Pop Music Essays (Examples)

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Pop Music One Glance at
Pages: 4 Words: 1305

Moreover, the rape symbolism becomes pronounced in "How Low." First, Ludacris walks through the mirror into the girls' room. Initially there were only a few females but when he steps inside, somehow there are several more girls in the room. His stepping through the mirror is a gross violation of their privacy and personal space. The act is a symbolic rape as Ludacris enters the room uninvited while the women are scantily clad. Moreover, Ludacris brings with him some male friends who don creepy white masks like that of Jason in Friday the 13th. The video then depicts some of the women running scared down the stairs, as they are being chased by these creeps in the hockey masks. The imagery is frighteningly sexist, as males are shown as preying on helpless females. Later, women are being stripped of their clothing against their will by an unseen force. They have…...


Works Cited

All videos retrieved from MTV Music Videos Web site at  http://www.mtv.com/music/videos/

Pop Music One 21 Guns Dear Journal
Pages: 3 Words: 842

Pop Music
One, 21 Guns

Dear Journal,

Here I stand. Or lay. This will probably be my last entry. Judging from how pale my hand is, I'd say definitely my last entry. Unlike I have a little luck or some sort of miracle from above. hat's that old saying? Oh, yeah. "There are no atheists in fox holes." Guess that's so. It's at our darkest that we ask for help even if we normally wouldn't admit to needing any kind of help, from the Almighty or anything else. So if you find this, please send this home. Send to Robert Markam, Sr., 4423 Twain St., Hannibal, MO.

Nothing's ever built to last

I'm bleeding pretty good out this wound on my leg and my make-shift tourniquet doesn't seem to be stopping the flow. I hope that whoever finds me actually reads these words. Only then will you understand why I did what I did. In…...


Works Cited:

Armstrong, Billie Joe. "21 Guns." Rec. 2008. 21st Century Breakdown. Greenday. Reprise Records, 2009. CD.

Pop Music and Family
Pages: 3 Words: 1039

For this project, I connected with an old fmily friend who was visiting home from college. Her name is Nilly and we met at Starbucks. She's an Iranian-American, and we've known each for several years.

I opened the interview with several basic ethnographic questions. She is 21 years old. She was born in Tehran and her family moved to the US when she was two years old, fleeing the Ayatollah's regime. She speaks Farsi and English. She currently lives in Boston, where she goes to school.

How many members of your family were born in another country?

Most of them were born in Iran, actually. Only my two younger brothers were born in the United States.

Have you ever visited Iran?

NA: I have not. Our family was persecuted by the regime, so my parents are afraid of what might happen to them if they return. We talk a lot to our family that…...

Communications - Pop Music Propaganda
Pages: 7 Words: 1867

As a result, consumers again have choices. y limiting media exposure, and being aware of media techniques used to brand and market pop stars, we can make educated choices. Rather than choosing what to listen to by turning on the radio and television, we now have the choice to investigate on our own, on the Internet. It will be interesting to see how pop music responds.

Daly, Steve. "ritney Spears inside the heart and mind (and bedroom) of America's new teen queen." Rolling Stone, 15 April 1999, 60-70.

Fox, Mark A., and Paul Kochanowski. "Models of Superstardom: An Application of the Lotka and Yule Distributions." Popular Music & Society 27, no. 4 (2004): 507-522.

Larson, Charles U. Persuasion: Perception and Responsibility, 9th ed. elmont, CA: Wadsworth / Thomson Learning, 2001.

Lelanc, Larry. "A Revival At Top 40 Radio rings Wave Of New Teen Acts In Canada." illboard, 17 June 2000, 75.

Rogers, Danny. "The…...



Daly, Steve. "Britney Spears inside the heart and mind (and bedroom) of America's new teen queen." Rolling Stone, 15 April 1999, 60-70.

Fox, Mark A., and Paul Kochanowski. "Models of Superstardom: An Application of the Lotka and Yule Distributions." Popular Music & Society 27, no. 4 (2004): 507-522.

Larson, Charles U. Persuasion: Perception and Responsibility, 9th ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth / Thomson Learning, 2001.

LeBlanc, Larry. "A Revival At Top 40 Radio Brings Wave Of New Teen Acts In Canada." Billboard, 17 June 2000, 75.

Pop Stars of the 1980s
Pages: 3 Words: 733

Houston, young and beautiful, and the daughter of gospel singer Cissy Houston, niece of the famous singer Dione Warwick, and God Daughter of soul queen Aretha Franklin; emerged to fame at age 15 with Life's a Party single in 1979 (Bronson, Fred, 2002, p. 52). But her real fame came in 1983, after she signed with a manager, Clive Davis. She went on to release many major hits; in fact, nearly every song she ever sang became a hit; songs like Saving All My Love for You, Where do Broken Hearts Go, and Greatest Love of All; all hitting the top of pop music radio and sales charts (p. 52).

After having gained such fame and recognition during the 1980s, Houston even made The Star Spangled Banner a hit when she sang it at the opening of the 1991 Superbowl. However, like Boy George, during the 1990s Houston began a spiral…...


Reference List

Allaboutboygeorge.com, online, found at retrieved 20 November 2009.http://www.allaboutboygeorge.com/actor.html,

BBC News, online, found at   retrieved 20 November 2009.http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/london/7832565.stm ,

Bronson, F. (2002). Billboard's Hottest Hot 100 Hits, Watson Guptill, New York, New


Music Producers
Pages: 11 Words: 3126

Music Producers
Biographical Introduction: Teo Macero

Producers work behind the scenes and are the unsung heroes of music. While some producers receive public notoriety like Brian Eno and George Martin; others like Teo Macero remain known mainly to music scholars and serious audiophiles. In 2008, when Macero died, The New York Times ran an obituary with the tagline: "Teo Macero, 82, ecord Producer," as if readers would need that crucial bit of vocational data. Indeed, Macero is best known for his work on Miles Davis's masterpieces Kind of Blue and Bitches Brew. He was also a composer, whose approach to music takes into account the big picture rather than attention to minute detail.

Macero was ahead of his time. He incorporated electronic effects and electronic media in ways that made Bitches Brew as momentous and groundbreaking an album as it is. The embrace of new technology is therefore a hallmark of Macero's style.…...



"George Martin," (n.d.). Beatles Bible. Retrieved online:  http://www.beatlesbible.com/people/george-martin/ 

Martin, G. (2012). Interview with Marc Myers. Retrieved online:  http://www.jazzwax.com/2012/09/interview-sir-george-martin-pt-1.html 

Ratliff, B. (2008). Teo Macero, 82, Record Producer, Dies. The New York Times. 22 Feb, 2008. Retrieved online:  http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/22/arts/music/22macero.html 

Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (2010). George Martin Biography. Retrieved online:  http://rockhall.com/inductees/george-martin/bio/

Music Few Popular Music Stars Today Are
Pages: 2 Words: 734

Few popular music stars today are as colorful as Lady Gaga. Recently on tour, Lady Gaga is again making the headlines. In South Africa, a group of churches has been organizing protests against Lady Gaga's performances, and even just her presence, in the country. Among other complaints, the South African Council of Churches claims Lady Gaga's visit "could lead to an exponential growth of Satanism," (Engelbrecht, p. 1). For others, Lady Gaga is a welcome presence in the popular culture because she spreads the message of gender equality and positive gender "performativity," (Horn, p. 1). Lady Gaga is like a female "drag queen" and therefore sends a good message about tolerance of gender and sexual identities. Finally, Lady Gaga exemplifies the way social media can be used to promote popular culture and allow for greater fan interactions and control over content. Given that Lady Gaga is associated with Satanism, gender,…...


Works Cited

Engelbrecht, David. "Council of Churches Still Anti-Gaga." Channel 24. Retrieved online:  http://www.channel24.co.za/Music/News/Council-of-Churches-still-anti-Gaga-20121129 

Hampp, Andrew. "Gaga, Oooh Lala: Why the Lady Is the Ultimate Social Climber." Advertising Age. 22 Feb, 2010. Retrieved online:  http://vandymkting.typepad.com/files/2010-2-22-adage-gaga-oooh-la-la-why-the-lady-is-the-ultimate-social-climber.pdf 

Horn, Katrin. "Camping with the Stars: Queer Perfomativity, Pop Intertextuality, and Camp in the Pop Art of Lady Gaga." Current Ojbectives of Postgraduate American Studies. Vol. 11. Retrieved online:  http://copas.uni-regensburg.de/article/view/131/155

Music in Society Asking Whether
Pages: 3 Words: 817

..it has to affect people in predictable ways regardless of particular circumstances" (Linton pp). However, music, says Linton isn't like that because one listener might hear the opening E-minor chorus of the St. Matthew Passion and become grief stricken, while someone else might become bored, and another might find that piece incomprehensible (Linton pp). According to Linton, listening to a particular kind of music does not throw listeners into a trance any more than heavy metal music turns its listeners into sociopaths (Linton pp).
However, even Linton back-stepped a bit when he revealed that there was one area of life in which music apparently had the ability to affect people's behavior, grocery shopping (Linton pp)! Several studies reveal that faster paced music tends to make American shoppers walk down the aisles more quickly than slower paced music (Linton pp).

Apparently Holloway believes that society can be transformed by the cultivation of the…...

Music What Makes Music Great
Pages: 2 Words: 765

There is more to it than meets the eye (or ear), and repeated listenings make that even more apparent.
Great music also depends on great performances, and that is another reason to listen to it more than once. Each artist interprets music a bit differently, and so, no performance will be exactly alike. This is true of all types of music, even classical. Even though the scores are the same, each musician, director, and arranger sees the work differently, and adds a bit of their own interpretation or personality into the piece. Thus, the same song sung decades ago by the Beach Boys does not sound like the same song today sung by a young rap or hip hop artist.

Do these theories apply to pop music, as well? In many aspects, yes, they do. There are certainly many songs in pop music that are complex and detailed, with different rhythms,…...



Features to Listen for in Classical Music." Classicism and Classical Music. 123-124.

Pop Subdivisions of Popular Music
Pages: 3 Words: 936

Today sometimes also referred to as 'urban' music, R&B was originally a euphemistic way of referring to the boogie woogie blues-based music of African-Americans in the 40s and 50s. In some circles, these would be referred to as 'race records.' When white musicians like Elvis Presley began recording these songs, the term Rock and Roll was coined. This transition would not render the R&B genre moot, but would instead apply it to most music made by African-Americans. Over the years, this would come to serve as a Billboard Chart classification for forms such as Soul, Funk, Disco and many modes of Hip Hop.
Quite in fact, today, R&B may be said to be the dominant form in popular music once again, with its permeation of the variant of popular forms impacting the sound of music today in the same way that rock would for decades. Particularly in the type of…...

Music the Influence of American
Pages: 3 Words: 945

Today many mainstream popular artists have Rhythm and Blues influences. In addition some artists fluctuate between signing R&B and pop music. Although there are often distinctions made between the two genres R&B is definitely a type of popular music that has been greatly influenced by all of the above Genres.
Rap music or hip hop is also a prime example of the influence of African-American Music on popular music. Rap music actually comes from the ancient art form of poetry. The original intent for rap was to tell a story -- provide a narrative. ithin the context of African-American folk tradition storytelling is extremely important -- the griot is important. Griots are the keepers of the oral traditions -- the storytellers. According to Powell (1991) "To the accompaniment of drums or other percussive instruments, griots entertain and educate their audiences by reciting tribal history and current events. Their performances are…...


Works Cited

Powell, CT. (1991) Rap Music: An Education with a Beat from the Street

The Journal of Negro Education, Vol. 60, No. 3,

Progler., J.A.(1995) Searching for Swing: Participatory Discrepancies in the Jazz Rhythm

Section Ethnomusicology, Vol. 39, No. 1,, pp. 21-54

Music and Dance in Indian Films in
Pages: 8 Words: 2575

Music and Dance in Indian Films
In sheer quantity, INDIA produces more movies than any other country in the world-over 900 feature-length films in at least 16 languages, according to a recent industry survey. This productivity is explained by several factors: the size of the Indian audience, low literacy rates, the limited diffusion of television in India, and well-developed export markets in both hemispheres. (http://worldfilm.about.com/cs/booksbolly/)

In its historical development, India's film industry paralleled that of the West. Dadasaheb Phalke's Raja Harishchandra, the first silent film for popular consumption, appeared in 1913; Alam Ara, the first "talkie," was released in 1931. ut the Indian cinema derived its unique flavor from the older Indian musical theater-particularly from the Urdu poetic dramas of the late nineteenth century. The influence of this tradition ensured that Indian movies would favor mythological or legendary-historical stories, that their dialogue would carry an Urdu flavor even in languages other than…...




National Identity in Indian Popular Cinema 1947-1987 (Texas Film Studies) by Sumita S. Chakravarty Univ of Texas Pr; (December 1993)

Encyclopedia of Indian Cinema by Ashish Rajadhyaksha (Editor), Paul Willemen (Editor) British Film Inst; Revised edition (September 1999)

Cinema of Interruptions: Action Genres in Contemporary Indian Cinema by Lalitha Gopalan British Film Inst; (July 1, 2002)

Music and Society 1960s 2000s
Pages: 3 Words: 1131

Music and Society
Music has a profound influence on society. As with other forms of art, music has the ability to communicate messages that are both complex and oblique -- the message need not be specific, but may convey an emotion or ethos, external to the lyrical content of the songs. Music gives a voice to generations by allowing those who have the ability to convey their thoughts and feelings through the form, and others to convey theirs through the consumption of the media. Thus, while music can have significant influence over a generation, and reflect its values, likewise the music to which that generation is drawn to reflects its values outward to the world, allowing some of the music (and other art) consumed by that generation to be understood by any society that chooses to consume that music. One cannot replicate the 60s just by listening to the Doors and…...



Edmonson, J. (2013). How social media and streaming have influenced the music industry. Socialnomicsi. Retrieved December 6, 2015 from  http://www.socialnomics.net/2013/12/02/how-social-media-and-streaming-have-influenced-the-music-industry/ 

Gordon, A. (2014). Subcultures, Popular Music and Social Change.: Subcultural practices in UK punk culture. Cambridge Scholars Publishing: Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

Music on Teens Actions in the Past
Pages: 5 Words: 2022

Music on Teens Actions
In the past 40 years all kinds of music has turned out to be more and more overt predominantly towards the negative side like sex, drugs, aggression and violence. Lately two of the genres which have caught great attention is hard rock music and rap music. In most of the cases, the lyrics of the music are made in such a way that they induce negativity in the developing minds of the teenagers. This negativity is reflected in their actions in the form of drug abuse, aggression, violence, sex and rebellious actions towards parents, family, family and society in general. This kind of negative music is a major concern these days because it poses mental and physical threat to the teens of today. Some of the other alarming effects of such music are pregnancy, STDs, accidents, killing and this has resulted to be the normal lifestyle…...


Works Cited

Burns, Kate. The American Teenager: Examining Pop Culture. Annotated Edition. Publisher Greenhaven Press, 2003. ISBN 0737714670, 9780737714678, pg 150-189.

Connell, J., and C. Gibson. Sound tracks: Popular music, identity and place. London: Routledge. Pg 145-147. 2003.

Hawkins, S. Settling the pop score: Pop texts & identity politics. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing. Pg 121. 2002.

Martino, S.C., Collins, R.L., Elliott, M.N., Strachman, A., Kanouse, D.E., & Berry, S.H. Exposure to degrading vs. non-degrading music lyrics and sexual behavior among youth. Pediatrics, 2006, 118, 430 -- 444.

Pop Is Tomorrow's Classical- Paul Mccartney Discuss
Pages: 8 Words: 3141

Pop is tomorrow's Classical"- Paul McCartney. Discuss this contention within the context of rock/classical music collaborations since the early 1950s.
Classical Rock and Popular Prophecy

To the average music-listener, musical genres are easily divided into homogenous groupings without any danger of overlapping one another. Certainly, there are rare occurrences of "cross-over" hits on the radio that find airplay on both Adult Contemporary and Country stations, or those releases which find an audience among both Easy Listening and Rock fans. Another seemingly strange occurrence that may be observed by the slightly more alert music consumer is that time shifts musical pieces from one genre to another, and yesterday's Alternative Rock is today's Easy Listening, yet even this phenomenon is considered an anomaly of the music industry. A simplicity is desired among musical elitists that preserves some musical forms as valid, labeling others as mere fads. However, the deep impact of musical styles…...



"Classical Music." Heart & Soul. World Book. 2004. http://www2.worldbook.com/features/aamusic/html/classical.htm

Duxbury, Janell R. "The Nexus of Classical and Rock." Progression, no. 39, p70-74. Summer, 2001. http://www.geocities.com/Vienna/8660/article.html

Duxbury, Janell R. Rockin' the Classics and Classicizin' the Rock: A Selectively Annotated Discography. Greenwood Press, 1991.

Fissinger, Laura. "Jim Steinman: To 'Hell' & Back." BMI MusicWorld. Spring 1994.  http://jimsteinman.com/bmi.htm

how has technology affected one culture?
Words: 417

Technology has had a significant impact on the culture of Japan. The country is known for its embrace of cutting-edge technology, which has influenced many aspects of daily life and society. From the use of high-speed trains and advanced robotics to the popularity of video games and anime, technology has become deeply intertwined with Japanese culture.

The widespread use of smartphones and social media has changed the way people communicate and interact with each other. Traditional customs such as sending handwritten letters have been replaced by emails and instant messaging. Additionally, social media platforms like LINE and Twitter have become popular....

Can the right soundtrack help you navigate the transition to higher education?
Words: 686

Navigating Higher Education with the Right Soundtrack

Higher education is a transformative journey that can be both exhilarating and daunting. As students embark on this academic adventure, they face a myriad of challenges and opportunities. Music, as a powerful emotional catalyst, can play a vital role in helping them navigate these transitions and make the most of their experience. The right soundtrack can provide a sense of solace, motivation, and empowerment, aiding students in overcoming obstacles and achieving their academic goals.

Emotional Regulation

Adjusting to college life can be an emotionally turbulent time. Students often experience homesickness, anxiety, and self-doubt. Music with calming....

How has musical theater evolved over time to incorporate diverse styles and stories?
Words: 562

## The Evolution of Musical Theater: Embracing Diversity in Style and Story

Over centuries, musical theater has undergone a remarkable transformation, mirroring the ever-changing cultural landscape. From its humble beginnings to contemporary masterpieces, the genre has embraced a rich tapestry of styles and stories, becoming a vibrant reflection of human experiences.

Early Influences and Operatic Roots:
Musical theater traces its origins back to the Renaissance era's masques and intermezzi. These theatrical presentations combined music, dance, and dialogue to entertain courtly audiences. In the 18th century, Italian opera gained popularity, exerting significant influence on the development of early musicals.

The Rise of Ballad Opera and....

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