Personal Goals Essays (Examples)

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Most recently I accepted a contract position with an online college as a Subject Matter Expert for the design of a new Linux Administration course intended for the online environment. Being a teacher has, although not strictly part of my academic resume, proved to be an education in and of itself, as I am always learning from my students. Teaching students at different junctures of their academic careers will also be helpful in designing a variety of online tools for students with different learning needs and learning styles. A good online teaching program is both technically well-designed and also meets the human needs and goals of students.
• Research Experience

As part of my work in designing curriculums and user manuals for students, I have had to embark upon research to determine the most effective way to impart new knowledge, and to assess the ability level, of the user manual's readers….

While doing this, I will strive to successfully implement all knowledge acquired with your aid throughout my study period.
In the year immediately after acquiring the MBA, I plan on taking the Becker CPA Exam review and the CPA Exam. I will then focus on studying for the CFE exam, which I intend to pass after the completion of the CPAs. All the study will be followed by the doctoral degree, after which I intent to remain a governmental employee for another 20 years. At the end of the two decades, I will become a university professor to guide students and give back to the community that has helped me lead a fruitful and fulfilling live.

My strong determination and commitment to achieving these established desiderates, alongside with the skills learned within your university will help me become a better individual and a better professional, who will be able to make….

Life has carved a path for my future -- one which embraces my love for teaching, devotion to learning, and contributing to a stronger world -- today and tomorrow -- by embedding self-sufficiency and responsibility in every student.
Durable strategies to this path, therefore, must include all learning styles: visual -- 'seeing' the process by seeking pictures and diagrams to explain new processes; auditory -- verbally talking the process through with another and rejecting the technological discussion and manual; and kinesthetic / tactile -- performing the same action again and again until it works.

Clearly, this desire to teach and teach in a way that all students get the most from the learning adds an extra dimension to my personal directives. Integrating modern technology into the learning process demands this balanced approach to preparing today's student for tomorrow's leadership.

Integrating Technology into Learning

Technological awareness and skill is critical to future success and quality….

Personal Goal Statement

exciting journey for me, applying for admission to the Clinical Laboratory Sciences program at Northern Illinois University. Having completed a significant portion of my undergraduate education, I would now like to concentrate on studying medical technology.
I have been planning a career in clinical lab science for several years, but as an undergraduate, I focused on getting a solid background in science and math. My interest in clinical laboratory science began with science classes that exposed me to the possibilities of a career in this field. The more I saw of clinical lab science, and the more that I read about the field, the more I felt drawn to it. Being able to assemble the pieces of a medical puzzle is a rewarding challenge that I want to be involved in.

A career in clinical lab science combines two of my passions, healthy living and science. With all the recent advances….

Good Hope Collaborative Inc. Distinctive CompetencyGood Hopes distinctive competency is its person-centered approach, which forms the basis of its services and supports. The staff will not focus on serving persons with intellectual disabilities by providing blanket access to available supports available in their communities through standardized programs. The organizations person-centered approach will focus on understanding the unique emotional, physical, and spiritual needs of beneficiaries, and tailoring programs to address these specific needs. The organizations dedicated Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) will be trained to journey with beneficiaries, understand their unique needs, personal desires, and aspirations, and then use these to develop individual support plans (ISPs) for each individual. The ISP will outline the unique needs of every individual, their personal desires and aspirations, and the plan of care, which includes the specific services and supports to be offered to the individual to address the identified needs and help them realize their….

My first interest is to work at a battering intervention and prevention program through a battered women's shelter. This position would allow me to educate the public, by discussing battering in various situations and helping reach target populations where battering is not discussed or is considered normative. However, I understand that working with batterers is not simply about education; the vast majority of them have been abused, themselves, and need assistance resolving issues from their own past in order to move on and create better futures. Furthermore, childhood abuse is positively correlated to later substance and mental health issues, and I would like the skills to recognize, assess, and treat those tangential issues. Another interest that I have is working with pregnant teenagers and young mothers in a family education system. I believe that it is unfortunate that our society fails to provide its members with adequate education concerning….

The feeling that I was cut out for this role of a pharmacist came when I was fascinated in the chemistry classes about the medications, and the origin of bio-medicals. My fascination and the interaction with the patients where I work have made me known and liked in the current place of work. That would take this argument to the work experience and qualifications.
3. I am now a student for the masters in biomedical science at Midwestern University. Earlier qualifications include a bachelor's degree in computer engineering from Iraq in 2004. I also have completed the pre-pharmacy courses. Thus I have had a strong academic background. Further along with my academic background, I have had working experience as a pharmacy technician. I have found pleasure in working for the Walgreen's Pharmacy for three years as a pharmacy technician. Working with the employer namely Walgreen's allowed me to develop skills….

Personal communication skills, as exemplified by talk show host Larry King, are crucial to success in today's interconnected world. King, one of America's most successful communicators, provides a valuable example of successful communication skills that have brought him world renown as a broadcaster, successful book career, and influence in the political arena. It is through the example of individuals like King that we can learn not only the value of personal communication skills, but the specifics of some of the most important of these skills. King himself notes that personal communication skills are based on a number of factors such as honesty, interest, attitude, and openness. Successful adaptation of such skills can help the individual both on a personal and professional level.
Larry King is one of America's best known talk show hosts. He hosts the well-known Larry King Live, the world's first phone-in television talk show. Larry King live is….

Personal Code of Ethics

They are a great source of strength and I will honor them while remaining true to myself.
I am committed to lifelong learning and I will constantly strive to advance my knowledge and skills in the field by attending conferences and clinics, and reading the current literature.

I will strive to be a contributing member of society, both professionally and personally. I value education and lifelong learning and will continue to expand my knowledge by attending classes. I also understand the value of work and feel that it is a necessary and constructive part of my life. I will continue to make myself more valuable to my employer by attending seminars and training and by doing my best for the company.

Continually improve my skills as a person and as an employee through educational enhancement programs to perform my job in a timely way at a high level of excellence.

Personal Code of….

Goals for Pursuing a Career in Nursing
Identify and assess personal goals and feelings for selecting a career in nursing.

Nursing is a profession where people have the opportunity to give back and hopefully, make a difference.

Goals and Aspirations Essay

One of the main reasons that selected nursing as my career is because nursing is a profession that is associated with respect and esteem. My goal is to complete my course of study and obtain my RN license and then to practice in a surgical hospital. I hope to continue my education and demonstrate my competencies and skills by eventually specializing in cardiovascular care.

Throughout my career, one of my goals is to remain up-to-date on the nursing and medical profession by continuing my education to stay current. I also hope to join a few key professional organizations that will be centered on my area of specialty. This will allow me to network with….

Personal Academic and Professional Objectives
From an academic perspective, a certificate in Electronic Health Record System Consultant will in basic terms first and foremost equip me with the necessary skills required for the maintenance, collection as well as analysis of healthcare data relied upon by healthcare providers in the delivery of services to patients. If I successfully complete the training, I am convinced that I will have developed professional skills necessary for the effective management of all medical information as well as records of patients.

Further, by undertaking a certificate in Electronic Health Record System Consultant, I seek to acquire hands-on skills not only in regard to coding diagnoses but also in the relevant reimbursement procedures. I am convinced that the certification in this case will prepare me to offer my services in a wide variety of settings including but not limited to government agencies, electronic health record system software firms, clinics….

Professional Presence
Different Models of Health and Healing

Models of health and healing influence patient attitudes and lifestyle, and also impact health seeking and healthcare behaviors. Often, the concept of healing a patient has will come from cultural or religious beliefs However, healthcare workers also operate within their own models of health and healing, which could conflict with those of their patients. When nurses become more aware of the different models, they can better communicate with patients about healthcare issues.

Physical Body: The Mechanistic View

The rise of empiricism and the triumphs of modern science gave rise to the view that the body itself can be treated as a discreet system. Although the mechanistic view can be traced back as far as Asclepiades, it was never fully accepted as a viable model of health and healing until the 20th century (Curtis & Gaylord, 2004, p. 8). The mechanistic view predominates throughout the Western world,….

personal cash management policies and practices. The paper starts with by stating the methodology through which the content was collected for the relevant literature in the paper. The paper then presents a clear definition of what cash management is and presents an overview of some of the most utilized personal cash management practices. The literature review also presents numerous internal cash management policies and practices that can prove to be feasible and profitable on the personal level. The paper concludes with an overview of all the facts discussed.
Search Strategy

In order to collect relevant data for the results, concise and yet comprehensive information related to the topic have been compiled from articles published online individual researchers, practitioners, as well as, international research institutions. The aim of the study is to critically review the strengths and weaknesses of both conception and implementation of research pertinent to our topic -- Cash Management.….

Psychology: Goal Setting For an AthleteA long-term goal that I would like to achieve is: Take part in the next Olympics games coming in two yearsThree short-term goals with process goals:1. Focus on fitness and physical exercise (The goal is to join a gym and exercise regularly, at least six days a week). The assessment measure would be daily punctuality for adhering to the fitness plan.2. Focus on a diet that would help give strength and vigor to the body for training (The goal is to follow a diet plan usually provided by the gym instructors in the beginning and then move on to the professional trainers one). The assessment measure would be the daily intake of each days specific food items with a combination of all nutrients, proteins, carbohydrates, good fat, calcium, etc.3. Please search for a trainer that would guide the games and the relevant training session required….

Personal Power
Identify your greatest areas of personal power.

My greatest areas of personal power lie primarily in my ability to elicit the collaboration of others. This skill is particularly important in building both a rapport and a consensus with workers. Being able to relate and understand the needs of the individuals in which you manage is the cornerstone of personal power. In addition, my ability to clearly communicate why particular action is needed is a personal power strength. In regards to both leadership, and personal power, communications skills are integral to success. The ability to articulate a clear vision, the direction that will be needed to accomplish the vision, and how each individual member can help accomplish the goal, all facilitate personal power.

Organizations are now becoming more global in their overall scope of business operations. As such, leaders who exhibit strong personal power must apply it to an organization with different….

Accounting ethics are incredibly important because accountants are entrusted with handling money for individuals, businesses, and other organizations.  Unethical accountants can expose a business to financial risks and liabilities, even if their breaches of ethics do not amount to criminal behavior or involve intentional wrongdoing on the part of the accountant.  Huge financial scandals, such as Enron, could not occur without ethical breaches on the part of the accountants because the financial structure of large organizations requires at least passive participation in wrongdoing by people at the accountant level.  Accountant ethics are....

I. Introduction
- Introduce the topic of summer vacations and the importance of planning ahead
- Provide a brief overview of the key points that will be discussed in the essay

II. Travel plans
- Discuss the destination for the summer vacation, such as a beach resort or a mountain retreat
- Mention any specific activities or attractions that are planned for the trip
- Explain why this destination was chosen and why it is an ideal choice for a vacation

III. Relaxation and downtime
- Outline plans for relaxation and downtime during the summer vacation
- Mention activities such as reading, spending time outdoors, or catching up on....

There are various reasons why humans commit suicide:

1. Mental health disorders such as depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia can lead individuals to feel overwhelming despair and hopelessness.

2. Traumatic life events such as loss of a loved one, abuse, or a serious illness can trigger suicidal thoughts.

3. Substance abuse and addiction can impair judgment and lead to impulsive behavior.

4. Social isolation and lack of support from friends or family can contribute to feelings of loneliness and worthlessness.

5. Chronic pain or debilitating illness can lead individuals to believe that their quality of life will not improve.

6. Financial difficulties or job loss can....

Sure! Here are some definitions of terms from the research entitled "Understanding the Influence of Extracurricular Activities on Students' Personal Development and School Engagement":

1. Extracurricular activities: These are activities that take place outside of regular school hours and are usually organized by the school or community organizations. Examples include sports teams, clubs, volunteer work, and performing arts groups.

2. Personal development: This refers to the process of improving oneself through activities that promote self-awareness, goal-setting, and skill development. Personal development can include improving social skills, building confidence, and setting and achieving personal goals.

3. School engagement: School engagement refers to a student's....

3 Pages
Term Paper


Personal Goal Statement Degree PhD

Words: 836
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Most recently I accepted a contract position with an online college as a Subject Matter Expert for the design of a new Linux Administration course intended for the…

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1 Pages
Research Proposal


Personal Goal Statement on a

Words: 345
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

While doing this, I will strive to successfully implement all knowledge acquired with your aid throughout my study period. In the year immediately after acquiring the MBA, I plan…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Personal Goal Statement for Professional Development

Words: 1202
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Life has carved a path for my future -- one which embraces my love for teaching, devotion to learning, and contributing to a stronger world -- today and tomorrow…

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2 Pages


Personal Goal Statement

Words: 507
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

exciting journey for me, applying for admission to the Clinical Laboratory Sciences program at Northern Illinois University. Having completed a significant portion of my undergraduate education, I would…

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1 Pages

Business - Technical Writing

Distinctive Competency Good Hope Collaborative Inc

Words: 173
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Chapter

Good Hope Collaborative Inc. Distinctive CompetencyGood Hopes distinctive competency is its person-centered approach, which forms the basis of its services and supports. The staff will not focus on serving…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Personal Statement for as Long

Words: 1381
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

My first interest is to work at a battering intervention and prevention program through a battered women's shelter. This position would allow me to educate the public, by…

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2 Pages


Personal Statement This Is a

Words: 903
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

The feeling that I was cut out for this role of a pharmacist came when I was fascinated in the chemistry classes about the medications, and the origin…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Personal Skill Communication

Words: 706
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Personal communication skills, as exemplified by talk show host Larry King, are crucial to success in today's interconnected world. King, one of America's most successful communicators, provides a valuable…

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5 Pages

Business - Ethics

Personal Code of Ethics

Words: 2323
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Thesis

They are a great source of strength and I will honor them while remaining true to myself. I am committed to lifelong learning and I will constantly strive to…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Health - Nursing

Goals and Aspirations for the Nursing Field

Words: 343
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Goals for Pursuing a Career in Nursing Identify and assess personal goals and feelings for selecting a career in nursing. Nursing is a profession where people have the opportunity to give…

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2 Pages


Personal Academic and Professional Objectives From an

Words: 606
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Personal Academic and Professional Objectives From an academic perspective, a certificate in Electronic Health Record System Consultant will in basic terms first and foremost equip me with the necessary skills…

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6 Pages
Research Paper


personal'self assessment and'self awareness

Words: 1978
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Professional Presence Different Models of Health and Healing Models of health and healing influence patient attitudes and lifestyle, and also impact health seeking and healthcare behaviors. Often, the concept of healing…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Management

Personal Cash Management Policies and Practices The

Words: 2093
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

personal cash management policies and practices. The paper starts with by stating the methodology through which the content was collected for the relevant literature in the paper. The…

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6 Pages


Goal Setting For an Athlete Psychology

Words: 1898
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Psychology: Goal Setting For an AthleteA long-term goal that I would like to achieve is: Take part in the next Olympics games coming in two yearsThree short-term goals with…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Leadership Through Personal Power

Words: 591
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Personal Power Identify your greatest areas of personal power. My greatest areas of personal power lie primarily in my ability to elicit the collaboration of others. This skill is particularly important…

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