Pollution Essays (Examples)

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Unfortunately, there is quite a diverse array of forms of pollution of the water and the air on Earth. The paper will only focus upon a few types, with the intention of providing insight regarding the results of the pollution upon various forms of life on the planet. As far as any type of pollution, formal environmental agencies, whether public, private, or of the government, all have standards by which they determine the type of pollution and its classification. With respect to all forms of pollution, most environmental agencies have come to a consensus regarding the overall classification of pollution as it affects life. Those standards of pollution are primary forms of pollution and secondary forms of pollution.

There are two types of standards -- primary and secondary. Primary standards protect against adverse health effects; secondary standards protect against welfare effects, such as damage to farm crops and vegetation and damage….

Pollution Control
With growing population in the city, greater pressures on infracture and natural resources has affected the environment in greater ways. Increase in population causes infracture to deteriorate, traffic congestion, lower air and water quality, and loss of open space. Population increase brings with it more vehicles on the roads that put greater emissions in the air and greater pollution problems that affect the land and water quality. All of this will cause more health problems. In order to deter the greater pollution with the increase in population, more measures of pollution control need to be implemented.

Pollution control legislation for point measures would cost an estimated 0.3 million. The focus could be on making the weaknesses in already existing law stronger with stronger enforcement. The emissions standards that establish annual amounts and kinds of pollutants emitted into the air and water by users of certain products has disadvantages that include….

" (Norris, 2004)

Pollution prevention and reduction in the use of toxics and reduction in waste are greatly at focus for the Environmental Health and Safety Guidelines (2007) which are guidelines that can be specifically tailored to the established hazards and risks for each individual process depending upon the various factors that are applicable at each site. The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) is a federal environmental law that regulates solid and hazardous wastes from being generated during disposal. Hazardous wastes are those that may ignite, that are corrosive or reactive and those which are toxic. (Ohio EPA, nd) Pollution prevention is also important in establishment of operation practices that are considered best practice as well in substitution of materials, and during process changes and recycling. (Ohio EPA, nd)

The three pillars of sustainable development are stated in the work of Norris (2004) to include those of: economic, growth,….

d.), Miller Brewing was the first brewery to "recover excess carbon dioxide from the brewing process for sale…to food processors for refrigeration purposes." Likewise, Miller resells its brewer's yeast to food processors instead of wasting it.
The brewery is saving money by administering its pollution prevention program. Taken together, source reduction and recycling annually are saving the company $3 million (North Carolina Division of Pollution Prevention and Environmental Assistance n.d.). "Capital outlays for the bulk quantity handling and storage systems and the recycling machinery total $200,000. No additional labor costs have been incurred to maintain the reduction and recycling initiatives. Accounting for capital depreciation, the payback period for Miller Brewing's waste reduction initiatives is less than 3 years," (North Carolina Division of Pollution Prevention and Environmental Assistance n.d.).

Electronics: Hamilton Beach/Proctor-Silex, Inc.

The electronics manufacturing industry has a lot of room for improvement and Hamilton Beach/Proctor-Silex is taking some steps towards reducing pollution….

Pollution in the environment has become an important subject for consternation in today's world, where pollution of all kinds affects the daily lives of people as well as the environment in such a way that most people find it difficult to continue their normal routines on account of the pollution. Pollution can affect either the air or the water of our Planet Earth, and although the pollutants that are emitted are in different ways, it is a definite fact that they affect all kinds of living organisms because of the harmful effect that they produce. Air pollution is for the most part caused by the emission of the fumes from automobiles and other vehicles, through the exhaust, from a combination of the combustion of fossil fuels, while water pollution is generally caused by industrial wastes as well as the several environmental accidents that have been happening of late. The sad….

This designation has been challenged by the DuPont Company, which discharges wastewater from its chemical plants on each side of the river. The company feels there has not been enough evidence presented to earn the designation, and "warned that businesses could face unjustified restrictions on wastewater permits because of the designation (Montgomery)."

Officials argued that "recent research confirmed previous warnings to 1996 that the river only partially supported aquatic life between the Pennsylvania line and Killcohook National ildlife Refuge in New Jersey (Montgomery)."


There are groups which are dedicated to preserving the river. One group is the Delaware Riverkeeper which "is the voice of the Delaware River and its streams, championing their rights as living members of the community, and is leader for the Delaware Riverkeeper Network. The Delaware Riverkeeper and the Delaware Riverkeeper Network stand as vigilant protectors and defenders of the River, it tributaries and its watershed committed to restoring….

Pollution in the Potomac iver
The Pollution Problem in the Potomac iver

Situation Statement

The problem which is to be addressed in this paper is that of pollution in the Potomac iver. It has been recognized that as development of residential and industrial centers has progressed along the river, a decline in the quality of the water has been noted as various chemical pollutants have been introduced to the water. This is crucial to address, as the levels of pollution being reached may have potentially disastrous consequences for the flora and fauna along the river and the ecosystem as a whole.

Background on the Issue

There have been many studies which have indicated there to be a growing problem with pollution in the Potomac iver, with many also indicating varied consequences of this problem. Studies have shown that water quality varies markedly along the course of the river, with markedly poorer quality noted in those….

More than 90% of the commercial fisheries and seafood products breed in these kinds of areas. In addition, dozens of species of migratory birds breed in the marshes and raise their young there. Commercial fishing and its dependent industries would not survive long without these areas intact. As it is, commercial fishing of wild species is being badly impacted by aquaculture, which was another unforeseen consequence of development, in this case, economic development.

These estuaries and marshes are also important protection for the coastline. They furnish the barrier islands with purified sediment and absorb all the overflow during a storm. The barriers islands serve as the first frontal protection for the coastlines. They are constantly built up from both sides. New Orleans has lost much of its barrier island acreage and the accompanying marshes and estuaries to development. Systems of levees were created for flood control protection from Lake Ponchetraine. In….

Recycle as much as possible.

Think carefully about the type of activities you do in your spare time. Think about whether they cause an increase in carbon emissions or not (hat is a Carbon Footprint, 2009).

The second question of the three can be answered by simply just saying that there will be a great improvement. And the more that people do the bigger that the improvement will be. If everyone does their part to reduce their own carbon footprint it will benefit everyone in the long run. Researchers have concluded that greenhouse gas emissions need to be slowed and then reversed. And those nations that are industrialized need to make substantial cuts in their emissions. If everyone does their part we can get to the point where we are not only as dependent on fossil fuels but we will have a much cleaner plant and will have to worry a lot….

In addition, fuel emissions for vehicles must be carefully monitored and government agencies should work to ensure that they meet safe and acceptable standards to reduce pollution. (How can we prevent the damaging effects of air pollution?)

The purpose of this paper is to discuss global warming and pollution.

e found that global warming occurs because of an accelerated green house effect. e found that pollution occurs because of harmful emissions caused by fossil fuels and industrialization. Our investigation found that pollution can result in serious health problems including lung cancer. e also found that pollution can stunt lung growth in children and irritate existing conditions. Finally, we asserted that preventative measures must be taken to reduce air pollution. Preventative measures can take place with the development of alternative fuels and hybrid vehicles.

orks Cited

Global arming in Brief. 2000 http://www.globalwarming.org/article.php?uid=65

How can air pollution hurt my health?


How can we prevent the damaging effects….

Effects on Humans and Animals and hat Can Be Done

The long-term effects of water, soil, and air pollution on the human and animal populations can be quite severe. All animals need water and air to live, and the pollutants that exist in them often do not leave the tissues of the consuming animal. Compounds like mercury and lead are absorbed by animals further down on the food chain and are collected in higher and higher levels as each animal is consumed on its way up the food chain (ADEQ, 2009). ith humans on the top of this food chain, it is easy to see how all of the aggregate mercury contamination in Arizona's fish and cattle populations would end up pooling in the human population. Soil contamination affects everyone for generations to come, since homes and businesses will likely be built on mine tailings and other polluted areas of land….

Considering that the functionality requirements have been met, there is the need to ensure that the system is able to satisfy customer demands. In this order of ideas, the banking institution must select the types of services it desires to offer through mobile banking. The most common such applications include the ability to verify the balance in one's account and make transfers to other accounts. Additional applications could be made available to further increase customer satisfaction and these could include information on exchange rates or even the ability to convert one currency into another currency. ajnish Tiwari and Stephan Buse (2007) mention the existence of three categories of services offered through mobile banking -- mobile accounting, mobile brokerage and mobile financial information services. The authors go on to explaining that while information services can be offered as independent services, accounting and brokerage are always dependent on information and will….

Without a business being ethical, they cannot succeed in the business since they will have serious lawsuits for the lack of safety in the workplace. The case study does not lead us to reassess the validity of the arguments advanced by the authors since it enhances the previous readings and continues to build knowledge on the previous readings.
Which points or the arguments discussed, do you agree with and which do you disagree with? And why?

I am in agreement with the government having to compensate the workers for the effects suffered by the workers in terms of the compensation package paid out to the employees and the money they had to pay for the cleanup of the environment to revert the harmful effects caused by the exposure to the plutonium.

I disagree with the way the previous owners of the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant hid and refused to disclose the exposure….

Blue Jean Waste video is shocking in many ways, because it shows the damage that is being done to developing countries by big corporations. However, it is also not shocking in that many people are no longer surprised that big corporations treat developing countries in that way. Since these countries do not have the kinds of regulations that are seen in the United States and other developed countries, it is much easier for companies to pollute and damage them without any real risk of recourse. If I were a leader of one of the corporations involved, I would take action to stop the pollution and the ridiculous mistreatment of valuable resources. It is not just the people who are being harmed by the pollution, but the very planet itself. Too many people treat the planet as an infinite resource, but that is simply not the case. Clean air, water, and….

Pollution on the Ganges

History River Ganges? - famous? -Why considered holy? -Talk religious traditions surrounding . -famous floods disasters river caused river? -talk polluted -talk clean . -How river affect living ? Scope Essay: The focus essay River Ganges Varanasi.
Ganges is the sacred river of India and this country's history and traditions are closely linked to it. It is important for the economy, including because of transportation facilities, and for many other reasons. However, primarily, it is core to Indian identity, linking the present to the mythological past and to the future.

Despite all these aspects, the Ganges remains under serious threat because of the pollution levels in the water. Despite governmental efforts to curb pollution and solve some of the stringent aspects of this negative phenomenon, pollution remains a big problem (Agrawal 1994, 46). Human and industrial waste, as well as the side effects of national festivals that involve bathing in the….

There are several different ways you could approach this. For your thesis statement, consider which direction you want to take. If you\'re looking to show how this is bad for the environment, you\'ll want to consider statements regarding how the mercury gets into the fish. If you\'re focused on how mercury in fish is bad for human consumption, focus your statement on how much mercury (if any) is safe, how much fish can (or should) be eaten, or pick a particular group on which to focus (such as children or pregnant women). Then you can narrow it to something such....

If we were writing an ocean pollution essay, after presenting facts about ocean pollution we would almost certainly want to discuss solutions. Ocean.now is one of our favorite organizations to look at for solutions about ocean pollution because it provides strong science-based information about ocean pollution, as well as easy action points that people can take to help address the problem.  We love the idea of providing solutions because an essay that just gives facts about ocean pollution is going to be overwhelmingly depressing because ocean pollution and the havoc that it has caused the environment are,....

To start this essay, we would begin by identifying ways that business could impact the environment.  Next, we would want to identify the businesses we wanted to highlight in the essay, focusing on their specific environmental impact.  We would want to select at least two businesses with different reputations for their environmental impact.  Companies that are known for having good environmental initiatives include Disney, Johnson and Johnson, Nike, eBay, Fisher Investments, Hewlett-Packard, Starbucks, and Ford Motor Company.  Companies have a bad reputation in terms of their impact on the environment include AES, PPL, ConAgra Foods, Coca Cola,....

3 Pages

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Pollution Unfortunately There Is Quite a Diverse

Words: 1026
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Pollution Unfortunately, there is quite a diverse array of forms of pollution of the water and the air on Earth. The paper will only focus upon a few types, with…

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3 Pages

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Pollution Control With Growing Population in the

Words: 954
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Pollution Control With growing population in the city, greater pressures on infracture and natural resources has affected the environment in greater ways. Increase in population causes infracture to deteriorate, traffic…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Pollution Prevention Has Various Meanings

Words: 1685
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

" (Norris, 2004) SUMMARY & CONCLUSION Pollution prevention and reduction in the use of toxics and reduction in waste are greatly at focus for the Environmental Health and Safety Guidelines (2007)…

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9 Pages
Research Paper

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Pollution According to the EPA

Words: 2397
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Research Paper

d.), Miller Brewing was the first brewery to "recover excess carbon dioxide from the brewing process for sale…to food processors for refrigeration purposes." Likewise, Miller resells its brewer's yeast…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Pollution in the Environment Has Become an

Words: 4058
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Pollution in the environment has become an important subject for consternation in today's world, where pollution of all kinds affects the daily lives of people as well as the…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Pollution in the Delaware River

Words: 1244
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

" This designation has been challenged by the DuPont Company, which discharges wastewater from its chemical plants on each side of the river. The company feels there has not been…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Pollution Problem in the Potomac River

Words: 1124
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Pollution in the Potomac iver The Pollution Problem in the Potomac iver Situation Statement The problem which is to be addressed in this paper is that of pollution in the Potomac iver.…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Pollution of Coastlines Makes Us

Words: 931
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

More than 90% of the commercial fisheries and seafood products breed in these kinds of areas. In addition, dozens of species of migratory birds breed in the marshes and…

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5 Pages


Pollution Carbon Footprints Carbon Footprint

Words: 1601
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Thesis

Recycle as much as possible. Think carefully about the type of activities you do in your spare time. Think about whether they cause an increase in carbon emissions or not…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Pollution Environmental Issues Have Long

Words: 1582
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In addition, fuel emissions for vehicles must be carefully monitored and government agencies should work to ensure that they meet safe and acceptable standards to reduce pollution. (How…

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5 Pages

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Pollution in Arizona the State

Words: 1677
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Thesis

Effects on Humans and Animals and hat Can Be Done The long-term effects of water, soil, and air pollution on the human and animal populations can be quite severe. All…

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5 Pages


Pollution as a Social Problem

Words: 1357
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Thesis

Considering that the functionality requirements have been met, there is the need to ensure that the system is able to satisfy customer demands. In this order of ideas,…

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4 Pages


Pollution of a Uranium Plant

Words: 1861
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Without a business being ethical, they cannot succeed in the business since they will have serious lawsuits for the lack of safety in the workplace. The case study…

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2 Pages


Pollution and Blue Jean Waste

Words: 725
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Blue Jean Waste video is shocking in many ways, because it shows the damage that is being done to developing countries by big corporations. However, it is also not…

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10 Pages

History - Asian

Pollution on the Ganges

Words: 3112
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

History River Ganges? - famous? -Why considered holy? -Talk religious traditions surrounding . -famous floods disasters river caused river? -talk polluted -talk clean . -How river affect living…

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