Political Power Essays (Examples)

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Power of the Canadian Supreme Court
The Canadian Supreme Court has seen an expansion of power that increased its scope and influence over society. Over the last three decades, the political and public influence of the Court has increased dramatically. Today, the Supreme Court has the right to decide on issues regarding equality rights, thus making judgments on behaviors and policies of other entities that influence the balance of power within Canadian politics and social life.

The growth of power seen in the hands of the Canadian Supreme Court has allowed it to extend its reach into greater political realms. Essentially, the evolving notion of judicial review within the court system has come to be a powerful force in deciding elements within Canadian society, despite the fact that unlike the United States, Canada does not have a single constitutional document that would serve as the foundation for traditional judicial review (Haworth,….

Only then will the moe effective use of knowledge occu and its value is de-politicized, making it moe potent in geneating pofits (Chatand, 1985).
It is a paadox that the moe challenging, disuptive and uncetain a given industy is the moe oganizations factionalize thei stuctues, ceating splinte goups and politically volatile stuctues that only acceleate a company's demise. The paadox is that in the toughest and uncetain of times in the telecommunications industy, Veizon Telecommunications needs to think moe about how they too can be a disuptive foce in the maket. Instead, the management team is focused on a highly balkanized, vey politically-diven agenda of holding onto powe by ceating smalle silos o depatments that can easily manage the data that is peceived as the most valuable asset thee is in the oganization. The paadox comes full cicle when a company is sold in pieces and the sold unit o….

To stimulate economic development and fiscal growth, local, state and federal governments work in tandem with the private sector. Urban planning can therefore be a highly political endeavor. Urban planning involves large-scale land-use projects that involve political decisions. For example, how to zone a metropolitan region is a political issue. Should new schools be built in neighborhoods with higher property taxes because the residents of those neighborhoods can afford them? Or should new schools be built in poorer neighborhoods to mitigate the long-term effects of poverty such as a lack of access to education?

Therefore, the six core ways in which urban planning is political in nature include the following. First, urban planning involves land use projects. Determining whether land is devoted towards residential, business, park and recreational, or health care needs is a politically charged issue. Second, the drawing up of political zones will impact voter behavior and affect the….

Political Machines

Political Machines: Politics as a Tammany Vocation
hen Max eber made a speech on politics as a vocation he defined the political machine as a creation of the modern, pluralistic democratic state. A political machine, unlike a purely charismatic individual leader, was a functional bureaucracy attempted, however imperfectly to serve the popular interest through the use of an institutional framework. A quick-voiced opponent of political corruption might protest the use of the political machine as a contemporary model for American democracy, as it has often been associated with corruption, specifically pork barrel politics in America's urban past. Yet, before the creation of political machines, the national apparatus of the state used physical force to ensure compliance with its actions, rather than bestowing any kind of favors to ensure popular compliance.

For example in eber's Europe, the result of this use of aristocratic force was a form of political tyranny over the lower….

Conflicts are not regarded as the right way of solving disputes between nations or communities. As such, boundary conflicts have not been governing any chance to exist within the society. These conflicts reiterate the need for the United Nations to explore on the natural boundary existence between various nations (Tucker and Priscilla 152). Though boundary politics results in wars and conflicts, they are potent towards the existence and preservation of sovereignty between nations. Because of the recurrence of political boundary conflicts, many nations have resorted to signing treaties indicating a separation and boundaries relating to political movements.
Recommendations/possible solutions

There are a number of steps, which can be used to end political boundary wars in the world. Politics, being the higher agent of political boundary wars, should be subjected to scrutiny and study. This will help recover rightful ways of separating between politics and boundaries between nations and communities. Nations should….

Political Bloggers
There are no shortage of political bloggers, most of them partisan hacks without any credentials or writing ability. There are many, however, who have lent their voices to election campaigns and daily political life in a positive way, providing arguments for different positions, and keeping their readers informed. In general, political bloggers are by their nature partisan, particularly in a nation where politics are as fractured as in the United States. But partisanship need not be stupid, and thankfully there are a few bloggers with a political bent who genuinely create meaningful content. This paper will examine three of these. The first is obert eich, the former Secretary of Labor under President Clinton and current professor at the University of California, Berkeley, who blogs at the Huffington Post. The second is Paul Krugman, the Nobel Prize-winning economist who blogs at the New York Times, lending economic analysis to a….

There is some hope within some countries but maybe no hope between countries. As long as there are disparities within the economic balances of different countries there will always be food being used as a political weapon. Those countries that do have adequate supplies of food though, have a hope to balance their food politics out within themselves. There is the possibility of providing more food for the poor within countries in order to better balance the accessibility across the nation.


Food Security and Political Stability in the Asia-Pacific. (n.d.). etrieved July 29, 2010, from Web site: http://www.apcss.org/Publications/eport_Food_Security_98.html

Kassem, Yara. (2005). Food: A Political or Nutritional Tool? etrieved July 29, 2010, from Panorama Web site:


Political Economy of Food. (2010). etrieved July 29, 2010, from Answers Web site:


Smyth, Paul. (2009). Michael Pollan Makes Food Political. etrieved July 29, 2010, from City

Beat Web site: http://www.citybeat.com/cincinnati/article-18861-michael-pollan-makes-food-political.html

Williams, Valerie. (2008). Food Is Political. etrieved July 29, 2010,….

The company has many different levels of organization, and oversees the lives of the people it employs, in that they spend most of their lives there, and receive a wage in return. They are supposed to be loyal to the company, and stand behind it in times of stress. The company supports others in the community, as well, in the form of taxes, bribes, and workers spending their income in businesses throughout the community. Thus, the company is a political institution with community influence, and the power that goes along with that influence. Political institutions all have several items in common, from group membership to support and influence in the community, as well as representing a large aspect of that community, and the packinghouses all meet these requirements.
Finally, the theme of Socialism that the author weaves through the book is representative of politics and political institutions the world over,….

The United Kingdom and Ireland have both enjoyed geographic separation from the continent of Europe, enabling both to develop unique political cultures and institutions. Ireland has been even more removed from the fray, having never been part of the Roman Empire, and systematically resistant to the same invasions that affected England throughout much of their respective histories. However, the proximity between Ireland and England—and later the United Kingdom—has caused the two countries to be “intertwined politically, economically, and culturally for over 800 years,” (The Republic and Politics of the Republic of Ireland 5). British hegemony has generally meant that Irish identity has been largely oppositional in nature. Divergent trends have emerged in the political cultures and institutions of the United Kingdom and Ireland, especially with regards to the relatively power of the Church. Ireland’s political structures, institutions, and cultures have been inevitably influenced by the British system, but the Catholic….

political, social, and civil rights as they are, the notion of possible futures haunts nearly everyone. Potential political realities in the present and not-so-distant future are examined in Margaret Atwood's Handmaid's Tale and Marge Piercy's Woman on the Edge of Time. These novels have become modern classics precisely because of their poignant relevance to real-world social and political affairs. Although both Atwood's and Piercy's novels are at least in part set in future times, both tales are devoid of any significant characteristics that distinguish them from the present day reality. Thus, both The Handmaid's Tale and Woman on the Edge of Time eerily depict life in modern-day America even as they bridge gaps in time. In particular, issues related to gender and to political power are salient in both books. Through the core elements of their narratives, The Handmaid's Tale and Woman on the Edge of Time reveal that….

power influences people the most?
David A. Hilton, M Ed., MBA


Which type of power influences people most?

Strategic management -- theory vs. practice

In theory, strategic management is a very straightforward process. It involves defining a mission and establishing the tactical goals necessary to achieve the mission objectives. Establishing the tactical plan involves analyzing the internal and external company environment and defining a vision, business model, and appropriate strategy that aligns strengths and weaknesses to the corresponding environmental opportunities and threats (Maxwell, 2007). Key performance metrics are determined and monitored to ensure progress along the intended track and that the organizational structure and systems continually adapt in response to emerging or changing challenges.

In principle, the strategic leader prepares organizations for change and establishes a methodology for responding to changes (Kotter, 2001). In practice, weaknesses in strategic management are typically attributable to lack of skill on the part of leaders in key areas.….

power is depicted in William Shakespeare's "King Lear," Book I of John Milton's "Paradise Lost" and Francis Bacon's "Of Plantations" and "The Idols" from his "Novum Organum."
Shakespeare's depiction of power in King Lear shows how cunning, ruthless people come to gain political power at the expense of those that show qualities that one would desire in a leader: nobility, honesty and integrity. Shakespeare's key focus is the transition of power from one king or leader to his progeny. In King Lear, the title role decides to abdicate the throne and divide his kingdom equally between his three daughters: Goneril, Regan and Cordelia. Whereas the first two flatter him, Cordelia is honest and is ultimately punished for it: she loses her inheritance. In another part of the story, two brothers fight for control of a dukedom.

Here Shakespeare illustrates a contradiction between well-meaning, honest people and manipulative, power-hungry people. One of….

orks Cited

Bardhan, P. (1997) "Corruption and Development: A Review of the Issues." Journal of Economic Literature 35: 1320-46.

Barro, R. (1996) "Determinants of Growth: A Cross-Country Empirical Study." NBER orking Paper No. 5698.

Barro, R., and Lee, J. (1993) "International Comparisons of Educational Attainment." Journal of Monetary Economics 32: 363-94.

Bhagwati, J.N. (1982) "Directly Unproductive Profit-Seeking (DUP) Activities." Journal of Political Economy 90: 988-1002.

Buchanan, J.M.; Tullock G.; and Tollison, R., eds. (1980) Toward a Theory of the Rent-Seeking Society. College Station: Texas a & M. University Press.

Campos, J.E.; Lien, D.; and Pradhan, S. (1999) "The Impact of Corruption on Investment: Predictability Matters." orld Development 27 (6): 105967.

Cheung, S.N. (1996) "Simplistic General Equilibrium Theory of Corruption." Contemporary Economic Policy 14 (3): 1-5.

Davies, B. 2001. "Making macaroni out of Marconi." Centaur Communications. [online] http://www.ideasociety.co.uk/marconi.htm

Easterly, ., and Levine R. (1997) "Africa's Growth Tragedy: Policies and Ethnic Divisions." Quarterly Journal of Economics 112(4) 1203-50.

The Economist (1999) "Honest….

Gender is often considered an immutable trait, linked inextricably to the biological sex one was born with. However, research over the past several decades in a multitude of fields including anthropology, psychology, and sociology shows that gender is socially constructed and not innate. Gender is projected onto children before they are fully cognizant of their surroundings, dressed in gendered clothes and channeled into gendered activities. A child is rarely free to construct his or her own gender. While it is rare for a person to be born hermaphroditic, it is not rare at all for someone to dis-identify with their socially prescribed gender and therefore deviate from the norm. Some forms of gender-bending are considered normative, but only in certain contexts. For example, a young girl can be a tomboy without serious social consequences but if she continues to subvert traditional gender norms, she risks social stigma. The level of….

Power Status

Hazal Emre
Looking at art and historical artifacts can tell us immense amounts of information regarding the society and culture from which these objects came from. Art can be revealing and informative in the same manner that books can tell readers about history and cultural conventions, many times providing specific details about its origin. These details can then provide viewers with an informed and comprehensive view of cultures and societies. Art is a reflection of not only the artist which creates the piece, but also a reflection of the atmosphere in which the artist lived. These reflections through art can point to specific themes and subjects that were important during the times that these artists lived. Power and Status are themes that can be considered universal in virtually all cultures regardless of their respective geographical location or historical era.

The intention of this essay is to provide the historical background of three….

1. The Role of Emotions in Political Decision Making: Exploring how emotions influence political beliefs and actions, and whether they should be considered in political theory.

2. The Impact of Technology on Political Communication: Analyzing how social media and other digital platforms have changed political discourse and debate in the modern age.

3. Intersectionality in Political Theory: Examining how issues of race, gender, and class intersect in political theory and shape debates on social justice and equality.

4. The Ethics of Political Violence: Discussing the moral implications of using violence as a political tool and when it may be justified.

5. Post-Colonial Perspectives in....

Title: Navigating the Crossroads of Authority: Exploring the Legitimacy and Limits of Power in Political Theory

At the crux of political theory lies the intricate interplay between authority and power, a dynamic relationship that has sparked debates and shaped paradigms for centuries. This essay delves into the multifaceted concept of legitimacy, interrogating the foundations of authority and the boundaries of power. Through a comprehensive analysis of historical and contemporary perspectives, we will explore the challenges and complexities of legitimizing power, the tensions between various sources of authority, and the implications for political practice and social justice.

1. The Sources and Foundations of....

1. The Impact of Social Structure on Individual Behavior

2. The Role of Social Structure in Shaping Society

3. Social Structure: Hierarchies and Power Dynamics

4. Understanding Social Structure: An Analysis of Class Systems

5. The Influence of Social Structure on Inequality and Social Mobility

6. Social Structure and Identity Formation: How Society Shapes Who We Are

7. The Interplay Between Social Structure and Culture

8. Social Structure in the Digital Age: How Technology is Shaping Society

9. Social Structure and Social Change: Exploring Dynamics of Social Movements

10. The Future of Social Structure: Trends and Challenges in 21st Century Society.
11. Social Structure and Globalization: Examining the Impact on....

I. Introduction
A. Explanation of the electoral process
B. Thesis statement: The electoral process does not equally represent all voices

II. Lack of representation for marginalized groups
A. Women
1. Historical exclusion from voting rights
2. Underrepresentation in political office
B. People of color
1. Voter suppression tactics
2. Lack of diversity in elected officials

III. Influence of money in politics
A. Wealthy individuals and corporations
1. Ability to fund political campaigns
2. Influence on policy decisions
B. Disadvantage for lower-income individuals
1. Limited resources for campaigning
2. Lack of access to political power

IV. Limitations of the electoral system
A. Winner-take-all system

2 Pages


Public Policy and Political Power in Canada

Words: 920
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Power of the Canadian Supreme Court The Canadian Supreme Court has seen an expansion of power that increased its scope and influence over society. Over the last three decades,…

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10 Pages
Research Paper


Power Politics Conflict and Culture

Words: 4896
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Only then will the moe effective use of knowledge occu and its value is de-politicized, making it moe potent in geneating pofits (Chatand, 1985). It is a paadox that…

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2 Pages
Discussion Chapter


Power Distribution Is Built Into

Words: 597
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Discussion Chapter

To stimulate economic development and fiscal growth, local, state and federal governments work in tandem with the private sector. Urban planning can therefore be a highly political endeavor. Urban…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Political Machines

Words: 1064
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Political Machines: Politics as a Tammany Vocation hen Max eber made a speech on politics as a vocation he defined the political machine as a creation of the modern, pluralistic…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

History - Israel

Political Boundaries and Conflicts Boundaries

Words: 1908
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Conflicts are not regarded as the right way of solving disputes between nations or communities. As such, boundary conflicts have not been governing any chance to exist within…

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8 Pages


Political Blog Effectiveness

Words: 2631
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Political Bloggers There are no shortage of political bloggers, most of them partisan hacks without any credentials or writing ability. There are many, however, who have lent their voices to…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


Political Science Politics of Food

Words: 1706
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

There is some hope within some countries but maybe no hope between countries. As long as there are disparities within the economic balances of different countries there will always…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Political Science the Jungle the

Words: 700
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The company has many different levels of organization, and oversees the lives of the people it employs, in that they spend most of their lives there, and receive…

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6 Pages

Political Science / Politics

political'systems in Ireland and Britain

Words: 1849
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

The United Kingdom and Ireland have both enjoyed geographic separation from the continent of Europe, enabling both to develop unique political cultures and institutions. Ireland has been even more…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

Political Social and Civil Rights as They

Words: 1218
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

political, social, and civil rights as they are, the notion of possible futures haunts nearly everyone. Potential political realities in the present and not-so-distant future are examined in…

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8 Pages


Power Influences People the Most David A

Words: 2662
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

power influences people the most? David A. Hilton, M Ed., MBA Hoffmann Which type of power influences people most? Strategic management -- theory vs. practice In theory, strategic management is a very straightforward…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Power Is Depicted in William Shakespeare's King

Words: 772
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

power is depicted in William Shakespeare's "King Lear," Book I of John Milton's "Paradise Lost" and Francis Bacon's "Of Plantations" and "The Idols" from his "Novum Organum." Shakespeare's depiction…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Power Leads to Corruption In

Words: 1864
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

orks Cited Bardhan, P. (1997) "Corruption and Development: A Review of the Issues." Journal of Economic Literature 35: 1320-46. Barro, R. (1996) "Determinants of Growth: A Cross-Country Empirical Study." NBER orking…

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3 Pages


Political Correctness and Power

Words: 918
Length: 3 Pages

Gender is often considered an immutable trait, linked inextricably to the biological sex one was born with. However, research over the past several decades in a multitude of fields…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Art  (general)

Power Status

Words: 2373
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Hazal Emre Looking at art and historical artifacts can tell us immense amounts of information regarding the society and culture from which these objects came from. Art can be revealing…

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