Philippines Essays (Examples)

442+ documents containing “philippines”.

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Japan's ODA Disbursements to the Philippines. (2009, January). etrieved August 2010, from Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

Philippines - elations with Asian Neighbors. (2009, January). etrieved August 2010, from U.S. Library of Congress:

Backgound Note: The Philippines. (2010, April 19). etrieved August 2010, from U.S. Department of State:

Philippines. (2010, August 3). etrieved August 2010, from CIA World Factbook:

The Philippines and the United Nations. (2010, January). etrieved August 2010, from United Nations:

Burns, W. (2010, July 21). A New Era in the U.S.-Philippine elationship. etrieved August 2010, from U.S. State Department:

Gates, J. (2002, November). The Pacification of the Philippines. etrieved August 2010, from The U.S. Army and Irregular Warfare:

Komisar, L. (1987). Corazon Aquino: The Story of a evolution. New York: George Braziller.

Tan, S. (2009). A History of the Philippines. Quizon City: University of Philippines Press..

Philippines I Was Born in

In 1959, the year I was born, Carlos P. Garcia was the president of the Philippines. Garcia was anti-communist, which the Americans liked, but nevertheless he was strongly devoted to the nationalist cause.
Another key way the United States influenced Philippine culture was through arts, literature, and entertainment. American television shows such as "Perry Mason" and "Rawhide" were being broadcast in the country. Popular American songs from 1959 such as those by Buddy Holly and Marty Robbins would be heard on Philippine radio. The Philippine people inherited many American army surplus vehicles, changing the character of Philippine roads and cities. The Americans influenced the ways Philippine people went shopping, how they ate, and what they spoke: English is now the official second language of the Philippines. Moreover, although Catholicism had already firmly taken root in the country due to the Spanish influence, American protestant religions made their mark around the….

For example, in January 2001 President Macapagal-Arroyo occupied the presidency after a civilian coup, backed by the military, until elections took place in May 2004 (Orbeta 2003, p.8). The lack of population control, decreased access to educational opportunities, healthcare, and opportunities has been particularly "deleterious" in its effects upon the nation's resources of human capital (Orbeta 2003, p.12). Additionally, longstanding political corruption has resulted in the exploitation of the nation's natural resources to serve foreign and domestic elites and limited the available funds to deal with the burgeoning population (Tarradell 2004, p.3).
Another problem with population control is that it is hard to tell which aspects of the high fertility and poverty rates are willed or unwilled. For cultural and religious reasons, as well as to ensure their security in old age, many families desire large numbers of children. "To sort which ones are due to lack of control over….









Two or three hour ride via private minivan or car available from MNL or from hotel to Batangas and short boat ride to Puerto Galera for a very nominal fee by U.S.

standards (Exact fees unavailable.) This is standard for island-to-island transportation throughout the Philippine Islands, because the U.S. dollar goes very far there for local goods and services. Exact prices and distances vary depending on the order of islands you choose to visit.

Plenty of water-related activities such as snorkeling and SCUBA diving is

Available in Puerto Galera. There is also a luxurious golf club (Ponderosa). Mangyan

Village tours, Jungle Trekking, and site seeing at the Tamaraw Water Falls. More detailed information and schedules are available at the hotels.

Bohol -- Activities (No Accommodation Information equested):

Activities available in Bohol include visiting ancient caves and whale-watching tours. Some of the best SCUBA sites in the Philippines are available in Bohol, with links to detailed information….

Philippines Real Estate
Over the last several years, the Philippine Islands has been going through a major transformation. Part of the reason for this, is because the country has become an area of focus for many firms that are looking to outsource jobs from other regions of the world. As, the nation known is known for: having an educated workforce and low labor costs. This has helped to increase the total number of businesses that are relocating to region. A good example of this can be seen with the total number of IT jobs that were outsourced to the Philippines. As, they increased by: 26% in 2011, which is following a rise of 24% in 2010. These factors are important, because they are highlighting how the Philippines are quickly becoming a popular location for variety businesses. (Philippines Real Estate Report 2011)

While at the same time, the government has been aggressively focusing….

Moreover, they have been ignoring their public transportation system. Evidence of this can be seen with a study conducted by the Global Competitiveness eport of the World Economic Forum. They found that the Philippines has an aging infrastructure and the government is continuing to neglect these issues. As a result, they determined that it is considered to be mediocre in contrast with many countries that are rapidly developing. (Esplanda, 2012) ("Philippines," 2012)

Clearly, the Ukraine is the most logical choice for GE Energy. This is because the country is considered to be: politically stable, they have been implementing sound economic reforms and their government has been embracing the basic ideals of democracy. Moreover, they are making sizeable investments in it infrastructure. Whereas the Philippines is dealing with an insurgency, there are tremendous amounts of corruption and they are not updating the infrastructure. The combination of these factors is showing how….

Communist Party of the Philippines/New People's Army (CPP/NPA)
This paper discusses the Communist Party of the Philippines/New People's Army (CPP/NPA) in detail. It puts light on the origins, aims, objectives, strategies and tactics of the organization. In addition to that, this paper also comments on the leadership, area of operations and military activities of the organization. Moreover, it highlights the government and military activities that are directed towards minimizing the strength and vigor of the NPA.

Communist Party of the Philippines/New People's Army (CPP/NPA)

Since the year 1970, Philippines has faced civil war on two fronts, one is a Muslim rebellion, which was initiated in the South Island of Mindanao and the other is the communist rebellion, which is led by the New People's Army (NPA). The NPA started targeting its attacks on the Philippine's army in the early 1970s. During the era of 1970s and early 1980s, NPA gained considerable popular support….

Recruitment of Doctors From Philippines
Problems, Causes & Solutions

Process of Hiring and Difficulties faced

Growing Population in Dubai

Mode of Recruitment

Assessment and Approval

Approval from the Ministry

Candidates acking Out After Completion of Recruitment Procedure

Preference given to Public Hospitals

Strict Regulations by Dubai Government

Feedback Received From Filipino Doctors

etter prospects in developed countries

Lack of Good Education

Major Focus on Nursing

Social and Cultural Differences

Strict Legal Obligations

Language arriers

Patriotic Feelings for Their Own Country

Lack of Opportunities for Disabled Doctors

This report has been designed as a result of difficulties faced by HR team of AC while performing recruitment for Filipino doctors in order to fill internal vacant positions. During the course of hiring, we faced several problems in finding the potential candidates. Most of them were caused because of our virtual presence of AC in Philippines. We failed to contact the potential candidates and our virtual hiring procedure made it rather difficult for us to analyze the determination shown by the candidates.….

Colonization of the Philippines
The Philippines historically suffered under Spanish rule prior to its annexation by the United States. However, American colonization of the region, while pledged to be altruistic, proved to support a hidden agenda of gaining an Asian territory of military and social importance, similar in the imperialistic tradition of major European countries. The acquisition of the Philippines was met with strong opposition by Filipinos charging the U.S. presence to be imperialistic, but the considerable value it brought to Philippine politics, the economy, and the social welfare of its people have, in some ways, justified the U.S. struggle for possession.

European imperialism in the 1800s proved highly profitable for both the Dutch East Indies and the ritish Indies, as rival European powers strived to conquer foreign territories for their own profit. These ideal colonies were models of success for the Dutch and Great ritain as they gained from trade and….

The Ibaloi tribe therefore worked actively with the World Monuments Fund (2010) and the National Museum in Manila to ensure that this important part of their history and culture would not be eroded by tourism, but rather enhanced by it.

In almost all other cases of mummification, internal organs are removed, while the rest of the body is mummified. For the Egyptians, this process involved placing each major organs in a jar by the bedside of the dead. The Kabayan mummies are the only mummies in the world with intact internal organs. Because of the unique mummification process, these mummies are then also a unique representative of the country's cultural past. It contrasts with all other mummification processes in history, including that of Egypt, one of the most advanced ancient cultures in the world (Cordillera Blogger, 2007).

The Kabayan mummification process however does show similarities with processes used by the 21st….

Green Financing in the Philippines
Our traditional sources of energy are decreasing rapidly causing a demand and importance for green energy. The aim of green energy is to reduce the pollution problems that are being suffered. Investments in green energy are becoming increasingly more popular and more profitable.

Investments in green energy

The current situation for the Philippines is:

The Philippines are facing problems of pollution, higher health hazards, increased unemployment and poverty because of climate change.

The Philippine government has enacted legislation to address the issues, but fail to be consistent in the supervising and implementation of the regulations.

There are obstacles with the green practices that include public awareness, training for bank employees in green practices and costs, and SMEs having available information regarding the benefits of going green and obtaining financing to go green.

There are information gaps about renewable energy and energy efficient technologies, their achievements, capabilities, and economic benefits that cause obstacles….

firm Australia business Philippine. Some risks considered Philippine;, business environment Philippine specific firm. It . A marketing assignment format, focus specific firm. Topic: The firm work a business analyst strongly interested expanding current manufacturing sales ( domestic export) activity markets.
Globalization is an obvious trend that is catching on all over the world. Australia has also not been left behind in this. This has led to some Australian firms turning to multinational companies by opening up branches and offices in other foreign countries. They are doing this in order to increase their global sales volumes and thus be able to generate more revenue which in turn translates to a high return on investment (OI) for the investorsSuryadinata, 2006.

The Australian firm under analysis is Miller Inc. which is a pharmaceutical corporation providing pharmaceutical products to over 54 countries around the world including New Zealand, Egypt, India, Malaysia, China, UK, USA, Canada,….

The Martyred Priests of the Philippine evolution: Gomburza
In the annals of Philippine history, the names of Mariano Gomez, Jose Burgos, and Jacinto Zamora (collectively known as Gomburza) stand as enduring symbols of the struggle for independence and social justice. Their martyrdom on February 17, 1872, ignited a fire that would eventually lead to the Philippine evolution (Agoncillo, 1990, p. 215).

Gomez, Burgos, and Zamora were prominent Filipino priests in the mid-19th century. Gomez, the eldest, was a renowned scholar and theologian. Burgos, a young and charismatic priest, was a vocal advocate for the rights of the Filipino people. Zamora, the most outspoken of the trio, was a fearless critic of the Spanish colonial government (Guerrero, 1998, p. 74).

The Gomburza priests were actively involved in the movement for secularization, which sought to remove the Spanish friars from control of parishes in the Philippines. They believed that the Filipino clergy was capable of….

Philippines Culture
The Philippines existed as a loose body of island tribes until the nation was settled by the Spanish in the 16th century following Magellan's arrival. For 300 years the Philippines was part of the Spanish Empire (indeed, its name Philippines is in honor of Spain's Philip II, who reigned during Villalobos's exploration of the islands in the mid-16th century). The U.S. became involved in the Philippines during the Spanish-American War and their presence there prompted the Philippine-American War (Constantino, 1975). The U.S. maintained control of the islands until after WW2 when the Philippines became independent.

The geography of the Philippines consists of a vast archipelago of more than 7000 islands. In all, the islands equate to 115,000 square miles of land, with about a third of that land mass being coastal (CIA, 2009). The islands sit on the famous Ring of Fire, a string of volcanoes in the Pacific and….

Nestle Case
Nestle (Philippines) had capitalized on the instant coffee boom in the Philippines and by 1996 the company saw its market share climb from 52% to 66%. Instant coffee consumption had more than doubled in the country and while this was good news for Mascenon (Vice-President of Nestle's Instant Drinks Department) the problem he now faced was this: how to maintain market share in the face of rising stiff competition (created by a number of variables) without cutting into profits by lowering prices in order to stay competitive with off-brands and other multinationals coming into the Philippines on the back of relaxed tariffs.

Nestle had grown from a baby formula company in the 19th century to a producer of a wide range of food products in the 20th century (largely a result of war-time acquisitions). By the end of the 20th century it was bringing in more than $6 billion in….

Despite facing numerous challenges, the aquaculture industry in the Philippines has experienced significant growth due to its rich biodiversity, favorable climatic conditions, and the government's support, making it an essential sector for economic development and food security in the country. To create a unique thesis statement for your aquaculture industry in the Philippines topic, you might consider exploring the impact of sustainable aquaculture practices on local communities, the potential for aquaculture to alleviate poverty and reduce inequality, or the role of technology and innovation in enhancing productivity and sustainability in the industry. Another angle to consider is examining the potential for....

Thesis Statement:

The aquaculture industry in the Philippines has the potential to be a significant contributor to the country's economic growth and food security through sustainable practices and technological advancements, while addressing environmental concerns and ensuring the well-being of coastal communities.


1. Aquaculture's Economic Importance:

- The aquaculture industry in the Philippines has the potential to contribute significantly to the country's economy.
- By promoting responsible aquaculture practices, the industry can generate income and employment opportunities, especially in coastal regions.
- Sustainable aquaculture can also ensure a steady supply of seafood, reducing the country's reliance on imports and increasing export potential.

2. Food Security and Sustainable....

## Outlining an Essay on the Rizal Law and its Implications for Filipino Students

I. Introduction
Hook: Begin with a compelling statement or question that captures the reader's attention.
Background: Briefly introduce the Rizal Law, its history, and its significance.
Thesis statement: Clearly state the main argument or point of the essay, which is to explore the implications of the Rizal Law on Filipino students' present and future lives.

II. Implications for Filipino Students' Present Life
A. Fostering National Identity and Patriotism:
Discuss how the Rizal Law mandates the study of Rizal's works to instill a sense of national pride and appreciation....

The deaths of Gomburza (Gomez, Burgos, Zamora) continually contribute to our understanding of Filipino nationalism by highlighting the injustices and atrocities committed by the Spanish colonial government towards Filipino revolutionaries and patriots. The execution of Gomburza in 1872, falsely accused of leading a revolt against the Spanish authorities, served as a catalyst for the rise of Filipino nationalism and resistance against colonial oppression.

The martyrdom of Gomburza inspired subsequent generations of Filipinos to fight for independence and self-determination, igniting a sense of national identity and pride. Their deaths symbolize the sacrifice and courage of those who dared to challenge colonial rule....

5 Pages
Term Paper

History - Asian

Philippines Country Background The Philippines

Words: 1700
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper Japan's ODA Disbursements to the Philippines. (2009, January). etrieved August 2010, from Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Philippines - elations with Asian Neighbors. (2009, January). etrieved August 2010, from…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

History - Asian

Philippines I Was Born in

Words: 1215
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In 1959, the year I was born, Carlos P. Garcia was the president of the Philippines. Garcia was anti-communist, which the Americans liked, but nevertheless he was strongly…

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2 Pages

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Philippines Economics of Developing Countries

Words: 825
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

For example, in January 2001 President Macapagal-Arroyo occupied the presidency after a civilian coup, backed by the military, until elections took place in May 2004 (Orbeta 2003, p.8).…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Philippines Trip Transportation by Air

Words: 626
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

ate $132 $132 $132 $132 $132 $132 $132 $132 Two or three hour ride via private minivan or car available from MNL or from hotel to Batangas and short boat ride to Puerto Galera for a very nominal…

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19 Pages


Philippines Real Estate Over the Last Several

Words: 4807
Length: 19 Pages
Type: Essay

Philippines Real Estate Over the last several years, the Philippine Islands has been going through a major transformation. Part of the reason for this, is because the country has become…

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6 Pages
Research Paper


Ukraine and Philippines Over the

Words: 1513
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Moreover, they have been ignoring their public transportation system. Evidence of this can be seen with a study conducted by the Global Competitiveness eport of the World Economic…

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15 Pages
Case Study


Communist Party of the Philippines New People's Army

Words: 4672
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Case Study

Communist Party of the Philippines/New People's Army (CPP/NPA) This paper discusses the Communist Party of the Philippines/New People's Army (CPP/NPA) in detail. It puts light on the origins, aims, objectives,…

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25 Pages
Case Study

Health - Nursing

Recruitment of Doctors From Philippines Problems Causes

Words: 7835
Length: 25 Pages
Type: Case Study

Recruitment of Doctors From Philippines Problems, Causes & Solutions Process of Hiring and Difficulties faced Growing Population in Dubai Mode of Recruitment Assessment and Approval Approval from the Ministry Candidates acking Out After Completion of Recruitment…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Literature - Latin-American

US Colonization of Philippines

Words: 1631
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Colonization of the Philippines The Philippines historically suffered under Spanish rule prior to its annexation by the United States. However, American colonization of the region, while pledged to be altruistic,…

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10 Pages

Death and Dying  (general)

Fire Mummies of the Philippines

Words: 3118
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

The Ibaloi tribe therefore worked actively with the World Monuments Fund (2010) and the National Museum in Manila to ensure that this important part of their history and…

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3 Pages


Green Financing in the Philippines Our Traditional

Words: 772
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Green Financing in the Philippines Our traditional sources of energy are decreasing rapidly causing a demand and importance for green energy. The aim of green energy is to reduce the…

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11 Pages


Firm Australia Business Philippine Some Risks Considered

Words: 3597
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Essay

firm Australia business Philippine. Some risks considered Philippine;, business environment Philippine specific firm. It . A marketing assignment format, focus specific firm. Topic: The firm work a business…

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8 Pages

Gomburza Martyred Priests of the Philippine Revolution

Words: 2296
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

The Martyred Priests of the Philippine evolution: Gomburza In the annals of Philippine history, the names of Mariano Gomez, Jose Burgos, and Jacinto Zamora (collectively known as Gomburza) stand as…

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2 Pages


Traditional Cuisine in the Philippines

Words: 646
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Philippines Culture The Philippines existed as a loose body of island tribes until the nation was settled by the Spanish in the 16th century following Magellan's arrival. For 300 years…

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6 Pages


GATT and Nestle in the Philippines

Words: 1837
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Nestle Case Nestle (Philippines) had capitalized on the instant coffee boom in the Philippines and by 1996 the company saw its market share climb from 52% to 66%. Instant coffee…

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