Persuasion Essays (Examples)

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Persuasion Tu Quoque Fallacies Persuasion I
Pages: 4 Words: 1567

Persuasion / Tu Quoque Fallacies

I remember an occasion when I went on a canoeing trip with my friend David from high school. David is the sort of person who always totally speaks his mind about anything -- he is not shy about commenting (often in an almost abrasive manner) on the person you are dating, or the clothes you are wearing, or anything else that happens to pop into his mind. He organized several people from our high school to go on a river canoeing trip, mostly because it would be a good way to spend time together, and get some exercise which would not be too taxing. We went to a canoe rental place, and paid to do a 4-hour trip along an easily navigable creek: there was nothing dangerous about the canoeing part of it, the water would rarely be deeper than four feet, and there would be…...

Persuasion the Art of Persuasion
Pages: 5 Words: 1853

A second everyday advertisement that most people often encounter comes in the mail or stapled to the pizza box. It is an advertisement, perhaps with a coupon, to dine at a local or chain restaurant. This attempt at persuasion uses the tactic of controlling the context. Even with poor wording or graphics, the existence of the coupon, and the fact that one is forced to hold the advertisement when one gets his or her mail, suggests the effectiveness of this type of advertisement. One advertisement, from Gelsosomo's Pizzeria and Pub, features red wording, in a multitude of fonts and sizes, on green paper. The word choice is rather scrambled, with everything about the restaurant being crammed onto the advertisement, and the color scheme is unattractive. egardless, the advertisement represents an excellent persuasion attempt because of the three circles that appear in the center of the advertisement, which lists specials in…...



Exploring Language: Words and Meaning. (2002, March 7). Retrieved September 15, 2008, from English Online.

Web Site:

Gelsosomo's Pizzeria. (2008). Advertisement. Flyer.

Kaplan, Don & Carl Campanile. (2008). Political Ads Rock on MTV. Retrieved September 15, 2008, from the New York Post. Web Site:

Persuasion There Is a Persuasive
Pages: 3 Words: 1040

Shaping, reinforcing, and changing responses. Shaping; mind-sets are "shaped" by relating satisfying environments with a product, individual, or a thought. Reinforcing; opposite of the accepted belief, many persuasive communications are not intended to change people, but to strengthen a place they already embrace. Changing; it is one of the most significant persuasive impact and the one that comes in to mind immediately when we think of persuasion. Communications can and do transform attitudes.[footnoteRef:4] [3: Miller, G.R. (1980). On being persuaded: Some basic distinctions. In M. Roloff, & G.R. Miller (Eds.), Persuasion: New directions in theory and research, 11 -- 28. everly Hills, CA: Sage.] [4: Persuasion. (n.d.). Communication for Governance and Accountability Program (CommGAP), external Affairs Vice Presidency the World ank Washington DC, Accessed from: on 4/6/2013]
Means of Persuasion: The social scientist Aristotle categorized the means of persuasion, into three Ethos, Pathos, and Logos.[footnoteRef:5] [5: A General Summary…...



A General Summary of Aristotle's Appeals, (n.d.). Accessed from: 

Persuasion. (nod.) Communication for Governance and Accountability Program (Comma) external Affairs vice Presidency. The World Bank Washington DC, Accessed from:   R.G. (1980). On being persuaded: Some basic distinctions. In M. Roloff, & G.R. Miller (Eds.), Persuasion: New directions in theory and research, 11 -- 28. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage. Miller,

Perloff, M.R. (2003).The Dynamics of Persuasion: Communication and Attitudes in the 21st Century, 2nd ed., Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publisher, Mahwah, New Jersey.

Simons, H.W. (2001). Persuasion in society. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Persuasion Persuasive Communication Impression Management
Pages: 4 Words: 1234

This can be a difficult balance to attain though. It proceeds from the view that persuasive communication is only partially defined by the delivery of a message. An equally significant part of this, at least when contextualized by interpersonal forms of communication, is the effectiveness with which one appears to have received communicated ideas and information from those who will receive the message in question. Indeed, the ability to establish trust through simultaneous communication and message reception is one of the most effective measurements of the success with which teams are built. Thus, trust earns a central role in our discussion regarding this process of actively listening. For participants on either the transmitting or receiving side, the establishment of trust through open, honest and direct communication will contribute to a positive pattern of active listening. For me personally, this is the most important part of working on my skills as…...

Persuasion in TV Ads
Pages: 3 Words: 888

Persuasion in Television Advertisements
Advertising and marketing specialists frequently use specialized techniques to communicate with audiences by appealing to a specific type of customer and helping a brand or product to be memorable or appealing. Advertisements frequently accomplish this by using spokespeople, slogans, or visual symbols or displays that grab the intended audience's attention and appeal to the customer's curiosity, sense of ascetics or humor. This paper will assess two such television advertisements by sampling two different examples of popular commercials and analyzing the marketing tools used to capture audience attention and attract potential customers.

Geico: "Little Piggy"

Geico's "Little Piggy" advertisement begins with a handsome middle-aged man speaking directly to the audience. This spokesman begins by asking, "Could switching to Geico really save you 15% or more on car insurance?." The announcer then asks the rhetorical question, "Did the little piggy cry 'wee, wee, wee' all the way home?." The commercial then…...



Geico. "Little Piggy." Online Posting. YouTube, 13 July 2010. Web. 19 October 2011. 

Old Spice." The Man Your Man Could Smell Like." Online Posting. YouTube. 4 Feb 2010. Web. 19 October 2011.

Persuasion Memo Project Strive Thanks
Pages: 2 Words: 570

his diagram describes my proposal for assessments:
Operator Services Manager

Senior Operator Senior Operator Senior Operator

15 Operators 15 Operators 15 Operators

his task delegation will make regular assessments administratively feasible, and will contribute to task diversity for the most Senior Operators in the department.


he main points of concern expressed by you involving costs to the company involved the expenses involved in hiring a Learning Services Manager and the development of an incentives program. First, the Learning Services Manager (LSM) will be hired as an independent contractor, and will not be on company salary. his position will be paid on a project-by-project basis. herefore, the LSM will be employed for approximately one month twice a year, times at which Operator Services does their hiring and training for existing employees. he gains that will result from this hiring will far outweigh the expense. Second, the incentives program is generous, but it will motivate employees…...


The main points of concern expressed by you involving costs to the company involved the expenses involved in hiring a Learning Services Manager and the development of an incentives program. First, the Learning Services Manager (LSM) will be hired as an independent contractor, and will not be on company salary. This position will be paid on a project-by-project basis. Therefore, the LSM will be employed for approximately one month twice a year, times at which Operator Services does their hiring and training for existing employees. The gains that will result from this hiring will far outweigh the expense. Second, the incentives program is generous, but it will motivate employees to work hard in order to meet productivity goals. The 25% increase in productivity observed in 2005 resulted in $800,000 of increased revenue that could be directly attributed to the productivity growth within this department. If an incentives plan was in place then, each Operator within Operator Services would have received a profit sharing check in the amount of $800. This is well within the salary budget allocated for the department.


My intention with this memo was to clarify some details of Project Strive that I thought may not have been adequately communicated. I hope that this clarification has addressed the concerns you expressed. If the information here has sparked any questions or concerns on your behalf, please contact me to discuss them. Thank you for your time with this matter.

Persuasion by Jane Austen Persuasion
Pages: 6 Words: 2382

Monetary wealth is intimately aligned with social standing and when the Eliot's run into financial difficulties as result of pretentious living standards, this has profound implications for the plot and main characters.
Power is also another factor that plays a role in the desire for social status. In this novel Austen explores the ways in which power over others is related to class and wealth. e have already seen how the power associated with class and social hierarchy has succeeded in changing the direction of Anne's life through the persuasion of Lady Russell. An interesting aspect of the novel is that Austen also examines the shifting and changing patterns of power in the society at that time. As a result of the Napoleonic ars, a division has arisen in English society between the old aristocracy and the new middle classes, represented by the individual entrepreneur. This can be seen in…...


Works Cited

Austen J. Persuasion. Chapter 23. April 12, 2009. 

Perkins W. Persuasion: Criticism. April 12, 2009.

Persuasion by Jane Austen How
Pages: 1 Words: 371

She has spent the last ten years in sadness and solitude, even in her own family. She could have had ten years of happiness and contentment had it not been for Lady ussell, who finally acknowledges she made a grave mistake when she gave Anne advice about the man. Late in the novel Austen writes, "There was nothing less for Lady ussell to do, than to admit that she had been pretty completely wrong, and to take up a new set of opinions and of hopes" (Austen). Lady ussell was instrumental in turning Anne and her father against Captain Wentworth, and it was a bad decision. Anne finally finds happiness despite the meddling of others, and so, the novel ends happily. However, Lady ussell's advice caused her years of pain and suffering, and that is a significant aspect of this novel, thus, Lady ussell is a key character in…...



Austen, J. Persuasion. Retrieved from the Web site: August 2007.

Persuasion Management When Making a
Pages: 2 Words: 623

Once the presenter has understood the type of audience that is before him, he will be able to effectively handle the entire audience and make the presentation a success.

There is however the aspect of tension that is always experienced in most presentations. This comes even after the presenter has well understood his audience as mentioned above. There are four basic sources of tension in a presentation that if well understood and dealt with can leave room for a good presentation.

The first kind if tension is between the presenter and the audience which can be diffused by the presenter striving to create a bond between him and the audience. The second tension is that between the audience themselves, this leaves each member of the audience wondering who the person seated next to them is, this can be solved by informal session of introduction to immediate neighbors. The next tension is one…...



Changing Minds, (2012). Four Audiences. Retrieved December 9, 2012 from 

Tony Jeary, (2009). Four Types of Audience Tension During a Presentation. Retrieved December 9, 2012 from

Persuasion Techniques Used in the
Pages: 7 Words: 2073

None of the participants had received any education in the arts at the time of the study. Each of them reported no interest in pursuing the arts as a career.
The participants looked at a series of pictures that provided designated clues to measure the responses with.

"Aesthetic judgments of beauty of 49 novel, formal graphic patterns were collected from non-artist participants. In the framework of Social Judgment Theory (Hammond et al., 1975), the data were subjected to individual Judgment Analyses deriving quantitative paramorphic models of the judgment processes. These models reflected the individual's strategy of aesthetic judgment, cue use, and degree of linear judgment capture, largely converging with participants' verbal reports of judgment strategies. A group model was constructed using the same method applied to group-average rating data. Filtering out individual judgment strategies, the group-level analysis showed that larger arrangements of the basic element, with a tendency towards forming a…...




Jacobsen, Thomas (2004) Individual and group modeling of aesthetic judgment strategies. British Journal of Psychology

Boyd, Henry (2006) Persuasive talk: is it what you say or how you say it?

Persuasion Compare the Style and Persuasion Methods
Pages: 2 Words: 671

Compare the style and persuasion methods of Jefferson's Declaration of Independence with Paine's Crisis essay. Why does Jefferson advocate that natural aristocrats would make the best leaders?

During the American evolution, both Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson delivered similar kinds of messages (i.e. freedom from tyranny and oppression). While the two were similar, the audiences are much different. This is because both works were intended to sway the opinions of different demographics. In the case of Thomas Paine, his essay was focused on reaching out to colonists that were living in America. At the heart of his message, is to question why everyone is accepting this kind of situation. When in reality, everyone should standup for their rights and demand their basic freedoms from England. ("Declaration and Crisis," 2010)

While Thomas Jefferson, was writing directly to: the King of England and the members of Parliament. In his message, he wanted the…...



Declaration and Crisis. (2010). Mr. Brimhall. Retrieved from: 

The Natural Aristocracy. (2011). Great Books. Retrieved from:

Persuasion Is Writing Technique to Persuade a
Pages: 5 Words: 1458

Persuasion is writing technique to persuade a reader to ones own point-of-view. This involves not only hard work but also involves the human psyche, which has to be satisfied. Persuasion is not merely ones opinion but it basically requires arguments based on facts. persuasive paper must contain good grammar, good paragraph structure and of course good logic. Winning an argument is the essence of a convincing writing in order to peruse reader to buy your logic. write-up is said to be convincing when it presents the document before the reader in a logical step-by-step manner.
Because persuasive writing's purpose is to influence people's thoughts and actions, it is often one of the most challenging types of writing. It is often aimed at an audience who may be anywhere from neutral to hostile towards our ideas, so audience awareness is critical in this type of writing. Most people have…...



Persuasive Writing 

Persuasive & Logical Writing

Persuasion in Social Psychology
Pages: 2 Words: 644

podium, flagrantly flanked by four American flags, John Kerry shakes his fist in apparent anger. "Three million jobs lost!" The scene cuts to a profile of Kerry continuing his statement, "That is an astonishing failure." ithin ten seconds, viewers of the John Kerry presidential campaign ad know that the candidate is trying to appeal to blue collar workers, members of the middle class or any citizen concerned about the needs of the working class. The Kerry advertisement from February 22, 2004, posted on his website entitled "Jobs Lost," appeals to the majority of working class Americans. The ad is specifically geared for those who care about job security and who fear the repercussions of overseas outsourcing and tax breaks for the corporate culture.
Amid photo ops of Kerry shaking hands with hardhat-wearing workers, the soothing male voice-over states, "John Kerry's got the strength and experience to fight for America's…...


Works Cited

Kerry, John. "Jobs Lost." Advertisement posted on .

Argument and Persuasion
Pages: 5 Words: 1534

Opening facts and statistics to grab the reader's attention.

Development of main ideas, leading to thesis.

The war on drugs must be stopped for two main reasons: the financial costs, and the social costs.

The social costs associated with the war on drugs are severe, including increased organized crime and high rates of incarceration.

The financial costs associated with the war on drugs are also severe, including law enforcement and corrections.

The war on drugs should be reframed, so that drug use and abuse is a public health concern and not a criminological issue.

If the war on drugs ends, rates of drug use will plummet while costs associated with the war on drugs can be channeled into more meaningful law enforcement and criminal justice activities.


A. Restatement of the thesis that the war on drugs has failed and should be replaced by a more sensible strategy.

B. Urge the reader to take action, and help to end…...


Works Cited

Drug Sense. "Drug War Clock." Retrieved online: 

Gierach, James. "U.N. Misses Opportunity to Address Failed Drug War." Huffington Post. 19 Mar, 2012. Retrieved online: 

Szalavitz, Maia. "Top 10 Unhealthy Side Effects of the War on Drugs." Time. 17 June, 2011. Retrieved online: 

"Thirty Years of America's Drug War: A Chronology." PBS. Retrieved online:

Outline of the Art of Persuasion
Pages: 2 Words: 612

Persuasion Is a Necessary Art in the World of Business
Persuasion is especially relevant for leaders, managers, and businesspeople today because of the following reasons:

Generation X and Baby Boomers both question authority and traditional hierarchies in their organizations.

Business are run differently than they used to be, are more team focused and less hierarchical in nature.

Email and other forms of electronic communication have also helped flatten the organizational hierarchy, making unquestioned authoritative measures ineffective.

With a flattened organizational hierarchy, a more diverse organizational culture, and the irrelevance of formal authority, persuasion becomes one of the most important communications tools in business.

What Is Persuasion?

Persuasion essentially addresses one of the main questions on the mind of employees: Why should I?

Employees no longer need to know what to do; they need to know why they are doing it.

Persuasion tells them why, and in doing so, creates a more constructive and productive workplace environment.

When the audience understands…...



Conger, J.A. The necessary art of persuasion. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved online:

What is the difference between persuasion and manipulation?
Words: 361

Persuasion and manipulation both involve trying to change someone’s perspective.  However, people have very different opinions about persuasion and manipulation.  These feelings are based on more than just perception; persuasion and manipulation are fundamentally different.  While both involve trying to get a person to change their stance or position and move towards what someone else wants, persuasion takes into account everyone’s feelings while manipulation is focused primarily on one person.  Therefore, examining the intent of the person attempting to get someone else to change their position is important in determining whether it....

Can you offer advice on outlining an essay discussing Jane Austine biography?
Words: 305

I. Introduction

Begin with a brief overview of Jane Austen's life and importance as a literary figure.
Highlight the main themes and issues that you plan to discuss in the essay.

II. Jane Austen's Early Life and Influences

Discuss Austen's upbringing in Steventon, Hampshire, and the influence of her family and social circle on her writing.
Explore the impact of her education and reading habits on her literary development.
Analyze the influence of her brothers' careers in the navy and clergy on her understanding of social class and gender roles.

III. Austen's Literary Career

Discuss the publication of Austen's early novels, including....

Could you provide some essay topic ideas related to Psychology?
Words: 540

1. The Influence of Cognitive Distortions on Mental Health:

- How do cognitive distortions, such as catastrophising, overgeneralisation, and black-and-white thinking, contribute to the development and maintenance of mental health issues like anxiety, depression, and PTSD?
- Explore the role of cognitive restructuring techniques in challenging and modifying dysfunctional thought patterns, thereby improving mental health outcomes.

2. Attachment Styles and Their Impact on Relationships:

- Elaborate on the different attachment styles, including secure, anxious-preoccupied, dismissive-avoidant, and fearful-avoidant, and their formation during childhood.
- Analyse the effects of attachment styles on romantic relationships, focusing on how they influence communication, trust, intimacy, and....

I\'ve seen the common essay topics on macbeth. Any lesser-known but interesting ones you can recommend?
Words: 788

Lesser-Known but Fascinating Macbeth Essay Topics

While topics such as guilt, fate, and the supernatural are often explored in Macbeth essays, there are a plethora of lesser-known yet equally intriguing aspects of the play that warrant examination. Here are a few suggestions:

1. The Significance of Sleep and Dreams

In Macbeth, sleep and dreams play a pivotal role in foreshadowing events, revealing characters' inner turmoil, and underlining the play's themes of guilt and madness. An essay could delve into the symbolism of sleep and dream sequences, their impact on character development, and how they contribute to the play's overall atmosphere of suspense and....

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