Public Schools Essays (Examples)

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Public Schools and its Funding
Pages: 5 Words: 1373

Public School FundingFinancial reports are designed to help in making evidence-based decisions by school management and other organizations. decision-making. Generally, a financial statement is used as a management tool to facilitate critical financial information communication to external and internal stakeholders. These management tools cover all aspects of finance for an organization coupled with specific KPIs. Every school in a given country, state, or district needs resources to run its operations, narrowing down to finances and money (Hanushek & Lindseth, 2018). The way the schools get their funds varies from community to community and state to state. However, there are fundamental funding ideologies that are relatively uniform all over the country.School district funding is based on the number of students enrolled, with adjustments made for unique student needs and other district-specific factors. Schools prepare two budgets. First, a preliminary budget before the beginning of the financial year, and secondly, an amended…...



Allison, G. S. (2020). Financial Accounting for Local and State School Systems: 2019 Edition. NCES 2015-347. National Center for Education Statistics.

Heimans, J. (2019). Strengthening participation in public expenditure management: policy recommendations for key stakeholders.

Mulvenon, S. W., Wang, K., McKenzie, S., & Airola, D. (2019). Case Study: Using Geographic Information Systems for Education Policy Analysis. Educational Research Quarterly, 30(2), 45-56.

Hanushek, E. A., & Lindseth, A. A. (2018). Schoolhouses, courthouses, and statehouses: Solving the funding-achievement puzzle in America\\\\\\'s public schools. Princeton University Press.

Prayers in Public Schools Should Be Allowed
Pages: 3 Words: 1293

Prayer in public schools has been a subject of controversy ever since the Supreme Court ruled in 1962 that "any kind of prayer, composed by public school districts, even non-denominational, is unconstitutional government sponsorship of religion" (U.S. Supreme Court Decisions on Separation of Church and State web site). The next year the Court found that "ible reading over the school intercom was unconstitutional" because it forced a child "to participate in ible reading and prayer." The Court banned posting the 10 Commandments in school in 1980 and ruled in 1985 that a moment of silence in school, if done to encourage prayer, was unconstitutional ( All these decisions are based on the U.S. Constitution which bars the State from sponsoring any particular religion: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech ... " (The U.S. Constitution…...


Bibliography "School prayer":

Church/State Separation (Student Prayer):

King James Bible. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1999.

Religion in Public Schools Religious Fundamentalists vs
Pages: 4 Words: 1622

Religion in Public Schools: Religious Fundamentalists vs. Atheists
The relevance of raising children with an insistence on the development of a high moral character cannot be overstated. Essentially, individuals raised with a well founded moral character have the ability to clearly distinguish between bad/unacceptable behavior and good/acceptable behavior. With this in mind, it is understandable that parents usually prefer to have their children undertake their education in an enabling environment that allows for their moral development. Further, it is also understandable that religious fundamentalists and atheists alike would prefer to have their children schooling in a setting that has high regard for moral virtues such as respect, concern for others, responsibility as well as honesty.

Religion in Public Schools: Religious Fundamentalists vs. Atheists

According to Lebron, "for most religious theists, their faith practices provide the basis for their entire understanding of morality and moral values" (521). This is a view reinforced by Estes…...



Cox, Robert. Sabbath Laws and Sabbath Duties: Considered in Relation to their Natural and Scriptural Grounds, and to the Principles of Religious Liberty. London: Maclachlan and Stewart, 1853. Print.

In this text, Cox tries to explain some principles relating to religious liberty amongst other things. At some point, the author presents a case for atheists as individuals who also live good peaceful lives. The author is of the opinion that there aren't enough facts to conclude that atheism is incompatible with morality.

Estes, Yolanda & Curtis Bowman. J.G. Fichte and the Atheism Dispute (1798-1800). Burlington: Ashgate Publishing, 2010. Print.

This book is essentially a collection of previous texts as well as essays relating to the atheism dispute. The book's commentary helps the reader make sense of some of the writings which may seem out of context in some instances based on the time in which they were written. Basically, the book helps the leader grasp some key concepts relating to religion and philosophy.

Private vs Public Schools in
Pages: 5 Words: 1305

These pofiles of students' family backgound who attend public and pivate schools demonstate that school choice is a combination of paents' values towads education and thei socio-economic backgounds and capabilities.
Teache pefomance (Quality of teaching)

Quality of education is also linked to teache pefomance, specifically, the competence and quality of teaching that teaches give thei students. Teaches with impessive o highly commendable qualifications tend to teach at pivate schools instead of public schools. Thus, it can be sumised that because of teache "quality" based on cedentials ae highe in pivate schools than public schools, students in pivate schools ae getting quality education than public schools.

Howeve, this assumption is dispoved in Xu's (2006) study, which detemined if teaches' cedentials tanslate to quality of teaching. The eseaches found that teaches' cedentials "shows no elationship" with students' (impovement in) academic pefomance (355). Thus, teaching quality assumed to be diven by teache cedentials do not…...


references and parent choices: the public-private decision about school choice." Journal of Educational Policy, Vol. 23, No. 3.

Mendez, T. (2005). "Public schools: do they outperform private ones?" Christian Science Monitor, Vol. 97, Issue 11.

Toppo, G. (2010). "Recession fuels shift from private to public schools." Available at: 

Xu, Z. And C. Gulosino. (2006). "How does teacher quality matter? The effect of teacher-parent partnership on early childhood performance in public and private schools." Education Economics, Vol. 14, No. 3.

Economic Issues in Non-Public Schools
Pages: 9 Words: 2673

Economics Issues in Non-Public Schools
This paper is a literature review of economic issues in non-public schools and it will mainly use information obtained from nine sources of economic literatures so highlighted in the work cited section. To begin with, this section will look at an overview of the economic subject from a general perspective, followed also by an overview of the non-public educational sector in general; the purpose of this is to give the research more in depth in terms of information about the topic of discussion.

The economic issues in non-public schools that will be discussed include the issue of economies of scale and the issues of demand and supply in non-public schools. The issues will be presented in a manner stemming from the literatures that will be reviewed for this research.


Aristides (2002, 253-263) in his studies described economics as the study of how man tries to utilize the scares…...


Work cited

Aristides, N., 2002. "The Nature of the Firm" European Journal of Law and Economics 14 (3):

Blaug, Mark (2007). "The Social Sciences: Economics," Microeconomics, the New Encyclopedia Britannica, Chicago

Bowers, John. (1997) Sustainability and Environmental Economics: An Alternative Text. Singapore: Addison Wesley Longman

Friedman, David D. (2002). "Crime," The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics'

Psychosocial Issues Affecting African-American Student in NYC Public Schools
Pages: 23 Words: 6869


African-American STUDENTS

"They never want to hear what I have to say…it doesn't matter who started a fight, or what a teacher said to you that made you mad.

You might have something heavy going on at home but no one asks.

They're not interested. They just want you out of the school."

17-year-old 11th grade African-American female student, NYC

(Sullivan, 2007, p. iii).

In New York City, one of the two largest urban public school districts in the United States (U.S.), as well as throughout the U.S. An educational crisis exists; particularly relating to African-American students, that links to a number of factors. According to Sullivan (2007) in the published study, Deprived of Dignity. Degrading treatment and abusive discipline in New York City & Los Angeles public schools, 58% of African-American fourth grade students attending school in the U.S. during 2005 scored below the basic reading level for fourth…...



Analysis finds dramatic spike in NYC suspensions: Black children and students with special needs most affected. (2011). New York Civil Liberties Union. Retrieved July 4, 2011 from   children-and-students-with-special-needs-mo Berry, G.L. & Asamen, J.K. (1989). Black students: psychosocial issues and academic achievement. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. 

Booker, K.C. (2006). School belonging and the African-American adolescent: What do we know and where should we go? The High School Journal, Vol. 89, No. 4. Retrieved June 27, 2011 from

Brown, B.V. (2008). Key indicators of child and youth well-being: Completing the picture, New York, NY: CRC Press.

Bruce, A.M., Getch, Y.Q., & Ziomek-Daigle, J. (2009). Closing the gap: A group counselling approach to improve test performance of African-American students. Professional School Counseling, 12(6), 450+. Retrieved June 27, 2011, from Questia database:

Independent Study on Alternative Assessment in Mathematics at the Secondary Level in Public Schools
Pages: 18 Words: 4877

Educational Assessment Methods and Standards

Scoring Key

Letter to Principal

Principal's Questionnaire

Teacher's Questionnaire

aw Data

It is widely known that testing and assessment have become critical components and indicators for success in today's educational system. This process is widely considered as a feasible means to improve student success and achievement as well as educational outcomes and future potential in educational pursuits and the workforce for millions of students with widely varying levels of skill and ability. Therefore, standardized assessment does not often reflect the true talents and abilities of the existing student population. Furthermore, assessment standards and testing procedures are often scrutinized for their ineffectiveness in accurately evaluating student promotion and skill development, which lead to future educational pursuits and workforce placement. The primary argument against the current methods of testing and assessment is that the established standards do not accurately reflect the true talent, skills, potential, and problems within the student pool at any…...



Charlotte Amalie High School Publication.

The facts about...math achievement. 

Ivanna Eudora Kean High School Publication.

Sanders, W., and Horn, S. (1995). Educational assessment reassessed:

Parental Decisions Private vs Public Schools
Pages: 7 Words: 2006

ContentsPART A: INTRODUCTION 2Statement of the problem 2Research questions 2Objectives 3Scope of the study 3PART B: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY. 3PART C: TESTING OF THE DATA COLLECTION METHOD 10PART D: DATA ANALYSIS 10PART E: REFLECTION 11PART F: VALIDITY AND CREDIBILITY 11References 13PART A: INTRODUCTIONQuality of education is important for any parent. Stakeholders should thus consider the various factors that affect the quality of education in schools. Parents choose to take their children to private schools instead of public schools as private schools offer quality education. Every year, the government allocates a significant amount of money to public schools yet parents are still dissatisfied with the services offered in these schools (Yaney, 1997). The high rates of private school enrolments therefore proves that the public education sector is failing especially in terms of quality. It falls to the stakeholders in the public education sector to identify the discrepancies in this field and finding…...



Corbin, J. & Strauss, A. (2008). Basics of Qualitative Research: Techniques and Procedures for Developing Grounded Theory. Sage Publications.

Creswell, J.W. (2003). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. Sage Publications.

F, J., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J., & Al, E. (2019). Multivariate data analysis. Andover, Hampshire, United Kingdom. Cengage Learning Emea.

Analyzing Student Emotional Issues in K 12 Public Schools
Pages: 6 Words: 2067

Student Emotional Issues in K12 Public Schools
Student Emotional Issues in K-12 Public Schools

When public schools do not prepare themselves to take care of Kindergarten through 12th grade students' emotional problems, they face troublesome implications. Students struggling with emotional problems display symptoms from time to time, whose patterns correspond to, at least, one of the following behaviors: truancy, aggressiveness towards faculty, peers, and parents; academic issues; high suspension/expulsion frequency; poor interactions with peers; and generally disruptive overall behaviors classified normally by educators as "antisocial" within educational settings. Students suffering from emotional issues often face social difficulties when relating to adults as well as their peers (Lloyd, Hallahan, Kauffman, & Keller, 1998). Furthermore, students suffering from emotional problems have a tendency to experience potentially, multiple-level academic challenges causally corresponding to their behavioral deficits and excesses.

1.1. Problem Statement

Alarmingly, an increasing number of American children have been displaying externalizing or disruptive behavior (also termed…...



Dodge, P.R., (2011). Managing school behavior: a qualitative case study. Masters Theses and Dissertations. Paper 12038.

Gibbs, G. R., (2007). 4 Thematic coding and categorizing. Analyzing Qualitative Data. London: SAGE Publications, Ltd.

Hodge, J., Riccomini, P., Buford, R. & Herbst, M. (2006). A review of instructional interventions in mathematics for students with emotional and behavioral disorders. Behavioral Disorders, 31(3), 323-337.

Jones, S. R., Torres, V. & Arminio, J. (2006). Negotiating the complexities of qualitative research in higher education. New York: Routledge.

Inclusion and Public Schools the
Pages: 10 Words: 3439

Although this movement has created controversy and has seen mixed results, it has become a major force in the placement and education of children and is expected to expand in the future (King, 2003).

Accommodations: when an aspect of the environment or expectation has been changed so that a child with a disability can be successful at completion of a task.

Constituents: a citizen who is represented in a government by officials for whom he or she votes

Curriculum: the course of study offered in a school.

Disability: According to the ADA of 1990 a disability is a physical or mental impairment that substantially impacts one aspect of a person's life.

Inclusion: the provision of educational services to students with a full range of abilities and disabilities in the general education classroom with appropriate in-class support.

General Education: a wide selection of subjects that emphasizes the acquisition of knowledge, understanding and evaluation of ideas

Mainstream: another…...



Brown v. The Board of Education of Topeka, 347 U.S. 483 (1954).

Burke, K., & Sutherland, C. (2004). Attitudes toward inclusion: Knowledge vs. experience. Education, 125(2), 163-172.

Education for All Act of 1975, Pub. L. No. 94-142 (1975)

Fitch, F. (2003). Inclusion, exclusion, and ideology: Special education students' changing sense of self. The Urban Review, 35(3), 233-252.

US Public Schools Should Go to Year Around School
Pages: 3 Words: 1013

Round Schooling: Implications for the Current State of Public Education
The media has recently reported an array of problems with the public education system including criticisms of teacher effectiveness, lack of funding, and continued decline in academic achievement in comparison with other nations. Schools are facing a rise in class size with reduced support in regards to materials, finances, and staff. Despite government legislation, including the No Child Left Behind Act which has received billions of dollars in funding, lack of academic achievement and closing the achievement gap are consistent problems facing the education system (Koretz 803). These current issues have been a cornerstone of the year-round school debate which focuses on increasing the instructional days for students and reducing extended vacation times. Implementation of year-round education addresses these problems including helping to improve academics, reduce the achievement gap, and decrease classroom size.

According to research learning loss is a well…...


Works Cited

Alexander, Olson, and Doris Entwisle. "Lasting Consequences of the Summer Learning Gap."

American Sociological Review 72 (2007): 167-180. Academic Search Premier. Web. 5 Dec. 2011.

Dessoff, Alan. "Is Year-Round Schooling on Track?" District Administration (2011): 34-45.

Academic Search Premier. Web. 5 Dec. 2011.

School Districts and Schools
Pages: 4 Words: 1422

Consolidation of Public Schools
The American public school system was revolutionized sometime in the middle of the 20th century in a rather conspicuous way. The school system in many parts of the US were small entities run by communities as recently as the 1930s. Most of these institutions only acquired the services of a single teacher. In the subsequent four decades, the number of schools in the US reduced by over 100 000. Approximately two thirds of the existing schools were integrated under the consolidation program (Berry, 2006). The average size of schools increased five times in the short span. Increasingly, school districts became professional entities overseen by professionals. Some of these bureaucracies were in charge of huge numbers of students. Some handled several hundreds of thousands of students. Consolidation and closure of schools is a process for the long-term because it is complex. Owing to social and cultural policy differences,…...



Tyack, David (1974). The one best system. Cambridge, MA: Howard University Press.

Cubberley, E. P. (1922). Rural life and education: A study of the rural-school problem as a phase of the rural-life problem. Houghton Mifflin.

Berry, C. (2006). School Consolidation and Inequality. Brookings Papers On Education Policy, 49-75.

Fitzwater, C. O. (1953). Selected Characteristics of Reorganized School Districts (No. 3). US Government Printing Office.

Satisfaction Levels of Parents Related to both Public and Private Schooling Currently Literature Review
Pages: 6 Words: 1933

Literature Review: Satisfaction Levels of Parents Related to both Public and Private Schooling CurrentlyIntroductionThis research paper is about the satisfaction levels of parents related to public and private schooling today, narrowing down to the criteria used by parents to determine the schools to enroll their children. The research problem is related to a contemporary educational issue. Several research studies have shown that most parents are not satisfied with public schools mainly due to the differences or variations in the academic achievement between public and private schools. Generally, private schools are associated with better academic achievement than public school systems (Bragg & Chingos, 2017). The rationale for this research is related to the subpar education received by students from kindergarten all through to the 12th grade. In most cases, the poor and the minorities are disproportionately affected. Hence, this research will further determine some ways of enhancing academic achievement for the…...



Black, E., Ferdig, R., & Thompson, L. A. (2021). K-12 virtual schooling, COVID-19, and student success. JAMA pediatrics, 175(2), 119-120.

Bragg, K., & Chingos, M. M. (2017). Who could benefit from school choice? Mapping access to public and private schools. Evidence Speaks Reports, 2(12), 1-8.

Cahalan, M. W., Addison, M., Brunt, N., Patel, P. R., & Perna, L. W. (2021). Indicators of Higher Education Equity in the United States: 2021 Historical Trend Report. Pell Institute for the study of opportunity in higher education.

Education as a Platform Reparations for Black Communities
Pages: 9 Words: 2764

Reparations for Black Communities: Education as a PlatformIntroductionThe concept that we all have an equal chance to earn the kind of riches that gives meaning to the Declaration of Independences bold phrase liberty, life, and the pursuit of happiness is the core of the American Dream. The American Dream implies that a person can be a homeowner, create a business, and build a savings account for future generations. However, the U.S. governments decisions to deny Black Americans the opportunity to earn wealth have consistently nullified this concept (Ray & Perry, 2020). In the United States today, stark race-related inequities exist across the whole spectrum of the human condition. African Americans have shorter life spans, lower earnings, and less access to high-quality healthcare than whites. However, when it comes to education, the differences are more obvious. Because education is the key to addressing the variety of other issues confronting the African…...



Bell Jr, D. A. (1980). Brown v. Board of Education and the interest-convergence dilemma. Harvard law review, 518-533.

Coates, T. N. (2015). The case for reparations. In The Best American Magazine Writing 2015 (pp. 1-50). Columbia University Press.

Corlett, J. A. (2016). U.S. reparations to descendants of enslaved blacks in the U.S. Journal of Pan African Studies, 9(5), 15-35.

How Can the High Cost of Schooling be Addressed
Pages: 6 Words: 1739

The Rising Cost of Education Introduction
The socio-cultural problem of the rising cost of public and higher education is one that affects a wide range of stakeholders across multiple communities throughout the country. Education is something that allows people to develop skills, hone a craft, become more knowledgeable about various subjects, and obtain jobs that can support themselves, their families and give back to the overall economy and society. Education is thus a very important plank in how societies grow, develop and maintain stable connections and networks. Without education, a society will inevitably fester, decay and decline: individuals will lack the skills to compete with others from other parts of the world for work. Their economy and communities will collapse. Because globalization is such a force to be reckoned with in the Digital Era, the need for access to education in today’s day and age is even greater than ever before: there…...


Works Cited

Bhattacharya, Ananya. “Everywhere Indian Engineers are Unwanted.” Quartz, 20 Apr


Boyington, Briana. “See 20 years of tuition growth at national universities.” U.S. News

& World Report, 20 Sept 2017.

Gellman, Lindsay. “The Rising Costs of a ‘Free’ Public Education.” The Wall Street

Journal, 8 Sept 2013. 

Mishel, Lawrence; Elise Gould, Josh Bivens. “Wage Stagnation in Nine Charts.”

Economic Policy Institute, 6 Jan 2015. 

Can you help with a research introduction to education management and administration?
Words: 335

If you want to find out more information about education management and administration, the best way to do so may be to talk to an educational administrator.  While they are similar to managers and administrators in other fields, there are unique skills needed in an education environment.  Therefore, it should come as no surprise that almost everyone in this field begins as an educator.

Education management and administration deals with handling how the school runs.  Scheduling, determining what classes a school should offer, determining hiring needs, and handling the teachers are all parts of school administration.  One of....

Can you give me some suggestions for essay titles or topics on school uniforms?
Words: 158

Here are some recommendations for you.

School Uniforms Essay Titles / Topics

  1. Do School Uniforms Help Students Achieve Better Academic Success?
  2. The Controversy over School Uniforms:  Individual Self-Expression vs. Conformity and Modesty
  3. Whether School Uniforms Stifle Students’ Social Experience or Enhance It
  4. Should All Public Schools Implement Mandatory School Uniforms?
  5. Top 5 Benefits and Drawbacks of School Uniforms
  6. How School Uniforms Can Foster School Spirit and Instill a Sense of School Pride
  7. Why It’s Harder to “be True to Your School and Let Your Colors Fly” Without School Uniforms
  8. School Uniforms Can Reduce Bullying and Peer Pressure for Some Students
  9. How Wearing a School Uniform Can Turn the Focus of....

I\'m looking for an essay school dress code that is [description, e.g., research-based, persuasive, historical]. What options do you have?
Words: 737

Title: School Dress Codes: A Comprehensive Analysis and Recommendations

In recent years, school dress codes have been the subject of much debate and controversy. Some argue that they are necessary to maintain a safe and orderly learning environment, while others believe that they are unduly restrictive and infringe upon students' rights to express themselves. This essay presents a comprehensive analysis of school dress codes, exploring their historical roots, research findings, and potential biases. Based on this analysis, specific recommendations are offered to improve the effectiveness and fairness of dress code policies.

The History of School Dress Codes:
The origins of school dress codes....

I\'m in need of some essay topics on suspension of using biometrics in publis schools. Can you provide assistance?
Words: 319

1. The ethical implications of implementing biometric technology in public schools
2. The potential invasion of privacy and security risks associated with biometric data collection in schools
3. The impact of biometric technology on students' autonomy and freedom in public schools
4. The effectiveness of biometric systems in enhancing school security and reducing instances of fraud or unauthorized access
5. The potential discrimination and bias that may arise from using biometric identification in public schools
6. The financial costs and practical challenges of implementing biometric technology in school settings
7. The legal implications and compliance issues related to collecting and storing biometric data of students in....

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