Organizational Structure Essays (Examples)

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Organizational Structures and Leadership
This paper explains the organization structure (or a combination of organization structures) implemented at a specific organization and how it affects the decision making and other aspects of the organization. For that purpose the health care organization has been taken into consideration.

Organizational structure generally refers to the hierarchical, reporting, authority and leadership set-up of an entity. The structures determine the working, leadership and decision making styles of the management as well as the overall culture of an entity. Organization structures can be of many types like: (obins and Langton, 2010)

Bureaucratic structure or Line structure: Under this type of organizational structure the roles and responsibilities are clearly defined and it follows a well defined hierarchy, this type of structure is a highly formal organizational structure. A line structure has many levels of hierarchy and authority and the chain of command of the organization is complicated. The head of….

In this study, the researchers explored the concept of "psychological contract" and how it applies to and potentially determines cultures and sub-cultures that would emerge in organizations. Defining it as "individual beliefs or perceptions concerning the terms of…relationship between the individual and the organization," psychological contracts are identified into the following dimensions: (1) vertical or horizontal, referring to social status and power in "exchange relationships" and (2) individualism and collectivism, reflecting people's self-concept, based from themselves and other people's perceptions (p. 1440). esults of the study showed that indeed, different countries manifested different kinds of psychological contracts from its employees. The Chinese tend to be more "custodial" in their approach, which is best described as a 'vertical-collectivist,' a highly cooperative relationship with also high regard to social status. The French have an "exploitive" employer-employee relationship (vertical-individualist), Canadians as "instrumental" (horizontal-individualist), and the Norwegians "communitarian" (horizontal-collectivist) (p. 1442). The study….

Organizational Structure
There is one structural issue that will be examined. The hierarchical structure of CI is causing problems that affect the contingency factors most important to the CI organization including, Strategy, Sales cycle, and culture (Cengage, 2010). In the case study, Daly has assessed internal and external weaknesses and threats due to strategic direction.

The analysis reveals two internal threats to the organization that stem from the hierarchical organizational structure and communicating strategic goals and objectives (Oshagbemi & Gill, 2004). Without knowing what the goals for the company are, sales production and customer care has diminished.

Solution One Satisfaction Survey

One solution that supports restructuring the company from a hierarchy to a Matrix organization involves the sales team working with customers to develop and complete a customer satisfaction survey. Based on the response, goals will be addressed to improve business relationships, growth potential, profitability, and refocus on the customer.

Solution Two Transformation into a….

For this reasons, employees report higher level of supervisory trust in such organizations. 'The effect of interactional justice on supervisory trust is more pronounced in organic organizations." (p.301) the reason for this is that in mechanistic organizations, supervisors are constrained by rigid rules and hence they are allowed to develop as close an interaction with subordinates as in organic structures.
The second article which occupies a central place in business literature is N. Anand and Richard Daft, titled. "What is the right organizational design"? deals with the obvious subject of organizational structure but explains the changes in the design over the last four decades. It explains how horizontal division separation paved way for more process-based structures and how it finally led to the birth of a fluent and flowing organizational design that became more hollow and virtual.

The authors discusses the advantages and disadvantages of various design to show how each….

Org Structure
Welcome to Acme Solutions! Ours is a growing company and I am pleased to welcome you to our family. You will find that Acme's simple organizational structure suits your preference for a collaborative work environment. We at Acme believe that even specialists can contribute to overall organizational success in areas beyond their locus of control. Therefore, the span of control in our organization is wide. We like to work together so that all employees see the "big picture" in any given project. As the CEO, I have noticed a great deal of success with this model of organizational structure. Employees like you need know what is going on in other departments, because it minimizes confusion and miscommunication. Therefore, we expect you to be highly communicative on the job. Never feel afraid to ask questions or point out areas of weakness or concern. We at Acme are proud of our….

Japanese consumers are also much more likely to eat meals at cafes. This required Starbucks to create a larger array of meal-based foods, rather than pastries. The Japanese tend to prefer drinking tea, as opposed to coffee, and once the initial novelty of coffee-drinking wore thin, Starbucks was forced to incorporate a wider array of beverages (Lewis 2003). Starbucks made coffee-drinking in Japan more popular than it was before the company took root on Japanese soil, but Starbucks had to adopt a nationally-specific approach to thrive in the Japan and suit the needs of the Japanese consumer. Having a division specifically devoted to understanding Japanese consumer habits was vital in facilitating Starbucks' growth.
Starbucks is an extremely complex organization. It is multinational, yet coffee tastes and preferences are highly regional in nature. Although it is a large food conglomerate, the character of different stores and food offerings vary widely, not….

This structure is more commonly seen in Limited Liability Corporations and Partnerships. Typically in this environment power is more evenly distributed through a wider selection of middle managers. The political structure of the organization may be more volatile as more employees or staff members are likely to participate in decision making and strategic initiatives. This can contribute to an organizations success however, particularly in a global environment by enhancing diversity and knowledge dissemination throughout the organization. This is the organizational style more often seen in modern or contemporary organizations that have more global influence and deal with more diverse clientele and customer service bases.
Of course hierarchical management is also present in an LLC or partnership, where one or two people may have more power and influence over decision making and strategic planning.


MSU Extension Service. (1998). "Selecting an Organizational Structure." Montana State

University, Available:

Organizational Structure.

This can be seen when employees emulate the boss' style of dress, work ethic, and approach to interpersonal relationships within the office. Therefore, the culture of the organization can range from very formal to very casual, depending on the personal style of the company's leader. (For example, Google has a hierarchical structure, but is led by a person with a casual style, which has resulted in a very casual office culture).
On the opposite end of the spectrum are organizations that lack a clearly defined hierarchy or where management has little power over employees. In those circumstances, it is not the influence of the organization's leader, but that of the workers, which defines the organization's culture. Again, the culture can range from very formal to very casual, depending on the personal style of the individuals involved, but will be a function of the normative culture of the group, rather than….

Organizational Culture
Culture is an abstract force that impacts everyone that consents to its power. In organizations culture can be used as technology that may help or hinder the ability of that organizations' capability to succeed and accomplish objectives. The purpose of this essay is to assess the impact of organizational culture and the feedback loop that is created between the participants of that culture and the organization itself. This essay will discuss this idea in a general manner and applying organizational culture in an objective method that can apply to any hypothetical or real organization.

Mallinger et al. (2009) suggested that "understanding culture can be useful in two ways. First, cultural insight provides awareness of the extent to which organization members are willing to accept change; and second, a cultural assessment is likely to determine the root cause of the problems that impede stronger performance." To many this is obvious but….

Organizational Structure
Critically discuss the extent to which an organisation's structure not only shapes its culture, but also its ability to transform itself

As with structure, culture is methodologically analyzable by virtue of its emergent status. Indeed, like structure, culture has relational, causal properties of its own, which confront actualizing agency in the form of situational logics (Archer 2006: Chapter 7). Cultural analysis is also a multi-level affair, from the doctrinal level, where, for instance, religious doctrine may contradict welfare policy, down to the micro-level. Just as any role within an organization can have contradictory requirements, so can cultural values. However, the problem currently vitiating the literature on 'organizational culture' is precisely how one can examine the relative interplay between society's 'prepositional register' and agency when culture is reduced to, or defined solely in terms of, what goes on at the level of causality. The realist assertion that culture as an emergent….

Organizational Structure
Organizations can be of many types and it would be wrong to say that there are universal formulae for the success of all organizations. That is the reasons why there are managers to lead the organizations to success. They have to decide the type of organization it is and then adopt the required strategies that would lead it to success.

One of the recent developments in organizations have been organizations which have been set up with an alliance between two organizations or groups, or in partnership with each other. The requirement of these organizations are becoming very important as there is an increasing shift of work from the developed countries to less developed countries as the cost of labor in the less developed countries are much less. This is a very critical type of organization as it effectively has to keep two masters happy. The problems with this type of….

There is also the use of project teams and committees that are in large part on a volunteer basis although the leaders that should or must be involved in certain projects are not having to have their arms twisted to get engaged. For example, a project that involves the accounting department would clearly need to involve the leadership and other senior members of the accounting team on one level or another. That all being said, stakeholders come in many forms and flavors and the formal leadership is far from being the only example and this organization understands and embraces that rather than shun it (Kalvar, 2003).

Both formal and informal leadership will be present in some form in even the most regimented and established hierarchies and organization are foolish to try and stifle this. Instead, they should embrace the idea and harness this phenomenon in an effective and managed way.….

Organizational structure of three companies in the mobile telephony industry, namely Ericsson, Nokia and Motorola.
The Organisational Structure of Ericsson:

The usiness Organisation at Ericsson-- the international leaders in telecommunication based in Sweden -- is segmented as usiness Units, Core Units, and Other usiness Operations. The business units comprises of Systems, Mobile Systems CDMA, Global Services and Transmission and Transport Networks and the Core Units include Core Network Development, Radio Network Development, Service Network and Applications, Supply and Sourcing. The Other usiness Operations include Mobile Platforms, Enterprise, Technology Licensing, Network Technologies, Microwave Systems, usiness Innovations, Power Modules and Test Environments. The global market and sales organization is spread across three primary market areas- the Americas, Asia Pacific, and Europe, Middle East and Africa. (,2003)

The company is geared by the Executive Management Team headed by the President and CEO, who is reported to by the Deputy CEO and First Executive Vice President who….

Organizational Structure
Nevada Department of Correction (NDOC) Organization Chart

Board of State Prison Commissioners

Board Chairman



Executive Assistant

Family Services

Victim Services

Deputy Director Operations

Deputy Director Support Services

Deputy Director Industrial Programs

Inspector General

Human esources


Plant Operators

Medical Director

Medical Administration

etrieved from Nevada Department of Corrections Web Org Chart July 2011

As shown in the organizational chart, the Nevada Department of Correction is governed by the Board of State Prison Commissioners. The Board comprises of the Governor who doubles up as the chair of the Board, the Secretary of the State, and the Attorney General. All administrative duties of the Department are presided over by the Director who is appointed by the Governor (NDOC, 2011). The Director is a member of the Governor's cabinet. The personnel in the director's office include executive assistant and persons in-charge of family and victim services. Under the Director are Deputy Director of Operations, Deputy Director of Support Services, Deputy Director Industrial Programs, Inspector General, Human esources, Plant….

Organizational structure of a large, international or multinational company is important, and must be one that works well in all ways. If the structure of the organization is not handled properly, the entire company can be put at risk. The organization studied here is Wal-Mart, because it is so large and represents what many people think of when they think of a multinational corporation that is generally successful. The organizational structure of this corporation works, and there are several reason why that is the case. The most significant reason is that the organization's structure has been kept simple (Fishman, 2006). While Wal-Mart is a huge corporation that operates all across the globe, it has stayed small and humble in the way it has organized itself. Because it has done that, it has been able to continue to build itself up and use the profits made through sales to put back….

Firms meet the challenge of technological change by redesigning their innovation ecosystems in several key ways. This approach involves a strategic overhaul of their internal and external operations, relationships, and culture to foster innovation and adaptability. Here's how they do it:

Embracing Open Innovation: Moving away from solely in-house R&D, firms are increasingly embracing open innovation. This involves collaborating with external entities like startups, academic institutions, and other companies to source new ideas, technologies, and methodologies. This collaboration can take various forms, including joint ventures, partnerships, and innovation hubs.

Investing in Digital Transformation: Firms are investing heavily in digital technologies such as....

1. The role of internal capital markets in corporate finance and investment decisions
2. How internal capital markets can affect the financial performance and risk management of a firm
3. The impact of internal capital markets on corporate governance and decision-making processes
4. The advantages and disadvantages of using internal capital markets within a firm
5. Case studies of companies that have successfully utilized internal capital markets to achieve strategic objectives
6. The relationship between internal and external capital markets and how they interact within a firm
7. The role of information asymmetry in internal capital markets and its implications for decision-making
8. The impact of globalization....

Essay Topics on Immigration Border Control

1. The Evolving Landscape of Border Security: Technological Advancements and Ethical Implications

Examine the advancements in border security technology, such as facial recognition, biometrics, and surveillance systems.
Analyze the ethical considerations related to data privacy, human rights, and the potential for bias in AI-powered border control systems.
Discuss the trade-offs between enhancing security and preserving civil liberties.

2. Cross-Border Cooperation and International Diplomacy in Border Management

Explore the challenges and opportunities of international cooperation in border management.
Analyze the role of bilateral agreements, multilateral organizations, and shared intelligence in facilitating effective border control.
Discuss the diplomatic....

I. Introduction:
Hook: Begin with a compelling statistic or anecdote that highlights the importance of governance in care homes.
Thesis statement: State the purpose of the essay, which is to outline the list of internal governance procedures in a care home in England.

II. Legislative Framework and Regulatory Requirements:
Provide an overview of relevant legislation and regulations governing internal governance in care homes in England, such as the Health and Social Care Act 2008, Care Quality Commission (CQC) Standards, and Safeguarding Adults Act 2015.
Discuss the legal obligations and responsibilities of care home providers and staff in relation to internal governance.


5 Pages

Business - Management

Organizational Structures and Leadership This Paper Explains

Words: 1651
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Organizational Structures and Leadership This paper explains the organization structure (or a combination of organization structures) implemented at a specific organization and how it affects the decision making and other…

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3 Pages

Business - Management

Organizational Structure Culture and Knowledge

Words: 852
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

In this study, the researchers explored the concept of "psychological contract" and how it applies to and potentially determines cultures and sub-cultures that would emerge in organizations. Defining…

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6 Pages

Business - Management

Organizational Structure and Design

Words: 2724
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Organizational Structure There is one structural issue that will be examined. The hierarchical structure of CI is causing problems that affect the contingency factors most important to the CI organization…

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3 Pages
Article Review

Business - Management

Organizational Structure Is a Widely

Words: 858
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Article Review

For this reasons, employees report higher level of supervisory trust in such organizations. 'The effect of interactional justice on supervisory trust is more pronounced in organic organizations." (p.301)…

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2 Pages

Business - Management

Organizational Structure Culture

Words: 653
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Org Structure Welcome to Acme Solutions! Ours is a growing company and I am pleased to welcome you to our family. You will find that Acme's simple organizational structure suits…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Management

Organizational Structure Starbucks' Matrix-Style Structure

Words: 695
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Japanese consumers are also much more likely to eat meals at cafes. This required Starbucks to create a larger array of meal-based foods, rather than pastries. The Japanese…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Organizational Structure Power and Influence

Words: 319
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This structure is more commonly seen in Limited Liability Corporations and Partnerships. Typically in this environment power is more evenly distributed through a wider selection of middle managers.…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Organizational Structure and Culture the

Words: 326
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This can be seen when employees emulate the boss' style of dress, work ethic, and approach to interpersonal relationships within the office. Therefore, the culture of the organization…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Organizational Structure and Culture

Words: 549
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Organizational Culture Culture is an abstract force that impacts everyone that consents to its power. In organizations culture can be used as technology that may help or hinder the ability…

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9 Pages


Organizational Structure Critically Discuss the Extent to

Words: 3030
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Essay

Organizational Structure Critically discuss the extent to which an organisation's structure not only shapes its culture, but also its ability to transform itself As with structure, culture is methodologically analyzable by…

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12 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Organizational Structure Organizations Can Be of Many

Words: 4242
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Organizational Structure Organizations can be of many types and it would be wrong to say that there are universal formulae for the success of all organizations. That is the reasons…

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2 Pages


Organizational Structure the Author of

Words: 620
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Chapter

There is also the use of project teams and committees that are in large part on a volunteer basis although the leaders that should or must be involved…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Organizational Structure of Three Companies in the

Words: 932
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Organizational structure of three companies in the mobile telephony industry, namely Ericsson, Nokia and Motorola. The Organisational Structure of Ericsson: The usiness Organisation at Ericsson-- the international leaders in telecommunication based…

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2 Pages

Criminal Justice

Organizational Structure Nevada Department of Correction Ndoc

Words: 694
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Organizational Structure Nevada Department of Correction (NDOC) Organization Chart Board of State Prison Commissioners Board Chairman Governor Directors Executive Assistant Family Services Victim Services Deputy Director Operations Deputy Director Support Services Deputy Director Industrial Programs Inspector General Human esources EEO Plant Operators Medical Director Medical Administration etrieved…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


Organizational Structure Walmart

Words: 1078
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Organizational structure of a large, international or multinational company is important, and must be one that works well in all ways. If the structure of the organization is not…

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