Pilates Essays (Examples)

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Pilates Total Conditioning Program lays emphasis not only on proper exercises, but also on the proper breathing while in the process of performing any one typical body movement. In other words, the technique is very similar to the ancient Indian exercise, 'yogasana', and in the same way in which the practitioners of yoga concentrate not only on exercises and specific body movements, but also on specific deep breathing exercises while performing the exercises, the Pilates' methods attempt to control and regulate the breathing of the individual during the course of his exercise regimen. (Pilates, a Core Conditioning Program)
However, one significant difference between yoga and Pilates is the fact that while yoga concentrates more on breathing and its regulation, Pilates concentrates more on exercises. Another difference is that while yoga is practiced more for spiritual benefit hat comes as a result of physical welfare and well being, Pilates is practiced….

(Craig, 2001)
According to Craig, "The deeper you get into the work and the more you understand its principles, the more Pilates should expand into other parts of your life. It's not about compartmentalizing exercise into one or two sessions a week or building up some muscle groups and neglecting the rest. Instead it cultivates an awareness of your spine, posture and everyday movements. This translates into how you lift a child, sit in front of a steering wheel or bang a tennis ball." (Craig, 2001)

It is clear, then, that Pilates truly does affect people's recovery from injury through rehab. ecause of its generalist applications, and focus on back strength and flexibility, Pilates is a one-stop shop for those looking to make their daily lives more pain free and those looking to accelerate their recovery from falls and sprains, for instance.

Pilates is mental as well as physical work. One must….

Pilates and After Injury ehabilitation
As a child, German-born Joseph H. Pilates suffered from several illnesses that resulted in muscular weakness. Pilates was determined to overcome his frailties, and dedicated his life to becoming physically stronger. He studied martial arts, yoga, Zen meditation, and Greek and oman exercises, and worked with medical professionals including physicians and his wife Clara, a nurse. Joseph Pilates' experiences led to the development of his unique method of physical and mental strengthening, which Pilates brought to the U.S. In 1923 (Anderson & Spector, 2005).

Popular dance instructors and choreographers, including Martha Graham, George Balanchine and Jerome obbins, all embraced Pilates' exercise method in the 1930s and 1940s. Dancers often suffered from injuries that resulted in a long recovery period and an inability to achieve peak performance. Pilates' method, which was unique at the time, allowed and encouraged movement early in the rehabilitation process by proving needed assistance.….

Pilates Method of Mental and

Pilates matwork exercises

While there are dozens of matwork exercises, the rollback is basic and typical. Because it strengthens the spin and facilitates motor control, it is essential before beginning other exercises. "It is a key movement in the Pilates system because it addresses the core musculature of the powerhouse in detail. This exercise gives an opportunity for an instructor to observe the body's symmetry. It allows them to cue a client to move straight through the spine, correcting the body's inefficient

" (Coleman-Brown and Haley-Kanigel, 2003).

Below are Coleman-Brown and Haley-Kanigel's instructions:

1. Sit on a mat with knees bent, heels together, and knees in line with the shoulders. Place hands behind thighs and make sure shoulders are over hips. Pull the powerhouse in and up, hollowing out the abdomen. Eyes gaze toward navel (photo 2,-page 28).

2. oll back one vertebra at a time, starting from the base of the spine, until the….

Importance of Pilates

Pilates: History, Uses and Benefits
Background on Pilates

While other ancient forms of exercise have a more dubious or nebulous history, the beginnings of pilates tend to actually be well-known and well-documented. Joseph Pilates created this form of exercise in the 1920s as a means of rehabilitating individuals, athletes and others who were under great physical strain (Weil, 2014). "Some of the first people treated by Pilates were soldiers returning from war and dancers such as Martha Graham and George Balanchine (to strengthen their bodies and heal their aches and pains)" (Weil, 2014). While pilates has been tweaked and adjusted throughout the years, it still remains a heavily used form of exercise, and stays true to its origins. One of the core tenets of pilates is that it is focused creating an intense amount of strength training, but without creating unnecessary bulk. The pilates method revolves around engaging in a series of….

Just adding this simple group of exercises to what you already do for fitness, or as an entirely new fitness regimen will develop a strong balanced set of core muscles that will be much more resistant to lower back stress and strain, and will likely improve or even eliminate lower back pain.

Case Study: Jack

Jack (age 49) presented for chronic lower back pain that had been reoccurring over the past several years. He had a relatively minor injury, many years previous and the pain has exacerbated in the last few months as he has recently taken a job that requires more sedentary behavior than he has experienced in the past. Jack received several prescriptions from his primary care physician for a narcotic pain medication but complains of side effects and his concern of long-term dependence and increased tolerance. Jack has limited range of motion in bending and rotation, reduced by as….

Female Elements in Song of

Her society tells her she needs one, and when Milkman enters her life, she invests her entire personality in him. When he leaves her, Hagar lacks the self she needs to survive. Pathetically, she tries to create a self that Milkman will want by buying makeup and clothes, turning her beautiful African hair a horrible orange (Milkman has been dating light-skinned redheads), and generally abasing herself.
Morrison certainly deviates from a sterotypical feminist perspective when she criticizes Hagar's possessiveness as well as Milkman's cruelty. When Hagar and uth argue over Milkman, Pilate points out that a man is not a house to be owned. Finally, when Hagar is trying to kill Milkman (not able to possess him, she does not know what else to do), Guitar tells her how wrong she is to base her value on the possession of a man. How can Milkman love her if she is….

The end of the novel seems to signal a return to the novel's first setting, which is Moscow, but changes that setting in a fundamental manner. For successfully hosting the party with the Devil, the Devil grants Margarita her greatest wish. She asks that the Master be set free, so that she can live with him. She does this knowing that, in the current social and political climate, life with the Master will be a life of poverty. This choice seems to help change the nature of Moscow at that time, because both the Devil and Christ leave Moscow. This seems to signify that, when one loses religion, one may lose the Devil, but one also loses Christ. This idea is reinforced by the fact that the Master and Margarita are able to attain peace at the end of the novel, but denied salvation. Bulgakov's overriding message seems to be….

Rst: New Testament
the passion in synoptic gospels vs john'S GOSPEL

The Synoptic Gospels, which are the Gospels of Mark, Matthew and Luke, are called "Synoptic" because their patterns and stories show similar themes as well as differences. Placing them side by side, which has been done many times, can give a quick "historical" synopsis of Jesus' life. hile the Synoptic Gospels use many of the same patterns and stories, each author stresses his own themes, particularly in describing Jesus' Passion: his suffering and death. Mark emphasizes Jesus' suffering. Matthew focuses on Jesus' kingship and the jealous plotting against him. Luke stresses Jesus' innocence and its recognition by several of Jesus' key oppressors. The Synoptic Gospels use common historical patterns and stories to convey their messages.

In contrast to the Synoptic Gospels, John's Gospel is less historical and more poetically, theologically developed. John's Gospel does not use the same patterns or many….

Critic Donald B. Pruitt uses "cold hard fact" from the narrative involving Christ's trial to set those chapters aside from the chapters that are fantasy. Pruitt sees the success that Bulgakov has accomplished by editing St. John's version of Pilate and Christ's discussion, and in truth Bulgakov's version is read-made for creative realism.
In the Gospel According to John, Pilate says to Christ: "Do you not know that I have the power to release you and power to crucify you?" (Pruitt, 1981, p. 2). Christ answered: "You would have no power over me unless it had been given you from above…" (p. 2). In Bulgakov's version, Pilate says something more contemporary and likely more true to what actually took place: "[Your life] is hanging by a thread: know that." Christ answered cryptically: "You don't think, do you, hegemon, that it is you who hung it?" "If you do," Christ continued,….

Alice Camille agrees, noting that when Jesus tells the others, "It is finished" (John 19:30), he is reinforcing the notion that the sacrifice has been made. Camille points out that this death is "no helpless surrender, but a deliberate action, freely chosen" (Camille). Because the words were spoken from the cross, they have the "power to create reality" (Camille). Up until this point in history, the word was the word and with this symbolic death, it becomes something tangible that people can associate with Jesus' mission. In addition, we know that the crucifixion needed to occur because it fulfills prophecy. The Bible says, "He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth" (Isaiah 53:7) and "it was the Lord's will to….

Flavius Joephus Much of the

And he gained a following both among many Jews and among many of Greek origin. He was the Messiah. And when Pilate, because of an accusation made by the leading men among us, condemned him to the cross, those who had loved him previously did not cease to do so. For he appeared to them on the third day, living again, just as the divine prophets had spoken of these and countless other wondrous things about him. And up until this very day the tribe of Christians, named after him, has not died out (18.63-64)
This paragraph has also been very controversial, because many believe it would not be likely that Josephus would have written that Jesus "appeared to them on the third day, living again." Some scholars say that Josephus had given up all his Jewish leanings by this time, but others say that this was not the true….

The second point of criticism Hoekema levels at dispensationalists is that "the kingdom which Christ offered to the Jews of his day did not involve his ascending an earthly throne," as most dispensationalists assert (Hoekema, p. 213). If in fact Christ had made an offer to rule the Jews from a throne on Earth, certainly, Hoekema goes on, "his enemies would have brought up this offer in the trial before Pilate, and made an accusation out of it" (p. 213). Pilate specifically asked Jesus' accusers, "hat evil has he done? I have found in him no crime deserving death" (Luke 23:2) (Hoekema, p. 213). No such charge was ever made against Jesus during that trial, though if it had been made it would have been used as evidence of the charge that "Jesus had claimed to be a king over the Jews in an earthly sense, thus threatening Caesar's….

Billy Budd

Billy Budd Before Referencing
Herman Melville's Billy Budd: A Perfect Storm of Injustice

ho is responsible for Billy Budd's death? Discuss how Captain Vere, Claggart and Billy himself all contribute to Billy's downfall.

Herman Melville's 1891 seafaring novella Billy Budd is a Christian allegory, transposed into the relatively contemporary setting of a British naval vessel. The Christian Bible details the death of Christ as a series of betrayals and injustices. The popular leader and teacher Christ is betrayed by one of his own followers, Judas, and is handed over by the leadership of his own nation to the Roman judge Pontius Pilate. Pilate washes his hands of his responsibility for a man whom he believes is innocent, because Christ will not verbally defend himself, and because the Roman authorities have charged him with preserving order amongst the populace. Pilate acquiesces, going against his better moral instincts.

Similarly, Billy Budd is a man unjustly accused….

I agreed, out of good will, since it is a small town and it needs the money."
Respondent 8: Nutrisystem

"My high school reunion was coming up and I needed to lose 15 lbs. (well, more like 20 lbs). I was really inspired by some of the stories, too, I admit."

Respondent 9: Bona Mop

"I had just purchased hardwood floors -- this promised an easy way to clean them, without ruining the finish."

Respondent 10: Doggie steps

"My dog is getting old. I heard later the stairs were available at Pet Smart, but I hadn't seen them there. I suppose I could have made some myself, but this seemed easier and more aesthetic. I feel bad seeing my dog strain to try to get up on the couch -- this enables her to be more like her old self."


All of these responses share common themes. The first is desperation: desperation about getting in shape,….

I. Introduction
A. Health and fitness are important aspects of overall well-being
B. There are many benefits to maintaining a healthy lifestyle
C. Thesis statement: This essay will explore the importance of health and fitness and strategies for maintaining them
II. Importance of Health and Fitness
A. Physical health
1. Regular exercise can improve cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases
2. Proper nutrition is essential for maintaining a healthy weight and supporting bodily functions
B. Mental health
1. Exercise has been proven to reduce stress and improve mood
2. A balanced diet can support brain function and mental....

11 Pages
Term Paper


Pilates Exercise Specialists Program Wellington

Words: 4691
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Pilates Total Conditioning Program lays emphasis not only on proper exercises, but also on the proper breathing while in the process of performing any one typical body movement.…

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9 Pages
Term Paper


Pilates Helps Rehab Work Pilates

Words: 2450
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

(Craig, 2001) According to Craig, "The deeper you get into the work and the more you understand its principles, the more Pilates should expand into other parts of your…

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6 Pages
Research Paper


Pilates and After Injury Rehabilitation

Words: 1575
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Pilates and After Injury ehabilitation As a child, German-born Joseph H. Pilates suffered from several illnesses that resulted in muscular weakness. Pilates was determined to overcome his frailties, and dedicated…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Pilates Method of Mental and

Words: 2913
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Pilates matwork exercises While there are dozens of matwork exercises, the rollback is basic and typical. Because it strengthens the spin and facilitates motor control, it is essential before beginning…

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4 Pages


Importance of Pilates

Words: 1228
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Pilates: History, Uses and Benefits Background on Pilates While other ancient forms of exercise have a more dubious or nebulous history, the beginnings of pilates tend to actually be well-known and…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Basi Pilates Lower Back Pain

Words: 2342
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

spine-health.com/topics/conserv/pilates/pilates01.html) Just adding this simple group of exercises to what you already do for fitness, or as an entirely new fitness regimen will develop a strong balanced set of core…

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13 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

Female Elements in Song of

Words: 3618
Length: 13 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Her society tells her she needs one, and when Milkman enters her life, she invests her entire personality in him. When he leaves her, Hagar lacks the self…

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5 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Master and Margarita by Mikhail

Words: 1744
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

The end of the novel seems to signal a return to the novel's first setting, which is Moscow, but changes that setting in a fundamental manner. For successfully hosting…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Gospel Accounts of the Passion

Words: 3304
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Rst: New Testament the passion in synoptic gospels vs john'S GOSPEL The Synoptic Gospels, which are the Gospels of Mark, Matthew and Luke, are called "Synoptic" because their patterns and…

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4 Pages
Book Review


Master and Margarita in Mikhail

Words: 1487
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Book Review

Critic Donald B. Pruitt uses "cold hard fact" from the narrative involving Christ's trial to set those chapters aside from the chapters that are fantasy. Pruitt sees the…

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4 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Jesus Was Crucified the Crucifixion

Words: 1163
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Alice Camille agrees, noting that when Jesus tells the others, "It is finished" (John 19:30), he is reinforcing the notion that the sacrifice has been made. Camille points…

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15 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Flavius Joephus Much of the

Words: 5117
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Term Paper

And he gained a following both among many Jews and among many of Greek origin. He was the Messiah. And when Pilate, because of an accusation made by…

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7 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Postponement of the Kingdom Dispensational

Words: 2320
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Thesis

212). The second point of criticism Hoekema levels at dispensationalists is that "the kingdom which Christ offered to the Jews of his day did not involve his ascending an…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Billy Budd

Words: 1314
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Billy Budd Before Referencing Herman Melville's Billy Budd: A Perfect Storm of Injustice ho is responsible for Billy Budd's death? Discuss how Captain Vere, Claggart and Billy himself all contribute to…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Advertising

Direct Response Marketing Survey of

Words: 606
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

I agreed, out of good will, since it is a small town and it needs the money." Respondent 8: Nutrisystem "My high school reunion was coming up and I needed…

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