Police Corruption Essays (Examples)

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Police corruption is a major problem throughout the world. As people of a civilized society we depend on our police department to protect us and the stop crimes from happening. Police corruption happens in many parts of the world, and the main motivation behind this crime against society is personal greed. In the United States, corrupted police officers takes bribes and get involved in drug operations while they allow murders to happen. Other officers have been caught framing innocent people for crimes that they did not commit. In foreign countries like Kenya, the police officers force innocent citizens to pay bribes, so they can continue with their normal daily activities. Police officers in Kenya abuse their power for their own personal gains. In ussia the police take bribes so that innocent women and children are sold into sex slavery. Officers gain from the suffering of others. As a society we….

Police Corruption and Citizens Complaints elative to Ethnicity:
Corruption activities by people in power have contributed to widespread loss of public faith in the government, especially the police. Public faith in law enforcement personnel has been acute because of corruption given that the police are the most visible arm of government with the mandate to uphold the law, help in times of need, and safeguard the community. When a police officer is involved in corruption, he not only dishonors himself but also disgraces the criminal justice system he represents. In the modern criminal justice system, there are some organizational cultures that encourage the police to carry out acts of corruption (Williams, 2002, p.85). Some of the most common acts of corruption by police officers include abuse of power, taking financial bribes, and covering criminal gangs and/or activities.

In the past few years, police corruption has evolved to include violation of human rights….

New officers learn organizational principles as they are socialized into the police traditions. Ultimately, new officers display acceptance of these principles by way of their dealings in the neighborhoods that they serve. The knowledge of work-related principles is an important issue in formative efficiency of officers, the height of job fulfillment, the value of police and community relations, and the triumphant achievement of organizational socialization (Engelson, 1998).
Breaking the code of silence amongst officers in order to investigate corruption correctly would require infiltrating the organizational culture that has been established within police forces around the world, and I'm not sure that this would be so easy to do. Being part of the group is something that is part of the culture and ingrained in officers from the beginning. In part this is due to the essence of the job and in another part is just a faction of human bonding.….

Corruption versus Official Deviance: Police MisconductOfficial deviance refers to deviating from the laws and bylaws of a particular organization. However, deviance may also refer to as deviance from unspoken codes of behavior. In the 2013 news video Cop Exposes Police Corruption, Gets Death Threats From Other Cops, the officer in question (who identifies himself as a whistleblower) says that he had violated the so-called blue wall of silence and was punished as a result. Officially, officers are not supposed to be silent when they witness discrimination and harassment, but according to the officer, he faced threats to his life (including a K9 officer releasing a dog upon him), after he came forward to expose deviance.Corruption is primarily thought of as enriching ones self through taking bribes or openly using ones position to enhance ones status, power, or finances. The video demonstrates that this is only one way in which corruption….

Police, Terrorism, Ethics, And Corruption
The traditional mission of police forces in the United States is fighting criminality and upholding the law in the defined geographical area or boundary they belong to. This translates to the local police forces of towns, municipalities and cities engaging in policing activities in these respective areas. Outside of these boundaries, the state police forces have responsibilities and on the national level, the Federal ureau of Investigation (FI) has jurisdiction. Prior to the onset of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the American homeland, the mission and boundaries of the aforementioned police forces are clear and distinct. Immediately thereafter, there has been a tremendous paradigm shift in the mission of police forces in the United States because the growing threats of terrorism and terrorist activities have entered into the very heart of the nation. Even several years after the 9/11 attacks, terrorists have taken liberties….

Police eform in Post-Authoritarian Brazil
A majority of new democracies entail an unbelievable illogicality of an immensely feeble citizenship coalesced with a stern description of the constitutional guarantees. In order to explicate this disparity it would be prudent to contemplate the significance of political institutions regarding representation of citizen, which were prevalent subsequent to the military establishments attributed as troublesome and a majority of the new restrictions. A few defined in the autocratic establishment, were implemented by quite a few new establishments prominently by the Brazilian Constitution of 1988 (Pinheiro, 1996).

The prominence out of such institutions of Brazil were the excessive illustration of lesser populated regions on the contrary to the regions with greater population: Sao Paulo in recent times incorporates 60 Congressmen (which is analogous to 11.9% of the entire constituents of a Congress) depicting a voting strength of 20,774,991. This strength makes up 21.9% of the entire voting population….

Police vs Public

Police Interviews
The author of this report has been asked to conduct two interviews of police officers with six basic questions being the crux of both interviews. To protect the anonymity of the officers as well as a way to get the most honest and complete answers, the identity of the officers as well as the departments they have or do work for will not be identified in any way, shape or form. The answers garnered were insightful, honest and illuminating. The perspective they offer is perhaps not nearly as known as it should be given the reporting going on as it relates to the incidents in Ferguson and other places where cops have been shot or allegedly unarmed and/or innocent people on the street have endured the same. While there are two sides to each story, both the police and the people have the right to have their voice heard….

There various technological measures that have been used to enhance the effectiveness of police officers include crime laboratories and finger printing. The other technological measures used in policing include the two-way radio used in police cars to help the officers to multiply their productivity in responding to and dealing with incidents. Police agencies across the nation are obtaining new technology that is developed to lessen response time and speed of information dissemination. The use of these efforts has helped in improving patrol function and capitalizes on the impact of community policing programs.

Homeland Security and Law Enforcement elationships:

The relationships between intelligence, law enforcement, and homeland security organizations at the federal, state, and local level have continued to experience a revolution since the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Before these terrorist attacks, the Department of Homeland Security created the wall at the federal level between law enforcement and intelligence. Furthermore, none of the states….

In places such as Richmond, that have an already checkered past in their relationship with the public, the public perception is further damaged by the rise in crime. This is true of the police department in the rest of the country as well. The rise in crime affects the perception of the public with regard to the police department, and not the government. In actions such as racism and extralegal searches the police department and not President Bush is implicated. Many of the harmful effects of current police actions and policies are the result of government policies. The police has thus become somewhat of a scapegoat as a result of the latest government policies.
The profile of violent crimes has also changed dramatically and dangerously. Fewer police officers mean more violent criminals, which raises the crime rate.

Government policy, rising crime rates, and police actions have therefore combined into a cycle….

Police Corrupted

Course Number Police Corruption
A Problem with the law

This paper will focus specifically on police corruption and the ways in which to lessen and decrease instances of police corruption. The first section includes an introduction explaining the effects of police corruption from rapes to murder and how it impacts society. It also expresses the need to act, as the United States becomes more like the exceedingly corrupt African countries of Nigeria and South Africa. Comparison of other countries reveals a lack of authority and government as well as public safety concerns.
The other section explains and identifies the different forms of corruption that happen with police officers including: opportunistic theft, tampering of evidence, and accepting of bribes. When police officers commit these crimes, they are often not prosecuted. This is due to the lack of evidence of witnesses against them. Most police officers are trained to avoid getting caught and know how to….

In addition, today's police officer faces different challenges from police officers of even two decades ago. One of these 21st century problems facing law enforcement is terrorism. Almost every community across the nation has some building or government location that could be considered a target of terrorism, and large metropolitan areas have many of these targets within their boundaries. Because of this, police models may have to change to be more involved in preventing terrorism from occurring, rather than responding once a terrorist act has been committed. Community policing can aid in this by allowing community police officers to become familiar with their neighborhoods and citizens, and knowing exactly what targets lay in their area. To create better police officers, training in terrorism and how to recognize typical terrorism suspects must be stepped up and addressed in all communities.

Perhaps the biggest challenge facing many officers is the use of deadly….

Police Accept Gratuities?
In the United States, some lower-paid professions such as waitresses or pizza delivery drivers rely on gratuities from their customers in return for good service as an important part of their overall earnings, while other professions such as doctors and lawyers, rarely or never receive gratuities since they are deemed adequately compensated for their services from the outset no matter how well they perform. When it comes to law enforcement, though, the issue of gratuities becomes murkier, with the iconic image of the police officer on the beat accepting an apple from a smiling vendor being contrasted more recently by high-profile cases of police officers who have accepted much larger cash "gratuities" in return for looking the other way or providing advance notice of police raids. Because these cases adversely affect the entire law enforcement community, it is therefore important to determine the propriety of police officers….

Though women constitute only 12.7% of the sworn police force they are implicated in only 5% of the total cases registered against the use of excessive force. Statistics further indicate that women officers account for only 6% of the total dollars paid out for court settlements for The Use of Police Force 4
police abuse related cases. [DR. Kim Lonsway, 2002] It is clear that a women police officer is less likely to resort to excessive force use compared with a male police officer and this presents a clear case for more representation of women in the police force. Inducting more women would therefore be a positive step.

Another study by the University of California compared the effects of race, gender, and experience of the officer and the link to the possibility of the officer being investigated by Internal affairs for the use of excessive force. For the study, the researchers….

Policing Services and Programs:
Even as policing services and programs are being restructured across the globe, understanding this change in customary terms is rather difficult. In these new policing services and programs, the difference between public and private domains of policing is also problematic. However, understanding the ongoing changes is dependent on distinguishing between the authorization of policing and the way these services are provided. This is because of the fact that those who authorize policing services and programs may differ from those who provide these services (Bayley & Shearing, 2001). The restructuring of policing incorporates the weaknesses of the public police and is due to increases in crime, social structure, ideas and culture, character of government and the nature of economic systems. Due to the ongoing restructuring of policing, the role of the public police is significantly changing adopting a governmental rather than individual agenda. Furthermore, policing services and programs….

Police Recruiting

Police ecruiting
Just like every other institution in the country, American policing system went through a long period of evolution to finally achieve the shape that it has today. And similar to other laws and institutions in America, even police recruitment methods were heavily borrowed from Britain. In the 19th century or at least for most part of it, American police was shaped after the British policing laws (O'Keefe, 2004). However the one important difference lied in the separation of national and local police bodies. Since in most western countries, police was under the direct control of the national government, it was easier to manage them from one central location and their development was also almost simultaneous. However that was not the case in the United States where every county and state had its own local police department, which is why development of sporadic and departments were created at different times….

6 Pages
Research Paper

Criminal Justice

Police Corruption Is a Major Problem Throughout

Words: 1810
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Police corruption is a major problem throughout the world. As people of a civilized society we depend on our police department to protect us and the stop crimes from…

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2 Pages

Criminal Justice

Police Corruption and Citizen Complaints Relative to Ethnicity

Words: 749
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Police Corruption and Citizens Complaints elative to Ethnicity: Corruption activities by people in power have contributed to widespread loss of public faith in the government, especially the police. Public faith…

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3 Pages

Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice Police Corruption Is

Words: 1055
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

New officers learn organizational principles as they are socialized into the police traditions. Ultimately, new officers display acceptance of these principles by way of their dealings in the…

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1 Pages


Exposing Police Corruption on the Job

Words: 339
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Corruption versus Official Deviance: Police MisconductOfficial deviance refers to deviating from the laws and bylaws of a particular organization. However, deviance may also refer to as deviance from unspoken…

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5 Pages

Criminal Justice

Police Terrorism Ethics and Corruption the Traditional

Words: 1441
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Police, Terrorism, Ethics, And Corruption The traditional mission of police forces in the United States is fighting criminality and upholding the law in the defined geographical area or boundary they…

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35 Pages


Police Reform in Post Authoritarian Brazil

Words: 12011
Length: 35 Pages
Type: Thesis

Police eform in Post-Authoritarian Brazil A majority of new democracies entail an unbelievable illogicality of an immensely feeble citizenship coalesced with a stern description of the constitutional guarantees. In order…

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10 Pages

Criminal Justice

Police vs Public

Words: 3513
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Police Interviews The author of this report has been asked to conduct two interviews of police officers with six basic questions being the crux of both interviews. To protect the…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Policing The 21st Century Has

Words: 961
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

There various technological measures that have been used to enhance the effectiveness of police officers include crime laboratories and finger printing. The other technological measures used in policing include…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Police Officer Might Be One

Words: 2028
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In places such as Richmond, that have an already checkered past in their relationship with the public, the public perception is further damaged by the rise in crime.…

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16 Pages
Research Paper

Criminal Justice

Police Corrupted

Words: 5292
Length: 16 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Course Number Police Corruption A Problem with the law Name [Date] Summary This paper will focus specifically on police corruption and the ways in which to lessen and decrease instances of police corruption. The first…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Policing Through Community-Oriented Police Techniques

Words: 2484
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In addition, today's police officer faces different challenges from police officers of even two decades ago. One of these 21st century problems facing law enforcement is terrorism. Almost every…

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2 Pages

Criminal Justice

Police Accept Gratuities In the United States

Words: 713
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Police Accept Gratuities? In the United States, some lower-paid professions such as waitresses or pizza delivery drivers rely on gratuities from their customers in return for good service as…

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8 Pages

Criminal Justice

Police Force to Diffuse Tense

Words: 2390
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Thesis

Though women constitute only 12.7% of the sworn police force they are implicated in only 5% of the total cases registered against the use of excessive force. Statistics…

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5 Pages

Criminal Justice

Policing Services and Programs Even as Policing

Words: 1602
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Policing Services and Programs: Even as policing services and programs are being restructured across the globe, understanding this change in customary terms is rather difficult. In these new policing services…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Police Recruiting

Words: 1018
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Police ecruiting Just like every other institution in the country, American policing system went through a long period of evolution to finally achieve the shape that it has today. And…

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