Problem Statement Essays (Examples)

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The participation of the staff is entirely voluntary and while staff will
be encouraged to participate it will not be mandatory and staff members
will only be approached once with the survey placed in their mailboxes at
work. Staff members will be allowed to return the surveys in a locked box
placed off the unit and in an unobserved area for maximum anonymity. It
would be our goal to receive completed surveys from at least fifty percent
of the nursing staff and at least fifty percent of the medical provider
staff for the staff element of the study to be valid. For medical provider
staff, we will only request surveys from individual who manage patients at
least 3 days out of the week on the intensive care units. Consultants,
dieticians, laboratory or radiology staff will not be polled, since their
involvement in resuscitation would be unlikely and minimal. For nursing
staff, we will ask for anyone who works at least 20 hours….

Key Issues/Problem Statement: How can Wal-Mart's low cost strategy remain competitive?

Root Cause(s): Wal-Mart targets low-income consumers. When forced to raise the price of essentials like food, sales go down. Sales are also down at the end of the month when consumers are running low on their funds and waiting for their paychecks.

Wal-Mart will continue to pursue a cost leadership strategy.

Advantages/Disadvantages: Advantages include the fact that there are many price-sensitive consumers and Wal-Mart's main attraction is the prices of its goods, not the quality and uniqueness of its merchandise. But low-cost strategies can be challenging when low-income consumers are forced to drastically cut back on their purchasing because they are more affected by higher prices and economic downturns than high-income consumers.

Recommendation: Wal-Mart should focus in the items its core consumer base needs the most (such as groceries and other necessities) and keep these prices at rock bottom. It can raise the….

Kudler Fine Foods: Problem Statement
Kudler Fine Foods is a company which provides gourmet style groceries and catering services to the local markets. KFF's primary vision is to be the premiere gourmet grocery store for those savvy shoppers who are searching for the finest meats, produce, cheeses and wine."(University of Phoenix, 2010, p. 3). Although Kudler Fine Foods has managed to succeed as a small company, they can't benefit from the large scale economies to purchase from their suppliers. In comparison to the large scale grocery stores, they have a small profit margin. In addition, the company's employees' high payroll causes the same result. The limited geographic expansion only allows KFF to cater to the San Diego local market. This can be a serious issue for KFF when similar competitors are present.

KFF's small management team can lead to weak employee-customer relationships since the employees are not able to give the required….

Valve Problem Statement
Valve Software's organizational structure regarded as flat has been of great help to the company though with some minor mishaps. The flat organizational culture has ensured improved communication in the firm, elevated job satisfaction levels and lowered management costs (Ivancevich & Donnelly Jnr., 1975). In this system, employees are obliged to undertake projects they desire, work with team members sharing similar aspirations, and other aspects governing daily work routines (Hofstede, 1991).Valve's organizational structure is a portrayal of a move towards employee self-empowerment as well as creativity which most firms lack. As a concern, Valve's structure when upheld by other firms can help in the development of teams capable of solving their own problems and accomplish creative and innovative tasks (Weia, Liub, & Herndon, 2011). Despite the fact that the Valve structure is successful, the major challenge present in researching such an organization is whether the model, or lack….

Daniel's problem statement and research questions. Use the following criteria:
The background of the problem is clear. The problems of customer complaints, outdated planes that require more maintenance, which causes delays and have a lot of technical problems is clearly stated.

The goal of the research project is clear. The goal of determining how the delays affect consumers' service evaluations is clearly stated.

The problem statement is formulated in a neutral and unambiguous way. The problem statement is stated to be open to all possible problems and solutions.

The problem statement is precise and specific. The problem statement does specifically state the problems of customer complaints and outdated planes.

e. The problem statement is relevant. The statement is relevant to the presented problems.

f. The problem statement is feasible. The problem statement is feasible.

g. The specific research questions follow logically from the problem statement. Questions 1 and 2 logically flow from the problem statement. Question….

Deducing a roblem Statement and urpose of Study
Using a deductive, or top-down, approach requires that you move from a broad or general content area to a specific content area. In Week 3, you used a deductive approach to narrow a broad area of interest to a specific researchable dissertation topic. Now, you are asked to use a deductive approach to narrow your dissertation topic to a specific problem statement.

Before you develop your problem statement, it is important to consider the literature you have read thus far and determine gaps in the literature. A gap in the literature does not mean there has never been research in a specific area. It simply suggests there is an opportunity for research to provide insight, a unique approach, or an expansion to your topic area. For instance, suppose you are interested in examining the impact of nutritional counseling on the prevention and management of….

generated from the problem statement. Like the problem statement, research questions should be stated clearly, refer to the relationship between two or more variables, and be researchable (Tuckman, 1999). For instance, suppose you are interested in examining predictors of success for doctoral students. As you begin your research, you find that there is a gap in the literature. This is an opportunity for a researchable problem. If there is no research in this area, your research questions might be more exploratory and less defined (e.g., hat are the predictors of success for online doctoral students?). If there are a few studies that address predictors of success for online students, your research questions might be more defined, depending on what previous research indicates. If in previous research, the relationship between GRE scores and the success of doctoral students is already established, your research question should focus on another predictor that….

Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia
The problem statement ithin the article by Berenholtz et al. (2011) concerns one of the most significant and common causes of patient morbidity and mortality, referring to ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). The study focuses on the impact of hat they refer to as "multifaceted intervention" on reducing the incidences of this condition in the Intensive Care Unit. The gap identified exists beteen the translation of intervention guidelines to clinical practice in a routine sense. Successfully achieving such translation ould significantly reduce a serious public health issue hile also ensuring that the quality of care in hospitals across the country is improved.

In the light of the above, the purpose of the study as to determine hether a multifaceted intervention ill have a positive impact on compliance in the use of evidence-based therapies and the reduction of VAP in intensive care units. To investigate this, the study formed part of a nationide….

In “Associations Between Gun Violence Exposure, Gang Associations, and Youth Aggression,” Forster, Grigsby, Unger, et al. (2015) use logical regression models on cross-sectional data from three middle schools in California to determine the associations between aggression, self-control, and gang affiliations. The Literature Checklist, the Litmus Test Guide, and the Problem Statement Checklist all provide frameworks for evaluating the reliability and validity of the Forster, Grigby, Unger, et al. (2015) research. The Litmus Test Guide covers four main parameters including whether the research was justified, grounded in the literature, original, and also amenable to scientific study. Ideally, any doctoral or professional research should meet all four of these main criteria. The Problem Statement Checklist focuses more specifically on the problem statement itself, which should be clearly stated, with a guiding rationale for the research. Moreover, the problem statement should be consistent with the research methods used in the field and show….

goal of modern research has been to try to improve overall nursing quality so that patients receive better care. A number of studies have focused on nursing behavior that can be improved to thus improve the quality of care patients receive. The recent discourse clearly illustrates a problem regarding nursing staff and the proper handling of tracking biological allografts.
In the surgical field, one of the areas of safety that needs to be addressed is the tracking of biological allografts. This activity is a mandatory requirement of The Joint Commission. A number of the top cell and tissue banking organizations have understood the crucial need for appropriate labeling, and have thus worked on creating working labels that are easily read and recognized by nursing and physician staff (Brubakerm 2010). Zabel (2009) also discusses how the Transplantation Transmission Sentinel Network was established to help strengthen security and safety controls to improve….

Overrepresentation of Minorities Special Education
Overrepresentation of Minorities in Special Education

The national debate over special education has no easy answers. On one hand, many parents of affected children want more resources catering to their children's special needs. However, the 'mainstreaming' movement, which was and is supported by many parents, stresses the need to place children in the least restrictive environment possible. There is clearly a need to balance placement in special education to promote educational success with a need for normalcy. Into this debate is the concern that minority children are disproportionately represented in special education classes, and that racist and classist assumptions may cause what would be seen as mere difficulties in non-minority children to be 'disabilities' in minority children (Shippen 2009; Rogers 2002). Ironically, greater support for special education arose as a result of the civil rights movement, out of a desire to acknowledge and support 'difference' in a….

Field Observation

Problem Statement and Research Questions Problem Statement
To a large extent, the relevance of a problem statement cannot be overstated when it comes to efforts to clearly capture the issue under consideration. Towards this end, I will be seeking to offer a concise and clear description of the primary concern, i.e. the educational attainment of teen mothers and why it warrants attention.  Thus, in this case, I will not only put the issue into context, but also highlight what is already known about the issue, and the relevance as well as objective of the study.
Teenage pregnancies are a concern in the United States. As a matter of fact, various surveys have indicated that a significant percentage of school girls in their adolescence get pregnant each year. Indeed, as Humberstone (2018) observes, the U.S. happens to be a leader in teenage pregnancies among developed countries.  Teenage pregnancy as well as child bearing affects….

Problem Statement In the words of Quisenberry (2018), “while increased challenges are prevalent during virtual teaming arrangements, there seems to be evidence supporting that virtual team performance can be improved when team members have higher emotional quotients.” This is particularly the case given that various studies seem to suggest that the most common difficulties virtual teams encounter have got to do with failure by team members to effectively self-manage, share knowledge, and integrate the….

Rachel Johnson
Problem Statements and Drafts of Goals

Rachel's working hours are taking a toll on her. She is not able to get home in time to check up on the progress of her children. Her work pays poorly at $11 per hour and this does not allow her to have health insurance as the premiums are costly for her. Goal: Obtain greater pay.

Calvin's mannerisms and conducts are worrying. He seems to be losing interest in school yet he is in the 8th grade. There is concern that he might follow the same actions that were undertaken by his older sister Alyssa who dropped out of school at the age of 16 years. Calvin is also involved with bad friends who use foul language. In addition, his last report from school indicated that he was failing. Owing to Rachel's busy schedule, she has not obtained information on his progress from school.….

Hook: When poet, artist, and punk rock star Patti Smith moved into the Chelsea Hotel with her beau and fellow artist Robert Mapplethorpe in 1970, she recognized the power of networking for increasing productivity and propelling individual and group success: "The Chelsea hotel network made anything possible. Everything changed," (Olaisen & Revang, 2017, p. 1441). The example of Patti Smith shows how networking is a critical component of success in any business sector, whether the arts, sciences, or commercial enterprise.
Anchor: As many as 79% of knowledge workers report working "always or frequently in dispersed teams," but 82% of virtual teams believe they "fall short of their goals," (Ferrazzi, 2014, p. 1). Bartelt & Dennis (2014) also found that teams were actually "unable to successfully determine whether they were performing effectively, in terms of team performance," (p. 533).

General Problem: The general problem is that organizations know virtual teams are essential but….

Sure! I can certainly help you with creating a research proposal and outline for your college paper on educational reform. Here is an example of how you can structure your proposal and outline, including proper spacing:

Research Proposal:

Title: Examining the Effectiveness of Educational Reform Initiatives in Enhancing Student Achievement

I. Introduction
A. Background and Context
B. Problem Statement
C. Research Questions
D. Significance of the Study

II. Literature Review
A. Overview of Educational Reform
B. Key Concepts and Theories
C. Previous Studies and Findings

III. Methodology
A. Research Design
B. Data Collection Methods
C. Sample Selection
D. Data Analysis Techniques

IV. Expected Results
A. Hypotheses

Sure! Here is a sample research proposal and outline for a college paper on educational reform:

Research Proposal: Exploring the Impact of Educational Reform on Student Achievement and Equity

I. Introduction
A. Background of the study
1. Briefly discuss the current state of the education system
2. Highlight the need for educational reform
B. Problem statement
1. Identify the key problems within the system that require reform
2. Discuss the negative consequences of these problems on student achievement and equity
C. Research question
- How does educational reform impact student achievement and promote equity in the education system?
D. Objectives
1. Investigate....

Unveiling Innovation: The Quest for Captivating Software Development Project Titles

In the realm of software development, crafting a compelling title for your project is akin to forging a beacon that illuminates its essence and draws attention to its transformative potential. A title should not merely serve as a label but rather as a captivating narrative that evokes curiosity, ignites imaginations, and sets the tone for the journey that lies ahead.

The Art of Storytelling:

When conceiving a software development project title, it is essential to embrace the art of storytelling. Like a captivating novel, a title should weave a compelling narrative that hints....

10 Pages
Term Paper


Problem Statement Recent Trends in

Words: 2604
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The participation of the staff is entirely voluntary and while staff will be encouraged to participate it will not be mandatory and staff members will only be approached once with the…

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5 Pages
Case Study


Wal-Mart Key Issues Problem Statement How Can Wal-Mart's

Words: 1545
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Case Study

Wal-Mart Key Issues/Problem Statement: How can Wal-Mart's low cost strategy remain competitive? Root Cause(s): Wal-Mart targets low-income consumers. When forced to raise the price of essentials like food, sales go down.…

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3 Pages


Kudler Fine Foods Problem Statement Kudler Fine

Words: 1014
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Kudler Fine Foods: Problem Statement Kudler Fine Foods is a company which provides gourmet style groceries and catering services to the local markets. KFF's primary vision is to be the…

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1 Pages

Business - Management

Valve Problem Statement Valve Software's Organizational Structure

Words: 352
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Valve Problem Statement Valve Software's organizational structure regarded as flat has been of great help to the company though with some minor mishaps. The flat organizational culture has ensured improved…

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2 Pages


Daniel's Problem Statement and Research Questions Use

Words: 498
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Daniel's problem statement and research questions. Use the following criteria: The background of the problem is clear. The problems of customer complaints, outdated planes that require more maintenance, which…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Deducing a Problem Statement and Purpose of

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Deducing a roblem Statement and urpose of Study Using a deductive, or top-down, approach requires that you move from a broad or general content area to a specific content area.…

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2 Pages


Generated From the Problem Statement Like the

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

generated from the problem statement. Like the problem statement, research questions should be stated clearly, refer to the relationship between two or more variables, and be researchable (Tuckman,…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia the Problem Statement Within the

Words: 955
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia The problem statement ithin the article by Berenholtz et al. (2011) concerns one of the most significant and common causes of patient morbidity and mortality, referring to ventilator-associated…

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2 Pages


Evaluating Use of Literature and Problem Statement

Words: 662
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

In “Associations Between Gun Violence Exposure, Gang Associations, and Youth Aggression,” Forster, Grigsby, Unger, et al. (2015) use logical regression models on cross-sectional data from three middle schools in…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Health - Nursing

Problem Statement Graft Documentation

Words: 617
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

goal of modern research has been to try to improve overall nursing quality so that patients receive better care. A number of studies have focused on nursing behavior…

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2 Pages


Problem Statement Overrepresentation of Minorities in Special Education

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Overrepresentation of Minorities Special Education Overrepresentation of Minorities in Special Education The national debate over special education has no easy answers. On one hand, many parents of affected children want more…

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1 Pages

Field Observation

Words: 348
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Problem Statement and Research Questions Problem Statement To a large extent, the relevance of a problem statement cannot be overstated when it comes to efforts to clearly capture the issue under…

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2 Pages


Problem Statement Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Teamwork

Words: 171
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Problem Statement In the words of Quisenberry (2018), “while increased challenges are prevalent during virtual teaming arrangements, there seems to be evidence supporting that virtual team performance can be improved…

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3 Pages

Case Studies

Problem Statements and School

Words: 1091
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Chapter

Rachel Johnson Problem Statements and Drafts of Goals Rachel's working hours are taking a toll on her. She is not able to get home in time to check up on…

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2 Pages


problem'statement regarding virtual teams

Words: 320
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Hook: When poet, artist, and punk rock star Patti Smith moved into the Chelsea Hotel with her beau and fellow artist Robert Mapplethorpe in 1970, she recognized the power…

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