Passionate Declaration Essays (Examples)

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Passionate declaration Howard Zinn chapter 7, 8, 9 Chapter 10-11 Summary response, making connection current events, school life.
Zinn's Passionate declaration

Howard Zinn's text Passionate Declarations seems particularly important to read today, in light of what has been called the '99% movement.' This social justice movement is spearheaded by the numbers of many, many people who are striving to 'make ends meet' while others are fabulously wealthy and buy bracelets at Tiffanies. In one of Zinn's memorable examples, the author contrasts the cost of a luxury market watch with the income of an unemployed man who killed himself because he was unable to pay his bills (Zinn 151). Zinn does not deny the greatness of America and its ability to provide liberty and prosperity, but he is passionately outraged at the degree to which inequities have been allowed to fester. At a certain point, when the chasm between haves and have-nots becomes….

History of Texas
questions, (2-3 sentences each question), one page.

Explain the Empresario system. hat is it? And what is the purpose of it?

After the successful Mexican ar of Independence liberated Mexico from Spanish rule in 1821, the 1824 Constitution of Mexico joined Texas with the state of Coahuila to form the new state of Tejas y Coahuila. In order to increase the population within this unsettled frontier, and protect it from roving bands of Indians and American encroachment, the fledgling government of the Mexican Republic instituted the Empresario system. This system authorized immigration anglo agents like Stephen F. Austin to relocate large groups of colonist families to the state in exchange for land grants and settlement rights. The Empresario system granted settlers a league of land for only $100, provided the newcomers adopt Mexican citizenship, learn the Spanish language, and convert to Catholicism.

How does the Mexican Secretary of ar offer….

Henderson the Rain King

Saul Bellow
Henderson the Rain King

Saul Bellow was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1976 for, among other things, the ability to give values a place side by side with facts in literature, unlike realism. The import of his work was seen as creating awareness that only the right values can give human kind freedom and responsibility, necessary foundations for building of faith in the future and a desire for action. Bellow's work was also recognized for its unique mixture of philosophy, cultural analysis and deep insights into human consciousness (The Nobel Foundation eb site).

Henderson the Rain King is an archetypical Bellow work bearing all the aforesaid characteristics. Henderson, the novel's principal character sets out on a journey ostensibly to Africa but primarily in search of himself. Bellow's portrayal of the unhappy, discontented middle-aged American millionaire has been widely interpreted as a caricature of Americans in the twentieth century: "...big,….

Women and Reform

Spheres and Suffrage
During the period of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, there were two spheres which separated men and women in society. This seems incongruous in our modern time where men and women interact freely and females have achieved positions of power in every branch of business, politics, and research. But, for women living in the 1800s and 1900s, they were limited in their potential by their gender. The men were allowed to reside in the external sphere, engaging with other men in business and going to the club in the evening. Only men were given the privilege of power in the outside world. omen were only allowed control in their homes, the domestic sphere. The woman's life was centered on her home and her family. It would be the charge of some very brave women who refused to live their lives separated from the outside and….

Social Contracts:
Media Articulation Of The ites Of


In the Land of the Free where the Bill of ights is supreme, all marital unions between consenting adults should be accorded the same level of societal respect and legality under federal and state laws. It was just a few decades ago when the Gay ights Movement was born in a raucous Greenwich Village bar, but homosexuals have become increasingly accepted in mainstream American society in the years since and a growing number of states are legalizing same-sex marriage in response to this trend. Unfortunately, the path to equal rights for all American citizens has been hampered by negative media coverage of homosexuals in the United States in recent years in ways that are frequently subtle but which are discernible through careful analysis. This type of analysis is important because prejudicial public information or notice of the sexual orientation….

Vintage Book Contemporary American Poetry. Those: - Mark Strand's "The Story Our Lives" - Robert Pinsky's "The Hearts," - Frank O'Hara's "Having a Coke ith You," - Galway Kinnel's "After Making Love e Hear Footsteps," - J.
"Having a Coke ith You"

Frank O'Hara's poem "Having a Coke ith You" presents audiences with an intriguing look into the poet's world as he focuses on discussing a topic that appears to be related to love, but that is actually more confusing that one might be inclined to believe. It seems that the poet is partly joking and partly passionate about the topic of love, considering that even though he compares his lover to some of the world's most beautiful concepts, he does not hesitate to introduce humorous lines as being related to the subject that he is discussing.

O'Hara cleverly addresses ideas such as art and life with the purpose of emphasizing their….

Essentially, the forefathers that justified the American Revolution did not like the idea of a centralized government because of what they had just been through with Britain. Thus, if each state could keep its sovereignty, they thought that this would take care of a lot of issues. The thinking is not wrong considering what they had gone through with the Revolution, but it left for a weak nation because there was no central force to govern such things as taxation and enforce laws. Not only could economic conditions not be governed by the government, but neither could social conditions.
Of course there were many states that were worried about what a national centralized government might mean for them. Many people thought that it would lead to another form of tyranny just like had been experienced under Britain's rule. Nevertheless, it happened and while power was taken away from the states….

Jesus' Teachings, Prayer, & Christian Life
"He (Jesus) Took the Bread. Giving Thanks Broke it. And gave it to his Disciples, saying, 'This is my Body, which is given to you.'" At Elevation time, during Catholic Mass, the priest establishes a mandate for Christian Living. Historically, at the Last Supper, Christ used bread and wine as a supreme metaphor for the rest of our lives. Jesus was in turmoil. He was aware of what was about to befall him -- namely, suffering and death. This was the last major lesson he would teach before his arrest following Judas' betrayal. Eschatologically speaking, the above set the stage for the Christian ministry of the apostles, evangelists and priests. Indeed, every Christian is called to give of him or herself for the Glory of God and the Glory of Mankind. The message at the Last Supper was powerful. People have put themselves through unimaginable….

racialized slavery change in the early-19th century south? How and/or why were non-Slave holders invested in slavery? On what grounds did antebellum southerners defend slavery?
Slavery was not always a racialized category in the Americas. Many Americans emigrated to the U.S. As indentured servants: these were whites who worked without pay in exchange for learning a trade or their passage overseas. However, gradually, the plantation economy of the south fostered a system in which African-Americans toiled in bondage. It was simply more economically sustainable to employ slaves to harvest cash crops like tobacco and cotton, particularly after the invention of the cotton gin. 'hiteness' became associated with privilege and power, and even poorer whites in the south were above African-American slaves in terms of their social status. Slavery was thus always an ideological as well as an economic and political issue.

Of course, the economics of slavery cannot be overlooked. Southern….

Colonel Brandon is a quiet and reserved man who loves Marianne. Of course the question arises as to why Brandon did not reveal illoughby's character: unlike the intemperate Marianne, Brandon shows too much reserve. illoughby, despite his faults, is attractive because of his passionate love of sentimental verse, but Marianne must learn to look beneath the surface of both her two suitors. This is made difficult by Brandon's reserve and sense of propriety. Until Brandon speaks the truth, Marianne and Elinor do not know that behind illoughby's charming demeanor there is an ugly, sensual and mercenary side. Beneath Brandon's seemingly implacable surface there is a man who is good, kind and truly romantic, given that the reason he took on his ward Eliza was that she was the daughter of a woman he loved, who was forced to marry his brother.
Brandon's actions, beneath his surface of good sense, actually….

Lincoln's Speech Compared
The Evolution of Lincoln's Thought in His Speeches

Abraham Lincoln is one of the most celebrated and popular Presidents in the history of the United States. Lincoln presided over the Presidency at a difficult time for the country, when the unity of the nation was at stake and the question of slavery deeply polarized the society into two. Lincoln was able to preserve the Union, but at a great cost which made him as controversial as he was popular. But it is uncontroversial among his contemporaries and the readers of his speeches today that the sixteenth President of the United States was a great orator, able to address a broad range of audience: rich and poor, literate and illiterate, freemen and slaves; and he possessed a rare skill of persuasion. Lincoln was able to address a divided nation with great care and measurement. He was reserved when he knew….

d.). They moved among several homes before settling on a large farm they named "Peacefield." With Adam's absences, Abigail not only helped maintain the farm but managed it and handled the finances along with raising their three sons and two daughters -- three of which she would outlive.
After his election, Abigail Adams, despite her "activist" roles, was quite aware of her position as the President's wife and First Lady of the land. She served as hostess to the public. She greeted guest seated formally, a technique she learned at uckingham Palace. It was not that she considered herself royalty, but Abigail was a short lady at 5'1" and she felt more comfortable seated. Like all first ladies, she influenced fashions of the day, believing that the mode of dress in that day was too revealing (The National First Ladies Library, n.d.).

She was the first Lady to reside in the White….

Impressions of War the Most

" There is a more calm feeling to his description. This is not to say that the author was portraying war as being a patriotic act, but the author was not as graphical in his describing what the soldiers were seeing and going through. The reader is more connected to the actions of the poem and not the fact that someone is dying. He ends his poem by referencing "hell" and the reader is left wondering whether the hell that he is referring to the war that is being left behind, or to dying itself.
3) Rites of Passage Activity

In speaking to my grandmother, I was able to find out what it was that she took when she first left her home. At the age of sixteen, she was married to my grandfather and was getting ready to start her knew life as a wife and very soon, as a mother.….

Slave Is the 4th of

Jefferson declared to the world, that we are inferior to the whites, both in the endowments of our bodies and our minds?" (alker, 1829)
In contrast to alker's defiance, although his oration gathers in passionate momentum, Douglass begins his speech modestly before his audience. "Should I seem at ease, my appearance would much misrepresent me. The little experience I have had in addressing public meetings, in country school houses, avails me nothing on the present occasion." (Douglass, 1852) He also ends his speech with hope, "Allow me to say, in conclusion, notwithstanding the dark picture I have this day presented of the state of the nation, I do not despair of this country." (Douglass, 1852) In contrast, alker makes a historical overview of slavery of the past, from Greece, to Rome, to ancient Israel and points out that of all forms of slavery, America's remains the worst, and the most….

Interdisciplinary Methods

Interdisciplinary Methods
One weakness of obert G.L. Waite's classic work of psychobiography and psychohistory, The Psychopathic God: Adolf Hitler (1993) is that no written evidence exists today from any psychologist or psychiatrist who actually examined Hitler, although his political opponents in Germany allegedly had reports from military psychiatrists in the First World War that Hitler was no promoted above private first class because of mental and emotional instability. In spite of the lacunae of evidence, Waite offered a convincing medical and psychological portrait of Hitler, and he has gathered considerable evidence to demonstrate the irrationality of his subject, who he diagnosed as a borderline psychotic. George Victor asserted in Hitler: The Pathology of Evil (2007) claimed that he had a depressive nervous breakdown in 1909 and a schizophrenic breakdown in 1918, when he was in the Pasewalk military hospital in Berlin. In A First-ate Madness, Nassir Ghaemi found that Hitler suffered….

2 Pages


Passionate Declaration Howard Zinn Chapter 7 8

Words: 712
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Passionate declaration Howard Zinn chapter 7, 8, 9 Chapter 10-11 Summary response, making connection current events, school life. Zinn's Passionate declaration Howard Zinn's text Passionate Declarations seems particularly important to read…

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3 Pages

Literature - Latin-American

History of Texas Questions 2-3 Sentences Each

Words: 1265
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

History of Texas questions, (2-3 sentences each question), one page. Explain the Empresario system. hat is it? And what is the purpose of it? After the successful Mexican ar of Independence…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Henderson the Rain King

Words: 999
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Saul Bellow Henderson the Rain King Saul Bellow was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1976 for, among other things, the ability to give values a place side by side…

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3 Pages

Sports - Women

Women and Reform

Words: 1034
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Spheres and Suffrage During the period of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, there were two spheres which separated men and women in society. This seems incongruous in…

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10 Pages
Annotated Bibliography

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Social Contracts Media Articulation of the Rites

Words: 3049
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Annotated Bibliography

Social Contracts: Media Articulation Of The ites Of HETEOSEXUAL vs. HOMOSEXUAL MAIAGE IGHTS In the Land of the Free where the Bill of ights is supreme, all marital unions between consenting…

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3 Pages


Vintage Book Contemporary American Poetry Those -

Words: 907
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Vintage Book Contemporary American Poetry. Those: - Mark Strand's "The Story Our Lives" - Robert Pinsky's "The Hearts," - Frank O'Hara's "Having a Coke ith You," - Galway…

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3 Pages


Legality of Constitution the Articles

Words: 872
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Essentially, the forefathers that justified the American Revolution did not like the idea of a centralized government because of what they had just been through with Britain. Thus,…

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109 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Jesus' Teachings Prayer & Christian Life He

Words: 35411
Length: 109 Pages
Type: Dissertation

Jesus' Teachings, Prayer, & Christian Life "He (Jesus) Took the Bread. Giving Thanks Broke it. And gave it to his Disciples, saying, 'This is my Body, which is given to…

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3 Pages

Black Studies

Racialized Slavery Change in the Early-19th Century

Words: 940
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Thesis

racialized slavery change in the early-19th century south? How and/or why were non-Slave holders invested in slavery? On what grounds did antebellum southerners defend slavery? Slavery was not always…

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5 Pages


Senselessness and Secretiveness The Role

Words: 1493
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Colonel Brandon is a quiet and reserved man who loves Marianne. Of course the question arises as to why Brandon did not reveal illoughby's character: unlike the intemperate…

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4 Pages

American History

Lincoln's Speech Compared the Evolution of Lincoln's

Words: 1602
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Lincoln's Speech Compared The Evolution of Lincoln's Thought in His Speeches Abraham Lincoln is one of the most celebrated and popular Presidents in the history of the United States. Lincoln presided…

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3 Pages

American History

Abigail Smith Adams This Is

Words: 1036
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

d.). They moved among several homes before settling on a large farm they named "Peacefield." With Adam's absences, Abigail not only helped maintain the farm but managed it and…

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17 Pages


Impressions of War the Most

Words: 6472
Length: 17 Pages
Type: Essay

" There is a more calm feeling to his description. This is not to say that the author was portraying war as being a patriotic act, but the author…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Black Studies

Slave Is the 4th of

Words: 1101
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Jefferson declared to the world, that we are inferior to the whites, both in the endowments of our bodies and our minds?" (alker, 1829) In contrast to alker's defiance,…

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8 Pages
Research Paper


Interdisciplinary Methods

Words: 3167
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Interdisciplinary Methods One weakness of obert G.L. Waite's classic work of psychobiography and psychohistory, The Psychopathic God: Adolf Hitler (1993) is that no written evidence exists today from any psychologist…

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