Optimism Essays (Examples)

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al, 396). The study is also important because it outlines predictors of dispositional behavior. These include among other things the patients emotional well-being, understanding of their illness, general perception of their health and familial support.
Giltay, et. al, (2004) examine the relationship between dispositional optimism and all-cause mortality. Their findings suggest that a protective relationship exists between dispositional optimism and health. The study specifically found that of 941 subjects, the number of deaths among individuals with a higher level of pessimism was much greater than among those with a more optimistic attitude. The results were adjusted fro behavioral factors that might impact mortality, including smoking and alcohol consumption, body mass index and other physiological factors.

Matthews, aikkonen, Sutton-Tyrrell & Kuller (2004) find that optimistic patients are more likely to report a higher quality of life and engage "in more active coping and health promoting behaviors than people with pessimism" (p. 641).….

The study also found that pessimism and is more often associated with neuroticism and negative emotions than and optimism. This study concluded that not being pessimistic was more important than being optimistic.
Sweeney & Sheppard (2010) found that optimism could have its disadvantages when someone must receive bad news. Pessimism allows the person to "brace" themselves for bad news and to develop coping skills to help deal with the event. Optimists may have a disadvantage when it comes to real life negative situations. These authors suggest that pessimism is more of a coping mechanism and that optimism can leave a person without a planned coping strategy. The study aked the question of whether optimism is always best when preparing for the unexpected events, or expectations of negative events in life.

Pessimism puts people in the state of readiness, which Sweeney & Sheppard associate with preparedness. It was found that many things….

A soldier who believes that they and their fellows can accomplish amazing goals is far superior to one who whines and complains about his situation and focuses on the possible negatives or challenges that may be difficult to overcome. A smaller force of enthusiastic, optimistic soldiers are far more effective than a greater sized force that has no confidence in their ability to complete their mission.

The smaller force's perpetual optimism is a force multiplier, making them more powerful than their pessimistic, but larger opponents.

Showing pessimism in one's abilities gives the opponent an advantage that could mean the difference between success and defeat.

Again, Napoleon sums it up succinctly. "We should always go before our enemies with confidence, otherwise our apparent uneasiness inspires them with greater boldness" (cited in Moore, 2006). This positive attitude is exactly what Powell is talking about in his explanation of perpetual optimism as a force multiplier. Attitude….

optimism continued union success. reference class:
One of the primary reasons for the relatively current state of optimism about union success is the staying power of unions and their rates of enlistment and membership. In spite of the fact that there are discernible problems regarding today's labor force (most palpably the unstable economy and the widespread layoffs and downsizing responsible for them), there are more employees involved in labor unions than there were in the early 1930's, when unions were fairly prominent in the United States, with well over 15 million people as members (Sloane & Whitney 5).

One of the reasons union membership is so popular today among certain types of workers is the fact that there is an intrinsic power in numbers, particularly when it comes to working with management and traditional bourgeois conceptions of employers. The ability to bargain with such employees as a collective appeals to many….

I think you have to learn to laugh at yourself to be successful in life, and I think you have to laugh at what life throws you. I think having a good sense of humor helps me look at life more optimistically, and helps me get through tough times. Some of my more pessimistic friends seem to revel in the bad things that happen to them. They mope, they complain, and they definitely do not see humor in the situation. I have a friend who cannot laugh at herself no matter what. She does some pretty silly things, like putting on makeup while she drives. She is really defensive about it, and cannot look at what she does and admit it might be wrong, or funny to others. She does not have much of a sense of humor about herself or others, and I think that may be one….

Speech -- Power of Optimism
The Power of Optimism: How Optimism can Help Make for a Better Life

Speech Outline

The Power of Optimism: How Optimism can Help Make for a Better Life

Attention Grabber:

What is optimism? Why should we want to make our lives better? What is the power of optimism? How can people become more optimistic? How can people harness the power of optimism to improve their lives? The problem with life is -- it's hard. There is not one person who has, at least once in life, hoped, wished, or desired to change life for the better. Where does positive change begin? It begins with our perspective, disposition, and outlook on life. Problems are solvable. It is feasible to reach our goals. We cannot imagine or accept the best solutions to our problems if we lack the capacity for optimism. Optimism is more than a philosophy on life; within optimism is….

The pessimist uses minor mishaps as an excuse for bad behavior -- or despair. The optimist tries to learn from mistakes and troubles, and mistakes make the optimist more hardy and capable with dealing with stress.
Of course, optimism can be taken to a ridiculous extreme. It is silly to say that it is always 'for the best in the best of all possible worlds,' like Professor Pangloss from Candide. hen a loved one passes away from cancer, this is not 'for the best,' and the optimist still feels pain. However, the optimist says that no experience is purely for the worst, and at least powerful lessons can be learned form the experience about always living life to the fullest, and the positive outlook that their loved one was able to have, even at the end. A pessimist simply looks at the sky and wails 'why me, why must terrible….

" (Greene, 7) The introduction is fitting and indicates to the reader that Pinkie is not simply a man not to be trusted but that, indeed even beyond that, he is a creature to be feared.
This is only further reinforced in the tense first meeting between Hale and Pinkie, neither of them a man of the greatest particular integrity. Hale insists that the boy have a drink with him, and upon his acceptance of the invitation, Pinkie is described as having "watched Hale all the time closely and with wonder: you might expect a hunter searching through the jungle for some half-fabulous beast to look like that -- at the spotted lion or the pygmy elephant -- before the kill." (Greene, 7)

Quite to this point, we may say that it was probable Hale knew what was coming to him almost from the moment he laid eyes on Pinkie. But it….

Social Psychology

Optimism and Pessimism Relates to Stress and Coping with Cancer
An increasing amount of research links negative and positive emotional states to wellness or ill health. The negative or pessimistic emotions seem to have a negative effect on the immune system and on general health. Pessimism has been shown to be unhealthy and have adverse effects on health, including increasing the risk of cancer and preventing recovery from the disease. On the other hand, positive or optimistic emotions have been shown to strengthen immune function and bring good health. (Gillman, 1989)

There is a wealth of research that suggests optimism has a positive association with better mental and physical health, as well as coping with stress. Pessimism has been linked to a higher risk of death before the age of 65, while positive emotions, like optimism, are linked to lowered production of the stress hormone cortisol, better immune function, and reduced….

While on the one hand many are concerned that scientific discoveries like the atomic bomb could mean the end of civilization, others like the inventor ay Kurzweil argue that, "to relinquish technologies because they could be used for ill means giving up their good uses -- and it also means totalitarian control." (Creating a More Intelligent Future) in other words if we focus on the many creative aspects of modern technology this opens up a very positive picture of the future.

There are many aspects that could be considered here. One of the many advances in modern technology is the fascinating creation of "interfaces" or a more intelligent interaction between technology, like computers, and human beings. This would mean that technology would no longer be "alien" or a threat to humanity but would become more acceptable and adjusted to the human environment. As some experts argue, "...it becomes possible to develop….

Voltaire's Candide

Voltaire's "Candide" is several novels rolled into one. (Homer and Hull, 1978), he returns to the life of a commoner. His life has gone full circle. From flights of fancy, he derives pleasure from one of the most basic occupations -- farming. Voltaire's epic works at several levels. His disdain for philosophies at the cost of realism is evident. Pangloss, the "metaphysico-theologo-cosmonolonigolo" ic tutor is not particularly equipped when confronted with life's harsh realities. In the long run, there is a reversal of roles: from Candide's starry eyed wonderment of Pangloss' learning, to Pangloss' life at the pleasure of Candide.
The essay will argue that in keeping with the alternative title for Candide -- Optimism -- throughout the narrative, Candide always looks ahead to the future. His travails would have put paid to most people. ut his optimism and will to survive enables him to use all his abilities to protect….

Once I put my mind to doing something I find that I am totally committed to do it. I have learned that if I am not totally committed, not only does it make whatever I am doing very annoying, it often does not turn out well in the end.
A person who possesses initiative and optimism is always ready to seize opportunities that present themselves. These people pursue goals beyond what is expected or them and are always utilizing unusual and enterprising effort to accomplish things (Goleman, 2000). People who possess initiative have the drive to want to make things happen. These people almost always have optimism at the same time which allows them to believe that they can make whatever they want to happen. I find myself always wanting to get things done but not always having the optimism to follow through.

According to Cherry (2011) there are three major….

Voltaire and Dostoyevsky
Dostoyevsky's Notes from Underground and Voltaire's Candide are precisely similar works: in attempting to construct a narrative critique of a philosophical system, they slip from harsh satire into a form of sentimentality. I would suggest that comparing the two works' differing approaches to the philosophical problems of optimism, adversity, and violence are indicative of a different attitude altogether toward the philosophical problems presented. Dostoyevsky is passionate but ultimately sees no alternative between traditional religious morality and nihilism; Voltaire, by contrast, sees traditional religious morality as banal and proposes his own alternative. But in my conclusion, I will compare and contrast the role played by comedy in both works -- although each takes a broadly satirical approach toward the philosophical fashions of the present-day, only Candide is the genuinely comic work.

In comparing the role played by optimism in both works, it is important to recall that this was Voltaire's….

Lesson 3 Journal Entry

Do you disagree with any of Pope's opinions or pronouncements in the Heroic Couplets or "An Essay on Man"?

Pope is critical of individuals who "cry, if man's unhappy, God's unjust," suggesting that the unhappiest people are people who blame God, rather than themselves for all of their troubles, or who curse God because their lives are imperfect. The need to accept life's imperfections while still working to enact positive changes within the limitations of humanity is a positive message still relevant for people today.

Based on what you have read of "The Rape of the Lock," what do you think the poem's theme or central message is? What or who are the objects of his satire? Does the epic, "The Rape of the Lock" apply in any way to society today? Identify two passages that could serve as satiric commentaries on people's behavior today. Your answer should discuss both the passage….

Even in Catholic France, the Protestant sentiment that God's grace alone can save His fallen, human creation was evident in the humanist king, Francis I's sister, Margaret, Queen of Navarre's novel when she wrote: "We must humble ourselves, for God does not bestow his graces on men because they are noble or rich; but, according as it pleases his goodness, which regards not the appearance of persons, he chooses whom he will."
Shakespeare's Hamlet is haunted by the ghost of his father from Purgatory. Purgatory was a Catholic concept. But rather than trusting the vision of the divine on earth, Hamlet is suspicious about the ability of fallen human beings to enact justice. Rather than finding good in the face of women, Hamlet sees only evil. "In considering the cultural conditions that allow tragedy to revive, we may also want to consider that the plays occurred in Christian Northern Europe;….

Captivating Essay Topics Related to Corona

Introspective Explorations

The Psychological Impact of Prolonged Isolation: Exploring the Mental, Emotional, and Behavioral Consequences of COVID-19 Lockdowns
Re-evaluating Priorities in the Face of Adversity: How the Pandemic Has Reshaped Values and Life Goals
The Power of Connection in a Time of Physical Distancing: Examining the Impact of Virtual and Alternative Social Interactions

Societal Implications

The Digital Divide and Social Inequality: How the Pandemic Has Exacerbated Pre-existing Social Stratifications
Rethinking Healthcare Systems in the Wake of COVID-19: Examining the Challenges and Opportunities for Reform
The Role of Media in Shaping Public Perception: Analyzing the Influence of....

Thesis Statement:

Absenteeism among secondary school students in Jamaica is a multifaceted problem with significant consequences, influenced by both individual and systemic factors, and requires comprehensive interventions to effectively address the underlying causes and improve student attendance rates.



Define absenteeism and establish its prevalence in Jamaican secondary schools.
Highlight the detrimental impact of absenteeism on student academic achievement, social development, and future prospects.

Body Paragraph 1: Individual Factors Contributing to Absenteeism

Explore personal factors influencing student attendance, such as:
Health issues (physical and mental)
Family circumstances (e.g., poverty, lack of parental support)
Motivation and interest in school
Peer pressure and social distractions

Refined Thesis Statement:

In Sandra Cisneros's "The House on Mango Street," the female characters navigate a myriad of hardships, ultimately demonstrating resilience and the strength to overcome adversity.


I. Identifying Hardships:

The women in "The House on Mango Street" encounter a range of challenges, both external and internal. These include:

- Material deprivation: Many of the characters live in poverty, lacking access to basic necessities such as adequate housing and healthcare.
- Social marginalization: The characters face discrimination and exclusion based on their gender, race, and economic status.
- Cultural oppression: Traditional gender roles and societal expectations limit the women's opportunities and restrict their expression.
- Psychological....

I. Introduction
A. Hook: Begin with a captivating anecdote or statistic that highlights the resilience of human beings in extreme situations.
B. Thesis statement: Clearly state the factors that contribute to people surviving extreme situations.

II. Factor 1: Physical and Physiological Adaptations
A. Discuss the physical and physiological changes that occur in the body in response to extreme conditions (e.g., cold, heat, lack of oxygen, injury).
B. Explain how these adaptations enhance survival by protecting the body and maintaining vital functions.
C. Provide examples of specific physiological adaptations that have been observed in survivors of extreme situations.

III. Factor 2: Psychological Resilience

20 Pages
Term Paper


Optimism Impact of Optimism on

Words: 6010
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Term Paper

al, 396). The study is also important because it outlines predictors of dispositional behavior. These include among other things the patients emotional well-being, understanding of their illness, general…

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4 Pages


Optimism vs Pessimism the Benefits

Words: 1324
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

The study also found that pessimism and is more often associated with neuroticism and negative emotions than and optimism. This study concluded that not being pessimistic was more…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Optimism Is a Force Multiplier

Words: 504
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

A soldier who believes that they and their fellows can accomplish amazing goals is far superior to one who whines and complains about his situation and focuses on the…

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2 Pages


Optimism Continued Union Success Reference Class One

Words: 629
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

optimism continued union success. reference class: One of the primary reasons for the relatively current state of optimism about union success is the staying power of unions and their…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Optimism Whether I See the

Words: 762
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

I think you have to learn to laugh at yourself to be successful in life, and I think you have to laugh at what life throws you. I…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Speech -- Power of Optimism the Power

Words: 1857
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Speech -- Power of Optimism The Power of Optimism: How Optimism can Help Make for a Better Life Speech Outline The Power of Optimism: How Optimism can Help Make for a Better…

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3 Pages

Black Studies - Philosophy

Optimist and Pessimist Optimism vs

Words: 1106
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

The pessimist uses minor mishaps as an excuse for bad behavior -- or despair. The optimist tries to learn from mistakes and troubles, and mistakes make the optimist…

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2 Pages
Research Proposal


Brighton Rock Optimism in the

Words: 698
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

" (Greene, 7) The introduction is fitting and indicates to the reader that Pinkie is not simply a man not to be trusted but that, indeed even beyond that,…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Social Psychology

Words: 1921
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Optimism and Pessimism Relates to Stress and Coping with Cancer An increasing amount of research links negative and positive emotional states to wellness or ill health. The negative or…

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9 Pages
Term Paper


Future Promising or Foreboding it

Words: 2956
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

While on the one hand many are concerned that scientific discoveries like the atomic bomb could mean the end of civilization, others like the inventor ay Kurzweil argue that,…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Voltaire's Candide

Words: 1515
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Voltaire's "Candide" is several novels rolled into one. (Homer and Hull, 1978), he returns to the life of a commoner. His life has gone full circle. From flights of…

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2 Pages
Reaction Paper


Human Resources Performance Motivation Is

Words: 690
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Reaction Paper

Once I put my mind to doing something I find that I am totally committed to do it. I have learned that if I am not totally committed,…

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4 Pages


Voltaire and Dostoyevsky Dostoyevsky's Notes From Underground

Words: 1513
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

Voltaire and Dostoyevsky Dostoyevsky's Notes from Underground and Voltaire's Candide are precisely similar works: in attempting to construct a narrative critique of a philosophical system, they slip from harsh satire…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Lesson 3 Journal Entry

Words: 1160
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Do you disagree with any of Pope's opinions or pronouncements in the Heroic Couplets or "An Essay on Man"? Pope is critical of individuals who "cry, if man's unhappy, God's…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Southern & Northern Renaissance the

Words: 645
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Even in Catholic France, the Protestant sentiment that God's grace alone can save His fallen, human creation was evident in the humanist king, Francis I's sister, Margaret, Queen…

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