Physical Fitness Essays (Examples)

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This difficulty is further intensified by the inherently complicated task of clearly explicating the purpose, process and findings which have produced the resolutions of a qualitative study. The personalized quality of this research mode places a considerable imperative in the hands of the research composer to create both the research framework and a sensible delivery of results. The undertaking of qualitative analysis often requires the researcher to adapt personal or institutional guidelines as the guarantor of validity, directed by an interest in scientific or social illumination. This means that it will be primarily up to the researcher to establish a context that can be logically communicated to others.
In spite of its inherent challenges, the qualitative approach is frequently favored as the only way to yield the outcomes which are related to its modes of data collection. To this extent, it is important to note that most essentially, "the two….

Physical Fitness in Children
he effects of a 2-minute jog 3 times per week on 20 meter shuttle run scores in elementary age students

he connection between physical activity, proper diet and nutrition, and a growing trend towards children who are overweight is well established. Obesity in children leads to the development of diseases that were once thought to only affect adults. When diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease began in childhood it is often a precursor to the continuation and worsening of these diseases as an adult. Schools can play an important role in preventing or stopping the progress of lifelong illness by providing an atmosphere that promotes physical well-being and that teaches and instills the basics of a healthy lifestyle. At present, research as to what is the best approach remains controversial. he proposed research will explore the effects of one intervention technique in its ability….

Also, following a role model and maintaining adequate sleeping hours and scheduling concentration sessions are very much attainable.
V.4. Relevancy

I tried my best to direct all of her actions towards achieving her primary goal (i.e. To establish a training routine capable of allowing her to develop into one of the top Camogie players in the country within the next year). All recommendations for her physical, psychological, and cultural trainings are oriented comprehensively toward the same goal. For example, her commitment includes sacrificing her frequent pizza sessions and refraining from obliging colleagues' requests to attend late-night parties, and practicing concentration and visualization of achieving her primary goal.

V.5. Time-Sensitivity

I have set various deadlines for ieva to attain sub-goals that would definitely contribute to attain the fuller goal within a specific time. For example, I set 30 days to transform her dietary habits, 60 days to transform her cultural habits, 200 days for….

The difference between these fats (the fully hydrogenated state) and hydrogenated oils is simply a matter of temperature.
Complications such as sleep apnea, high cholesterol, and obesity continue to attack humanity quite like an epidemic. These fats have maliciously altered a nation of consumers in roughly four decades. Educational awareness will be the only way to combat this.


Identification: Names of these fats

Trans Fats, Transmogrified Fats and Mono Diglycerides. Transmogrification occurs through heat processing at an incredibly high temperature of a fat and this reverses the digestive process. These "Good Fats" are vital since they block dangerous allergens right alongside other essential nutrients of fats, but these variant names for hydrogenated (synthetic) fats refrain "Good Fats" from doing their job. They impede natural nervous system activity and other brain cell functions, retard the immune system and halt other natural bodily operations, decelerate hormonal functions, degenerative diseases, and pose many other health….

Physical Fitness and Academic Achievement
Attached a draft Project 3.8. We worked article analysis implications. I a conclusion covers validly attached referenced article (EJ936015.pdf)

Blom, Lindsey C. John Alvarez, Lei Zhang, & Jerome Kolbo. (2011). Associations between health-related physical fitness, academic achievement and selected academic behaviors of elementary and middle school students in the state of Mississippi. International Council for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, port, and Dance Journal of According to Blom (2011), teachers and school administrators often find themselves in a bind: how do they make room in the school day to meet students' educational needs while still justifying physical education classes? The need for PE is supported by the escalating numbers of obese and overweight middle school students. But previous studies have also sought to justify the continued incorporation of PE in schools based upon student's improved academic performance when they participate in physical activities.

tudy results have been inconclusive thus….

The client will work to achieve and maintain the targeted duration of aerobic work for this session by transitioning to an elliptical machine for any time remaining after the running component, if necessary.
Health and Safety Considerations and Specific and Cool-down Concerns

This client presents a challenge because the nature of her primary physical limitation and health concern conflicts directly with her primary fitness goal: she suffers from a high level of susceptibility to overtraining but hopes to maximize her performance in a sport that requires extensive running. Without accommodations to enable her to minimize the symptoms of ATCS, it is unlikely that she will be able to sustain exercise to the extent necessary to reach her highest potential aerobic capacity. This program is expressly designed to allow her to reduce the limitations posed by her physiological idiosyncrasies as much as possible so as to minimize their detrimental effects and limitations….

That counseling included the standard explanation that most of what she refers to as "toning" pertains more to dietary issues than to any objective for her fitness training. She has said that she understands that gym workouts can (at most) develop muscles but that making them appear through the epidermis is much more a function of reducing the thickness of the subcutaneous layer of body fat.
Upper Body Workout

The client has expressed the desire to increase her functional upper body strength. Because she is a novice, her initial upper body workouts will consist of one compound movement for each major muscle group rather than isolation exercises in the following order: chest, shoulders, triceps, back, and biceps. She will perform ascending/descending resistance series of sets as follows:

Bench Press

6 sets x 15, 12, 10, 8, 10, 12 repetitions

Shoulder Press

6 sets x 15, 12, 10, 8, 10, 12 repetitions

Triceps Extensions

6 sets x 15,….

" (Siegel, 2006) Findings of the study report that "Findings show a clear positive trend between students' fitnessgram scores and their reading and mathematic achievement. Fitnessgram scores were correlated with Stanford Achievement test (SAT) scores for 884,715 fifth, seventh, and ninth graders enrolled in California public schools during 2002. Findings of the study report existing to be a "...clear positive trend between students' fitnessgram scores and their reading and mathematic achievement. " (Siegel, 2006)
According to the work of Verkler (2005) entitled: "Fit Kids are Smart Kids" published in the Prevention Journal states that: "Reports that fit kids are smart kids" and in fact those who are physically fit "score higher on academics tests and have better memories, reaction times and problem-solving skills." (Verkler, 2005) In a separate study reported in the work entitled: "Effect of Physical Education and Activity Levels on academic Achievement in Children" a case study is reported….

Student physical fitness
The President's Physical Fitness test is a national test designed to measure the fitness of America's schoolchildren at basic physical education skills. The ability to complete this test provides an idea of the basic level of fitness of children in a physical education class, and also highlights areas of needed improvement. This test will be incorporated into the curriculum of a physical education class to help improve student fitness as well as assess the students.

The Physical Fitness Test involves five activities: "curl-ups (or partial curl-ups)," a "shuttle run" (sprinting), and "endurance run/walk," "pull-ups (or right angle push-ups or flexed-arm hang)" and a "V-sit reach (or sit and reach)" (Physical fitness test, 2011, President's Challenge.). All of these involve tests of basic fitness skills that are useful in sports and also in functional daily activities.

egardless of whether the children meet or fall above or below these standards, their….

Components of Physical Fitness


How to Incorporate in Your Life


Cardiorespiratory Fitness

Being able to exercise at a moderate to high intensity for a long period of time

Walk 2 miles at a brisk pace every day.

educed the risk of heart disease, hypertension, and high cholesterol.

Muscular Strength

The ability to exert force using muscles, such as lifting objects or moving the body. Strength refers to the amount of force one can exert.

Lifting weights; doing resistance exercises including yoga

Improved performance; improved appearance; improved overall health

Muscular Endurance

The ability to sustain physical exertion.

Cardiovascular training on a stationary bicycle or treadmill every day, plus alternating days of weight lifting

Improved performance in sports; specific muscle endurance corresponds to specific sports or activities


Being able to move and stretch muscles to their full range of motion.

Do yoga exercises every day.

Improves athletic performance; prevents injury

Body Composition

Percentages of fat, muscle, and bone in the body

Measured using various tools and technologies

Keep track of progress in….

Short Distance Running
Sports biomechanics is one of the most important components in the field of sports since it provides insights regarding human movement using an injury reduction and performance enhancement perspective. Consequently, coaches and physicians utilize information regarding sports biomechanics to understand the athletes’ correct and incorrect technique. Most of the existing research on sports biomechanics generate insights regarding the basic kinetic and kinematic attributes of specific athletic movement. Short distance running or sprinting is always associated with power and speed since it entails quick acceleration followed a maintenance of velocity. While existing biomechanics research provides insights regarding basic kinetic and kinematic attributes, the inter-individual differences across various levels of performance remains largely unknown. This study focuses on examining the biomechanics variations in the starting ability of short distance runners.
Importance of the Study
The evaluation of the biomechanics differences in the starting ability of short distance runners is an important topic….

Physical Program for Virginia Fire Fighters
The Need for a Physical Fitness Program for Virginia Fire Departments

Fire fighters hold a special place within American society. They help keep our urban and rural landscapes safe from blazes of all kinds. Yet, even in a much more rigid bureaucratic environment, many firefighters within certain departments like here in Virginia failed to meet the physical standard that would provide the utmost level of safety. Although the physical requirements for entering the fire department are strenuous, the state of Virginia lacks a mandatory physical fitness program for its fire fighters that would ensure a continuous level of physical fitness and thus the highest level of performance in the most dangerous situations.

Significance of the Problem: Lack of Available Physical Fitness Programs

To think of an unfit fire fighter is an extremely dangerous problem. Currently, there is only an entry physical exam test (Virginia Department of Fire Programs,….

Sample Worksheet for Field Data Collection

15-degree hill

Time (Min/Sec)

Level sidewalk

Time (Min/Sec)

Walk No. 1

Walk No. 2

Walk No. 3

The researcher performs these walks on six consecutive days at the same time each day (this approach is to ensure that the walker is "fresh" and in comparable physical condition for each walk; in the event of inclement weather such as rain, snow or other elements that would impede the experiment, the walk should be postponed to another day with similar weather as the other walks).

Attacks by stray dogs, interference by bystanders or other pedestrians or acts of God will invalidate any given walk which would then have to be repeated to ensure the reliability of the results.

It is the hypothesis of this experiment that a researcher will require more time to complete 500 steps walking uphill than walking on a similar surface that is level.


The results of the three walking experiments on the level….

Grade Level in Texas
The Physical Education (PE) curriculum guide for Texas provides different knowledge and skills for every grade level K-8. The objective for kindergarten level is the learning basic body control while moving across different settings (Texas Education Agency, n.d.). For grade 1, the objective is the objective is to continue enhancing basic body control while developing essential movement skills and fitness components that relate to health. The objective for grade 2 is to demonstrate vital components of essential movement skills and become more effective in locomotive skills. For grade 3, the objective is to show maturity in more essential movement patterns while for grade 4 it is to learn to detect the elements of health-related fitness and sources of information for health fitness. For grade 5, the objective is to demonstrate competence like enhanced accuracy in calculating skills in dynamic situations and grade 6's objective is to….

ewards and Benefits From Exercise
Specific Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to find out the rewards and benefits individuals rewards and benefits from exercise.

Consistent exercise gets rid of tension, enhances appearance, keeps person healthy, and raises stamina plus keeps you younger.

In recent years, numerous individuals have turn out to be more and more aware of the need for physical fitness. Nearly everywhere individuals turn, whether it is to a kiosk, television or commercial, information for protecting and refining health overwhelms them. Even though much of this information is commercially inspired by those enthusiastic to sell natural foods, vitamins, and decreasing tricks, some of it, particularly that encouraging a consistent exercise program, merits thoughtful consideration. This kind of a program, if it entails of as a minimum an hour or just thirty minutes a week and if an individual's physician supports it, offers numerous benefits. Consistent exercise gets rid….

I. Introduction
A. Explanation of the importance of high school sports
B. Statement of thesis- Despite their benefits, there are several cases against high school sports

II. Case #1: Injuries
A. Statistics on the number of injuries in high school sports
B. Examples of serious injuries from sports
C. Discussion on the long-term effects of these injuries

III. Case #2: Academic impacts
A. Research on the correlation between sports participation and academic performance
B. Argument against the time commitment of sports
C. Discussion on the potential for sports to distract from academics

IV. Case #3: Funding and inequality
A. Disparities in funding for....

1. The Role of Mental Health in Enhancing Athletic Performance

2. Prioritizing Mental Well-being: The Impact on the Overall Health of Student Athletes

3. The Importance of Mental Health Support for Student Athletes: Strategies and Resources

4. Addressing the Stigma: Promoting Mental Health Awareness in the Student Athlete Community

5. Balancing Physical Fitness and Mental Well-being: The Key to Optimizing Performance

6. The Psychological Challenges Faced by Student Athletes and the Need for Mental Health Support

7. Promoting Resilience and Mental Strength in Student Athletes: A Holistic Approach

8. The Mental Health Benefits of Competitive Sports: Empowering Student Athletes for Success

9. Exploring the Connection between Mental Health....

Factors Contributing to Third-Place Finish in Athletic Competition

Despite meticulous preparation and unwavering determination, your team ultimately finished third in the athletic competition. While this outcome may have been disappointing, it is crucial to delve into the underlying factors that hindered your performance and prevented a higher ranking. By objectively assessing these factors, you can identify areas for improvement and maximize your team's potential in future competitions.

1. Technical Deficiencies and Skill Limitations:

Technical proficiency is the cornerstone of athletic success. During the competition, your team may have encountered technical flaws that compromised their execution and resulted in suboptimal performances. These could range....

Regular Exercise and Children's Physical Fitness: A Comprehensive Study
Physical fitness is crucial for children's overall health and well-being. Regular exercise plays a vital role in enhancing physical fitness and providing numerous benefits for children. This essay aims to investigate the positive effects of regular exercise on children's physical fitness compared to those who do not engage in regular exercise.
Cardiovascular Fitness:
One of the most significant benefits of regular exercise is improved cardiovascular fitness. Children who engage in regular exercise have stronger hearts and lungs. Their hearts can pump more blood with each beat, and their lungs can take in more oxygen.....

8 Pages


Physical Fitness Research Proposal for

Words: 3101
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Thesis

This difficulty is further intensified by the inherently complicated task of clearly explicating the purpose, process and findings which have produced the resolutions of a qualitative study. The…

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12 Pages
Research Proposal


Physical Fitness in Children the Effects of

Words: 4034
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Physical Fitness in Children he effects of a 2-minute jog 3 times per week on 20 meter shuttle run scores in elementary age students he connection between physical activity, proper diet…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Physical Fitness -- One-Hour Gym

Words: 3742
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Also, following a role model and maintaining adequate sleeping hours and scheduling concentration sessions are very much attainable. V.4. Relevancy I tried my best to direct all of her actions…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Physical Fitness Along With Dietary

Words: 1377
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The difference between these fats (the fully hydrogenated state) and hydrogenated oils is simply a matter of temperature. Complications such as sleep apnea, high cholesterol, and obesity continue to…

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2 Pages


Physical Fitness and Academic Achievement Attached a

Words: 610
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Physical Fitness and Academic Achievement Attached a draft Project 3.8. We worked article analysis implications. I a conclusion covers validly attached referenced article (EJ936015.pdf) Blom, Lindsey C. John Alvarez, Lei Zhang,…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Physical Fitness Recommendations -- Exercise

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The client will work to achieve and maintain the targeted duration of aerobic work for this session by transitioning to an elliptical machine for any time remaining after…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Physical Fitness -- One-Hour Gym

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

That counseling included the standard explanation that most of what she refers to as "toning" pertains more to dietary issues than to any objective for her fitness training.…

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9 Pages
Term Paper


Physical Fitness Improve Academic Success

Words: 2303
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

" (Siegel, 2006) Findings of the study report that "Findings show a clear positive trend between students' fitnessgram scores and their reading and mathematic achievement. Fitnessgram scores were correlated…

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2 Pages


Student Physical Fitness the President's Physical Fitness

Words: 648
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Student physical fitness The President's Physical Fitness test is a national test designed to measure the fitness of America's schoolchildren at basic physical education skills. The ability to complete…

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4 Pages


Nutrition Components of Physical Fitness Description How

Words: 1109
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Nutrition Components of Physical Fitness Description How to Incorporate in Your Life Benefit(s) Cardiorespiratory Fitness Being able to exercise at a moderate to high intensity for a long period of time Walk 2 miles at a…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Sports - Athletic Fitness

Short Distance Running Biomechanics

Words: 977
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Short Distance Running Sports biomechanics is one of the most important components in the field of sports since it provides insights regarding human movement using an injury reduction and performance…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


Physical Program for Firefighters

Words: 1831
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Physical Program for Virginia Fire Fighters The Need for a Physical Fitness Program for Virginia Fire Departments Fire fighters hold a special place within American society. They help keep our urban…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Physical Exertion Related to Walking

Words: 1986
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Sample Worksheet for Field Data Collection 15-degree hill Time (Min/Sec) Level sidewalk Time (Min/Sec) Walk No. 1 Walk No. 2 Walk No. 3 The researcher performs these walks on six consecutive days at the same time each…

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2 Pages

Sports - Drugs

Physical Education and Fitness

Words: 777
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Chapter

Grade Level in Texas The Physical Education (PE) curriculum guide for Texas provides different knowledge and skills for every grade level K-8. The objective for kindergarten level is the…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Health - Nutrition

Physical Activity and Exercise

Words: 1933
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

ewards and Benefits From Exercise Specific Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to find out the rewards and benefits individuals rewards and benefits from exercise. Consistent exercise gets rid…

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