Public Policy Essays (Examples)

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Public Policy

Public Policy in the State of Maryland: An Examination of evenues and Potential Funding Options
The objective of this work is to examine the funding policies in the State of Maryland of the Department of Natural esources funding allotments and to critically analyze funding decision-making in this area of economic finance for the State of Maryland. The State of Maryland invests deeply in its natural resources, which is shown by the Department of Natural esources for the State of Maryland receiving more funding than any other department according to the states' budget for fiscal year 2011.

Public Policy in the State of Maryland: An Examination of evenues and Potential Funding Options


The objective of this work is to examine the funding policies in the State of Maryland of the Department of Natural esources funding allotments and to critically analyze the funding decision-making in this area of economic finance for the State of Maryland.



Public Policy

Public Policy
The process of setting congress agendas and policies has always been complex and contentious. Since some issues warrant consideration by policy makers, intense competitive exists in a position on the congressional policy agenda. This study discusses the trends in Congressional agenda setting as provided in the chart.

As seen in the chart, Bipartisan Corporation has declined in the Congress. This is considered as one of the hallmark attributes of the increasing party polarization. As the major parties move further apart from each other and become extremely homogenous, bipartisan agreements are less likely. Most polarization work focuses on individual patterns of voting and preferences instead of focusing on the type and amount of legislation, which receives partisan or bipartisan support or whether party strategy, contributes towards the polarization. This study has discovered that the rise of polarization in the ideologies of the legislature, party strategy and joint roles of preferences have….

Public Policy

Public Policy
The ush administration believes that hydrogen cars hold to key to reducing pollution, decreasing dependence of foreign oil, making energy more affordable and overcoming resource shortages (Onion, 2004). In ush's 2003 State of the Union address, he revealed his goal of having significant numbers of hydrogen cars on the road by 2020, pledging $1.2 billion in federal funding to achieve his objective. In 2004, the energy department included $318 million for fuel cells and hydrogen production in its 2005 budget. However, abundant evidence suggests that hybrids, not fuel cells should be the focus of public policy for the immediate future. This research discusses why public policy needs to embrace a short-term strategy involving hybrids and hydrogen research and development with a longer-term focus on selecting proven technologies.

The illusory lure of hydrogen cars is the fact that they will eliminate carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from cars when driven. Unlike gasoline-driven….

Public Policy

Policy Proposal
The public policy proposal is that the state should have an action plan for a potential Ebola outbreak. There are several reasons for this. The first reason is the health reason, where clearly there is a need to ensure that should there be any outbreak of Ebola, that it is contained, and that it does not get out into the general public. While the odds of an outbreak are minimal, they are possible as long as people are able to travel from affected regions to our state. As such, state officials should have a plan for containing an outbreak, and dealing with the aftermath of an outbreak, which could be fairly serious in terms of public anxiety.

The second reason why the state should have an action plan for Ebola is that it requires a coordinated effort to control the spread of this disease. No one agency or person can….

" (CRT, p. 1)
According to the U.S. Department of State, Costa Rica has been a Constitutional Democracy since 1949, which makes it the oldest and most stable democracy in all of Latin America. Its partnerships with the global community are therefore a matter of some inherency. But this inherency cannot be accepted without some caution. This is demonstrated by a study produced Boo (1992). Here, at the early outset of Costa Rica's effort to grow tourism, Boo's research warned that some of the risks of increased interaction between growing numbers of tour groups and protected natural lands might be difficult to project. Accordingly, Boo noted that "increasing demand for nature tourism is reflected in the number of tour operators offering tours to protected areas and in the increasing number of foreign visitors to national parks. Examples of some of the major protected areas are presented and the economic impacts of….

Public Policy and Unintended Consequences: A eview of Stakeholders and Incentives
There are a myriad of unintended consequences that relate to changes in public policy, specifically relating to management characteristics and priorities. Without taking these changes into consideration, it is impossible to impart change that will positively impact any group or population. The specific changes relative to the public sector reform in the UK are causing many unintended consequences themselves. The action and reaction to which are relatively negative from a public policy standpoint. When government changes public policy, it creates specific incentives to prioritize government resources and benefits, regardless of the goals of the reform. The Ghobadian, et. al. (2009) paper helps to develop a clear picture of just such a reprioritization and how this affects the general population. Government regulation or policy reform is important. But such reform and regulation implementation needs to occur in moderation, otherwise the government….

S. General Accounting Office (GAO) estimates' in 1991 stated that nearly 30% of those incarcerated had used drugs daily in the month before committing the offense for which they were in prison. y the year 2003 there were approximately 6.9 million individuals either on probation, in mail, or in prison which equals 32% of all U.S. adults residents or 1 out of every 32 adults. (U.S. ureau of Justice Corrections Statistics, 2003) There were a total of 1,470,045 inmates under State and Federal jurisdiction on the last day of the year of 2003 and 1,296,986 under controls of State jurisdiction and 173,059 under Federal jurisdiction. During the period of 1995 to 2003 the rate of growth of those incarcerated was 3.4% annually with population growth during the 12-moth period to end December 31, 3002 lower in state prisons than in local jails with the rise in state prisons being 1.4%….

" (Assessing, Selecting, and Implementing Instruments for Government Action, 2007) Questions that must be asked are those as follows: (1) Is the issue one where government can act alone? (2) Is the issue one where external actors can act alone with some influence from government? (3) Is the issue one where a mixed governance approach is required, that is, where government and external actors need to act together? (4) What external actors operate in the same field? (5) Are the external actors potential collaborators? (6) Can they regulate themselves? (7) Can their self-regulatory abilities be enhanced by means such as capacity and institution building? (8) Are indirect forms of government action appropriate as opposed to direct intervention through regulation? (9) Can new actors be found? (10) if creating new markets, can new actors be encouraged to play a role? (Assessing, Selecting, and Implementing Instruments for Government Action, 2007) it is….

The pluralist school is elieved to have est "captured the dynamics of the argaining process among different interest groups trying to influence the policy process, and etween these groups and policy makers (Lindlom and Woodhouse, 1993; as cited y Rosetti, 1999) in the view of Lindlom and Woodhouse the limitations that exist in terms of limitations on knowledge is readily availale during the electoral process in the U.S. These authors elieve that pulic policy making y the mass pulic is unrealistic ecause so many people are unlikely to come to any agreement however the elected officials often lose touch with the pulse of the voters. The ureaucratic system which is responsile for implementation of the policies that have een developed is that which keeps check on elected officials. The Bureaucrats have more experience in the policy function and actually end up in the role of policy maker when the….

Te current ealt care policy is rater business friendly wit insurance companies wielding te power in terms of wo gets access and wo does not. Necessary policy canges include addressing te pre-existing conditions coverage tat is really no coverage at all and te coverage of care after involuntary separation from employment needs to be addressed as well.

Quality issues wit ealt care are certainly a policy issue wen speaking about Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement and subsequent outcomes from procedures supported wit federal dollars. Additionally, institutions suc as nursing omes and skilled nursing facilities are often eavily supported wit federal dollars and often ave orrible results wen speaking of outcomes measurement in areas suc as pain management, and susceptibility for a DU type I-IV, wic is a skin ulcer of increasing severity.

Terefore, te options must be compreensive to address tese aforementioned issues in a cost-effective manner. Wat te policy must not do….

3 million workers who would indirectly receive raises due to the spillover effect of a minimum wage increase. ("Minimum age: Frequently Asked Questions")
Some people have argued that increasing the minimum wage does not help to reduce poverty since most poor people do not form part of the labor force. This may have been partially true in the past when many poor families did not have any family members in the paid labor force. According to the Economic Policy Institute, however, a minimum wage increase is likely to have a greater impact on reducing poverty in future as welfare reform is now forcing more poor families to rely on their earnings from low-paying jobs. Certain studies such as the one by Addison and Blackburn (1999) found that federal minimum wage increases in the 1990s have reduced poverty rates, and another study (Sawhill and Thomas, 2001) suggests that a minimum wage increase….

With corporate profits at an all- time high, the "annual $92 billion in direct and indirect subsidies to businesses and private-sector corporate entities" (Slivinski, S. May 14, 2007) would provide the funding necessary to implement the proposal.
Policy invariably comes down to political positioning, and in this case the question becomes whether the strengthening of the middle class is a more important goal then subsidizing corporate coffers. In formulating the legislation the policy model provides a realistic approach for reaching a consensus on sustainable economic development. Sound policy depends on compromise and the belief that there is recognized agreement on the ostensible outcomes of the prescribed action. Formulation, implementation, and analysis then depend on a concrete and identifiable source of measurable criterion on which to base judgment.

A general criterion model provides four platforms from which to gauge the efficacy of the policy proposal: Economic (cost-benefit), Equity (social allocation of costs-benefits),….

This focus on tribal or familial loyalty over loyalty to the state makes bribery and nepotism seem normal, rather than shocking. One reason that party machines are often associated with particular ethnic groups is that loyalties and communities that have banded together to sustain themselves in a new environment often use the opportunities provided by politics to find a foothold in society. Corrupt, intransigent, and non-functional governments that fail to inspire loyalty coupled with personal alliances that are stronger than the law is characteristic of corrupt cultures of governance all over the world.
To root out corruption and to change the culture of politics in a state or in a nation requires streamlining the layers of government to enable more careful surveillance by ethics watchdog agencies and the law. It also requires a change of leadership every level of government, not simply the top leadership of the state. One specific….

S. presidents since 1900 are of special interest to you for their policy formulation and implementation? Discuss your answer giving examples from their Administrations.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt transformed modern American public policy. His New Deal alleviated the crisis of confidence in American government that occurred after the Great Depression. Roosevelt created the first safety net for Americans, in the form of Social Security and unemployment insurance. His public works programs stimulated the American economy and put unemployed Americans back to work. Programs like the Tennessee Valley Administration changed the lives of rural Americans, and many of his programs endure to this day, at least in modified form. ithout Roosevelt, the concept of an American government that cares for the least well off in society and restrains the excesses of the capitalist system and the business cycle would never have taken form in the national consciousness. Every time a person sighs in….

Although, the bills have not yet been passed, and so there is no loan forgiveness availablility.
Representatives H.R. 2073 have said "I am writing/calling to ask the Representative to cosponsor H.R. 2073, the "Child Health Care Crisis Relief Act of 2007." This bill will grant much-needed loan forgiveness and scholarships to mental health professionals who work with children and adolescents. America's youth need proper mental health care, and H.R. 2073 will encourage mental health professionals to help address the current shortage of providers for children. Please tell the Representative that I hope he/she will support loan forgiveness for mental health professionals. Thank you for your time." (Copyright 2008, American Counseling Association)

On the other hand, the enator or cosponsor, .1572 have said, "I am writing/calling to ask the enator to cosponsor . 1572, the "Child Health Care Crisis Relief Act of 2007," which would grant much-needed loan forgiveness and scholarships to….

It is difficult to answer any question that asks about how the founders felt about anything.  While there were many more people involved in the American Revolution, resulting in some disagreement about who was a founder, there is a list of 10 people that consistently get mentioned as founders or founding fathers.  However, these 10 people were not ideologically identical.  In fact, there was a substantial amount of disagreement among them about a number of topics, including the rule of the average person in democracy.  To get a better feel for their competing ideas, you can reference....

Topic 1: The Social Exclusion of Marginalized Groups

Essay Title: Unveiling the Hidden Toll: The Profound Impact of Social Exclusion on Marginalized Communities

In contemporary society, the insidious forces of social exclusion continue to cast a long shadow on the lives of marginalized groups. This essay delves into the multifaceted nature of social exclusion and its profound impact on these communities, shedding light on the systemic barriers, prejudices, and societal attitudes that perpetuate their marginalization. By exploring the lived experiences of those affected, we aim to unveil the hidden toll of exclusion and advocate for a more inclusive and equitable society.


1. Institutional....

1. The impact of social media on shaping public opinion
2. How political polarization affects public perception and socialization
3. The role of propaganda in influencing public opinion
4. The influence of culture and cultural norms on socialization
5. The connection between public opinion and social movements
6. The role of education in shaping public opinion and socialization
7. The impact of mass media on public opinion and socialization
8. The role of peer groups in socialization and shaping public opinion
9. The influence of family dynamics on public opinion formation
10. The relationship between public opinion and government policies.
11. The effects of socialization on individual behavior and decision-making

Policy Analysis and Evaluation

The effectiveness of different policy interventions in addressing social issues (e.g., poverty, healthcare, education)
The impact of policy changes on specific populations or industries
The role of evidence-based policymaking in improving policy outcomes
The challenges and opportunities of implementing and enforcing policy
The ethical implications of policy decisions

Policy Design and Development

Innovative approaches to policy design (e.g., behavioral economics, collaborative governance)
The factors that influence policy adoption and implementation
The role of stakeholders in policy development and evaluation
The impact of technology on policy design and implementation
The challenges of balancing competing interests in policymaking

Policy Implementation....

6 Pages
Research Paper


Public Policy

Words: 1619
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Public Policy in the State of Maryland: An Examination of evenues and Potential Funding Options The objective of this work is to examine the funding policies in the State of…

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3 Pages


Public Policy

Words: 983
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Public Policy The process of setting congress agendas and policies has always been complex and contentious. Since some issues warrant consideration by policy makers, intense competitive exists in a position…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Public Policy

Words: 1215
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Public Policy The ush administration believes that hydrogen cars hold to key to reducing pollution, decreasing dependence of foreign oil, making energy more affordable and overcoming resource shortages (Onion, 2004).…

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1 Pages


Public Policy

Words: 341
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Policy Proposal The public policy proposal is that the state should have an action plan for a potential Ebola outbreak. There are several reasons for this. The first reason is…

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10 Pages

Literature - Latin-American

Public Policy Tourism Public Policy

Words: 2941
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

" (CRT, p. 1) According to the U.S. Department of State, Costa Rica has been a Constitutional Democracy since 1949, which makes it the oldest and most stable democracy in…

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7 Pages

Communication - Journalism

Public Policy and Unintended Consequences A Review

Words: 2116
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Thesis

Public Policy and Unintended Consequences: A eview of Stakeholders and Incentives There are a myriad of unintended consequences that relate to changes in public policy, specifically relating to management characteristics…

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21 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Public Policy Alternatives to Improve

Words: 5886
Length: 21 Pages
Type: Term Paper

S. General Accounting Office (GAO) estimates' in 1991 stated that nearly 30% of those incarcerated had used drugs daily in the month before committing the offense for which they…

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5 Pages
Research Proposal


Public Policy Criteria for Determination

Words: 1451
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

" (Assessing, Selecting, and Implementing Instruments for Government Action, 2007) Questions that must be asked are those as follows: (1) Is the issue one where government can act alone?…

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9 Pages
Term Paper


Public Policy-Making Process Public Policy

Words: 2427
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The pluralist school is elieved to have est "captured the dynamics of the argaining process among different interest groups trying to influence the policy process, and etween these…

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4 Pages


Public Policy Challenge Facing the

Words: 1333
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Te current ealt care policy is rater business friendly wit insurance companies wielding te power in terms of wo gets access and wo does not. Necessary policy canges include…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Public Policy Dealing With Minimum

Words: 2826
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

3 million workers who would indirectly receive raises due to the spillover effect of a minimum wage increase. ("Minimum age: Frequently Asked Questions") Some people have argued that increasing the…

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3 Pages
Data Analysis Chapter


Public Policy the Recent Financial

Words: 1425
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Data Analysis Chapter

With corporate profits at an all- time high, the "annual $92 billion in direct and indirect subsidies to businesses and private-sector corporate entities" (Slivinski, S. May 14, 2007)…

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2 Pages
Research Proposal


Public Policy Issue of Note

Words: 740
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

This focus on tribal or familial loyalty over loyalty to the state makes bribery and nepotism seem normal, rather than shocking. One reason that party machines are often…

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2 Pages


Public Policy What Current Event

Words: 860
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

S. presidents since 1900 are of special interest to you for their policy formulation and implementation? Discuss your answer giving examples from their Administrations. Franklin Delano Roosevelt transformed modern American…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Public Policy Child Health Care

Words: 1112
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Although, the bills have not yet been passed, and so there is no loan forgiveness availablility. Representatives H.R. 2073 have said "I am writing/calling to ask the Representative to…

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