Psychological Disorders Essays (Examples)

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Diagnosis and Treatment of Psychological Disorders
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Has Been Increasingly Used In the Treatment of Psychosis over the Last 10 To 15 Years. Describe CBT for Psychosis and Evaluate the Evidence for the Effectiveness for This Intervention in Treating Psychosis

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy's (CBT's) application to psychosis has, of late, been intensely debated. A number of independent psychologists and health organizations are proposing diverse interpretations with regard to what CBT in psychosis treatment really refers to. For example, the National Institute for Clinical Excellence proposes CBT with a small amount of evidence, whereas Maddox (2014), a psychologist, maintains that psychosis denotes a broad or umbrella term applied to a group of symptoms, which are divided into negative or positive. This classification does not imply that some symptoms are bad while others are good; rather, the intention is expressing that some symptoms add a new element, while others take….

Psychological Disorders
Word Count (excluding subheadings and questions): 836

First Assignment

Option 1 - Perspectives on Psychological Disorder

Medical Perspective: Webpage:

The medical perspective on psychological disorders proposes that abnormal behavior can have a root physiological cause. Physiological causes of abnormal behavior include chemical imbalances or brain injuries. Changes in brain biochemistry can affect a mood and personality which can be seen as a symptom of mental disorder. Causes of brain chemistry changes include viruses, toxins, or brain injury. Brain tumors are a good example of a medical condition that may interrupt chemical production and neurotransmitters which could result in behavior that is out of the ordinary for a particular patient. The medical perspective is valid and useful as abnormal behavior can be diagnosed and treated through medical examination.

Sociocultural perspective: Webpage:

The sociocultural perspective emphasizes the effect that social context has on behavior and attitudes toward behavior. From this viewpoint, a particular behavior could….

It also suggests issues Norman has in coming to terms with his own sexuality that, quite thankfully, do not apply to me personally.

There can be little doubt of Norman Bates' diagnosis with a dissociative identity disorder; the behaviors and beliefs he exhibit are near-textbook examples of the disturbance (Myers 2009). His relationship with his mother is never explicitly detailed, though it was obviously an unhealthy one, and the events of his upbringing seem to have led almost inevitably to the chain of events that unfolds during the action of the film. This is often the way that psychological disorders work, especially those that are the result of long-term trauma and abuse; the personality is set up in the developmental stages of life and continues basically unaltered throughout adulthood. The exact cause and nature of this psychological issue are left unanswered, though not unaddressed, in Psycho, which is what makes….

Treatment of Psychological Disorders
The patient is a 46-year-old man who is experiencing difficulties at work to which he attributes the symptoms he is experiencing. Presenting symptoms include feelings of depression, difficulty sleeping, loss of appetite, difficulty concentrating, anxiety, and three episodes of panic-attack. The patient's wife is very worried about her husband and reports that their communication is practically non-existent over the past three weeks.

Schema for Diagnosis, Treatment, and Management

New patient procedures include brief intake conversation, taking patient history, screening with appropriate instruments, confirmation of diagnosis, jointly establishing a treatment, and follow-up focused on lifestyle changes and treatment plan extension. The early tasks are to determine if there are any existing medical conditions or substance abuse that would contribute to the patient's symptoms. Fundamental tasks are to consider the clustering of the symptoms and symptom duration, to determine if there have been primary mood episodes at other times in….

responsible writing case studies psychological disorders (attachment choices). The case studies original work. In case studies incorporate DSM criteria diagnosis. Each case study 4-5 paragraphs length, typed, single spaced.

Abigail is a seventeen-year-old college student. When Abigail went away to college, she returned home from Thanksgiving break notably thinner. Abigail has always been thin: she was a competitive runner in high school. In college, she spends every morning at the gym. She prefers not to eat in the cafeteria and buys her own food, usually diet yogurts, TV dinners, and fruit. She religiously tracks the calorie count of what she eats and won't eat any 'bad' foods.

Abigail is often tired and has trouble staying awake in class but she often feels too jittery and anxious to sleep at night. Her grades have been suffering, which is uncharacteristic of her, since she was a straight -- A student in high school.….



High Level of Depression


High Level of Depression

Lower Level of Depression


100 surveys handed out as follows: 25 to non-psych majors (female scenario); 25 to non-psych majors (male scenario); 25 psych majors (female scenario); 25 psych majors (male scenario). The independent variable explored is gender; other independent variables include non-psych and psych majors. The dependent variable explored is depression level. Other dependent variables worthy of exploration may include self-esteem, anxiety or perceived anxiety and the existence or lack of social phobias. This approach will allow a qualitative analysis of the empirical data presented for more accurate results (Keppel, 1982; Reber, 1985).


The results of the study suggest as have previous studies (Maag, Behrens & Digangi, 1992; Miletich, 1995) that there is a stigma associated with depression. The preliminary results of this study suggest among non-educated consumers, men are more likely to be stigmatized and subsequently repress their feelings than are females diagnosed with….

Beyond Autism Treatment: The Application of Applied Behavior Analysis in the Treatment of Emotional and Psychological Disorders by obert K. oss

In the article written in the International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy, called Beyond Autism Treatment: The Application of Applied Behavior Analysis in the Treatment of Emotional and Psychological Disorders, obert K. oss talks about why Applied behavior analysis (ABA) based approaches are widely applied in autism treatment but are less accepted in the treatment of psychological and emotional issues. This is due to the differences in psychologists approach and the behavior analyst approach. The article goes on to define how ABA treatment can be empirically effective for psychological and emotional disorders.

The starting point for the treatment is to identify specific and measureable evidence for the disorder/diagnosis, and then apply treatment. Subsequent evaluation of levels of the symptoms then determines empirically if treatment is to be reduced, increased or….

features of bipolar disorder, including its symptoms. Like its cousin, depression, bipolar disorder is a disease of depression that can become manic at times, and at other times, the symptoms can virtually disappear. There are various types of the disease, and it often appears in childhood, but is not diagnosed. Bipolar disease can be treated effectively in several different ways.
Bipolar disorder is not as common as depression, but it does affect a percentage of the population. The editors of a medical Web site write, "About 5.7 million American adults or about 2.6% of the population age 18 and older in any given year, have bipolar disorder" (Editors, 2008). The disease has very visible symptoms including increased manic or uncontrollable activities like spending sprees, having huge amounts of energy, sleep loss, and miscalculating one's abilities. These manic times contend with periods of powerful depression, including severe hopelessness, sleeping too much,….

Mentally ill in U.S.
As the world becomes a more complex entity and technology and speed increase, mental illness is also on the rise. Mental illness can range from slight situational depression to more serious diseases such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. The study of such illnesses in the population is called epidemiology.

Epidemiology is reported using different factors. Two of these are incidence, or the number of new cases of a condition that occur during a specified period of time and prevalence, or the number of new or existing cases observed at a point in time or during a period of time. According to the present epidemiological estimates, one in five people or more has a diagnosable mental disorder during the course of a year -- or a one-year prevalence.

According to the Epidemiologic Catchment Area (ECA) study of the early 1980s and the National Comorbidity Survey (NCS) of the early 1990s,….

My final recommendation was that the parents and Adam's teachers should work as a team to help Adam manage his condition. In other words, the parents should communicate with the teachers to determine if the interventions have been effective. I would then talk to the parents themselves every two months to make further recommendations as necessary.

While drug interventions for ADHD, especially in children, have been increasingly controversial because of their possible side-effects, their main advantage is the speed and efficacy with which they work. Those who have benefited reported that the effects were almost immediately visible, on the same day the drug was used.

On the other hand, drug therapies for any mental disorder have been imperfect and frequently plagued by side-effects and non-compliance. Continuous research is therefore necessary to improve not only drug therapies and identify potential harmful effects in the long-term, but also to find possible alternatives to….

This is also a symptom of ptsd, as people constantly try to find an answer for the horrors having happened. (Douillard)
In order to come up with effective treatment to combat the disorder, one first needs to understand it properly and to see what triggers it, its symptoms, and how individuals can be assisted in their attempt to fight the traumas in their past. It seems that the main part of the brain affected by ptsd is the ones influencing the states of nervousness and hopelessness. Its symptoms are basically the main thing in ptsd that prevent psychotherapists is efficiently doing their jobs.

Individuals feel either unable to understand what the therapist is trying to say, or they are simply reluctant to accept the therapy that is being provided to them. In some cases, the feelings experienced by people are very intense, and not even themselves can describe what they are….

Psychological Disorder

Generalized Anxiety Disorder in Film
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), as defined by the American Psychiatric Association (AMA), involves excessive worry and anxiety for a six-month period or longer (AMA 429). GAD is not typically associated with the more intense expressions of anxiety, such as panic attacks or panic disorder (Shelton S2), yet the degree of worry and anxiety experienced is easily recognized as disproportionate for the reality of the situation (AMA 473-475). A diagnosis depends in part on eliminating contributions from an underlying medical condition or the effects of a substance such as drugs or excessive caffeine, and the focus of the anxiety is not limited to a single concern, such as experiencing a panic attack or becoming deathly ill. The anxiety experienced therefore involves wide swaths of the patient's life.

Patients often report experiencing muscle tension, trembling, twitching, feeling shaky, muscle aches, soreness, sudden fatigue, irritability, and difficulty concentrating and sleeping….

realm of psychological disorder through the use of a character assessment. The character in question is fictional and the data used to evaluate the psychological profile derives from a movie. Melvin Udall, the main character in the movie "As Good as It Gets" serves as the character used in this assessment. Ultimately, I find and explore specific links to Melvin's condition in the movie to that of one suffering from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).
In order to discuss the relationships previously mentioned, I needed to perform several steps in order to logically conclude that Melvin represents someone suffering from OCD symptoms. In order to accomplish this task, I first watched the film and examined many of the traits that Melvin demonstrated. Next, I used a set of ten questions which provided a baseline assessment formula. These questions are each answered separately within the body of this essay. This character assessment….

The psychological disorder that I have selected to explain from a variety of causal perspectives is bulimia. Bulimia is a condition in which people engage in the act of binge eating, and eat a lot more than is necessary or even healthy for an allotted period of time. Granted, there are certain physiological aspects of this sort of maladaptive behavior, in which individuals can train their bodies to trigger a specific reaction to help them purge themselves of the food. Most often purging involves either vomiting or exiting one's stool. egardless, there are a number of different causal factors that can contribute to this sort of abnormal behavior (Laureate Education, 2007) -- some more so than others.

As defined within Abnormal Psychology written by Butcher et al., the causal pattern of any sort of abnormal behavior is etiology (Butcher et al., p., 2012). Oftentimes, the etiology for bulimia can involve….

Individual Programmatic Assessment

Irregular Sleep-Wake Syndrome is a form of a psychological disorder also called Irregular Sleep-Wake hythm. People with Irregular Sleep-Wake Syndrome have non-aligned sleep times. These people have sleeping patterns that do not adhere to the "normal" times of sleeping at night. The sleeping patterns are disorganized to a magnitude that one cannot tell the presence of a clear sleep or wake pattern. Such people have a tendency to sleep off on some naps over a 24-hour period. The sleep patterns have been split into pieces. They behave like infants who sleep for a few hours, wake up for some other few hours, and also sleep off for some few hours, with the cycle repeating with no clear sequence. During the day, the number of sleep times may be high since they like napping a lot. During the night, they seem to suffer from….

Title: The Impact of Steroid Laws on Public Health and Safety

Steroid laws have been implemented worldwide to regulate the use and distribution of anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS). These laws aim to protect public health and safety by preventing the misuse of steroids, which can lead to severe health consequences. This essay explores the impact of steroid laws on public health and safety, examining both the positive and negative implications of these regulations.


1. Prevention of Health Risks:
Steroid laws effectively reduce the accessibility of AAS, making it more challenging for individuals to obtain and use them. This restriction helps prevent the serious health....

Sure, here are some complex and thought-provoking essay topics on Pembunuhan (murder):

1. The psychological motivations behind committing murder: exploring the factors that drive individuals to take another person's life.
2. The role of justice and punishment in cases of murder: analyzing the effectiveness and ethical implications of different approaches to dealing with murder cases.
3. The impact of media coverage on perceptions of murder: examining how sensationalized news reports and true crime documentaries shape public attitudes towards murder.
4. The intersection of race and class in cases of murder: discussing how social inequalities may influence who is targeted and how murders are perceived....

To craft an effective thesis statement on the topic of music, it is essential to clearly identify the specific aspect of music you will be discussing and your overall argument or perspective on that aspect. Here are some potential thesis statement examples on different music-related topics:

1. For a research paper on the impact of music on mental health:
"Music therapy has been shown to significantly improve mental health outcomes in individuals with various psychological disorders, making it a valuable and effective treatment modality."

2. For an essay on the influence of technology on the music industry:
"The widespread use of digital streaming platforms....

1. The impact of the death penalty on racial minorities and whether it creates a disproportionate number of executions for individuals of color.
2. Investigating the psychological effects of being on death row and the toll it takes on the mental health of inmates.
3. Analyzing the cost effectiveness of the death penalty compared to life imprisonment and whether it is a reasonable use of taxpayer dollars.
4. Examining the role of public opinion in shaping the use of the death penalty and how attitudes towards capital punishment have evolved over time.
5. Exploring the role of international law in shaping the use of....

4 Pages


Psychological Disorders Diagnosis and Treatment

Words: 1417
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Diagnosis and Treatment of Psychological Disorders Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Has Been Increasingly Used In the Treatment of Psychosis over the Last 10 To 15 Years. Describe CBT for…

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3 Pages


Health Psychology Stress Coping and Well-Being Psychological Disorders

Words: 931
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Psychological Disorders Word Count (excluding subheadings and questions): 836 First Assignment Option 1 - Perspectives on Psychological Disorder Medical Perspective: Webpage: The medical perspective on psychological disorders proposes that abnormal behavior can have…

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5 Pages


Psycho Disorder Psychological Disorders Represented

Words: 1559
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

It also suggests issues Norman has in coming to terms with his own sexuality that, quite thankfully, do not apply to me personally. Conclusion There can be little doubt of…

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7 Pages


Treatment of Psychological Disorders the Patient Is

Words: 2477
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Treatment of Psychological Disorders The patient is a 46-year-old man who is experiencing difficulties at work to which he attributes the symptoms he is experiencing. Presenting symptoms include feelings…

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2 Pages
Case Study

Not Specified

Responsible Writing Case Studies Psychological Disorders Attachment

Words: 620
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Case Study

responsible writing case studies psychological disorders (attachment choices). The case studies original work. In case studies incorporate DSM criteria diagnosis. Each case study 4-5 paragraphs length, typed, single…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Depression Psychological Disorders - Stigma

Words: 1225
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Non-Psych Male High Level of Depression Female High Level of Depression Lower Level of Depression Method 100 surveys handed out as follows: 25 to non-psych majors (female scenario); 25 to non-psych majors (male scenario); 25 psych…

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3 Pages
Article Review


Beyond Autism Treatment Application of ABA in Treatment of Emotional and Psychological Disorders

Words: 1076
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Article Review

Beyond Autism Treatment: The Application of Applied Behavior Analysis in the Treatment of Emotional and Psychological Disorders by obert K. oss In the article written in the International Journal of…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Psychological Disorders and Therapy Bipolar Disorder

Words: 964
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

features of bipolar disorder, including its symptoms. Like its cousin, depression, bipolar disorder is a disease of depression that can become manic at times, and at other times,…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Psychological Disorders and Treatment

Words: 549
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Mentally ill in U.S. As the world becomes a more complex entity and technology and speed increase, mental illness is also on the rise. Mental illness can range from slight…

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6 Pages
Research Paper


Psychological Disorder ADHD ADHD Is

Words: 1806
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

My final recommendation was that the parents and Adam's teachers should work as a team to help Adam manage his condition. In other words, the parents should communicate…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Psychological Disorder Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Words: 1022
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This is also a symptom of ptsd, as people constantly try to find an answer for the horrors having happened. (Douillard) In order to come up with effective treatment…

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2 Pages


Psychological Disorder

Words: 576
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Generalized Anxiety Disorder in Film Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), as defined by the American Psychiatric Association (AMA), involves excessive worry and anxiety for a six-month period or longer (AMA 429).…

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8 Pages


Realm of Psychological Disorder Through the Use

Words: 2202
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

realm of psychological disorder through the use of a character assessment. The character in question is fictional and the data used to evaluate the psychological profile derives from…

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2 Pages
Discussion Chapter


DP 2 AB the Psychological Disorder That I

Words: 686
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Discussion Chapter

DP#2 AB The psychological disorder that I have selected to explain from a variety of causal perspectives is bulimia. Bulimia is a condition in which people engage in the act…

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9 Pages

Sports - Women

Etiology and Treatment of a Psychological Disorder

Words: 2917
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Essay

Individual Programmatic Assessment TEATMENTS OPTIONS FO IEGULA SLEEP-WAKE SYNDOME Irregular Sleep-Wake Syndrome is a form of a psychological disorder also called Irregular Sleep-Wake hythm. People with Irregular Sleep-Wake Syndrome have non-aligned…

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