Personal Finance Essays (Examples)

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The challenge of saving for a home and getting $15,000 into a Roth IRA is the most difficult principle of goal setting. There are many challenges to saving for a down payment and also getting a significant amount into a Roth IRA. What makes this dimension of goal setting so challenging are the unforeseen events and older appliances that tend to break, and the car repairs. It's my observation that challenges can either crush your commitment to your goal or make it stronger. Whenever an appliance breaks or a car needs a major repair, it is easy to lose focus and begin to give up. I have found that the principles of goal setting help significantly in this regard.

The third principle of goal setting is commitment. This specific principle of goal setting is invaluable in that it underscores and supports all the rest. It also helps in the decision-making process….

It may also include goals concerning the attainment of education for the individual or their children. During this time the individual should establish both short-term and long-term goals (personal finance).
The third step in the financial planning process concerns itself with detailing how the goals set forth in step two will be accomplished. For example, certain expenses may need to be reduced and certain investments may need to be made (personal finance). Additionally, there must be detailed calculations concerning the investments and expenses (personal finance). The fourth step in the financial planning process involves the implementation of a financial plan. This step involves making the specific changes or investments determined in the previous step (personal finance). This step could also involve help from financial planners and advisors (personal finance). In addition, there are also software tools and websites that can aid people in this process. According to the Journal of….

16. Help ebecca and Jay apply four steps of the smart buying process to decide whether to replace Vehicle #2. What sources of consumer information might be useful to them? According to Auto Channel the four steps are: Determine your practical needs for a new vehicle, determine your budget and stick to it, determine your emotional needs, which car or truck really makes you happy when you drive it, and test drive, test drive, test drive, test drive (Gordon, B.N.D.P.1.). esources which may be useful include: Consumer eports, Edmunds, Kelly Blue Book, and Kiplinger's

17. Calculate the Bennett's gross monthly income and monthly debt repayments. What is the maximum mortgage amount for which ebecca and Jay could qualify? Gross monthly income is $107,000 / 12= $8,916.67

Monthly debt payments are $1,145. There are two ratios to be calculated here the front end ratio and back end ratio. The front end ratio indicates….

In addition, liability insurance covers damage done to other's property, should the insured become legally liable for the damages.
Boiler insurance was originally created to cover loss due to insureds owning a pressure boiler. However, today, boiler insurance is often more aptly renamed equipment insurance.

Equipment insurance will provide coverage for mechanical breakdowns of equipment, including the cost of repairing or replacing the equipment. The equipment can include: air conditioners, hot water heaters, electrical and mechanical boxes, boilers, and even sometimes computers and telephone systems. Common types of damage to equipment include: short circuits, air conditioning failure, and boiler or hot water heater cracking, burning or bulging. Coverage includes repair and replacement costs, as well as costs to expedite repairs as well as damage to other property caused by the equipment breakdown (Ollis, 1997).

Title insurance protects an individual's investment before they make a property purchase.

With real estate traditionally being an individual's….

College Students Need Personal Finance Education
Often, the twenty-first century is referred to as the "Information Age." ith a few keystrokes, a large percentage of individuals on the planet is able to access incalculably large databases containing the sum of human knowledge. No longer do students have to toil for hours in paper-based libraries to complete research; most research can be attained in the home via the Internet. Furthermore, individuals can purchase Christmas presents, apply for mortgages, download music and movies, and communicate with every other individual possessing a computer and Internet access. All of these tasks require relatively little effort and even less time. Even though our century's appellation, "the Information Age," is accurate, perhaps the time in which we live would more aptly be called "the Instant Gratification Age." The world of knowledge is at our fingertips, and we can get this information fast. Patience, for some, is no….

I do not feel that now is a good time to invest in long-term bonds. The reason is this – the value of long-term bonds decreases as interest rates increase. As this looks like an increasing interest rate environment, long-term bonds look like they would come with an opportunity cost. Short-term bonds would be a better investment in this environment.. There is a Federal Reserve rate increase expected this week, but that has already been priced into the bond market (Robb, 2017). The idea of the Fed increase is that it will place a constraint on economic growth, in which case the current economic expansion will continue "at a steady pace without overheating" (Robb, 2017). Indeed, the Fed has already cautioned that if the market does not respond with slowing conditions that "All else equal, an easing of financial conditions may warrant a somewhat steeper policy rate path." (Robb, 2017). Thus,….

Personal Finance: Making Good Decisions Financial decisions can have lifelong implications. Before taking this class, although I had a basic understanding of how financial problems could be calculated as equations, I did not necessarily know how to make optimal decisions in the real world. Making good financial decisions requires making an intelligent risk versus reward analysis. All decisions require an economic sacrifice or have an opportunity cost. The money diverted to a college education, for example, could be used for investment, and the time invested in college could be diverted to full-time work. Not all economic actors will have the same fears and hopes and each person may have different comfort levels with economic uncertainty, but all decisions should be made in an intelligent way.
Example One: Renting or Buying a Home
The dream of home ownership has long been lauded as the highest goal of every American. But many people have begun….

The responsibility to seek out and use the most appropriate form of protection for a particular system lies with its user. If a user does not regard these duties with the appropriate seriousness, the consequences could be dire indeed. Another very threatening form of computer crime is the phishing scam.


Phishing involves email from an apparently legitimate source such as a bank or other place of business that requires the user to respond with personal information. Most commonly, banks are used as a front for these scams. The most common messages of this type is that a user's account has been disabled and will only be reinstated once the apparent company has received the specific requested data. When a user sends this data, the criminal can then use it for his or her own purposes, such as identity theft or credit card fraud.

According to (2011), phishing criminals target a very….

Finally, anybody hoping to conserve money in a recession must avoid spontaneous expenses, whether at the grocery store or the mall. Purchases should always reflect what one actually needs and never spontaneous impulses to buy anything for which the consumer did not already have a conscious need in advance. Purchasing milk at the grocery store after forgetting to list it is one thing; purchasing a new pair of shoes at the mall "because they were on sale" when one already has a closet full of shoes at home is quite another matter.

ources Consulted

Clark, K., Gibbs, L., and Poppick, . "Three reasons to LOVE the slowdown." (28 ep

2011). Retrieved from CNN Money Magazine at: mag/index.htm

Kadlec, D. "Five Ways to Prepare for a Double Dip." (20 ep 2011). Retrieved from Time Moneyland at:


Nance-Ash, . "New Freshman 15: Financial Tips for College tudents." (1 Aug 2011).

Retrieved from:


Reeves, . "Personal Finance: 13 Financial….

Open communication is key to organizational success, and this openness can be demonstrated to employers through honesty and forthrightness (within the bounds of professionalism, of course) during the interview process.
In addition to these directly employment-related knowledge and skill areas, the course I took in Personal Finance will have a substantial positive impact on the way I approach my profession and my attractiveness to potential employers. Not only have I been provided with information on how to spend wisely, save appropriately, and even gauge investment opportunities in my personal life -- all of which will give me enhanced stability and security, which will be seen as a benefit by potential employers -- but these skills will also transfer to my profession in terms of assisting home health care recipients and practitioners alike in reducing their own expenses and thus providing additional value to expected services and relationships. In addition, appropriate….

personal cash management policies and practices. The paper starts with by stating the methodology through which the content was collected for the relevant literature in the paper. The paper then presents a clear definition of what cash management is and presents an overview of some of the most utilized personal cash management practices. The literature review also presents numerous internal cash management policies and practices that can prove to be feasible and profitable on the personal level. The paper concludes with an overview of all the facts discussed.
Search Strategy

In order to collect relevant data for the results, concise and yet comprehensive information related to the topic have been compiled from articles published online individual researchers, practitioners, as well as, international research institutions. The aim of the study is to critically review the strengths and weaknesses of both conception and implementation of research pertinent to our topic -- Cash Management.….

Personal and Organizational Ethics Values for, for-Profit and Non-Profit Organizations

Ethics is a requirement of the society to both individuals and organizations. Ethics are applied to business and personal behaviors, and are used to determine how companies and individuals abide to policies. To indicate the application of ethical principles in organizations, an analysis is carried out of For-Profit and Non-For-Profit organizations, in this case Bank of America and Boys Club of America. This is by analyzing an ethical dilemma they are experiencing, their approach to the problem, and the legal, political, and social outcomes emerging from this cause of action.

Part One

The Boys Clubs of America is a non-for-profit organization founded in 1860s in Harford, Connecticut Formed with the aim of giving boys who roamed the streets a positive alternative. The club has undergone major changes beginning in 191 when several boys' clubs affiliated to form the federated boys….

Finance Has Always Been a

The experience has proven to be a real world confirmation of what I want to do in my professional life. I was charged with handling financial computations, modeling, forecasting and transactions. While doing so, I knew I have found my niche in life and need only gain both theoretical training and further real world experiences to become the best I can be in my chosen field. Once I have completed my graduate studies in Finance, I intend to apply for work at leading firms specializing in international finance and trade. This will enable me to apply knowledge learnt in undergraduate and graduate studies. Graduating from two prestigious institutions in the United States will accord me the opportunity to practice anywhere in the world since I have had the global education necessary. It will be a different world since I would have left the secure confines of the academe and….

As a part of my work, I have conducted on-going analysis and monitoring of the risks involved in a variety of investment funds. I remained at the cutting edge of market research, for I must be aware of the subtlest differences amongst different funds. This invaluable work experience has not only steeled my stomach to risk, but has shown me the importance of mathematics and programming in the financial field. Quantitative data, properly studied, remains the most invaluable tool in risk management today.
I have also already begun my initial creative work in the field. Recently, I developed my first quantitative model at work, an original program using Excel to generate risk ratings for different funds, based on statis data. Through my employment as well I have broadened my knowledge base about derivates in the capital markets products, through direct involvement in transactions as well as self-study conducted at in-house….

arren advises families to cut back, and essentially budget themselves as if they only had one income. Pay the regular, family expenses from one salary, rather than from both salaries as 'insurance' for the rainy day that will inevitable come. Families must need to engage in regular 'financial fire drills' -- doing a preliminary audit of expenses, to make sure they can still remain solvent with their heads above water, provided they face some unexpected circumstance or simply a downturn in the economy, as is occurring today because of the increased price of gas and looming recession. According to arren's companion book All Your orth, families must clearly distinguish in their budgets from 'Must Haves,' such as rent, mortgage, gas, food, and car payments, with 'ants,' or extraneous expenses. If 'Must Haves' exceed 65% of the family budget, the family is courting disaster, given that one financial setback could mean….

1. The importance of financial capacity in achieving financial goals
2. Factors affecting financial capacity and how to improve it
3. The role of financial literacy in building financial capacity
4. Financial capacity and its impact on mental health and well-being
5. Strategies for enhancing financial capacity in low-income households
6. The relationship between financial capacity and economic empowerment
7. The impact of financial capacity on decision-making and financial well-being
8. The influence of culture and societal norms on financial capacity
9. Challenges and opportunities in assessing and measuring financial capacity
10. The role of technology in improving financial capacity and financial inclusion.
11. The link between financial capacity and....

There are several steps individuals can take to achieve financial independence in today's economy:

1. Create a budget and stick to it: This is the foundation of any financial plan. By tracking your income and expenses, you can identify areas where you can cut back and save more money.

2. Save and invest wisely: Make saving a priority by automatically transferring money into a savings or investment account each month. Consider investing in assets that provide long-term growth potential, such as stocks, bonds, or real estate.

3. Pay off high-interest debt: Focus on paying off high-interest debt, such as credit card debt, as....

Outlining Personal Goals for Success and Happiness
Outlining personal goals is a crucial step in achieving success and happiness. By clearly defining our aspirations and outlining a path to reach them, we can create a roadmap for a fulfilling life. Here's an outline to help you develop your personal goals:
1. Define Your Vision and Values
Start by identifying your core values and the overarching vision you have for your life. What matters most to you? What kind of person do you want to become? Your vision and values will guide your goal-setting process.
2. Break Down Your Goals
Once you have a clear vision,....

2 Pages


Personal Finance Goal Buying a

Words: 656
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

The challenge of saving for a home and getting $15,000 into a Roth IRA is the most difficult principle of goal setting. There are many challenges to saving for…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Personal Finance the Issue of

Words: 648
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

It may also include goals concerning the attainment of education for the individual or their children. During this time the individual should establish both short-term and long-term goals…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Personal Finance Define Which Stage

Words: 4021
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

16. Help ebecca and Jay apply four steps of the smart buying process to decide whether to replace Vehicle #2. What sources of consumer information might be useful to…

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12 Pages
Term Paper


Insurance Dealing With Personal Finance

Words: 3227
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In addition, liability insurance covers damage done to other's property, should the insured become legally liable for the damages. Boiler insurance was originally created to cover loss due to…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Should College Student's Personal Finance Credit Card or Student Loan Be Limited

Words: 1710
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

College Students Need Personal Finance Education Often, the twenty-first century is referred to as the "Information Age." ith a few keystrokes, a large percentage of individuals on the planet is…

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2 Pages


Would You Invest in Long Term Bonds

Words: 775
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

I do not feel that now is a good time to invest in long-term bonds. The reason is this – the value of long-term bonds decreases as interest rates…

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4 Pages


Making Good Personal Finance Decisions

Words: 1417
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Personal Finance: Making Good Decisions Financial decisions can have lifelong implications. Before taking this class, although I had a basic understanding of how financial problems could be calculated as equations,…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Personal Security and the Internet

Words: 2573
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The responsibility to seek out and use the most appropriate form of protection for a particular system lies with its user. If a user does not regard these duties…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


Personal Financial Management During a

Words: 1712
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Finally, anybody hoping to conserve money in a recession must avoid spontaneous expenses, whether at the grocery store or the mall. Purchases should always reflect what one actually needs…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Personal Portfolio of Skills Enhancement

Words: 895
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Open communication is key to organizational success, and this openness can be demonstrated to employers through honesty and forthrightness (within the bounds of professionalism, of course) during the…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Management

Personal Cash Management Policies and Practices The

Words: 2093
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

personal cash management policies and practices. The paper starts with by stating the methodology through which the content was collected for the relevant literature in the paper. The…

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9 Pages


Personal & Organizational Ethics Personal and Organizational

Words: 2664
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Essay

PESONAL & OGANIZATIONAL ETHICS Personal and Organizational Ethics Values for, for-Profit and Non-Profit Organizations Ethics is a requirement of the society to both individuals and organizations. Ethics are applied to business…

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2 Pages
Admission Essay


Finance Has Always Been a

Words: 616
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Admission Essay

The experience has proven to be a real world confirmation of what I want to do in my professional life. I was charged with handling financial computations, modeling,…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Personal Statement Taking a Risk

Words: 659
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

As a part of my work, I have conducted on-going analysis and monitoring of the risks involved in a variety of investment funds. I remained at the cutting…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Personal and Family Finance The

Words: 848
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

arren advises families to cut back, and essentially budget themselves as if they only had one income. Pay the regular, family expenses from one salary, rather than from both…

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