Outline Essays (Examples)

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Egypt's Outline Main Heading Political
Pages: 2 Words: 831

Retrieved November 20, 2011 from http://english.ahram.org.eg/NewsContent/1/64/6731/Egypt/Politics-/Employees-protests-against-corruption-in-Egypt-Ins.aspx
All Voices (2011). Privatization and Corruption in Egypt. Retrieved November 20, 2011 from http://www.allvoices.com/contributed-news/8036389-privatization-and-corruption-in-egypt

Global proprty Guide, (2010). GDP per Capita - Morocco Compared to Continent. Retrieved November 20, 2011 from http://www.globalpropertyguide.com/Middle-East/Morocco/gdp-per-capita

Haaretz Service, (2011). Mubarak to be questioned over corruption as Egypt PM resigns.

Retrieved November 20, 2011 from http://www.haaretz.com/news/international/mubarak-to-be-questioned-over-corruption-as-egypt-pm-resigns-1.346945

Michele Durocher, (2004). Integrating democracy promotion into U.S.. Middle East policy. Retrieved November 20, 2011 from www.carnegieendowment.org/files/CP50FINAL.pdf

Prof. Massoud, D., (2011). Religion and State in the modern Middle East: The Lebanese State as a model. Retrieved November 20, 2011 from http://www.olir.it/areetematiche/56/documents/Daher_Istanbul1999.pdf

Shehata, (2011). Islam and Politics in Egypt. Retrieved November 20, 2011 from http://www.cfr.org/egypt/islam-politics-egypt/p24229

Springborg, (2011). Game over: The chance for democracy in Egypt is lost. Retrieved November 20, 2011 from http://mideast.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/02/02/game_over_the_chance_for_democracy_in_egypt_is_lost

Think Quest, (2011). Egypt. Retrieved November 20, 2011 from http://library.thinkquest.org/J002335/Eqypt/Eqypt.html



The purpose of outlining a research paper is to help you clarify your approach to the subject. Making…...

Childhood Obesity Outline the Menace of Childhood
Pages: 2 Words: 751

Childhood Obesity Outline
The menace of childhood obesity within the U.S.A. And other developed countries necessitated by sedentary life, a high-fat diet and sugary drinks has reached disproportionate ratios and there is need to institute effective measures to ensure the problem is solved urgently.

We usually think of pandemics as very serious diseases that have the potential to hurt thousands if not millions of people through the disease; obesity is an example of a pandemic. Childhood obesity is a condition which excess body fat negatively affects a child's health. It is quite absurd that, a 21st Century pandemic like obesity is such widespread in developed world through a combination of sedentary life, a high-fat diet and sugary drinks. Through it, people get to be obese to the point of having serious negative effects on their health. Due to the effects that obesity has on children, it has been one of the public…...



Get America Fit.(2008). Obesity Related Statistics in America.Retrieved december 17, 2012 from http://www.getamericafit.org/statistics-obesity-in-america.html

Robbins, John, (1998), Diet for a New America. New York: HJ Kramer.

Natural Birth Course Outline Labor
Pages: 3 Words: 952

Evaluations are then to be reviewed by nurses and action evaluations drafted.
Attendance Policy

Under no circumstances can any portion of this course be missed. An absence at any of the training sessions will result in termination from the course and possible termination from current labor and delivery rounds until the course is retaken. Tardiness is also not permitted. Anyone who is more than ten minutes late for a session will be considered absent from that session. This course is fast-paced and covers vital hospital policies that all labor and delivery staff are required to know.

Course Assignments and Evaluation and Grading

Written exams will be given at the beginning of class and cover the previous week's coursework. These exams must be passed with at least 70% or you will be dropped from the program. You will have one attempt to make up a poor test score. Exams are open book and open…...

Speech Outline Annette Marquez Organization
Pages: 3 Words: 870


I. Main Point 1. Everything you do should be done exclusively on the behalf of authentic love for God -- otherwise nothing, even successfully performed, will ever matter.

A. An example can be observed in Micah's words: "He has told you, human one, what is good and what the Lord requires from you: to do justice, embrace faithful love, and walk humbly with your God" (Micah 6:8). This quotation shows the proper way to serve God, and it is impossible without the authentic love for Him.

B. The work of the auditor/accountant is based on serving the purposes of others. It is impossible to serve people in a proper way without love for human beings as God teaches us: "Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another" (Romans, 12:10). Still it is impossible to love others without authentic love for God as only this…...

Business Management -- Speech Outline if You
Pages: 1 Words: 366

Business Management -- Speech Outline
If you wish the same writer on future orders, please request

"FreelanceWriter" in the first line of your order description.


Attention Step



ecommended Solution -- Increase Compensation to Increase etention

Increasing compensation is the best solution.

Banking employees generally have a transactional perspective of their relationships with their employing organization and employers.

Transactional motivation is primarily a function of compensation satisfaction.

In transactional relationships between employees and employers, compensation level is the primary reason that employees accept employment offers, contemplate changing jobs, and entertain alternative options in that regard.

Cognitive dissonance allows better paid employees to maintain a more positive attitude toward their positions and increases their willingness to work hard.

Increasing compensation improves employee attitude and morale in two specific ways: by (1) enhancing their sense of being appreciated by their employer, and (2) making the most direct positive contribution to their practical life priorities.

Increasing non-monetary benefits is…...



Daft, R. (2005) Management. Mason: Thomson South Western.

George, J.M. And Jones, G.R. (2008). Understanding and Managing Organizational

Behavior. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Kinicki, A. And Williams, B. (2005). Management: A Practical Approach.

Oedipus Rex Outline Introduction Paragraph Hook The
Pages: 2 Words: 524

Oedipus Rex Outline
Introduction Paragraph:


The story of Oedipus has surpassed the original play in that even people who have never seen or read Oedipus Rex know the basic elements of the story.


Tragic irony is what leads to the events that occur in the story of Oedipus Rex.

Sophocles's Oedipus Rex is about a young man who is so blinded by ambitions and desires that he winds up killing his father, marrying his mother and become both brother and father to his children.

By sending his son out into the world, Oedipus's father begins the series of events that leads to the bitter conclusion of the story, but this is only the first in a series of ironic moments which leads to tragedy.

Body Paragraph

The first example of irony occurs when the prophet Creon comes to tell Oedipus that the tragedies befalling the people of Thebes are because the killer of the former king has…...

Business Plan Outline for a
Pages: 5 Words: 1900

Majority of the women see immediate results. VIVID has been receiving a lot of enquiries every week enquiring the causes regarding selling the product for 10% of the price charged by Estee Lauder for a comparable etinol cream. We provide our answer that we have tested our etinol against theirs and our cream wins by a large margin. However, we lack the marketing savvy of Estee Lauder which is beneficial to our clients. Majority of the large cosmetic companies give greatly publicized anti-aging wrinkle cream. What they are unsuccessful in disclosing that these products speed up the aging process of the skin and increase the risk of skin cancer. Clinical studies in the U.S. And Europe demonstrate the effects of these skins to be short-term based and cause damage in the short-term and an important factor of aging of skin in the long-term. (etinol Wrinkle Treatment, 2 OZ)
VIVID has…...



Breindel, Barbara. B-111R Drugs & Cosmetics for Aging Baby Boomers: A Surging Market.

March, 2002. Retrieved at   Accessed on 30 July, 2005http://www.bccresearch.com/biotech/B111R.html .

Enhancing Lives. Retrieved at Accessed on 30 July, 2005http://www.inamed.com/investors/pdf/Inamed_AR_2002.pdf.

Retinol Wrinkle Treatment, 2 OZ. Retrieved at Accessed on 30 July, 2005http://www.youngagain.com/retcream60iu.html.

Individual Project Project Outline Explicit Inclusion of
Pages: 3 Words: 1015

Individual Project: Project Outline
Explicit inclusion of one or more elements of this course

The survey methodology selected for the proposed project is highly congruent with a number of social researchers who recommend surveys for a wide range of applications (Neuman 2003). According to De Vaus (1996, p. 3), "A survey is not just a particular technique of collecting information. The distinguishing features of surveys are the form of the data and the method of analysis." The survey methodology is also consistent with the guidance provided by Grinnell and Unrau (2005, p. 272) that, "Surveys can be designed to achieve a variety of ends, but they all seek to collect data from many individuals in order to understand something about them as a whole."

Elaboration of the chosen scenario

Doomsday predictions of peak oil being reached by mid-century or sooner have sparked increasing interest in the world's finite oil supplies. For instance, according to…...



De Vaus, D 1996, Surveys in Social Research. London: UCL Press.

Grant, LK 2007, Spring, 'Peak Oil as a Behavioral Problem,' Behavior and Social Issues, vol.

16, no. 1, pp. 65-71.

Grinnell, RM. Jr. & Unrau, YA 2005, Social Work Research and Evaluation: Quantitative and qualitative approaches. New York: Oxford University Press.

Sports in Our Lives Outline
Pages: 2 Words: 633

V. Conclusion a. Winning is not always first place, and loosing is not always the end.

b. Sports can help teach us how to live good and honest lives.

Part Two

The paragraph has several aspects which create strengths and weaknesses within its context. The opening lines do present a broad statement which draws the reader in. However, the paragraph opens with a statement which can be construed as a fallacy; no one truly knows if anything is "God-given." I also think the lengthy continuation of the types of choices we make is distracting, we get the point. Not so much fluff was needed to progress into the thesis, which has nothing to do with our choice of what flavor gum we chew. The phrase ad infinitum should also be in italics to denote the Latin origins. I also think the statement regarding choosing the right one is way too strong; any education…...

Management Practices Outline How You Would Manage
Pages: 9 Words: 2768

Management Practices
Outline how you would manage the risk of change when planning a strategic change management process.

Whenever any kind of change is taking place in an organization, there more than likely will be resistance to the new ideas that are being introduced. Part of the reason for this, is because these changes are often challenging the status quo. Where, everyone will face new standards and greater scrutiny over a number of activities. This will cause many people, to become concerned about what is occurring. At which point, they will begin to resist these changes, out fear of the unknown and the threat to the status quo. When introducing a new management system, this can be particularly challenging, as many executives will often engage in turf wars (over areas of influence) and finger pointing (in an effort to gain favor). (Stevens 2005, pp. 19 -- 27) In either case, this…...



The 1964 Civil Rights Act, 2010, Spartacus. Available from: [10 October 2010].

Effective Communication in the Workplace, 2009, Suite 101. Available from: . [9 October 2010].

Stakeholder, 2010, Business Directory. Available from: [10 October 2010]

Shareholder, 2010, Invest Words. Available from: [10 October 2010].

Essays Research Papers Term Papers
Pages: 2 Words: 615

Outlines for Essays, Research Papers, Term Papers, and More
Every good piece of writing starts with an outline. Whether you are aware of it or not, when you start writing your brain needs a direction to go in before you can even begin.

At the very least you need to know what you want to say: the topic of the essay, or the argument you wish to make.

For short essays or papers only one page in length, you may not need much of an outline. Yet you would still need to know who you are writing for and what you are writing about. Otherwise you could end up with a nonsensical piece of writing!

This article will provide for you examples of some outlines you can use for essays and term papers.

You can also use these essay outline templates to improve your writing and become more organized.

All academic or scholarly term papers, essays,…...

Research Paper
Pages: 2 Words: 670

Research Paper Outline
Many students find writing an outline challenging.  However, once you have mastered writing an outline, you can easily flesh it out to write a quality paper.  In this article, we provide a template for a standard five-paragraph academic research paper outline, followed by an example of what the outline would look like for a research paper with a specific topic.  Using these tools together, you can easily visualize how a research paper outline should appear.  

I. Introduction

          A. Subtopic 1

          B. Subtopic 2

          C. Subtopic 3

          D. Thesis

II. Subtopic 1

          A. Evidence

               1. Support

               2. Support

          B. Evidence

               1. Support


General James Mattis Thesis & Outline
Pages: 2 Words: 859

General James Mattis who is commonly known as, “Mad Dog,” spent 40 years on the front lines before retiring and being appointed as the new Secretary of Defense. During his years in service, Mattis led combat troops in different missions including the battle in Fallujah, Iraq. Given his experience and actions, General Mattis has become a prominent figure in the military, particularly in the debate on how the military should engage in irregular warfare such as one in which enemies deploy computer viruses or hide in mosques (Dickerson, 2010). Mattis’ ethical and moral compass can be gleaned from the infamous letter that he penned for American troops under his command as they were entering Iraq. In the inspirational piece, Mattis denounces Saddam’s oppressive tendencies against his own people. He tells his men not to hurt the innocent and strongly advises that apart from those who resist, all others ought to…...

Human Resources Outline What Is
Pages: 10 Words: 3252

A matrix is developed in order to show the probability of an employee moving from one job to another or leaving the organization altogether. The underlying assumption is that the departure or movement of personnel among various job classifications can be predicted from past movements (Stone, 2009, p.69). Another tool that can be used is that of a trend analysis. A trend analysis is study of the organizations past employment needs over a period of years in order to predict the future. This is based on the theory that the future is an extrapolation from the past. This allows Human esource needs to be estimated by examining the events of the past (H Planning, n.d.).
With a merger it is important for these processes to be done involving all employees at both institutions so that a clear picture can be captured of what internal resources are already available. This allows…...



"An Assessment Framework for the Community College." 2004. Viewed 18 March 2010,

"Building Successful Organizations Workforce Planning in HHS." 2001. Viewed 17 March 2010,

"Guidelines for Determining Personnel Staff Needs." n.d. Viewed 18 March 2010,

"HR Planning." n.d. Viewed 18 March 2010,

Scott Fitzgerald the Crack-Up Outline
Pages: 4 Words: 1264

Gradually, the essay begins to address Fitzgerald's specific mental problems. Fitzgerald makes clear that his sense of self-doubts and personal anxieties are of a long-standing nature. He discusses how his small stature in football made it impossible to realize his dreams of athletic glory. He also notes how his poor health and his lack of military service galled him because he never attained heroic stature in the eyes of the world. This sense of inadequacy permeates his life, and even after coming to terms with the limits of his body, Fitzgerald instead decided to embark upon a 'serious' literary career to prove his worth to the world.

Fitzgerald clearly continued to have a sense of doubt and foreboding about his fragile mental state. However, he attempted to quiet such doubts by repeatedly telling himself that: "Up to forty-nine it'll be all right." Even in this sense of morbidity about his future,…...

Can you help with outline for term paper on Economy of Kenya?
Words: 115

In your outline, you may want to provide a brief background on the country itself. Then, move into the economic history of the area. You can put that all in one section if you\'re keeping it short, or you can divide it by time periods if it needs to be longer. From that point, you should address the modern day economy, and consider the good and bad things that have made the economy what it is today. You can also include a section of the proposed future of the economy, but be sure to show why a particular prediction for....

Can you help me with an essay outline on Native American Beliefs?
Words: 187

This could be a challenging assignment because if there is a defining principal to describe Native American beliefs, it would probably be that there is no defining principal to describe Native American beliefs.  Native American tribes practiced a range of different religions and they included, but were not limited to, polytheistic, pantheistic, monotheistic, henotheistic, animistic, and shamanistic religions.  There were some shared elements among Native American belief systems, but many differences, as well.  In addition, it can be very difficult to understand Native American beliefs at the time of contact with Europeans because of the tremendous losses....

Can you help me with an essay outline and essay titles for a paper on distance learning?
Words: 344

Distance learning is a great topic for a research paper.  Many schools have been moving towards a distance-learning model or at least incorporating distance-learning in their teaching programs.  Of course, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting need for many in-person schools to quickly transition to an online model, distance learning has become even more important.

Distance Learning Essay Outline:

  1. Introduction
    1. Advantages of distance learning
    2. Disadvantages of distance learning
    3. Considerations for educators and students
    4. Thesis Statement
  2. Advantages of distance learning
    1. Accessible to students who cannot be present in brick and mortar school
    2. Can by asynchronous
    3. Flexible for students with special needs
    4. Allows....

Can you help me an essay outline and essay title about invent technology that would transform a country’s society?
Words: 726

This is a very interesting topic.  Near the end of each year, Lux Research posts a list of transformational technologies to watch in the following year, which might be a good place to start if you are looking for ideas about a specific technology.  However, those are going to be technologies that are already invented.  Inventing a technology that would transform society in a specific country would require an intimate understanding and knowledge of a country’s culture, geography, religion, history, infrastructure, and natural resources; identifying a problem that it has; and combing up with a novel invention....

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