Prisoners Rights Essays (Examples)

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'" (HRW) However, it is unreasonable to expect the prison officials to go out of their way to prevent rape, as the Human Rights Watch report seems to suggest. Only about one quarter of prison inmates are raped during their sentence, and the majority of these have some trait which provokes the victimization, such as being intellectual, white, young, effeminate, or a child-molestor. (HRW, 2) One cannot expect the guards to prevent all hatred and abuse in a system where violent criminals are all locked in together, and it seems inevitable that a certain brutal Darwinism will emerge. One rape victim, who tried to commit suicide after having been repeatedly brutalized over a six-month period, wrote about the system guards, "The opposite of compassion is not hatred, it's indifference." (Hrw, 1) This is precisely true, however the difference between the HRW or ACLU standpoint and that of a rational person….

Prisoner ights
According to the American Association for Correctional and Forensic Psychology (AACFP), forensic psychologists " have an obligation to provide services in a manner consistent with the highest standards of their profession and are responsible for their own conduct and conduct of the individuals under their supervision." These words suggest that a higher code of conduct from the norms of society should dictate the actions of those in this profession. This is important because it is very easy to dismiss those who have been convicted for crimes and considered wasted people and undeserving of redemption.

The aggressive legal system that profits off of the prison system in this country has created an epidemic of sorts where America imprisons more people per capita than any other developed nation on the planet. This trend encourages prisons to maintain high populations and one way of doing this is by denying prisoners their rights.

The legal….

Prisoner Reentry
Recommendations to Hillary Clinton Regarding Prisoner Re-Entry into Society

Prisoner re-entry is a vitally important issue today which has yet to reach its full impact on the minds and lives of voters. However, with every passing year the importance of this topic becomes more evident. Since the eighties, every passing year has brought more pressure for harsher and longer imprisonment and more streamlined mandatory sentencing rules. This has not only resulted in an exploding prison population, but also in a drastic increase in the number of prisoners re-released into communities. Additionally, the push towards more punitive measures has decreased educational opportunities in prisons and the availability of rehabilitation programs. This means that released prisoners are increasingly unable to reintegrate into their communities, increasingly prone to recidivism, and increasingly violent in each release and re-capture cycle. Even the conservative ush administration has recognized the threat posed by unprepared prisoner re-entry and….

Legality of Prison iots
Once a riot is quelled in the situation that is described in this particular assignment, there are a couple of different charges that the state can bring against the prisoners. The most salient of these charges is hostage taking. It is unlawful for individuals to take another as a hostage, in much the same way that it is unlawful for those individuals to take a group of individuals as hostages. Thus, the inmates that participate in taking the hostage and in maintaining the hostage are certainly liable to be charged with hostage taking. It is critical to note, however, that the individuals who participate in the riot and who do not directly partake in the actions of taking or maintaining the hostages cannot be charged for this particular crime.

Still, there are other charges that can be brought against these inmates -- whether or not they actively….

Prisoner Profile

Prisoner Profile
Be Back Home

I'm not sorry. I'm not sorry cuz I didn't do nothin' wrong. I didn't commit no crime. I never raped nobody, but now I gots to pay for something I ain't even done. It's bull***** really. I stuck in here for 15 years and I know the bastard who done it. ***** he's probably still doin' it.

A gotta little boy who's daddy's in jail, and he don't understand any of this. He lives with his mama in the Bronx, in our beat up apartment but hey, at least it's home. Much better than livin' here if ya ask me. She brings him to see me once a month, and I say man that's bull***** that I only get to see my boy once a month! How's a boy supps'd to grow up without his daddy? When she brings him to me, I'm always in a room with….

Prisoner's Dilemma situations are more common than some might actually think they are, as most people often come across them in their daily lives. Given the fact that Axelrod has a background in political science, he observed that PD is frequently encountered in the U.S. Senate. Senators are accustomed to helping out their colleagues, as they are perfectly aware that their assistance will materialize in their colleagues repaying them. The help that U.S. senators provide to their colleagues ranges from trading votes to attracting voters for them. One can actually claim that reciprocity is one of the most important factors in the U.S. Senate (Axelrod, p. 5).

However, it appears that matters in the senate were not always like this, and, that just a few decades ago senators seemed more willing to support concepts like deceitfulness and falseness instead of assisting each-other. Surprisingly, people in the U.S. Senate have become willing….

Inmate Rights

Inmate ights
ights denote legal entitlements to do (or refrain from doing) something. It is important to note that essentially, rights should be accorded to all men (free or imprisoned). Granting prisoners religious rights has been one of the most contentious issues not only in the U.S. But also across the world. For the many times the issue has arisen, the constitution's First Amendment and the "eligious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons (LUIPA) Act" have always featured. Beliefs that are religiously and sincerely held are protected by the First Amendment's Free Exercise Clause (ACLU, 2005). It should also be noted that the LUIPA Act requires prisoners under federally funded institutions to be accommodated in relation to their diverse religious beliefs, with exceptions occurring when such considerations can jeopardize safety (U.S. Department of Justice, 2013).

In my mandate as an administrator, I would seek guidance from the above frameworks and quoted legal precedents.….

M. Lin's release from MCF has had the effect of rendering his lawsuit moot. In this case, M. Lin was incarcerated at the time the lawsuit was filed, but not at the time it is being decided. Thus, M. Lin's cause of action fails on the issue of mootness. Additionally, of the six members whom were denied visitation privileges, five of them have had sons which whom were formerly incarcerated at MCF, but now have been released. The son of the sixth MOM member asserting denial of visitation privileges died after his release from MCF. Thus, all of the six members of MOM claims will fail as a result of mootness.


The controversy must be ripe for decision; ripeness bars consideration of claims before they have fully developed. A case may be dismissed as unripe where a statute has never been enforced and there is no real threat that….

prisoners do have some rights, it is worth noting that their rights are extremely circumscribed, particularly when contrasted with that of the average citizen who is not incarcerated. The most salient right that prisoners have is afforded by the Eighth Amendment of the United States Constitution, which strictly forbids cruel and unusual punishment (Dolovich, 2009, p. 881). As such, prisoners are entitled to a minimum standard of living. However, in several prisons it is extremely difficult to enforce this particular amendment, largely due to the fact that much of what takes place in a prison setting is well beyond the reach of the public's discernment.
Another highly important right that prisoners have is their right to due process, which is directly related to their ability to appeal decisions and to access less restrictive forms of punishment, such as parole. Due process means that prisoners are entitled to the same rights….

prisoner in Texas, while being transferred to a medical facility, became disruptive and violent, forcing the accompanying guards to restrain him. While being restrained, the prisoner, Curtis Weeks, announced that he had AIDS and wanted to take as many other people to the grave with him as possible. After announcing his intention to infect the guard, he then spit in his face. The guard's mouth, nose and face were all contaminated with Weeks' saliva causing the state of Texas to charge Weeks with attempted murder. He was convicted which was upheld on appeal by the 11th circuit court of appeals. There were several issues the court had to deal with in the case including whether or not HIV could be transmitted through saliva, if spitting could be considered attempted murder, and if Weeks acted in the heat of the moment.
The first legal issue that had to be resolved was….

mental health prisoners usa. I've included outline main idea, I apply ideas questions. contact clarifications. I. Introduce define global health issue connection nursing. For, .
Mental Health in the American Prison System

There has always been much controversy regarding prisoners and their mental health, but as civilization has experienced much progress throughout this century people have become more and more concerned about making sure that prisons are able to differentiate between individuals who are mentally ill and persons who are not. Even with the fact that prisons were never design to accommodate the mentally ill, conditions are critical today as a great deal of men and women who are unable to get mental health treatment in the communities they live in are incarcerated consequent to committing an illegality. There are a great deal of people suffering from schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or depression in U.S., thus meaning that society needs to open….

Ethics of Prisoner Experiments
Prisoner Experiments

Prior to the medical trial at Nuremberg physicians and scientists were largely free to conduct experiments on unsuspecting persons (Freyhofer, 2004, p. 9-10), including inmates inside America's prisons. When it was discovered that German physicians had been conducting inhumane experiments on death camp and concentration camp prisoners during WWII, the world was shocked that doctors were capable of such behavior. The American Military Tribunal in Nuremberg heard arguments from both the defense and prosecution for twenty three doctors and administrators accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity. The defense argued that the doctors' conduct was not a significant departure from past practices and any inhumanity was more a function of the ongoing hostilities. The judges on the tribunal saw it differently and created ethical guidelines for medical researchers, because the evidence presented in court revealed the Hippocratic Oath could not protect patients and prisoners from….

Ethical treatment of prisoners is a complex question, involving the nature of the prison system in the U.S. And the nature of those incarcerated in it, as well as ethical obligations that individuals owe to society as well as those that society owes to those who are imprisoned. Deontological ethics might hold, for example, that those who have violated the law and the basic moral norms of society deserve to be punished but at the same time even those convicted and imprisoned have certain basic human rights. For example, they have the right to food, clothing, shelter and medical care, and cannot be tortured, abused or brutalized. Another problem from a deontological perspective would be to criticize a society where blacks and Hispanics are a minority of the population but also the majority of the prison population, including those on death row. Indeed, they are more likely to be profiled,….

Various types of Non-Government Organizations can play an important role in the protection of human rights. These organizations are impartial and are unrelated to any political or industrial agenda.
China has always been wary of outer interference protecting their sovereignty at all costs thus it must come from inside china the realization that the Chinese people can no longer bear the lack of political freedom. The educated people are increasingly calling for a democratic process and it is only the people that can force the government to give in to their wishes. The economic power of the country will strengthen individuals and hence the political rights will be demanded by the people. It will not be long before the demands of the individuals will have to be addressed by the government of China.

It can be concluded that the internationalization of human rights is on its way in spite of the….

Amnesty International and Human ights reports on the U.S. government fair and objective? Explain. Do they cover the full range of rights discussed in the International Bill of Human ights?
Although both organizations do seem to cover the full range of rights discussed in the International Bill of Human ights, with some rights, however, being focused on more unevenly than others, the Amnesty International and Human ights reports on the U.S. government are not always fair and objective. For instance, the Amnesty International report in May 25, 2005 claimed that the U.S. is a top offender of human rights. This was a ridiculous and blanket statement easily refuted by the White House who claimed the allegations to be ridiculous and unsupported by the facts:

The United States is leading the way when it comes to protecting human rights and promoting human dignity. We have liberated 50 million people in Iraq and….

5 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Prisoners Rights Do They Have

Words: 2335
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

'" (HRW) However, it is unreasonable to expect the prison officials to go out of their way to prevent rape, as the Human Rights Watch report seems to suggest.…

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2 Pages
Discussion Chapter


Prisoner Rights According to the American Association

Words: 502
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Discussion Chapter

Prisoner ights According to the American Association for Correctional and Forensic Psychology (AACFP), forensic psychologists " have an obligation to provide services in a manner consistent with the highest standards…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Prisoner Re-Entry Into Society

Words: 2466
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Prisoner Reentry Recommendations to Hillary Clinton Regarding Prisoner Re-Entry into Society Prisoner re-entry is a vitally important issue today which has yet to reach its full impact on the minds and…

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2 Pages

Criminal Justice

Prisoner Rights in Insurrections

Words: 654
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Chapter

Legality of Prison iots Once a riot is quelled in the situation that is described in this particular assignment, there are a couple of different charges that the state…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Prisoner Profile

Words: 762
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Prisoner Profile Be Back Home I'm not sorry. I'm not sorry cuz I didn't do nothin' wrong. I didn't commit no crime. I never raped nobody, but now I gots to…

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25 Pages
Capstone Project


Prisoner's Dilemma and the Fight

Words: 7692
Length: 25 Pages
Type: Capstone Project

Prisoner's Dilemma situations are more common than some might actually think they are, as most people often come across them in their daily lives. Given the fact that Axelrod…

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1 Pages
Research Paper

Mythology - Religion

Inmate Rights

Words: 343
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Inmate ights ights denote legal entitlements to do (or refrain from doing) something. It is important to note that essentially, rights should be accorded to all men (free or imprisoned).…

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13 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Law

Appellant Brief - Prisoners' First

Words: 3496
Length: 13 Pages
Type: Term Paper

M. Lin's release from MCF has had the effect of rendering his lawsuit moot. In this case, M. Lin was incarcerated at the time the lawsuit was filed,…

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2 Pages

Criminal Justice

Prisoners Do Have Some Rights it Is

Words: 621
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

prisoners do have some rights, it is worth noting that their rights are extremely circumscribed, particularly when contrasted with that of the average citizen who is not incarcerated.…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Prisoner in Texas While Being Transferred to

Words: 606
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

prisoner in Texas, while being transferred to a medical facility, became disruptive and violent, forcing the accompanying guards to restrain him. While being restrained, the prisoner, Curtis Weeks,…

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6 Pages


Mental Health Prisoners Usa I've Included Outline

Words: 1860
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

mental health prisoners usa. I've included outline main idea, I apply ideas questions. contact clarifications. I. Introduce define global health issue connection nursing. For, . Mental Health in the…

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4 Pages

Drama - World

Ethics of Prisoner Experiments Prisoner Experiments Prior

Words: 1307
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Ethics of Prisoner Experiments Prisoner Experiments Prior to the medical trial at Nuremberg physicians and scientists were largely free to conduct experiments on unsuspecting persons (Freyhofer, 2004, p. 9-10), including inmates…

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3 Pages

Criminal Justice

Ethical Treatment of Prisoners Is a Complex

Words: 997
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Ethical treatment of prisoners is a complex question, involving the nature of the prison system in the U.S. And the nature of those incarcerated in it, as well as…

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5 Pages

History - Asian

Human Rights in China China's

Words: 1764
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Various types of Non-Government Organizations can play an important role in the protection of human rights. These organizations are impartial and are unrelated to any political or industrial…

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3 Pages


Human Rights Non-Governmental Organizations Reports

Words: 1023
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Amnesty International and Human ights reports on the U.S. government fair and objective? Explain. Do they cover the full range of rights discussed in the International Bill of…

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