimate.

3. Use security software: Install and regularly update antivirus and anti-phishing software to help protect your device against phishing attacks.

4. Keep software up to date: Make sure your operating system, web browser, and other software are always up to date with the latest security patches.

5. Enable multi-factor authentication: Use multi-factor authentication whenever possible to....

Apple vs. Microsoft: A Comparative Analysis of Impact on Technology
Apple and Microsoft, two industry titans, have revolutionized the technological landscape, shaping the way we interact with devices, software, and the digital world. While both companies have made significant contributions, the question of which has had a greater impact remains a subject of debate. This essay will delve into the subject, examining the key areas of influence and their respective contributions to technological advancement.
1. Operating Systems and User Interfaces:
Apple: The introduction of the Macintosh in 1984 marked the dawn of modern graphical user interfaces (GUIs). Apple's intuitive and user-friendly OS,....

Cyber hackers exploit vulnerabilities in computer systems in various ways to gain unauthorized access, including:

1. Exploiting software vulnerabilities: Hackers can target software weaknesses (such as bugs or security flaws) to gain access to a system. They may deploy malware or use techniques like buffer overflows to exploit these vulnerabilities.

2. Phishing attacks: Hackers often use phishing emails or fake websites to trick users into providing sensitive information like login credentials. Once hackers obtain this information, they can use it to access the system.

3. Social engineering: Hackers may use social engineering techniques to manipulate people into providing access to a system. This....

10 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Operating System Discuss the Relative

Words: 3006
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

One of the main drawbacks of the user authentication is the essence of various attacks to the protection mechanism. The concept of user authenticity is weak and susceptible…

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3 Pages
Case Study

Education - Computers

Operating System Design Null Hypothesis

Words: 1126
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Case Study

The system will also assist the company to incorporate a fleet management system that has a tracking device to assist the Jinx Transport & Logistics Company to track…

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6 Pages

Education - Computers

Operating Systems Are the Very

Words: 1889
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Without the consent of the user, the program will never be elevated to administrator privilege. The MIC or integrity levels is again a new security concept with Vista…

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3 Pages

Education - Computers

Operating Systems Comparing the MS-DOS

Words: 981
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Configuration of Microsoft Windows in more complex networking environments required an extensive amount of add-in software and programming to ensure all systems could work. Finally the levels of…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Operating System in My Job

Words: 722
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In addition the cost makes it expensive to own the hardware required to support these systems as personal computers. he university has also indicated its preference for the…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Operating System Analysis Report Microsoft

Words: 1902
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

7 billion by 2008 establishing the fact that Linux is no more a fringe player but rather a mainstream. IDC admitted that Linux is not being used just on…

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3 Pages
Marketing Plan

Education - Computers

Operating Systems Requirements of My Company to

Words: 1064
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Marketing Plan

Operating Systems equirements of my Company To keep up in a significantly competitive globe, my company has to operate as effectively as feasible. In time, any type of firm not running…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Education - Computers

Operating Systems the Rise &

Words: 1851
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

More than two hundred enterprise applications are now assured to be Vista-compatible. Vista SP1 systems start up in forty five rather than ninety seconds, according to Microsoft, and…

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2 Pages

Education - Computers

Operating System Can Be Simply Defined as

Words: 800
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

operating system can be simply defined as a "program that manages a computer's resources, especially the allocation of those resources among other programs" ("operating system (OS) (computing) --…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Operating Systems U S Navy

Words: 579
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Navy Operating Systems: The U.S. Navy One recent article on the operating systems utilized by the U.S. Navy, authored by the Intergraph Solutions Group, was entitled "Rugged Hardware for Harsh Environment."…

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2 Pages

Education - Computers

Operating System Ideas

Words: 638
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Chrome Operating System Google is the mastermind behind the Chrome OS and the philosophy which guides it is largely the belief in the fact that there's no need for…

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5 Pages

Education - Computers

Windows Operating System As One of the

Words: 1417
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Windows Operating System: As one of the mainstream modern operating systems, Windows Operating Systems is commonly used across the globe. The series of Windows Operating Systems are developed by Microsoft…

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5 Pages

Education - Computers

Windows 7 Operating System Guide to Operating

Words: 1501
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

indows 7 Operating System Guide to Operating Systems The role of operating systems continues to be critical to the overall performance of enterprise information systems globally. In the majority of enterprises…

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7 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

32 Bit and 64 Bit Operating Systems

Words: 1886
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Operating Systems Copernicus, Newton, Kepler, and Einstein all developed "laws" or theories so fundamental to our understanding of the universe that they are known to most people (Krass, 2003).…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Linux Operating System Analyzing and

Words: 1830
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Storage management, creating and maintaining a file system, and integrating them into networks also share a common set of functions that allow for programmer flexibility in terms of…

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