Petroleum Essays (Examples)

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Petroleum Companies through Agility Measurement
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate petroleum firms and focus on their agility factors, after that a conclusion can be achieved that specifies which one of the firms are more agile as compared to the rest. In this paper, a questionnaire will be built which will help in analyzing the petroleum companies. The measurement of agility here will be dependent on four main points, these are the Production strategy, the technology, the human resource and the organization structure. Each section will start with brief introduction which will describe the importance as well as the relation of that factor to the agility measurement. It will also seek to describe on how the agility can be derived from the requested information in the questionnaire.

Firstly, there has been some analysis of the oil companies in detail, many factors will be assessed regarding the oil companies such….

Perhaps even more important to the current issues is the fact that the Ibrahim Index of African Governance, with ranks African governments on the ability of those governments to deliver needed goods to their people.

This index ranks Ghana relatively high on human development and safety and security and human rights protections. Again, it is important to stress that such political assessments are also economic ones. The fact that Ghana ranks fairly low on sustainable economic development is a direct result -- at least in part -- of economic subsidies. It is this particular point of its assessment that reveals one of the effects of petroleum subsidies in Ghana.

Despite the fact that Ghana has twice the average per capita income of the poorer countries in the region, it is a very poor country by Western standards. Nearly 30% of the population live on less that the international poverty line (the equivalent….

Petroleum Hydrocarbon Power Plant in Texas
The petroleum industry is one of the most profitable industries across the globe since it involves domestic exploration, creation, and transportation of oil and gas. This process is usually carried out through a network of distribution facilities and systems that focus on exploration, production, and transportation of petroleum products. Given the potential success and profitability of this business, developing a petroleum hydrocarbon-based power plant is an attractive business opportunity. However, for economic reasons, there are relatively few places where petroleum products can be purchased, transported, and utilized.

A utility company is attempting to develop a petroleum hydrocarbon-based power plant in Texas given the attractiveness of the petroleum industry. The company's choice of Texas as a suitable location for its operations is influenced by the fact that Texas was the leading crude-oil state in the United States in 2014 ("Profile Overview," n.d.). During this period, Texas….


BP Caucasus egion
British Petroleum Caucasus egion

BP or British Petroleum is a multinational Oil and Gas firm that carries out exploration missions, refinement and supply of fuels to the world. BP is the third largest company in the energy sector and fourth largest among all multinationals. These titles were awarded to the firm on the basis of the sales or revenue amounts of the multinational energy companies in 2011. Other than petroleum generation, refinement and distributions, the firm also carries out production of petrochemicals, and participates in power generation. The firm is based in London and does business in 80 countries, with a total of 21,800 service stations and production capacity of 3.4 million oil barrels per day.

It is also well-known for its socially responsible attitude but it has been embroiled in some issues where the environment was damaged by their actions. One such incident is known as the 'Deepwater Horizon….

isk management in petroleum industry: case study Libya's National Oil Corporation (LNOC)
Libya's National Oil Corporation (LNOC) is a Libyan owned oil corporation that carries out the exploration, production and distribution of both crude and refined oil. LNOC also engages in the oil production and sharing agreement with specialized international companies. Typically, L NOC is the biggest oil producing company in Africa and controls 70% of Libya oil. While LNOC is very rich in oil reserve, however, the company is encountering various risks, which it is having challenges to manage. (World Bank, 2006).

Complex investments are commonplace in the petroleum industry and they are generally characterized by high-automated infrastructure and processes. Petroleum industry is generally characterized with expensive items which include pipeline, oil tankers, drilling rigs, transport equipment and other expensive items. (World Bank, 2008). With expensive capital equipment to run the business, petroleum industry generally encounters lot of risks at….

Charitable Activities by ritish Petroleum
Charitable Activities of the ritish Petroleum

A Detailed Analysis

ritish Petroleum has been renowned in petroleum industry for its charitable activities that it has been performing during many of it projects. Compliance to corporate social responsibility and environment friendliness is one of the attributes of ritish Petroleum's culture. During the project implementations in various locations, P has been known to take necessary measures for saving environment with the local authorities which have made it enter into various environmental partnerships. Other than that, P is also famous for forming an alliance with various authorities in educational sector which levies emphasis on general education development programs. Furthermore, P has also been strengthening its ties with various communities.

P has been paying special attention to starting and implementing side-projects along with its main business which focuses on environmental and social practices intended to have potential impacts on sensitive or protected zones where….

The more political arguments against uddiman are more easily dismissed, however.
Synthesis and Evaluation

It must be acknowledged -- and is, in fact, acknowledged by uddiman -- that there is not complete scientific certainty that the current warming trend the Earth is experiencing, if indeed it is experiencing one, is the result of human behavior, and specifically the use of fossil fuels. The evidence that uddiman presents in Plows, Plagues, and Petroleum, however, clearly suggests that human beings have the potential to cause worldwide environmental change, and if this potential has existed in the past it must exist a thousand-fold now. Though there are scientific questions and possible problems with uddiman's argument, these questions and arguments are no more certain in their conclusions than uddiman is with his, leaving it up to each individual to decide what the truth is and ultimately ending in a lot of senselessly heated disagreement rather….

a) Describe the conditions that lead to sinkhole formation.

According to the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, a sinkhole, or doline, can be formed in a number of different ways. Erosion is a common cause of sinkhole formation. Erosion issues such as debris shrinking, migration of debris into openings in bedrock, and even the upward movement of debris can be conditions leading to sinkhole formation (Foose). Sinkholes tend to occur in bedrock areas that contain limestone. However, any type of sedimentary rock base is prone to sinkhole formation. Thus, gypsum and salt beds are common areas that are sinkhole prone because of the high solubility of the salt bed. Likewise, bedrock with a high proportion of carbonates can dissolve easily. As Baryakh and Fedoseev point out, karst is particularly sensitive to sinkholes. Basically, the conditions that lead to sinkhole formation involve just the right combination of soluble bedrock and local water….

Sensitivity is also an example of vulnerability in BP's supply chain. Addressed earlier was the effect of the Spill on the ability to obtain natural gas and since a carefully controlled environment is necessary to obtain natural gas, at the risk of marine life, sensitivity is a risk to BP's supply chain. Finally, because BP's customers and suppliers are subject to outside forces and external barriers in terms of availability and prices, customer/supply disruptions are also vulnerability in BP's supply chain.
4) the Impact of Disruption and Other Harm on BP's supply chain could have a tremendous overall impact for BP depending on which portion of the supply chain is affected. For example, as mentioned earlier, if BP's oil products are considerably more costly than its competitors, they are likely to lose the consumer to the competition. On the other hand, if BP's shipping link in the supply chain is….

leadership is crucial for organizational success in a competitive marketplace. Gaps in leadership or conduct that could be interpreted as ineffective could have adverse effects on the reputation and overall competitiveness of a company. One company that suffered the adverse effects of poor leadership was British Petroleum, during and in the years leading up to the 2010 explosion and oil spill in the Gulf. esearch has since shown that dysfunctions in the company's organizational culture had a hand in the entire crisis. This text explores the events that led up to the disaster, and the specific weaknesses in leadership and organizational culture that had a hand in exacerbating the crisis.

From a general perspective, organizations have a responsibility to serve the common good of the communities within which they operate. This they do through a range of standard business practices that include giving towards charity and environmental-conversation programs, protecting the….

Accounting in British Petroleum
Scope, Aims, and Objectives

The research project proposed herein will examine the role of accounting in the past progression and current situation of British Petroleum, the company that came under intense public scrutiny last year due to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill that occurred in the Gulf of Mexico (Urbina 2010). In the ensuing year since the accident in the Gulf, however, interest in BP and its internal practices seems to have waned considerably, reducing the likelihood that useful and practical regulations in accounting and strategy practices for the industry can be developed from this spill. The aims of the study are to provide an in-depth analysis of accounting procedures at BP, how they affected/were affected by the Deepwater Horizon spill, and how these accounting practices and adjustments compare to industry standards and regulations. The objective will be to determine the strength of BP as a company and….

However, the type and evolution of the particular nature of the climate change experienced by the earth seems clearly due to the impact of human existence. Ruddiman takes a roughly chronological approach, and slowly takes the reader through the history of climatic shifts -- before humans became tillers of the land and afterwards. Major milestones in human history correspond with major anomalies in the earth's climate and atmospheric levels of important gases.
Changes in Earth's orbit occur at regular and predictable cycles every ten thousand years or so and roughly correspond to Earth's major shifts in climates, either in the direction of ice ages or tropical phases. Noting the anomalous, recent increases of carbon dioxide and methane that did not fit in with these cyclical trends as far back as 8,000 years ago was Ruddiman's first 'Columbo moment' that indicated the significance of human influence upon the climate. To those….

Excellent financial analysis and planning expertise to manage so many complex projects concurrently and still get the majority of exploration and refining developments done on time.


From the very beginning, showed signs of being very engineering-centric without a focus on staying true to their stakeholder requirements.

Lost track of its ethical foundation decades previous to 2005 yet the accumulated series of bad decisions started to come out in that year. Their CSR initiatives began to look hollow and meaningless as ethical lapse after lapse occurred., the violation of the Clean Air Act in the Gulf of Mexico region of $50M was just the beginning of a very long and costly series of problems. August, 2006 saw the company encounter a 200,000 gallon spill and $40M in damages. Worse yet, the company also violated the Commodity Exchange Act and commit mail and wire fraud, admitting to price fixing and paying nearly $300M in….

Books in Brick and Mortar to Brick and Click

Barnes & Noble

One of the most striking additions to the World Wide Web has been that of Barnes and Noble. This is a traditional brick and mortar bookstore that has become a brick and click in recent years. Given the behemoth reputation, if the somewhat shaky financial success of its most prominent Internet rival, entering the World Wide Web's virtual market-space might not have originally seemed like the best move for Barnes and Noble. Before, cornering the chain store market on cafe-style bookstores, where one could have a leisurely respite to browse, sip, and perhaps purchase a tome or two, seemed to be the Barnes and Noble bookstore's best aim as a corporate entity. However, integrating the Internet into its overall marketing strategy has required not so much a change in overall company philosophy towards and within its brick and mortar….

Oil and gas well development using hydraulic fracturing (fracking) is a somewhat controversial way to get petroleum products out of the ground.  It has greatly increased the amount of accessible petroleum products that people can get from the ground, but comes with environmental concerns.  The two major environmental concerns seem to the increased potential for groundwater pollution and the increase in the likelihood of earthquakes in the area where the fracking is occurring.  Because these concerns are so well-known, we would address them in any research we did about hydraulic fracturing. 

Research Topics on Hydraulic Fracturing

  1. What fluids work....

A backstop or choke price is a concept used in the management of non-renewable resources, particularly in the context of commodities such as petroleum or natural gas. It refers to a predetermined price level at which the resource becomes economically viable to extract or produce.

In the absence of substitutes for a non-renewable resource, a backstop price becomes crucial for sustainable resource management. This is because non-renewable resources are finite and their extraction and consumption can have detrimental effects on the environment and society.

Having a backstop price ensures that resource extraction or production continues only when it....

## Thesis Statement

The decline in whale hunting practices over the centuries is a testament to the evolving societal values and the increasing recognition of the importance of marine ecosystem preservation.

## Elaboration

The practice of whale hunting has undergone significant transformations throughout history, influenced by factors such as technological advancements, economic drivers, and shifting societal attitudes. In the early stages, whale hunting played a crucial role in meeting human needs for food, oil, and other resources. However, as time progressed and alternative sources of these commodities became available, along with growing awareness of the ecological repercussions, whale hunting practices gradually declined.

This thesis....

Petroleum engineers are constantly developing and implementing innovative technologies to make oil extraction more sustainable and efficient. Some of these technologies include:

1. Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) methods: EOR techniques such as steam injection, waterflooding, and gas injection are used to increase the amount of oil that can be extracted from a reservoir. These methods help to reduce the environmental impact of oil extraction by maximizing the recovery of oil from existing wells and minimizing the need for new well drilling.

2. Horizontal drilling: Horizontal drilling technology allows engineers to access oil reserves that were previously inaccessible with vertical drilling methods. This....

15 Pages


Petroleum Companies Through Agility Measurement the Purpose

Words: 4337
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Thesis

Petroleum Companies through Agility Measurement The purpose of this paper is to evaluate petroleum firms and focus on their agility factors, after that a conclusion can be achieved that…

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10 Pages
Research Paper


Petroleum Subsidies Have Worked to

Words: 3017
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

) Perhaps even more important to the current issues is the fact that the Ibrahim Index of African Governance, with ranks African governments on the ability of those governments to…

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2 Pages


Petroleum Power Plant in Texas

Words: 666
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Petroleum Hydrocarbon Power Plant in Texas The petroleum industry is one of the most profitable industries across the globe since it involves domestic exploration, creation, and transportation of oil…

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4 Pages


Alternative Sources of Energy Petroleum Commonly Referred

Words: 1338
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay


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4 Pages


BP Caucasus Region British Petroleum Caucasus Region

Words: 1267
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

BP Caucasus egion British Petroleum Caucasus egion BP or British Petroleum is a multinational Oil and Gas firm that carries out exploration missions, refinement and supply of fuels to the world.…

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4 Pages
Case Study


Methodology of Risk Management in Petroleum Industry Case Study Libya's National Oil Corporation LNOC

Words: 1362
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Case Study

isk management in petroleum industry: case study Libya's National Oil Corporation (LNOC) Libya's National Oil Corporation (LNOC) is a Libyan owned oil corporation that carries out the exploration, production…

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11 Pages

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Charitable Activities by British Petroleum Charitable Activities

Words: 3654
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Essay

Charitable Activities by ritish Petroleum Charitable Activities of the ritish Petroleum A Detailed Analysis ritish Petroleum has been renowned in petroleum industry for its charitable activities that it has been performing during…

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7 Pages
Research Paper


Plows Plagues and Petroleum William

Words: 1936
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The more political arguments against uddiman are more easily dismissed, however. Synthesis and Evaluation It must be acknowledged -- and is, in fact, acknowledged by uddiman -- that there is…

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4 Pages


Sink Holes Ground Water and Petroleum Extraction Permafrost Thawing and Expanding Clays

Words: 1406
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Sinkholes a) Describe the conditions that lead to sinkhole formation. According to the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, a sinkhole, or doline, can be formed in a number of different ways.…

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10 Pages
Research Paper


British Petroleum How the Oil

Words: 3566
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Sensitivity is also an example of vulnerability in BP's supply chain. Addressed earlier was the effect of the Spill on the ability to obtain natural gas and since…

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12 Pages
Research Paper


British Petroleum Leadership Case Study

Words: 4490
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Research Paper

leadership is crucial for organizational success in a competitive marketplace. Gaps in leadership or conduct that could be interpreted as ineffective could have adverse effects on the reputation…

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3 Pages


Accounting in British Petroleum Scope Aims and

Words: 939
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Accounting in British Petroleum Scope, Aims, and Objectives The research project proposed herein will examine the role of accounting in the past progression and current situation of British Petroleum, the company…

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2 Pages


Plows Plagues and Petroleum How

Words: 619
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

However, the type and evolution of the particular nature of the climate change experienced by the earth seems clearly due to the impact of human existence. Ruddiman takes…

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2 Pages
Case Study


British Petroleum Brief Summary of

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Case Study

Excellent financial analysis and planning expertise to manage so many complex projects concurrently and still get the majority of exploration and refining developments done on time. Weaknesses From the very beginning,…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

How Effective Are Environmental Taxes in the Petroleum Industry

Words: 933
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Computers Books in Brick and Mortar to Brick and Click Barnes & Noble One of the most striking additions to the World Wide Web has been that of Barnes and Noble. This…

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