Personal Strength Essays (Examples)

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Personal Strengths
"O would some power the giftie gie us to see ourselves as others see us," wrote the Scottish poet obert Burns. He meant it in a cautionary sense: We should govern ourselves so that if we were standing outside of ourselves watching our actions we would not shame ourselves. But a corollary to this is also true: We are not always aware of our own strengths. This paper examines the differences between my own assessment of personal strengths and those that a survey of these strengths showed up. There is a temptation to designate those strengths that are assigned by an outside source (in this case, a well-tested social-psychological instrument) as being more legitimate than those one has thought up on one's own in an extemporaneous way. However, central to the value of this process for me has been my exploration of the ways in which these two assessments….

Personal Strengths, Weaknesses
Motherhood brings out the best and worst in most women, rigorously testing qualities like patience and flexibility. There's nothing like a two-year-old's tantrum to evoke such mixed reactions as fear, anger, tolerance, and compassion. Two children at my side, I look at myself in the mirror each day through their eyes, witnessing my glaring faults. For example, I know I work too hard: I overextend myself in household chores and parenting as well as in my professional life. A naturally energetic, resourceful individual, I rarely know when to take a break. My love of hard work is therefore a mixed blessing: my vivaciousness competes with an unacknowledged need to relax and recuperate. One of my greatest weaknesses, ironically, is an unwillingness to feel weak. I need to learn how to step back, let others take charge, relax and let go. On the other hand, high energy and motivation….

Personal Strengths improvement
Identification and Improvement of Strengths from High Performance to Excellence for Life Skills

The analysis of the quote by speaker and author Peter Drucker, "One should waste as little effort as possible on improving areas of low competence. It takes far more energy to improve from incompetence to mediocrity than it takes to improve from first-rate performance to excellence," (Drucker 1999) requires deep personal self-reflection . The influence of self-assessment on improvement and eventual success is not a static single event, but as the article discusses, is a continuous process of feedback and critical internal evaluation. Self-assessment and feedback is applied to understanding the talents for an individual, "A" in a case study written as a semi-impartial observer with critical feedback and analysis. Evaluations of decisions and outcomes help to confirm those talents and direct the improvement toward strengths and eventual success in college courses and eventual career….

Personal Strengths
Office Skills

My work experience has included working in a rental car buy back company. This role has included doing a wide range of tasks including answering phones, computer work, titles, mailing, managing export/import information and doing inventory control. In this role I was basically running the office. This experience therefore gives me a wide range of office skills as well as the ability to run an office. These management skills can also be applied to other jobs and to other tasks, therefore giving me flexibility in my skills. I have found these office skills of use in both my home environment and my study environment.

Organizational Skills

My work experience and my home experience has given me good organizational skills. These skills come from the tasks listed above, as well as from the organizing I do at home, such as placing ads for rental properties, paying bills and looking after general….

Flower ExerciseIntroductionAs Bolles states in "What Color is Your Parachute? 2022," "the key to a happy and fulfilling future is knowing yourself" (p. 23). For that reason, I have completed the Flower Exercise, and have gained valuable insights into my preferences, strengths, and passions. These discoveries will inform my career plan, helping me find a first career position and better positions that align with my goals, values, and interests. This paper describes what I have found and why I believe it is important.First PetalIn the first petal of the Flower Exercise, I identified the types of people I enjoy working with, which include creative professionals, researchers and academics, innovators and entrepreneurs, social workers and counselors, and environmentalists. These individuals are categorized under various Holland Codes, such as Artistic, Investigative, Enterprising, Social, and Realistic. This is a wide range of categorizations and suggests that I like being part of a diverse….

(This one wasn't a surprise either, considering no one can get a word in edgewise with me)
Maximizer, Here I go again, wanting to go one step better than before (and I wanted to know if I am an over achiever?)

Activator, I'm anxious for results? Well, of course, look at everything I have to achieve, communicate, maximize.

Futurist. I keep pulling into the future. Well, this one is not as strong. I get bogged down in the competition.

Now, what can I, my friends, family and boss do to use these to the best advantage?

Achiever: Ask me about goals, give me more expectations, and get me going as a writer or other form of communicator. but, so I don't drive everybody crazy, you better reign me in somewhat by someone strong on focus or discipline.

Communication -- Let me talk at the meeting, do the presentation, keep notes at the meeting.

Maximizer -- Tell….

.....graduate student at the prestigious Centre for the Study of Higher Education at the University of Michigan. While there, I was tutored by several professors, all of whom had their distinct teaching styles and methods and this diversity actually helped me. The major feature I loved about them and that I have adopted as a personal teaching style is just how open they were to working with their proteges. I have decided to also create similar chances for my students working with me. I would analyze my work to see if there are certain research subjects I intend to write that my students could work on and benefit from. Apart from the professional interaction, these professors also interacted with me on a personal level. They took me in and introduced me to their families, building a strong rapport between us. Even though it remained a professor-student relationship, we were friends….

Vision and Interests
Personal VALUES

Influencing FACTORS


• Providing holistic, safe, and patient-centered care.

• Providing individualized attention to patients when delivering care.


• Model positive healthy behaviors.

• Maintain current knowledge and skills while engaging in self-enhancement through continuous learning.

• Uphold personal and professional standards of practice at all times during nursing practice.

Personal Experience

• I have previously cared for a sick family member before joining the nursing career. This influenced my choice to pursue a career in nursing.

Family Member(s)

• The family member I cared for influenced my decision to pursue a career in the nursing field.

Friends and Peers

• Most of my friends and peers are in the nursing field and have encouraged me to pursue a career in this field.



OPTIONS to Consider

PLANNED Accomplishments


• I will engage in continuous education to enhance my competence and skills in nursing.

Financial Needs

• Tuition fees and other expenses in pursuing continuous education.

Balancing Personal & Professional Life

• The demands of nursing….

These authors add that with respect to this exemplary leadership quality, "Although a significant difference existed by gender, both men and women rated challenging the process as their least developed leadership skill" (p. 259). This also means that people must be willing to take personal and professional risks, including speaking up for what they believe in the workplace, but the cost-benefit analyses that are routinely used by winners can help establish the framework in which such pursuits are achievable.
Such intuitive decisions may be valuable in the workplace when someone's experience and intellect combine to produce consistently positive outcomes, but it is reasonable to suggest that many successful business leaders take their time in formulating decisions about many of the complex issues they encounter on a day-to-day basis, but in some cases, time is of the essence and what "seems more right" will have to do. People with fine-tuned senses….

As to my "negative characteristics": I do indeed get frustrated when my children forget their manners and behave poorly; I have a habit of losing track of time occasionally when I'm deeply involved in a project; as indicated earlier, I trust people too soon; I have a tendency to do things perfectly the first time, which can cause stress; and five, I become very intense when I see that something needs to be done around the house immediately.

In order to make positives out of my negatives, I believe in the Chinese ideogram that says obstacle and challenge are really the same thing - it's all in how you approach the problem. I work hard to keep my moods in a positive flow, and although we humans are sometimes the product of our emotions, professionals strive to control emotions and see life in its full perspective.

As to motivation, I am a….

Personal Marketing Plan

Personal Marketing Plan
Current Marketing Situation: I am graduating school and entering the workforce. My previous work experience is somewhat limited, mainly to retail work, but I have a solid education from a great school. I have a degree in marketing and this has prepared me for a career in marketing, advertising or possibly sales management. My present job is inadequate for my new education level. I like the people I work with, but the pay and the nature of the tasks are more suitable for someone with less experience and education. I believe that with a better education, I am prepared to take on positions of responsibility and to begin a progressive career path.

SWOT Analysis: I have a lot of different strengths upon which I draw to succeed. I am organized and intelligent, and this allows me to accomplish the things that I need to accomplish, on time and to….

Personal Definition of Nursing
Nursing Theory

Like most facilities, my institution stresses that it cares for its patients. Its belief in the value of caring and the place of caring at the center of nursing practice has caused it to make Jean Watson's Human Caring Theory the core of its philosophy. Watson's theory states that caring is an interpersonal science and a "caring environment is one that offers the development of potential while allowing the person to choose the best action for himself or herself at a given point in time" (Jean Watson's theory of nursing, 2012, Current Nursing). One critical assumption that I see implemented in my practice is the idea that "caring is more 'healthogenic' than is curing. A science of caring is complementary to the science of curing" (Jean Watson's theory of nursing, 2012, Current Nursing). Nursing may be a science, but nurses must always remember that the science….

Personal Statement
Since 1874, Purdue University has garnered a reputation of high academic integrity and achievement. Pursuing an education at Purdue University has always been a dream. Since completing my high school education in 2011, I felt that my purpose was to make a difference in the lives of others. With such a challenging childhood, my desire to persevere is fueled by circumstances. Such life events have yielded a strong desire to learn more and to give more. Furthering my education builds upon knowledge and experience by teaching important leadership skills necessary for today's complex workplace. Insomuch, a quality education will help achieve personal and professional goals that may add value by enriching the lives of others.

Reason for Pursuit

My mother who had her personal life's challenges precipitates my higher educational pursuit. Perhaps her sorrow fueled her alcoholism. During one particularly bad incident, after I rushed to the drugstore to buy medication….

Personal Code of Ethics

They are a great source of strength and I will honor them while remaining true to myself.
I am committed to lifelong learning and I will constantly strive to advance my knowledge and skills in the field by attending conferences and clinics, and reading the current literature.

I will strive to be a contributing member of society, both professionally and personally. I value education and lifelong learning and will continue to expand my knowledge by attending classes. I also understand the value of work and feel that it is a necessary and constructive part of my life. I will continue to make myself more valuable to my employer by attending seminars and training and by doing my best for the company.

Continually improve my skills as a person and as an employee through educational enhancement programs to perform my job in a timely way at a high level of excellence.

Personal Code of….

Insomuch, I have worked closely with customers on a myriad of issues to ensure their needs were met. Such concern for my constituents has transcended to an elevated level of service for individuals in the healthcare field.
Additional Information for Consideration

Although I may not be a traditional candidate, I have always worked hard to attain my goals. egardless if goals seemed to be unreachable, I have always persevered in the most trying of conditions. Pierce (2003) defines nursing quite well, "Nursing is the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, the prevention of illness and injury, and the alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response and advocacy in the care of individuals families, communities, and populations. Moreover, nursing addresses the organizational, social, economic, legal, and political factors within the healthcare system and society. These and other factors affect the cost, access, and quality of health….

Emotional Flexibility is a concept that is increasingly recognized as a crucial component of overall personal strength. In today's fast-paced and constantly changing world, the ability to adapt and navigate through a range of emotions is essential for mental well-being and resilience. This essay will explore the importance of emotional flexibility in building inner strength and its impact on various aspects of our lives. Through examining the benefits of emotional flexibility and strategies to cultivate this trait, we can better understand its significance in developing a strong and resilient sense of self.
Emotional flexibility allows individuals to respond to challenges and....

Emotional Flexibility: A Cornerstone for Personal Strength and Well-Being
Emotional flexibility, an ability to navigate and adapt to changing emotional experiences, plays a pivotal role in fostering personal strength and overall well-being. It encompasses the capacity to recognize, accept, and manage emotions effectively, allowing individuals to respond to life's challenges with resilience and a sense of balance.
Components of Emotional Flexibility
According to the authors of the book "The Flex Factor," emotional flexibility involves several key components:
Awareness: The ability to recognize and identify emotions in oneself and others.
Acceptance: The willingness to acknowledge and tolerate emotions without judgment or resistance.
Regulation: The....

5 Pages


Personal Strengths O Would Some Power the

Words: 1373
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Personal Strengths "O would some power the giftie gie us to see ourselves as others see us," wrote the Scottish poet obert Burns. He meant it in a cautionary sense:…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Personal Strengths Weaknesses Motherhood Brings Out the

Words: 654
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Personal Strengths, Weaknesses Motherhood brings out the best and worst in most women, rigorously testing qualities like patience and flexibility. There's nothing like a two-year-old's tantrum to evoke such mixed…

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2 Pages

Business - Management

Personal Strengths Improvement Identification and Improvement of

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Personal Strengths improvement Identification and Improvement of Strengths from High Performance to Excellence for Life Skills The analysis of the quote by speaker and author Peter Drucker, "One should waste…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


My Personal Strengths and Weaknesses

Words: 1168
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Personal Strengths Office Skills My work experience has included working in a rental car buy back company. This role has included doing a wide range of tasks including answering phones, computer…

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5 Pages


Identifying Personal Strengths and Mission

Words: 1554
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Flower ExerciseIntroductionAs Bolles states in "What Color is Your Parachute? 2022," "the key to a happy and fulfilling future is knowing yourself" (p. 23). For that reason, I have…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Strengths What Are My Personal

Words: 1498
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

(This one wasn't a surprise either, considering no one can get a word in edgewise with me) Maximizer, Here I go again, wanting to go one step better than…

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3 Pages


Personal Philosophy Project

Words: 1507
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

.....graduate student at the prestigious Centre for the Study of Higher Education at the University of Michigan. While there, I was tutored by several professors, all of whom had…

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5 Pages


Personal Professional Development Plan in Nursing

Words: 1720
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Vision and Interests Personal VALUES Influencing FACTORS Responsibilities • Providing holistic, safe, and patient-centered care. • Providing individualized attention to patients when delivering care. Commitment • Model positive healthy behaviors. • Maintain current knowledge and skills while…

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15 Pages
Reaction Paper


Personal and Professional Change Over

Words: 4318
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Reaction Paper

These authors add that with respect to this exemplary leadership quality, "Although a significant difference existed by gender, both men and women rated challenging the process as their…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Personal Profile My Name Is

Words: 781
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

As to my "negative characteristics": I do indeed get frustrated when my children forget their manners and behave poorly; I have a habit of losing track of time occasionally…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Personal Marketing Plan

Words: 1150
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Personal Marketing Plan Current Marketing Situation: I am graduating school and entering the workforce. My previous work experience is somewhat limited, mainly to retail work, but I have a solid…

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2 Pages
Peer Reviewed Journal

Health - Nursing

Personal Definition of Nursing Theory Like Most

Words: 710
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Peer Reviewed Journal

Personal Definition of Nursing Nursing Theory Like most facilities, my institution stresses that it cares for its patients. Its belief in the value of caring and the place of caring at…

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2 Pages


Personal Statement Since 1874 Purdue University Has

Words: 923
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Resume

Personal Statement Since 1874, Purdue University has garnered a reputation of high academic integrity and achievement. Pursuing an education at Purdue University has always been a dream. Since completing my…

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5 Pages

Business - Ethics

Personal Code of Ethics

Words: 2323
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Thesis

They are a great source of strength and I will honor them while remaining true to myself. I am committed to lifelong learning and I will constantly strive to…

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4 Pages
Admission Essay

Health - Nursing

Personal Statement -- Advanced Generalist

Words: 1540
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Admission Essay

Insomuch, I have worked closely with customers on a myriad of issues to ensure their needs were met. Such concern for my constituents has transcended to an elevated…

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