Overfishing Essays (Examples)

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The requirement of sustainable fishing practicing was is now more than ever. There is a need for the endorsement of instruments and approval of programs due to which maritime safety can be promoted. Governments and communities must step forward and work for the protection of environment, reduction of marine pollution and getting rid of environmental damage that is caused by water vessels, both big and small. The rate of the world's fisheries depletion can be compensated only with the application of a bilateral approach (Nuttall).
Overfishing is escalating day by day as fishermen are catching fish and other valuable marine species at a rate that is faster than their reproduction rate. The ever-increasing global demand for seafood along with the meager management of fishing industry and invention of more efficient fishing tools and techniques need immediate measures. If these problems are not given their due importance and attention, the marine….

Endangered Tuna
For centuries, the seas have been viewed as a limitless bounty, a continuous source of food and resources. However, decades of fishing, pollution and destruction of habitat have taken their toll. Scientists now estimate that some 90% of the oceans have been overfished. ith over 80 species of fish teetering on the verge of extinction, experts liken the continued human consumption of ocean life to the last buffalo hunt.

This paper focuses on the effects of overfishing on one of the most widely-consumed fish species - the tuna. The first part of the paper is an overview of the various tuna species. The next part then examines the reasons behind the depletion of the tuna population. In the last part, the paper details the consequences of this depletion, and the various proposals put forth to help the tuna population recover.

Overview of the tuna population

Commercially speaking, tuna is the most profitable….

Marine Life Extinction Caused by Over Fishing
Our planet consists of 75% life-giving, life-sustaining water. From lakes to oceans, man relies on the waters of this planet to provide nourishment for survival - from drinking water to food to eat. Over the centuries, we have made use of these natural resources, but recently our use has turned to abuse as more and more marine species face extinction due to our over-use of the ocean resources.

Like we are a part of the great food chain in the ecosystem of the planet, various marine animals and species are threatened by extinction and decrease in population due to over-fishing of certain predators and/or members of the food chain that these animals rely on for survival.

Different species of marine life face extinction for various reasons, but the majority are in declined numbers because of over-fishing. Not all animals and fish varieties are in this predicament….

Carothers, Courtney. "Equity and Access to Fishing Rights: Exploring the Community Quota Program in the Gulf of Alaska." Human Organization 70.3 (2011): 213- 223. Print.
he article points out that the efforts of the United States and Canada with regard to controlling fishing along the Pacific coast have been produced unfair practices toward small businesses and villages. he primary issue is that tribes that rely on the fishing industry have not been allowed to take the level of fish will fill their needs. he programs currently in place require entities to buy "catch shares" which are supposed to balance the total take and help sustain the fisheries for future use. he author explores alternative means of sustainability that will assist smaller groups while maintaining fish numbers. he suggestions range from allowing community groups to cooperate so that they have a larger stake to buy rights, to supporting new legislation which gives….

The Delta is also a habitat for many species of fish, birds, mammals, and plants, and it supports agricultural and recreational activities while also being the focal point for water distribution throughout the State.
The development of the Delta as it exists today started in late 1850 when the Swamp and Overflow Land Act transferred ownership of all swamp and overflow land, including Delta marshes, from the federal government to the State of California. In 1861, the State Legislature created the Board of Swamp and Overflowed Land Commissioners to manage reclamation projects, and in 1866, the authority of the Board was transferred to county boards of supervisors. The Delta now covers 738,000 acres interlaced with hundreds of miles of waterways, with much of the land below sea level, relying on more than 1,000 miles of levees for protection against flooding. 20

White sturgeon is one of the most spectacular native species….

The fact that people express particular interest in particular types of fish means that large fish are likely to be replaced by smaller fish that feed on plankton, especially considering that these fish gradually come to have less and less natural predators. Marine ecosystems are thus significantly altered as the number of predators slowly drops while plankton also drops as a result of more and more plankton-eating small fish having no one to prey on them.
The marine ecosystem no longer functions the same as a series of fish species become seriously affected by fishing. The general public thus needs to acknowledge the critical condition the marine ecosystem and to raise public awareness concerning the impending catastrophe that the world is about to experience.

In addition to the marine ecosystem being affected, overfishing is also responsible for generating economic and social problems throughout the world. "The cod fishery off Newfoundland, Canada….

It should not be a difficult question to answer: we must begin reducing ocean pollution and taking steps to prohibit overfishing of our ocean shallows.
The plan that is formulated to address the overfishing and man-made pollutants in the coral reefs must be conducted by authorities in marine and ecological sciences. It must be conducted on two levels: the fishing industry associated with the catches on the coral reefs; and the pollutants that are introduced into the coral reefs through contact with man. This can be done by monitoring commercial tourism and diving industries, which claim there is no residual effect on the coral reefs (Carrier, James, and McLeod, Donald, 2005, p. 315).

The Plan for Preserving the Coral eefs

Action Items in the correct order)

Action Steps


esearch and identify the effects of overfishing of species found in coral reefs.

eview fishing data as it pertains to catches, compared against load weights and specie….

This has also introduced salt water fish and marine life that can exist in fresh water, the many forms of Jellyfish being one of several who have made their way nearly a hundred miles inland on the river (Salazar, 2000). If the dam had not been built the influx of marine life from the ocean would not have occurred, which would have led to a greater stabilization of the fish ecosystem. The many benefits of a fish and water-based ecosystems matter more in countries with lower per capita incomes where the waters are fished for regularly meals instead of for sport. In China, the river is the equivalent of the western world's grocery store. Creating such a huge disruption to the river has in effect contaminated the "grocery store" for millions of residents who rely on the fish for a source of food along the river's bans. Not only….

International egulation of Tourism in Antarctica
Since the mid-1980s, Antarctica has been an increasingly popular tourist destination, despite the relative danger of visiting the largest, least explored -- and arguably least understood -- continent on earth. Beginning with the 1959 treaty establishing Antarctica as an international zone free of claims of sovereignty by nation's that had been instrumental in establishing research stations there, there has been almost constant negotiation about how to administer regulations pertaining to the preservation of life forms on the continent, what those regulations should be, and what sanctions should be applied and by whom.

To understand the depths of the negotiations, and the potential for discord, it is necessary to understand what the continent offer the 65% of global nations that are party to the 1959 and all subsequent treaties. To understand the possible future of Antarctica, it is necessary to outline treaty attempts to minimize commercial interests….

Conservation of ocean or marine life has attracted significant attention in recent years given the devastating impacts of human activities on these ecosystems. This paper examines a study conducted to promote conservation of marine or ocean life across the globe. The review demonstrates the significance of combining policy interventions and management interventions to achieve this.  Background
Ocean or marine areas cover approximately 71% of the Earth’s surface. Even though the depths of these areas are yet to be fully explored or exploited, they are habitats for a huge portion of the world’s biodiversity and essential in global climate change (Addis, p.5). Ocean or marine biodiversity is recognized across the globe as an essential component of life not only in the oceans, but also on Earth. The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development states that ocean or marine areas are key components of the Earth’s ecosystem to an extent that without them….

Force of the Winds Is

Speed here is of essence and spices like flying fish are able to jump out of water to escape predators. Others that lack like jellies are transparent. Turtles will have a shell to protect them. Gills enable animals to manage different water pressures like the sharks while whales have the capability of holding their breaths for longer periods. On the other hand, since the benthic zone does not allow sunlight to reach it due to its depth (beyond 600 feet), some fish and crustaceans, at this level do not see, in fact half of the species at this level are blind. In this sense, the organisms have adapted to produce their own lights from their specialized parts in their bodies known as photophores. In addition, since there is lack of phytoplacton to start the food chain, life is limited and fish have adapted to fulfill their needs. For instance,….

Scientists are unable to determine the amounts of gases that will be released into the atmosphere because the early studies on permafrost melting are no longer accurate.
The melting of the permafrost does not only affect the environment because of the gases that it releases, but also, because it would lead to the erosion of the Arctic coastlines. This would have a devastating impact on the industry present there and on sites that are of great cultural importance. ith the coasts being eroded because of permafrost, sea waves and storms will have better access to the shore. Communities and ecosystems are anticipated to be affected by the floods coming in through the coastal wetlands. The financial costs required for mass movements are colossal, and, in some areas, relocation processes have already taken place. Communities and industrial facilities in coastal areas have had no other solution than to reposition, given the….

" (SD, 1)
McClintock goes on to connect this to pointedly negative consequences for marine life, arguing that many invertebrates are distinctly vulnerable because their protective shells require many of the nutrients naturally available in their surrounding water to maintain hardness or to develop at all. This is a concern which is also raised in the article by Monroe (2009), where the results of an experiment designed to confirm this effect were as expected. Accordingly, "[Victoria] Fabry, a biological oceanographer and visiting researcher at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego, studies the effects of ocean acidification on the mollusks known as pteropods. In one experiment, only 48 hours of exposure to slightly corrosive seawater caused normally smooth shells to become frayed at the edges on their way to eventual dissolution, severely diminishing their owners' chances of survival." (Monroe, 1)

This demonstrates that the increased acidification of the ocean's waters is….

Windmills as a Source of

When finished, it will produce enough energy to power 8,000 Oahu homes and reduce carbon dramatically. The Kaheawa Wind Power farm expansion now has 14 more turbines which will make it a 50 megawatt production center with some capability for overnight battery storage. Even with the advances in technology, the idea of using wind -- a free resource that simply needs funding for equipment and maintenance, is increasingly important ("enewable Energy Sources," 2010).
Other companies are exploring the combination of solar and wind to produce energy for smaller projects. For example, alternative power generators could drive down the need for energy if just 20% of corporations used renewable energy. One case in point is the Parker ang, using a combination grid and tracking system that literally turns cells toward the sun and aims the wind turbines. This system was built in just 5 months, and will completely pay for itself….

This became an age in which visionary thinkers said, "see, we told you so," and were able to garner additional support from not only the activist type, but the regular citizen.
Talking Points

Malthusian dynamics (overpopulation and resource allocation) became a focus of futurists. Marshall McLuhan, for one, combined futuristic predictions with analysis of global media and advertising trends.

Noam Chomsky was revolutionizing the idea of linguistics as a way to view our innate cultural mechanisms.

Science fiction writers like Clarke, Asimov, and Lem pushed the boundaries of science as far as possible -- insisting that the reader ask very difficult questions about what it truly means to be human, what it truly means to have conservatorship of a planet, and whether or not we have the wisdom to maintain life on earth as we know it.

Chapter 6 -- Fast Forward

Arthur C. Clarke made an interesting remark about interaction with alien technology. He….

1. The impact of plastic pollution on marine life
2. The importance of preserving biodiversity in urban areas
3. The role of renewable energy in combating climate change
4. The effects of deforestation on local ecosystems
5. The connection between air pollution and public health
6. The benefits of sustainable agriculture practices
7. The impact of overfishing on ocean ecosystems
8. The significance of wetland conservation for water quality and wildlife habitats
9. The relationship between climate change and extreme weather events
10. The challenges and opportunities of transitioning to a circular economy.
11. The role of individual consumer choices in reducing environmental impact
12. The effects of water pollution....

Environmental Impact of Anthropogenic Activities

The Devastating Effects of Deforestation on Global Ecosystems
Climate Change: A Looming Crisis and the Role of Human Activities
Water Scarcity: Causes and Consequences of Mismanagement
Overfishing: Exploring the Impacts on Marine Biodiversity
The Environmental Toll of Urbanization and Industrialization

Conservation and Sustainable Practices

The Importance of Marine Protected Areas for Biodiversity Conservation
Renewable Energy Sources: A Path to Sustainability
Green Building Techniques for Mitigating Climate Change
Agroforestry: Combining Agriculture and Conservation
Eco-tourism: Promoting Sustainable Economic Development

Pollution and Waste Management

The Health Risks Posed by Air Pollution and its Mitigation Strategies
The Environmental Impact of Plastic....

The largest species of shark in the ocean is the whale shark (Rhincodon typus). Whale sharks can grow up to lengths of 40 feet and can weigh as much as 20.6 tons. They are majestic creatures that are known for their gentle nature and filter-feeding habits.
Whale sharks have a wide distribution, found in tropical and warm temperate seas around the world. Despite their enormous size, they are not a threat to humans and are rather peaceful. These gentle giants often swim near the surface, allowing divers and snorkelers to have close encounters with them. Conservation efforts are in place to....

Significance of the St. Lawrence River in the Great Lakes Region
The St. Lawrence River, a vital waterway connecting the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean, plays an indispensable role in the economic, transportation, and ecological well-being of the Great Lakes region. Its strategic location and abundant natural resources have made it a hub of commerce, transportation, and industry for centuries.
1. Economic Importance
The St. Lawrence River is a major artery for trade and transportation. The St. Lawrence Seaway, a system of locks and canals, allows ocean-going vessels to navigate the river and reach the Great Lakes. This has facilitated the export....

8 Pages
Research Paper

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Overfishing Ever Since the Industrial

Words: 3091
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The requirement of sustainable fishing practicing was is now more than ever. There is a need for the endorsement of instruments and approval of programs due to which…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Endangered Tuna Overfishing

Words: 1413
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Endangered Tuna For centuries, the seas have been viewed as a limitless bounty, a continuous source of food and resources. However, decades of fishing, pollution and destruction of habitat have…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Extinction of Marine Species Simplistically Stated Over Fishing

Words: 1669
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Marine Life Extinction Caused by Over Fishing Our planet consists of 75% life-giving, life-sustaining water. From lakes to oceans, man relies on the waters of this planet to provide nourishment…

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3 Pages
Annotated Bibliography

Not Specified

Carothers Courtney Equity and Access to Fishing

Words: 911
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Annotated Bibliography

Carothers, Courtney. "Equity and Access to Fishing Rights: Exploring the Community Quota Program in the Gulf of Alaska." Human Organization 70.3 (2011): 213- 223. Print. he article points out that…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Sacramento Basin the Project Is

Words: 2629
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The Delta is also a habitat for many species of fish, birds, mammals, and plants, and it supports agricultural and recreational activities while also being the focal point…

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2 Pages
Research Proposal

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Society Has Experienced Significant Technological

Words: 603
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

The fact that people express particular interest in particular types of fish means that large fish are likely to be replaced by smaller fish that feed on plankton,…

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3 Pages
Research Proposal

Business - Miscellaneous

Ecological Balance of the Coral

Words: 873
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

It should not be a difficult question to answer: we must begin reducing ocean pollution and taking steps to prohibit overfishing of our ocean shallows. The plan that is…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Gorges Dam Project Assessing the

Words: 909
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This has also introduced salt water fish and marine life that can exist in fresh water, the many forms of Jellyfish being one of several who have made…

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75 Pages
Term Paper


International Regulation of Tourism in Antarctica

Words: 19613
Length: 75 Pages
Type: Term Paper

International egulation of Tourism in Antarctica Since the mid-1980s, Antarctica has been an increasingly popular tourist destination, despite the relative danger of visiting the largest, least explored -- and arguably…

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8 Pages
Research Paper


Ocean Marine Life Conservation

Words: 2347
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Conservation of ocean or marine life has attracted significant attention in recent years given the devastating impacts of human activities on these ecosystems. This paper examines a study conducted…

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5 Pages

Business - Miscellaneous

Force of the Winds Is

Words: 2142
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Speed here is of essence and spices like flying fish are able to jump out of water to escape predators. Others that lack like jellies are transparent. Turtles…

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8 Pages
Research Paper


Warming Arctic Global Warming Has

Words: 2577
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Scientists are unable to determine the amounts of gases that will be released into the atmosphere because the early studies on permafrost melting are no longer accurate. The melting…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Miscellaneous

Invertebrate Ocean Acidification and the

Words: 921
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

" (SD, 1) McClintock goes on to connect this to pointedly negative consequences for marine life, arguing that many invertebrates are distinctly vulnerable because their protective shells require many of…

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3 Pages


Windmills as a Source of

Words: 1205
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

When finished, it will produce enough energy to power 8,000 Oahu homes and reduce carbon dramatically. The Kaheawa Wind Power farm expansion now has 14 more turbines which…

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11 Pages
Book Review

Drama - World

History of the Future Strathern

Words: 3036
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Book Review

This became an age in which visionary thinkers said, "see, we told you so," and were able to garner additional support from not only the activist type, but…

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