Pablo Escobar Essays (Examples)

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Pablo Escobar and the War
Pages: 7 Words: 2244

Escobar would help to demonstrate that there is a fundamental danger that the tactics of extremity which are part and parcel to the ar on Drugs will only beget the tactics of extremity which Escobar and his ilk have perpetrated. The continued tolls of the conflict are highlighted by individual instances of brutality that are only partially motivated by economics. As a means to an end, Escobar also filled his reign with examples of an almost frivolous type of savagery which may have been equal parts an interest in building his own fearful mythology and a true depravity which made him uniquely suited to form the foil to America's militarism. In the Grant text, some such acts are highlighted, giving evidence both of his cruelty and excessive financial capability, telling of the rumour that Escobar was about to pay off the national debt of Colombia (U.S.$10bn) as a bribe,…...


Works Cited

Ambrus, S. (1993). Colombia Drug Lord Escobar Dies in Shoot out. Los Angeles Times.

Boudreaux, R. (1991). Colombia Drug Lord Surrenders Cocaine: Pablo Excobar, object of a seven-ear manhunt, turns himself in afater a promise of leniency and a guarantee against extradition to the United States. Los Angeles Times.

Eldredge, D.C. (1998). Ending the War on Drugs: A Solution for America. Bridgehampton, NY: Bridge Works.

Grant, S. (2001). Book Review: Killing Pablo by Mark Bowden. The Independent. Online at

pablo escobar
Pages: 5 Words: 1470

Pablo Escobar: A Classic Anti-Hero Pablo Escobar established his reputation as a modern-day Robin Hood: a man who genuinely did come from a humble working class background and who at some point did actually give a lot of money away to social service organizations in Colombia. He was also an astute businessman who recognized trends and opportunities in the illicit drug trade. Yet Escobar was no hero; he was “violent” and “ruthless,” (“Pablo Escobar Crime Files,” 1) and was directly responsible for “terror campaigns that resulted in the murder of thousands,” (“Pablo Escobar Biography,” 1). This dichotomous figure has become one of the world’s most notorious anti-heroes. He became so iconic as to have his story been made into numerous television shows and films, such as the Netflix series Narcos. Escobar’s story reveals the inherent problem with the war on drugs, and signals the need for change in international drug policy.

Drug King Pin Pablo Escobar The Writer
Pages: 8 Words: 2125

drug king pin, Pablo Escobar. The writer examines the life of Escobar and the role he played in the criminal justice system as well as how organized crime may be different had Pablo Escobar not existed. There were five sources used to complete this paper.
The war on drugs is a worldwide effort. Drug pins and drug lords are constantly being sought out as the central factors of the drug deals that end up on the streets and the effort to curb those deals lead to a search for the king pin at the heart of the operation. One of the most notorious drug king pins in the world was Pablo Escobar. Escobar was well-known for his role in the worldwide effort to manufacture, distribute and profit from the sale of illegal drugs. Escobar was so immersed in the world of drug dealing that there was an international focus on…...



Gabriel Garcia Marquez (1997). The surrender of Pablo Escobar., Independent pp 42,43,45,4.

Roger Fontaine (2001). What happened when U.S. forces went all out to capture drug., The Washington Times, pp B8.

Author not available (1993). PABLO ESCOBAR'S LAST STAND., St. Louis Post-Dispatch pp 02C.

JIM CONSOLI (1993). NO GRIEVING FOR FALLEN DRUG KINGPIN., The Record (Bergen County, NJ), pp a01.

Role That Bail Is Playing in the
Pages: 8 Words: 2653

role that bail is playing in the criminal justice system and how these amounts are determined. This is accomplished by looking at the Robert lake murder trial, the Roman Polanski rape case and the Carlos Lehder drug trial. Once this occurs, is when we can understand how and why this applied differently in a host of court cases.
One of the core elements of the criminal justice system is bail. This is when someone who stands accused of a crime can be released from police custody, under the promise that they will return to court on the specified date of their trial. In all cases, this involves the person providing some kind of monetary or physical assets in exchange for being released from jail. The basic idea behind granting bail is three fold to include:

It assures that the accused will make their court date.

It maintains the presumption of innocence by…...



Crock, J. (2010). Mixed Record on High Profile U.S. Extradition Requests. The American Journal of International Law, 104, (4), 673 -- 678.

Harr, S. (2008). Constitutional Law. Belmont, CA: Thomson.

Houck, R. (2006). Forensics. Scientific American, 295, 84 -- 89.

James, M. (2005). Celebrities and Juries. Journal of Criminal Law, 69, 365-372

Gabriel Garica Marquez Books Gabriel
Pages: 4 Words: 1684

This may be because of the fact that the author took it upon himself to reveal the names of the hostages who were killed and who were ultimately released. Since the main drama in the book is trying to imagine what will happen next, there is no fun in reading what has happened after knowing the ending of the book. (News of a Kidnapping) After reading the book, Villamizar had this to say: "It's unusual, but everything that happens in Columbia is unusual." (Gabriel Garcia Marquez: (
Some of the other books authored by Gabriel Marcia Marquez are 'The Autumn of the Patriarch', which is a book based on the theme of decay, 'Leaf Storm', 'No one writes to the Colonel', 'Innocent Erendira ', 'In Evil Hour', "Chronicle of a death Foretold', and 'Love in the time of Cholera'. (Gabriel Garcia Marquez: ( Gabriel Garcia Marquez received a Nobel Prize…...



Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Retrieved at   Accessed on 1/13/2005 .

About 100 years of Solitude. Retrieved at   Accessed on 1/13/2005 .

Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Retrieved at   Accessed on 1/13/2005 .

News of a Kidnapping, an Introduction. Retrieved at   Accessed on 1/13/2005 .

Narcoterrorism and the Future
Pages: 70 Words: 18088

Mexico faces an array of drug-related problems ranging from production and transshipment of illicit drugs to corruption, violence, and increased internal drug abuse. Powerful and well-organized Mexican organizations control drug production and trafficking in and through Mexico, as well as the laundering of drug proceeds. These organizations also have made a concerted effort to corrupt and intimidate Mexican law enforcement and public officials. In addition, the geographic proximity of Mexico to the United States and the voluminous cross-border traffic between the countries provide ample opportunities for drug smugglers to deliver their illicit products to U.S. markets. The purpose of this study was to develop informed and timely answers to the following research questions: (a) How serious is the trade in illicit drugs between Mexico and the United States today and what have been recent trends? (b) How does drug trafficking fund terrorist organizations in general and trade between Mexico…...



Delaware fact sheet. (2014). Friends of Narconon, International. Retrieved from


Drug threats in Wilmington. (2014). Drug Enforcement Retrieved from http://www.

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