Panera Bread Essays (Examples)

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Panera Bread
Pages: 1 Words: 392

Panera Bread
Product Life Cycle

There are various phases generally attributed to any product's lifecycle (Gorchel, 2010). There four phases of the product lifecycle are introduction, growth, maturity, and decline. These phases are necessary to understand in order to manage a product life from its beginning to end. This model could be best applied to the industry niche that Panera operates in rather than anyone of their products. Panera's niche is something of a hybrid between different restaurant service models.

Traditionally, the restaurant industry has consisted of two main sectors: full-service restaurants and fast-food restaurants. The fast-food sector typically serves foods such as hamburgers, chicken, sandwiches, pizza, Mexican dishes, and breakfast and snack items which can often be purchased through a drive through window. However a new niche is developing that offers food quickly in a sit down style environment. This industry niche is often referred to as fast casual and organizations, such…...


Works Cited

Gorchel, L. (2010). The Product Manager's Handbook.

Panera Bread. (N.d.). Power Up. Retrieved from

Panera Bread Company Growth in a Difficult Economy
Pages: 7 Words: 2553

Panera Bread Company-Growth in a Difficult Economy
Panera Bread Company - Growth in a Difficult Economy

What is Panera Bread's strategy? Which of the five generic competitive strategies & #8230; What type of competitive advantage is Panera Bread trying to achieve?

Panera Bread's business strategy was to make the bread company a brand recognized nationally and to be a dominant restaurant in the specialty bakery-cafe segment. This was to be achieved by using a business model that aimed to satisfy customers' needs by providing quality food in a casual setting. Panera was able to get stable profits that enabled it to give this value to customers through food sales and collection of the franchising fees. Furthermore, the management at the Panera Bread Company intended to expand the business locations by 17% on an annual basis. This was to be done through an expansion strategy that targeted an expansion of one cafe per 160,000…...



Hitt, M., Ireland, R. & Loskisson, R. (2007).Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalization (Concepts and Cases). London: Cengage Learning.

Schermerhorn, J. (2011). Exploring Management. Michigan: John Wiley & Sons.

Smith, A. (2011). Fast Food and Junk Food: An Encyclopedia of What We love to Eat. New


Panera Bread Market and Supply
Pages: 2 Words: 489

It sales is also expected to skyrocket from its own restaurant which was started in 2011. The sales expected to increase from 7% to 7.5% in the current quarter, as better weather, the media spending higher price help it to continue to outperform the industry.

Promotion and advertising

Penera Bread Company is to spend millions of dollars in reach the market and to improve it sales and profitable. These will be through advertising using electronic media for the first time in its history. It will be the first national cable television advertisement at St. Louis-based company.


It plan to spend $60 million in media investment this year compare to roughly $55 they spend previous year. That would mean that the firm investment in media will increase by 26% this year. but, this will only take 1.5% of its annual sales, compared with larger restaurant chains that often spend 3% to 6% of their…...

Panera Bread Must Continue to
Pages: 5 Words: 1451

The franchisee program should continue to draw new potential owners due to the growth and strength of the Panera brand.
Geographic growth opportunities are also strong. The company has many unsaturated markets. If the company can achieve St. Louis-level saturation (1 store per 67,000 people) in all major markets, there is room for strong domestic growth for many years to come. The firm will need to begin expanding into the remaining major markets, however, in order to solidify its national presence. The New York City area, the southwest, the Pacific Northwest, much of Texas, South Florida and Canada all represent large underserved territories. Panera should begin to establish a presence in most of these markets, the possible exception being Canada due to the added difficulty of operating internationally.

Another issue going forward for Panera Bread is with regards to smoothing out its sales over the course of the day. The company…...


Works Cited:

Rockwood, K. (2009). Rising dough: Why Panera Bread is on a roll. Fast Company. Retrieved December 20, 2009 from 

Schaefer, P. (2009). Panera Bread cafes: Winning over patrons one loaf at a time. Franchise Trade. Retrieved December 20, 2009 from

Panera Bread Utilizes a Differentiated
Pages: 2 Words: 542

3. Panera is doing well financially. Its revenues and profits have been growing steadily for the past five years. The gross margin is 61.4% and its net margin is 7.46%. Panera is liquid, with a current ratio of 1.59 and a debt to equity ratio of 0.52. Inventory turns over 13 times per year. The ROA is 14.9%, the ROE 22.93% and the ROC 19.3% (MSN Moneycentral, 2012). In general, these figures are positive and moving in the right direction. There are no red flags in the Panera Bread financial statements that would indicate that the company is not performing well.

4. The chains that are the closest rivals to Panera are Subway, which is much larger and smaller sandwich companies like Quizno's and Boston Market. In terms of immediate market share, the closest rivals are lower-end companies like Chick Fil a and Arby's. Panera Bread also must compete against coffee-centric…...


Works Cited:

MSN Moneycentral. (2012). . Panera Bread. Retrieved November 16, 2012 from

Panera Bread Company Marketing Strategy Panera Company
Pages: 6 Words: 1840

Panera Bread Company Marketing Strategy
Panera Company is a chain of bakeries that are based in the U.S. And spans all the way to Canada. It produces a series of baked foods, mainly bread, and cakes. Its customer base is local and international. Currently, the company is the leading bakery in the market. It has cut out a special niche for itself in the market through a series of marketing strategies that ranges from online marketing to direct marketing. In this paper, the marketing strategies employed by this company are analyzed with the view of concluding on how the strategies have helped it obtain a competitive strategy over the rest of the competitors in the market.

Direct marketing

Direct marketing is that form of marketing in which the company avails its goods and wares directly and physically to where the clients can be found. Reasonably, the company gives the consumers a chance to…...


Work Cited

Adcock, Dennis. Marketing Strategies for Competitive Advantage. Chichester [England: Wiley, 2014. Print.Top of F

Mahnken, Thomas G. Competitive Strategies for the 21st Century Theory, History, and Practice. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford UP, 2012. Print.

Roberts, Mary Lou, and Berger Paul D. Direct Marketing Management. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2011. Print

Sheehan, Brian. Online Marketing. Lausanne: AVA Academia, 2010. Print

Panera Bread Company
Pages: 6 Words: 1589

Panera Bread Company operates in the restaurant industry. The company is operating in the retail bakery-cafe segment of the restaurant industry in the service sector. The company can be considered as a "fast casual restaurant" because it is a mixture of the fast food and causal dinning (Tillotson, 2003). The company is a listed company in NASDAQ as PNA. Its stores are mostly located in suburban areas. Main competitors of the company are McDonald's and Wendy's. As on the 2010, Panera had 1380 bakery-cafes and it is operating in the 38 states and it is also planning to expand its business in Canada.
Panera Bread Company started its operations in 1981 and initially it was named as Au Bon Pain Company operating on the east cost. After that company purchased St. Louis Bread Company and changed the name of the company to Panera Bread.

Panera Bread Company is one of the largest…...



Card, D. and. Krueger, A. (1993). Minimum Wages and Employment: A Case Study of the Fast Food Industry in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. American Economic Review, 84 (4), 772-793.

Tillotson, J. (2003). Fast-Casual Dining: Our Next Eating Passion? Nutrition Today, 38(3), 91 -- 94.

Madanoglu, M., Lee, K. And Kwansa, F. (2008). Risk-Return Analysis of Fast-Food vs. Casual-Dining Restaurants: Who Moved My Cheeseburger?. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 32(3), 327-341.

panera bread
Pages: 2 Words: 676

Panera Bread In its 2015 Form 10-K, Panera Bread describes itself as “one of the largest food service companies in the United States” and that its success is attributable to “our ability to create long-term concept differentiation.”
The company defines its strategy as differentiation, and this aligns with the generic strategy as defined by Porter. The differentiation strategy cites differentiation as a source of competitive advantage and the market scope as broad (MindTools, 2019).
In this, Panera bread is trying to achieve competitive advantage through concept differentiation. It cannot sustain competitive advantage based on things like the food it serves (fairly standard mainstream white people fare) or free wifi, but it believes that total package concept that it offers is sufficiently unique to win business in the long run. There are individual competitors, but few major competitors that do exactly what Panera Bread does. If Panera is competing against mainly quick service or…...

Success of Panera Bread on the Bakery Industry
Pages: 4 Words: 1375

Panera Bread Company
Ron Shaich and Louis Kane started Panera Bread in 1981 as Au Bon Pain Company. The company prospered internationally throughout 1980s and 1990s along the east coast of U.S.. It became the dominant and best operator within the bakery-cafe category. The company purchased St. Louis Bread Company, which was a chain twenty bakery-cafes in St. Louis area. After the purchase, St. Louis Company was re-staged and managed comprehensively. However, between 1993 and 1997, the average unit volume of St. Louis increased by 75%. After the changes and improvement in production, the name of the company was changed to Panera Bread. As of 1997, the quality of products, services, and improvement in production indicated that Panera Bread had the potential to be among the leading brands in the country. The company needed all the management and financial resources for it to be potential in the field.

In 1999, all the…...

Strategic Management at Panera Bread
Pages: 7 Words: 1928

These categories, along with analytical information, are as follows, in no particular order:
MAKET SHAE- Competitive pressures and the tendency of consumers to be exceedingly fickle pose threats to Panera Bread's maintenance of current market share and the gaining of market share in the future. Therefore, strategy must be undertaken that will hold and grow market share as the company moves forward.

INNOVATION- it is important to understand that the dietary desires of consumers have changed a great deal in recent years, and will surely do so even more in the coming years. Because of this, every effort must be made for strategy to be developed that will lead to new market positioning, product offerings, and so forth, measured against an accurate evaluation of the consumer's perception of value delivered and how that will likely change in the future.

QUALITY Management- Beyond the perceived value of Panera's offerings, strategy must be undertaken…...



Dalbor, M.C., & Sullivan, M.J. (2005). The Initial Public Offerings of Restaurant Firms: The Case of Industry-Specific Micromarket Capitalization Offerings. Journal of Small Business Management, 43(3), 226+.

Dewar, J.A. (2002). Assumption-Based Planning: A Tool for Reducing Avoidable Surprises. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.

Gilliard, D.J., & Khandekar, R. (2004). Panera Bread Company. Metropolitan State College-Denver.

Gubman, E., & Russell, S. (2006). "Think Big, Start Small, Scale Fast": Growing Customer Innovation at McDonald's. Human Resource Planning, 29(3), 21+.

Panera Innovation a Panera for
Pages: 2 Words: 574

2007). By identifying the demand for quickly available meals that were both more diverse and healthier than those offered by established fast food chains, the owners of the baking company that would be Panera showed early on their ability to innovate with the times, and in moving from simply baking to providing finished food products to consumers the company has been able to achieve an astounding amount of growth and profit generation (Hitt et al. 2007). In the period from 2007 to 2009, which essentially covers the deepest part (if not the entirety) of the global recession, Panera grew from eight hundred locations to almost thirteen hundred locations based on its continued ability to innovate and adjust to its market as this market changes (Hitt et al. 2007; McKee 2009). Panera's innovations and its logistics and supply chain management are also a huge part of Panera's success, and in…...



Hitt, M., Ireland, D. & Hoskisson, R. (2007). Strategic management: competitiveness and globalization. Mason, OH: Thomas.

McKee, S. (2009). Panera bread rising. Accessed 1 January 2011.

Anera Marketing in Evaluating Panera
Pages: 4 Words: 1760

. Panera Bread needs to move away from word-of-mouth advertising and
embrace more effective means of advertising and awareness building
strategies. Panera has relied largely on word-of-mouth communication
of positive customer experiences to build awareness of the concept.
Advertising spending (as a percent of bakery-caf? sales) has been
relatively modest, including 2.2% in 2003, 2.1% in 2004, and 2.1% in
2005. Marketing efforts have been mostly focused on the use of in-
store promotional signage (e.g., point-of-purchase materials, hanging
signs) and limited-time offers. A 2005 consumer survey conducted by
Panera Bread highlighted opportunity for Panera to use more
advertising to build awareness. Study results indicated Panera's brand
awareness is only moderately developed. Interestingly, findings
revealed that 85% of people made aware of the brand ultimately became
a customer, suggesting a strong link between awareness and trial.
Based on the study, management appears to have increased emphasis on
using marketing as a means to grow trial, particularly for under-
penetrated day dining periods (e.g., dinner). Accordingly, Panera

Opportunities and Threats That Panera
Pages: 2 Words: 580


High levels of selling, general and administrative expenses - Despite the meteoric revenue growth as is shown in Appendix A, there continues to be the weakness of having high levels of SG&A expenses. For example, the company has at times experienced over 19% growth in these expenses, as was the case between 2000 and 2003.

A lack of variety and reason to eat other meals besides breakfast at Panera Bread outlets - This is a major weakness and one the company is looking for resolve, as internally there are discussions today of moving into thin-crust pizzas based on their bread expertise, and also opening up a larger dinner menu.

Concentration in specific markets to the exclusion of others - Today Panera Bread is concentrated in several larger cities, and needs to break out into other smaller metro areas and look to diffuse economic risk by being in as many other economic zones…...

Handed to Ten Coffee Drinkers Visiting Panera
Pages: 3 Words: 712

handed to ten coffee dinkes visiting Panea Bead on a Satuday moning to analyze the habits of this paticula population.
Please ate the quality of Panea Bead coffee in the scale of 10 (whee 1 is unacceptable low quality and 10 is pleasantly high quality)

Please ate the hygiene of the Panea Bead in the scale of 10 (1 stands fo extemely dity and 10 is high standads of hygiene.

Please ate the Panea cews appoach to the customes in the scale of 10 (1 is extemely unfiendly and 10 is pleasantly fiendly)

Please compae the impotance of following items to be pesented at the Coffee stand in the ank of 10 (whee 10 is vey impotant to have and 1 is not impotant).

Half and Half Milk

Skim Milk

2% Milk

Milk Powde



Low Cal Suga

Heat Holde

Cup Lid


What should be pesented at the pasty stand along with coffee please ank the following items 1 to 10 scale…...


references varied; however, muffins and cookies were slightly more preferred (see Table 3).


Overall results of the study showed that the customers were satisfied with the quality of Panera Bread products and services. In addition the ranking questions showed the expectations from the coffee stand and the bakery. Further analysis and questions are granted to understand the quantity satisfaction and its relation to quality satisfaction.

U S Based Company Concerned Earthquake Tsunami Nuclear
Pages: 5 Words: 1424

U.S. based company concerned earthquake, tsunami nuclear power plant accident occurs Japan? 2. With rapid technology, boundaries industries redefined. What industry company Google ? Who Google's main competitors today competition ? 1 page 1 Reference Case 9: Panera read Company 2012 - Pursuing Growth a Weak Economy, Arthur A. Sources
First of all, all companies today operate in a global business environment, where local influences are often felt and have repercussions worldwide. In this specific case, there are several reasons why the American company should be concerned with such an event. It has a significant impact on the Japanese market, lowering the purchasing power of existing and potential customers.

At the same time, there are potential negative effects on the political and economic system in Japan. The government will need to invest in the saving operations, which will likely impact the budget and lower the chances that Japan can offer certain…...



1. Efrati, Amir (2013). In Online Ads, There's Google -- and Then Everybody Else. Wall Street Journal.

2. Porter, M.E. (2008) The Five Competitive Forces That Shape Strategy, Harvard Business Review, January 2008.

3. Graham, Jefferson, (2012). Talking Tech: Customers clog Panera's free Wi-Fi. USA Today

4. Dampier, Phillip, (2012). Panera Bread Stores Overloaded With Wi-Fi Users Who Won't Leave. On the Internet at   Last retrieved on April 9, 2014 .

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