Privacy Laws Essays (Examples)

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Privacy Laws Are a Big
Pages: 6 Words: 1816

They are also required to assess and address risks to customer information in all areas of operations, including employee management and training, information systems, and detecting and managing system failures. They must address what information is collected and stored as well as whether there is a business need for that particular information.
Depending on the type of business operations, privacy laws govern how companies collect, store, and use customer identifiable information. It is important for business administration to ensure the company is in compliance with all federal and state privacy law to avoid consequences and losses stemming from security breaches of sensitive customer information. y doing so, customers build confidence in doing business with the organization.


Clearinghouse, Privacy Rights. Fact Sheet 6a: Facts on FACTA, the Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act. Mar 2013. Document. 23 Apr 2013.

Deybach, G. "Identity theft and employer liability." Risk Management, 54(1) (2007): 14-17. Article.

Fact Sheet…...



Clearinghouse, Privacy Rights. Fact Sheet 6a: Facts on FACTA, the Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act. Mar 2013. Document. 23 Apr 2013.

Deybach, G. "Identity theft and employer liability." Risk Management, 54(1) (2007): 14-17. Article.

Fact Sheet 7: Workplace Privacy and Employee Monitoring. Apr 2013. Document. 22 Apr 2013.

Federal Law Requires All Businesses to Truncate Credit Card Information on Receipts. n.d. Document. 23 Apr 2013.

Criminal Laws vs Privacy Laws This Paper
Pages: 2 Words: 663

Criminal Laws vs. Privacy Laws
This paper will attempt to answer the question, "Can a private investigator or internal auditor, for the sake of clarifying an allegation/suspicion of fraud, breach the privacy regulations in order to access some personal information?" For the sake of argument, we will say that the answer is "No." This leads to another question, "Where should we draw the line between public interest and privacy interest?"

Here in the United States, it has almost gotten to the point where there is no privacy anymore. Anyone with access to a computer and the money to pay for it can pull up any type of information wanted or needed about another person. This includes criminal records, employment records, driving records and monetary records. If you watch television shows about private investigators or detectives, you see that they can access any information about an individual at any time, without the person's…...



Anderson, K. Privacy by Design, Retrieved from July 9, 2012.

Office of the Privacy Commissioner, Hong Kong; Retrieved from   July 9, 2012. 

Gordon, P.L., What Does the Criminal Conviction for Privacy Law Violations of Three Google Executives in Italy Mean for Multi-National Employers in the U.S.

March 9, 2010, Privacy and Data Protection Practice Group . Retrieved from   / July 9, 2012. 

Laws and Regulations That Apply
Pages: 2 Words: 626

More specifically, it stated that an individual who is under the care of any health organization, public or private, be it mental or physical health is subject to: (i) procedures of privacy rights. Namely that information regarding his health or person cannot be revealed to others without his or her permission, and (ii) that there should be established procedures for the exercise of these privacy rights (Ibid.).

The advantages with HIPAA is that it gives individuals control over their health information, as well as establishing national standards that health care providers must comply with and helps to limit inappropriate manipulation of individual by health care facility or corruption of its ethical procedures.

A problem with HIPAA, however, is that the mechanism used to authenticate a patient and to enable him access to his or her private records is the individual's social security identification. This alone is problematic in that it serves to…...



United States Department of Labor. Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Retrieved on Monday, January 17, 2011 from: 

United States Department of Labor. Safety and health topics. Retrieved on Monday, January 17, 2011 from: 

What is HIPAA? Retrieved on Monday, January 17, 2011 from:

Laws of Corrections When Someone
Pages: 5 Words: 1503

The fact that a guard was able to take information from a prisoner's cell, and give it to prosecutors is a clear violation of basic procedures. As a result, greater amounts of oversight are required to prevent these issues from becoming a problem in the future. ("Deon Christopher Carter v State of Maryland," 2003)

Clearly, the evidence that was collected from Jones' cell is a violation of the Sixth Amendment. This is because the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals found that these searches require providing them with access to defense counsel (according to Deon Christopher Carter v State of Maryland). Therefore, any kind of evidence that is used against Jones in his criminal trial (from this search) is inadmissible in court.

To prevent these kinds of incidents from happening in the future, the jail needs to have improved procedures for collecting, supervising and analyzing all contraband. This will allow officials to…...



Deon Christopher Carter v State of Maryland. (2003)

Law Enforcement and Corrections
Pages: 4 Words: 1720

Law enforcement and corrections can be influenced by several external threats. These consist of external communication gaps and many environmental influences. One of the key external threats that impacts both corrections and law enforcement is politics. In delineation, politics is the art of wielding one's authority and power over the government or public affairs. In particular, political action can give rise to the imposition of one's interests within the government, in positions of leadership within the government, with regard to the control over resources, as well as in terms of holding government office. Politics influence law enforcement and corrections by impacting the individuals that will hold different positions in criminal justice, for instance the police, judges, prosecutors as well as correctional executives. Law enforcement, administration, and corrections are linked with politics on various extents and levels. Prevailing political philosophy and ideology influence the structure, organization, as well as anticipation of…...

Privacy Act of 1974 Is
Pages: 1 Words: 309

Both the Privacy Act and the FOIA is very relevant in the present issues that the country is addressing at present. The extra measures that the Bush government is implementing to prevent another terrorist attack resulted to non-disclosure of federal records to the public, and the ease of obtaining information about individuals, especially when the government considers the individual a possible link, suspect or threat to the government. These measures demonstrate a violation of the very functions of both laws, a most-debated upon issue nowadays, as America continues to be weary and fearful of possible future terrorist attacks.

orks Cited

Hall, D. (2006). Administrative Law: Bureaucracy in a Democracy. NJ: Prentice…...


Works Cited

Hall, D. (2006). Administrative Law: Bureaucracy in a Democracy. NJ: Prentice Hall.

Law Comm Tech Innovations in Database Communication
Pages: 7 Words: 1963

law comm. tech
Innovations in Database Communication Technologies for Law Enforcement

The proliferation of computer, digital and web technology have all had a significant impact on how civil and public administration functions are performed. The ability to engage in real-time communication through an array of media, the opportunity to access enormous databases of information from the field and the capacity to capture sound, video, photo and other data all have enhanced productivity, efficiency and sophistication in many fields of great sociological importance. Certainly, few functions of public administration are more important than law enforcement and the administration of justice. Here, we consider some of the technological innovations in computer databasing that have had a direct impact on the way that police officers perform their job responsibilities with a specific focus on the enhanced communication opportunities emerging in the field.

Mobile Data Terminals and Facial Recognition:

Both Mobile Data Terminals and Facial Recognition Technology have…...


Works Cited:

Cedres, D. (1997). Mobile data terminals and random license plate checks: the need for uniform guidelines and a reasonable suspicion requirement. All Business.

Hess, E. (2010). Facial Recognition: A Valuable Tool for Law Enforcement. Forensic Magazine.

Monopoli, D.M. (1996). Mobile Data Terminals: Past, Present and Future. National Criminal Justice Reference System.

Wallace, H., & Roberson, C. (2009). Written and interpersonal communication: Methods for law enforcement (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Law and Society
Pages: 3 Words: 1060

Law and Society
Bowers v. Hardwick (1986) is a significant and highly controversial legal decision regarding Sodomy laws in which the U.S. Supreme Court by a 5-4 majority decision held that nothing in the Constitution "would extend a fundamental right to homosexuals to engage in acts of consensual sodomy." The decision meant that engaging in homosexual acts between consenting adults, even in the privacy of their homes, could be considered a criminal offence and the exercise of such law by certain states did not constitute a violation of one's fundamental rights or liberty under the Due Process Clause. The decision was incongruent with a number of court decisions on related matters and was widely considered to be a "mistake" by a number of jurists until it was finally struck down by the Supreme Court, 16 years later in Lawrence v Texas (2003). In this paper I shall discuss in the ways…...


Works Cited

BOWERS v. HARDWICK, 478 U.S. 186 (1986). U.S. Supreme Court." Argued March 31, 1986. Decided June 30, 1986. FindLaw Website. April 4, 2004. 

GRISWOLD v. CONNECTICUT, 381 U.S. 479 (1965): U.S. Supreme Court." Argued March 29-30, 1965. Decided June 7, 1965 FindLaw Website. April 4, 2004. 

The right to be left alone

Laws and Corrections the Proposed
Pages: 6 Words: 1929

One of the additional oversights in the Proposed Consent Decree is that it does not address the sensitive matter of cell searches of two-person cells that are focused on one inmate. The cell search conducted by Officer Anderson and Sgt. Belker was conducted in an attempt to locate contraband cigarettes that had been sold by Joe Johnson; however, they were still able to search all of Jack Jones' materials. The Proposed Consent Decree is under-inclusive in that it does not make any mention of protecting the inmate who is not the target of the cell search. As it stands, it is still possible for the cell search to be conducted under the premise of implicating one of the inmates while instead focusing on a separate inmate.

Ultimately, the Proposed Consent Decree fails to squarely address the situation, since it fails to protect the sheet of paper from being confiscated from Jack…...

Law Enforcement How Technology Is
Pages: 8 Words: 2126

"After September 2001 law enforcement agencies realized the potential devastation and chaos an act of terrorism can cause. The Council was created to improve the ability of the Police Department to respond to a situation and educate the Department and the community." (ichmond Police Department, 2004)
Police departments have had to become terrorist experts. The Homeland Security Terrorism Advisory Council for example is a collaboration of sworn officers and civilian employees with diverse backgrounds. Many of these members are or were leading members of specially trained units or have extensive training in SWAT, bomb technology, military assault, hazmat crime analysis, international terrorism intelligence, strategic planning and many other legal units such as basic attorneys. Through technology and experience, the Homeland Security Terrorism Advisory Council should be able to identify, acquire, plan, and advise on terroristic crisis. With this knowledge base the unit should be able to therefore anticipate, prevent, and…...



Boyd, David G. (1995). On the cutting edge: law enforcement technology. The FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, 7/1/1995.

Dempsey, Tom, Department of Government and Public Affairs, & Newport News. (1997, November 1). Computer Communications Technology Facilitates Law Enforcement. Retrieved September 16, 2004, at 

Division of Emergency Communications. (n.d.). Captain Linda Samuel. Retrieved September 16, 2004, at

Richmond Police Department. (n.d.). Richmond Police Department. Retrieved September 16, 2004, at

Zoning Laws and Disabilities
Pages: 3 Words: 956

Open Fence
The objective of this study is to research cases in which U.S. citizens were denied their right to privacy and safety by either a city or country within their own property line by being told what type of fence they either can or erect in their own yard to ensure safety and privacy and where this decision was overturned in the favor of the city. The case in question involves a realtor who assured a new homebuyer that they could erect a fence that was similar to other wood fences in the neighborhood. The California Codes: Health and Safety Code Section 115920-115929 states that swimming pool fencing enclosures on pools in residential areas are required to have the following characteristics:

(a) Any access gates through the enclosure open away from the swimming pool, and are self-closing with a self-latching device placed no lower than 60 inches above the ground.

(b) A…...



Fleming & Curti (2001) American with Disabilities Act Overrides Local Zoning Rules. Elder Law Issues, 5 Nov 2001. Vol. 9, No. 19. Retrieved from: 

Fences (nd) City of Redding California. Development Services Department. Retrieved from:

Standler, R. (1997) Privacy Law in the United States. Retrieved from: 

California Codes: Health and Safety Code (nd) Section 115920-115929. Retrieved from:

Employee Privacy Torts
Pages: 25 Words: 8246

Employee Privacy Torts
History of Employee Privacy

Changing Trends of Employee Privacy

Impact of Innovative Technology on Employee Privacy

ole of Social Media towards Employee Privacy

Impact of Changing Community/Society on Employee Privacy

Adaptation to the new Environment pertaining to Employee Privacy

Employee Monitoring and Surveillance

Laws and Employer Policies for Text Messaging and Social Media

Electronic Communication Privacy Act

Monitoring of Employee Conversations over Telephone & Email

ecommendations for creating Effective Policies

Future Implications of Employee Privacy

As years have passed and the human race has penetrated into the epoch of twenty first century, the technological advancements have conquered almost every facet of human life, especially the workplace. The widespread platform of the internet has become the integral part of a person's life, in the same manner as businesses are employing technological advancements to perform numerous activities like internet infrastructure, maintenance of computers and so on. It means that the human race is residing in a magnificent era where the flow of…...



Baker, D., Buoni, N., Fee, M. & Vitale, C. (2011). Social Networking and Its Effects on Companies and Their Employees. Retrieved from: 

Bergh, N.V.D. (2000). Emerging Trends for Eaps in the 21st Century. Haworth Press, Incorporated.

Campbell, D. (2007). The Internet 2007: Laws and Regulatory Regimes. USA:

Cate, F.H. (1997). Privacy in the Information Age. USA: Brookings Institution Press.

Right to Privacy Being a Citizen of
Pages: 7 Words: 2461

ight to Privacy
Being a citizen of the United States comes with many benefits in comparison to citizenship in other countries. Through the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of ights we are granted certain rights -- the right to free speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, and freedom of assembly -- just to name a few. However, despite the 27 amendments the Bill of ights that guarantee American protections and liberties, there is no explicit law that guarantees protection to a citizen's right to privacy (Davis, 2009). It is more of an assumed protection, although most Americans do not realize it.

In 1928, Associate Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis referred to the right to privacy as the "right to be left alone" (De Bruin, 2010). This assertion is often supported with a citation of the 14th amendment which states: "No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge…...



Cowan, J. (2010). Why we'll Never Escape Facebook. (Cover story). Canadian Business, 83(10), 28-32.

Davis, S. (2009). Is There A Right To Privacy? Pacific Philosophical Quarterly. 90(4), 450-475.

De Bruin, B. (2010). The Liberal Value of Privacy. Law & Philosophy, 29(5), 505-534. doi:10.1007/s10982-010-9067-9.

Doyle, C., & Bagaric, M. (2005). The right to privacy: appealing, but flawed. The International Journal of Human Rights. 9(1), 3-36.

Consumer's Privacy Bill of Rights
Pages: 5 Words: 1482

This is achieved by forcing them to maintain a list of individuals who do not wish to be conducted about purchasing a variety of products and services. Furthermore, these protections were enacted to ensure that businesses are not engaging in tactics that are abusive by limiting the times when they can call and what they can say. (Caudill, 2000)
In contrast with the Consumer Privacy Bill of ights, the proposed regulations are designed to enhance protections. This is occurring over the Internet vs. On the telephone. These differences are showing how there is a loop hole in existing regulations as to how these laws are applied. The new guidelines are building upon the provisions from the Telephone Consumer Protections Act of 1991 by establishing procedures as to the way confidential information is used and collected from firms. This is occurring is through placing limits on an organization's online activities. ("Consumer…...



Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights. (2012). CNN Money. Retrieved from: 

Fact Sheet. (2012). White Retrieved from: 

Barlough, R. (2003). The Do Not Call Registry Model. Marshall Journal Computer and Information, 22, 79 -- 85.

Caudill, E. (2000). Consumer Online Privacy. Journal of Public Policy, 19 (1), 7 -- 19.

Availability and Portability vs Privacy
Pages: 3 Words: 966

Portability vs. Privacy
Electronic Medical ecords (EM) refers to the digital version of papers containing all the medical history of a patient. EMs are mostly applied in healthcare institutions for treatment and diagnosis.

Benefits of Electronic Medical ecords

The following are some of the benefits associated with electronic medical records (Thede, 2010). EMs are more efficient than paper records because they encourage providers to:

Track patient's data over time

Spot clients who are due for screening and preventive visits

Conduct patient monitoring to measure their parameters including blood pressure and vaccinations

Improve the overall quality of service provision in the practice

Electronic medical records store information in a manner that makes it impossible for outsiders to access. It might be necessary to print patients' medical records and delivered through the mail to other health care members or specialists.

HIPAA egulations and EM

The federal government passed the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) that led to the emergence…...



Thede, L. (2010). Informatics: Electronic health records: A boon or privacy nightmare? Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 15(2), 8. 

Jacques, L. (2011). Electronic health records and respect for patient privacy: A prescription for compatibility. Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment & Technology Law, 13(2), 441-462. 

Stanhope, M., & Lancaster, J. (2012). Public health nursing: Population-centered health care in the community. Maryland Heights, Mo: Elsevier Mosby.

Need Help with Essay Topics on health it data governance?
Words: 839

1. The importance of data governance in healthcare IT systems.
2. The role of data governance in ensuring patient privacy and confidentiality in health IT.
3. Challenges and solutions in implementing effective data governance strategies in healthcare organizations.
4. The impact of data governance on improving healthcare outcomes and patient care.
5. The role of data governance in ensuring data quality and integrity in health IT systems.
6. Ethical considerations in data governance for health IT data.
7. The role of data governance in facilitating interoperability and data sharing in healthcare.
8. The impact of data governance on healthcare analytics and predictive modeling.
9. Strategies for building a....

In what ways can technology both enhance and hinder societal progress according to your thesis analysis?
Words: 686

Technology's Dual Impact on Societal Progress

Technology, an indispensable tool that has shaped human civilization, exerts a profound influence on societies worldwide. Its transformative powers can both accelerate progress and create obstacles in various domains.

Enhancements to Societal Progress

1. Innovation and Productivity:
Technology fuels innovation by providing new tools and platforms for research and development. Advanced machinery, artificial intelligence, and data analytics empower businesses and individuals to create groundbreaking products and services. Increased productivity boosts economic growth and improves living standards.

2. Accessibility to Information:
The internet and digital technologies democratize access to information. Individuals can now effortlessly acquire knowledge, share ideas, and connect with....

How has the cyber landscape evolved in the past decade?
Words: 562

The Evolving Cyber Landscape: A Transformation in the Past Decade

Over the past decade, the cyber landscape has undergone a profound transformation, driven by technological advancements, societal shifts, and evolving threats. This evolution has shaped the way we live, work, and interact with the digital world, presenting both opportunities and challenges.

Technological Advancements

Cloud Computing: Cloud computing has become ubiquitous, enabling businesses and individuals to access computing resources and software on demand, reducing costs and increasing flexibility.
Mobile Connectivity: The proliferation of smartphones and tablets has made internet access more accessible, expanding the reach of cyber threats.
Internet of Things (IoT): The....

How can healthcare professionals effectively utilize social media to engage with patients and provide credible health information?
Words: 622

1. Create a professional social media account: Healthcare professionals should create separate professional accounts to engage with patients and share credible health information. This will help maintain a professional image and separate personal and professional content.

2. Share educational content: Healthcare professionals can share articles, videos, infographics, and other educational content related to health and wellness. They can also share updates on the latest medical research, treatments, and procedures to keep patients informed.

3. Respond to inquiries: Healthcare professionals should regularly monitor their social media accounts for patient inquiries and respond promptly. They can also use direct messaging to address individual patient....

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