Personal Computer Essays (Examples)

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Personal Computer Is a Small
Pages: 3 Words: 1086

Application software can also be used for creating entire movies online, as Microsoft makes available with their Moviemaker application. There are also literally thousands of applications available for playing games, creating new software, and also developing websites for use over the Internet. The Microsoft Office Suite is one of the best-known application software programs.
What Considerations Should Be Taken When Purchasing a Personal Computer?

There are several considerations that need to be taken into account. First, there is the price of the personal computer, which can vary significantly even within the area of laptops (Malykhina, 45, 46). Second, there is the decision of whether a desktop, tower or laptop system is the best choice. Desktops and tower systems are significantly less expensive than laptops, yet they are obviously not as mobile. Further considerations include the type of microprocessor and operating system, two critical considerations that will dictate which applications will be…...



Elena Malykhina. "Laptops You Can Lug. " InformationWeek 30 Jul 2007: 45-46,48. ABI/INFORM Global. ProQuest. 4 Sep. 2008

Walter S. Mossberg. "Some Basic Features You Should Demand When Buying a PC. " Wall Street Journal [New York, N.Y.] 18 Oct. 2007, Eastern edition: B.1. ABI/INFORM Global. ProQuest. 4 Sep. 2008

Personal Computers iMac Inspiron Dell and Samsung
Pages: 4 Words: 1430

Personal Computers:
iMac, Inspiron (Dell), and Samsung Refurbished Notebook

hat is the best deal on the market for a laptop computer?

A company wishes to purchase laptops for its employees and so research is needed in order to locate a good, proven laptop that can perform all the functions that users need and prefer. hen looking at the available selections in the market, a researcher can become confused with the myriad applications, software, styles, amount of memory, and other features. If money is not object, then the iMac might well be the most appropriate laptop, but if this is to be a choice that is based on economy, the iMac won't be the right choice.

The market for laptop computers is exploding with choices and prices. There are more styles and models on the market than ever before. As to which one of the available computers that are being researched -- an Apple…...


Works Cited

Cheng, Cisco (2011). DELL Inspiron 15R. PC Magazine. Retrieved March 3, 2012, from .

Cheng, Cisco. (2011). Samsung RV520-W01. PC Magazine. Retrieved March 3, 2012, from

Personal Computer While Personal Computers Are Certainly
Pages: 2 Words: 700

Personal Computer
While personal computers are certainly an important component of many lives, this short essay on the personal computer, apparently directed to a lay audience, is extremely problematic in its logical construction. At the beginning of the essay, there is no specific statistic justifying the contention that personal computers are growing more common when the author asserts: "one of the great breakthroughs in the past 50 years has been the widespread availability of the personal computer." It is merely assumed that the reader agrees with the author. Why fifty years is selected as a notable point in the history is also not cited. The author also states that "this powerful learning tool has revolutionized everything from commerce to education and changed the very way everyone conducts his or her daily lives" without providing any specific examples to support this generalization.

Almost no evidence is cited to support sweeping generalizations such…...



Sanders, J. Victoria. (2012). The participation divide: Separate and unequal in digital media?

The Texas Observer. Retrieved from the Pew Research Center at:

Personal Computer Has Transformed the
Pages: 4 Words: 1213

The TO facilitates trade agreements between nations and provides the framework for negotiating trade agreements (, 2010). The TO oversees negotiations on the various agreements. The organization also provides a dispute resolution mechanism for member countries engaged in trade with one another.
The orld Trade Organization is primarily good for the United States. As the world's largest economy, the U.S. has a high degree of bargaining power during TO negotiations. As a result of this, the United States is able to tailor the trade agreements made under the TO to the needs of the country. This has allowed U.S. trade to continually expand. The United States worked to bring China into the TO in order to build stronger trade links with that country and works with other nations to get them into the TO as well. The TO provides a dispute resolution mechanism, which is one of the major reasons…...


Works Cited:

Wood, L. (2010). Office technology: Productivity boost or time sink? Computerworld. Retrieved April 22, 2010 from 

Brynjolfsson, E. (1994). The productivity paradox of information technology: Review and assessment. Communications of the ACM. Retrieved April 22, 2010 from 

Gillespie. (2007). Business as a transformation process. Oxford University Press. Retrieved April 22, 2010 from, various pages. (2010). Retrieved April 22, 2010 from

History of Personal Computer Ceruzzi P E 2010
Pages: 4 Words: 1387

History Of Personal Computer
Ceruzzi, P.E. (2010). "Ready or not, computers are coming to the people": Inventing the PC. OAH Magazine of History 24(3), pp. 25-28. Retrieved from MasterFILE Premier database.

In late 1974, a young Boston-based electronics engineer read an article in Popular Electronics about small personal computers. He showed the article to a friend, Harvard undergrad William "Bill" Gates III, and the two soon formed a company to write software for an industry that was still in its infancy. The history of Gates' company, MicroSoft, is well-known; the purpose of Ceruzzi's article was to put the development of the personal computer into historical context. The early 1970s were a time of economic downturn in the U.S., following more than two decades of growth and prosperity. Environmental concerns were beginning to gain public attention. A war in the Middle East contributed to a gasoline shortage. Americans began to lose faith in…...

Best Personal Computer for the Price
Pages: 1 Words: 427

Personal Computer for the Price
Buying a personal computer is a complex process that can be difficult even for experienced buyers. The process starts with the buyer identifying his or her requirements, then finding one or more computers that meet those requirements and finally selecting the one that represents the best option for the buyer's needs. Many options are available, ranging from large manufacturers with standardized models to computer superstores selling house-brand machines to locally owned stores and consultants building custom systems.

Identifying the requirements may be the hardest task for most buyers. Computer technology changes quickly, and large PC manufacturers do nothing to help consumers with their advertising. In many cases advertisements mislead consumers about what options will give them the most noticable improvements in performance. The advertisements actually push the options that result in the greatest profits for the manufacturer. It is important for the PC to have quality…...


17" CRT


Wilson, Zak. Technology Consultant. Personal interview. 30, Nov, 2004.

Benchmarking Key Loggers for Gathering Digital Evidence on Personal Computers
Pages: 18 Words: 8600

Benchmarking Keyloggers for Gathering Digital Evidence on Personal Computers
Keyloggers refers to the hardware or software programs, which examine keyboard and mouse activity on a computer in a secretive manner so that the owner of the computer is not aware that their actions are monitored. The keyloggers accumulate the recorded keystrokes for later recovery or remotely convey it to the person employing them. Keyloggers aimed to serve as spyware and currently serve the same purpose. However, keyloggers have the potential of serving as a detective tool to gather digital evidence (Actual Spy, 2009). Similar to a phone recording mechanism at a call center, the keylogger secretly monitors and records all keystrokes typed in emails, word files, and activities in a chat room, instant messages, web addresses and web searching. Keyloggers have existed for many years and it is believed that the United States of America (USA) government in the early 1990…...



Actual Spy, (2009). Keyloggers. Retrieved February 20, 2010 from 

Adhikary et al. (2012). Battering Keyloggers and Screen Recording Software by fabricating

Passwords I.J. Computer Network and Information Security, 5, 13-21.

Aldrich, J. (1995). Correlations Genuine and Spurious in Pearson and Yule. Statistical Science,

Tablet Pcs Wikipedia and Tablet Personal Computer
Pages: 2 Words: 655

Tablet PCs
ikipedia and Tablet Personal Computer (PC)

The ikipedia article "Tablet Personal Computer" discusses tablet PCs and system software, and links to articles discussing display size trends and history. This article discusses the functionality of the small laptop computer, including its standard features. The article begins with a notice redirecting readers to another link for tablet computers if one is looking for information on non-Microsoft indows-based tablet devices such as Android (ikipedia 1). This cross-reference is an excellent time-saver for anyone who mistakenly selected the wrong link, or who does not understand the differences between operating systems and device types.

The "Tablet Personal Computer" article was last updated on August 20, 2011 and provides a complete and content-rich description of tablets and indows system software in terms that are easy to comprehend. The article describes Microsoft Tablet PCs as pen-based fully functional Intel x86 devices with handwriting and voice recognition functionality…...


Works Cited

"History of Tablet Computers." Wikipedia. 2011. 20 Aug. 2011

"Tablet PC Improvements." Microsoft Corporation. 2011. 20 Aug. 2011

"Tablet Personal Computer." Wikipedia. 2011. 20 Aug. 2011

"Tablet Computer." Wikipedia. 2011. 20 Aug. 2011

Product Differentiation Personal Computer Makers
Pages: 4 Words: 1774

They have been able to gain a sizable consumer base of customers in China partially due to the nationalism PC buyers have in that country for high tech manufacturers based there. For Lenovo to gain greater market share in the U.S., they will need to continue purusing an aggressive strategy of uniqueness and allowing customers greater flexibility in how they customize systems to their own needs.
orks Cited

V Daniel, R. Guide, Jr., Luc Muyldermans, and Luk Van assenhove N. "Hewlett-Packard Company Unlocks the Value Potential from Time-Sensitive Returns." Interfaces 35.4 (2005): 281-93.

Dell Investor Relations . Dell Investor Relations. 2013. Photograph. n.p. eb. 4 Apr 2013.

Mure Dickie, F. Guerrera, Justin Lau, Simon London. "Lenovo Buys IBM's PC Unit for $1.75B." Financial Times: 21. Dec 09, 2004.

Gunasekaran, a., and E..T. Ngai. "Build-to-Order Supply Chain Management: A Literature Review and Framework for Development." Journal of Operations Management 23.5 (2005): 423-51.

Gunasekaran, Angappa, and…...


Works Cited

V Daniel, R. Guide, Jr., Luc Muyldermans, and Luk Van Wassenhove N. "Hewlett-Packard Company Unlocks the Value Potential from Time-Sensitive Returns." Interfaces 35.4 (2005): 281-93.

Dell Investor Relations . Dell Investor Relations. 2013. Photograph. n.p. Web. 4 Apr 2013. 

Mure Dickie, F. Guerrera, Justin Lau, Simon London. "Lenovo Buys IBM's PC Unit for $1.75B." Financial Times: 21. Dec 09, 2004.

Gunasekaran, a., and E.W.T. Ngai. "Build-to-Order Supply Chain Management: A Literature Review and Framework for Development." Journal of Operations Management 23.5 (2005): 423-51.

Computer IBM Entered the Computer
Pages: 20 Words: 8433

To some users of personal computers, who state, never trust a computer that you cannot lift; the IBM has been viewed, more often than not, as an enemy, and according to Byte, the computer magazine, this was because of the fact that the IBM company rose to fame mainly on the basis of its mainframe computers, that were large and forbidding, and overwhelmingly bulky. This was probably why, when the rest of the world was eyeing the emerging opportunities in the minicomputer market, the IBM never paid any attention, and even though IBM did succeed in capturing a large chunk of that market, it did not happen until Digital had captured the minicomputer market and had grown into a large corporation.
In the past few years, IBM has agreed to change the ways in which it conducts its business, and adapt to the changing times when the prices of computers…...



Ellett, John. "About / Best Practices Center, Results Oriented Integrated Marketing the Dell

Way" Retrieved at   accessed 27 July, 2005 .

Konrad, Rachel. (10 August, 2001) "From Bits to Boom, IBM PC turns 20" Retrieved at   accessed 27 July, 2005. .

Outsourcing Law, Deal structure, Case Study." Retrieved at accessed 27 July, 2005

Computer History it Is Said
Pages: 5 Words: 1593

In some areas it will be used for more populist applications such as, in schools to introduce students to the discipline and within an environment that will give opportunity for participation of non-academics in academic discussion.

Computer has in a great deal widened the world's knowledge. As the fastest technology that has ever evolved, it has given opportunity for the children and adults, for personal, academic and commercial use. It has made communication to be easier; people get to know what is happening in the other parts of the world instantly. Information and data entering and saving has been made convenient and even easy.


Ceruzzi, Paul E. A History of Modern Computing. London: The MIT Press, (2000). The MIT Press. etrieved March 8, 2012 from

Moreau, . The Computer Comes of Age -- the People, the Hardware, and the Software. London: The MIT Press, (1984). etrieved March 8, 2012 from




Ceruzzi, Paul E. A History of Modern Computing. London: The MIT Press, (2000). The MIT Press. Retrieved March 8, 2012 from 

Moreau, R. The Computer Comes of Age -- the People, the Hardware, and the Software. London: The MIT Press, (1984). Retrieved March 8, 2012 from

Computer Fundamentals the Pace of
Pages: 6 Words: 1767

Subtopic 6: Job management and protection; include a serious discussion of security aspects

The most commonly leveled criticism of operating systems is the inherent lack of security they have (Funell, 2010). Defining operating systems to have partitioned memory is just the start, as Microsoft learned with their Windows NT platform. Dedicated memory partitions by user account can be hacked and have been (Funell, 2010). The need for greater levels of user authentication is required, including the use of biometrics for advanced systems that have highly confidential data within them. The reliance on security-based algorithms that also seek to analyze patterns of use to anticipate security threats are increasingly in use today (Volkel, Haller, 2009). This aspect of an operating system can capture the levels of activity and the patterns they exhibit, which can provide insights into when a threat is present or not. The use of predictive security technologies, in addition…...



Boudreau, K.. (2010). Open Platform Strategies and Innovation: Granting Access vs. Devolving Control. Management Science, 56(10), 1849-1872.

Jason Dedrick, & Kenneth L. Kraemer. (2005). The Impacts of it on Firm and Industry Structure: The Personal Computer Industry. California Management Review, 47(3), 122-142.

Furnell, S.. (2010). Usability vs. complexity - striking the balance in end-user security. Network Security, 2010(12), 13-17.

Larus, J.. (2009). Spending Moore's Dividend. Association for Computing Machinery. Communications of the ACM, 52(5), 62.

Computer Fraud and Abuse Act
Pages: 7 Words: 2541

Computer Fraud and Abuse Act
Information technology and related systems provide multiple benefits to business, government, and individual users. Databases, Internet transactions, and emails contain sensitive customers, employee and operations data that are extremely vulnerable. The following study focuses on various components of IT and related systems used for the storage of information like computers, servers, and website databases. Whilst identifying the ways the date can be compromised and exposed to abuse, the study identifies ways of protecting and enhancing their integrity.

Types of information systems that that hold data


Computers do their primary work in parts that are not visible when using them. To do this, a control center that converts data input to output must be present. All this functions are done by the central processing unit (CPU) a highly complicated set of electric circuits that intertwine to store and achieve program instructions. Most computers regardless of the size must contain…...



Adikesavan, T.A. (2014). Management Information Systems Best Practices and Applications in Business. New Delhi: PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.

Bradley, T. (2006). Essential Computer Security: Everyone's Guide to Email, Internet, and Wireless Security: Everyone's Guide to Email, Internet, and Wireless Security. New York: Syngress

Khosrowpour M. (2006). Emerging Trends and Challenges in Information Technology Management: 2006 Information Resources Management Association International Conference, Washington, DC, USA, May 21-24, 2006 Volume 1. Washington: Idea Group Inc. (IGI)

Kim, D. & Solomon, M. (2010). Fundamentals of Information Systems Security. New York: Jones & Bartlett Learning

Computer Clustering Involves the Use of Multiple
Pages: 8 Words: 2319

Computer clustering involves the use of multiple computers, typically personal computers (PCs) or UNIX workstations, multiple storage devices, and redundant interconnections, to form what appears to users as a single integrated system (Cluster computing). Clustering has been available since the 1980s when it was used in Digital Equipment Corp's VMS systems. Today, virtually all leading hardware and software companies including Microsoft, Sun Microsystems, Hewlett Packard and IM offer clustering technology. This paper describes why and how clustering is commonly used for parallel processing, batch processing, load balancing and high availability.
Despite some challenges such as achieving transparency, mitigating network latency and the split-brain problem, clustering has proven to be a huge success for bringing scale and availability to computing applications. Hungry for even more efficient resource use, IT departments are now turning their eye on the next evolution of clustering called grid computing.

Parallel processing is the processing of program instructions by…...



Beowulf clusters compared to Base One's batch job servers Retrieved May 2, 2004 from Web site:

Burleson, D. Requirements for parallel clusters. Retrieved May 1, 2004 from Web site: 

Cluster computing. Retrieved May 1, 2004 from Web site:,sid10_gci762034,00.html 

D'Souza, Marco (2001, April 13). Meeting high-availability through clustering. ZDNet. Retrieved May 2, 2004 from Web site:

Computer-Based Learning
Pages: 4 Words: 1223

Computers are tools for learning; and as such are not essentially different from the way dictionaries, calculators, and videos are teaching and learning tools. However, computers provide a wide range of learning experiences that do make them qualitatively and quantitatively different from other learning tools. Three ways that computers measurably benefit the learning experience include communication, information access and retrieval, and training. Computers facilitate communication between learner and teacher, or between learner and peers. With computers and their applications, the raw data of learning -- that is, information -- becomes accessible to both teacher and learners. Training manuals and tutorials can be digitalized in ways that are accessible to learners regardless of geography and time. In spite of these three benefits of computers as learning tools, there are three detriments to the use of information technology in the higher education classroom. One detriment is the digital divide, or income disparity…...



Tam, M.D., Hart, A.R., Williams, S., Heylings, D. & Leinster, S. (2009). Is learning anatomy facilitated by computer-aided learning? A review of the literature. Informa 31(9): 393-396.

Ward, J.P.T., Gordon, J., Field, M.J. & Lehmann, H.P. (2001). Communication and information technology in medical education. The Lancet. Vol. 357: 792-796.

Warschauer, M., Turbee, L. & Roberts, B. (1996). Computer learning networks and student empowerment. System 24(1): 1-14.

Zickuhr, K. & Smith, A. (2012). Digital differences. Pew Internet.

How have advancements in technology shaped the transition from the industrial age to the information age?
Words: 671

Advancements in Technology: Shaping the Transition from the Industrial Age to the Information Age

The transition from the Industrial Age to the Information Age has been marked by profound advancements in technology that have fundamentally reshaped the way societies function and operate. These innovations have had far-reaching implications for industries, individuals, and the global economy as a whole.

1. Automation and Robotics:

Advancements in automation and robotics have transformed manufacturing processes, leading to significant increases in productivity. Industrial robots and automated systems have taken over repetitive and dangerous tasks, freeing up human workers for more complex and creative endeavors. The widespread adoption of....

In conclusion, which company - Apple or Microsoft - has had a greater impact on technology?
Words: 551

Apple vs. Microsoft: A Comparative Analysis of Impact on Technology
Apple and Microsoft, two industry titans, have revolutionized the technological landscape, shaping the way we interact with devices, software, and the digital world. While both companies have made significant contributions, the question of which has had a greater impact remains a subject of debate. This essay will delve into the subject, examining the key areas of influence and their respective contributions to technological advancement.
1. Operating Systems and User Interfaces:
Apple: The introduction of the Macintosh in 1984 marked the dawn of modern graphical user interfaces (GUIs). Apple's intuitive and user-friendly OS,....

How has the evolution of computers shaped modern society?
Words: 187

1. The Dawn of the Digital Age: Trace the origins of computing, from early mechanical devices to the development of electronic systems, highlighting the transformative impact on society.

2. Moore's Law and Its Consequences: Analyze the exponential growth in computing power predicted by Moore's Law, exploring its implications for technological advancement, economic progress, and global connectivity.

3. Personal Computing Revolution: Examine the shift from mainframe computers to personal computers, discussing the democratization of technology, the rise of the internet, and its effects on work, education, and entertainment.

4. The Rise of Artificial Intelligence: Investigate the recent advancements in machine....

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