Qantas Airlines Essays (Examples)

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Qantas Airlines in the Past
Pages: 9 Words: 3175

Jetstar also now gives customers with more expensive tickets priority boarding, although it plans to retain unallocated seating for reasons of efficiency. The airline buys the points from its parent but strategically recovers costs by prompting people to buy more expensive tickets and attracting back customers (Creedy, 2005). The carrier's frequent-flyer scheme has produced a revenue gain that offset its cost, such as big business routes, an immense amount of the business traffic that was lost (Creedy, 2005).
Virgin lue's Strategy

Virgin lue's competitive strategy is similar to Qantas, in that changing people's attitudes toward air travel is the key to growth of budget airlines. Virgin lue has cut their costs by cutting extras on flights, such as paper tickets and free meals. The danger that Jetstar faces in cost-cutting is that the number of airline tickets sold may not outweigh the costs of the domestic carrier. Jetstar needs to make…...



Creedy, S. (2005). JQ: Winning the LLC War in Australia. Retrieved September 29, 2007, at

Demassi, L. (2007). Marc Newson's New First Class Qantas Lounge. Retrieved September 30, 2007 from -.

Kontzer, T. (2004). Airline taps IBM for Flexible Pricing Deal. Retrieved October 1, 2007, at .

Shea, F. (2004). Changing Consumer Understanding of Air Travel. Retrieved September 29, 2007 at .

Qantas Airlines External Environment Threat of New
Pages: 7 Words: 1967

Qantas Airlines
External Environment

Threat of New Entrants -- Medium

Supplier Power -- Medium

Buyer Power -- High

Threat of Substitute Products - Low

Competition -- High





Qantas's Strategy for Competitive Advantage

Recommended Strategy

Cutting Costs

Finding New Innovation

External Environment

Threat of New Entrants -- Medium

Australia has deemed that it is good for the public if any international airline that is foreign owned is allowed to operate in Australia's domestic markets. hile this may be good for the overall level of competition, it opens the door for some of Qantas's competitors to enter the market. However, each international market has its own rules and these vary from place to place.

There are many layers of bureaucracy that must be traversed in a new competitor is to enter the marketplace. This works to add a buffer to slow firms entering the marketplace quickly. However, firms can also enter through acquisition or leave through liquidation which also provides some volatility to the industry.

Supplier Power…...


Works Cited

Airline Tickets, 2011. How Airlines Cut Costs. [Online]

Available at:   / [Accessed 20 December 2011]. 

CNN Money, 2011. World's Most Admired Companies. [Online]

Available at:

Qantas Airlines Qantas Is the World's Second
Pages: 15 Words: 4747

Qantas Airlines
Qantas is the world's second oldest airline. Founded in the Queensland outback in 1920, it is Australia's largest domestic and international airline and is recognized as one of the world's leading long distance carriers, having pioneered services from Australia to North America and Europe. The Qantas Groups today employs approximately 32,500 people and offers services across a network spanning 182 destination sin 44 countries (including those covered by codeshare partners) in Australia, Asia and the Pacific, the Americas, Europe, the Middle East and Africa (Qantas Airlines, 2011).

In regards to the Qantas Group, their main business consists of transportation of those that are passengers as well as promoting "Qantas and Jestar" (Qantas Airlines, 2011). Three groups are needed for Quantas, these include "commerical, customer and marketing, and operations" (Qantas Airlines, 2011). For what is done commercially, this consists of distrubution, planning and alliances (Qantas Airlines, 2011). For "customer and marketing,"…...



Qantas Airlines. (2011). Entering the jet age. Retrieved May 22, 2011, from Qantas Airlines: .

Qantas Airlines. (2011). Fleet developments. Retrieved May 22, 2011, from Qantas Airlines: .

Qantas Airlines. (2011). Inspiration. Retrieved May 22, 2011, from Qantas Airlines: .

Qantas Airlines. (2011). Quick facts. Retrieved May 22, 2011, from Qantas Airlines:

Should Qantas Sell Its Frequent Flyer Program
Pages: 5 Words: 1551

Introduction to Decision-MakingMaking a Strategic DecisionThe question of whether or not to sell Qantas frequent flyer program is primarily a strategic decision. This is because the program is a valuable asset that generates a significant amount of revenue for the company. However, there are also operational considerations that need to be taken into account. For example, if the program is sold, Qantas will need to find another way to generate loyalty among its customers. It is also important to consider the potential impact on Qantas' brand identity. Overall, the decision to sell the frequent flyer program is a complex one that requires careful consideration of both strategic and operational factors.The difference between strategic and operational decision-making has to do with the overall aims of the two approaches (Buhler, 2001). Strategic decisions are made at the top level of an organization and concern the organization's overall direction. Operational decisions, on the…...



Buhler, P. M. (2001). Decision-making: A key to successful management. SuperVision, 62(2), 13-15.

Gilder, P. (2014, Mar 29). Loyalty future cloudy. The Gold Coast Bulletin [Proquest]

Ironside, R. (2014, Aug 15). Qantas warned to ground plans to sell frequent flyer program. The Gold Coast Bulletin [Proquest]

Qantas Battles the Effects of the Financial Crisis
Pages: 4 Words: 1315

Qantas Airlines
Strategic Management of Qantas in the Light of Global Financial Crisis

The Global Economic/Financial Crisis, also known as GFC has influenced the performance of all organizations negatively in the current business environment. Besides increasing the costs of operations, GFC threatens the use of human resources in different organizations. With such a premise, this study analyzes the influence of the crisis on the performance, sustainability, and competitiveness of most of the airline companies. In specific, it analyzes the effects of the crisis on the performance of the Qantas Airlines, an Australian carrier known globally for its high quality services. As such, adopting the stated recommendations in the analysis will help reduce the threats facing the Qantas Airlines significantly because of the Global Financial Crisis.


The worldwide economic crisis has influenced the performance of all sectors of the economy negatively in the current global business environment. Among the highly affected sectors is the…...



Baum, J.A.C., & Lampel, J. (2010). The globalization of strategy research. Bingley:


Berlatsky, N. (2010). The global financial crisis. Detroit, Mich.: Greenhaven Press.

Glaesser, D. (2006). Crisis management in the tourism industry (2nd ed.). Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.

Qantas in Recent Months Australian
Pages: 6 Words: 1863

Ultimately, the airline has been able to extract concessions from its other unions and can expect to do the same with the AMU. Qantas should deal with the issue of worker unhappiness through non-financial means, such as fostering an organizational culture change.
The airline industry is facing a difficult operating environment. Qantas must find new ways to cut costs in order to remain competitive. The recent mechanical failures are not likely related to the acrimonious relationship that has developed between Qantas and the union representing its mechanics. Given that the Labor government has taken an anti-union stance, Qantas should move towards outsourcing maintenance. This will upset the union, but it is unlikely that quality will suffer as a result.

orks Cited

Robbins, Liz. (2008). " Qantas Involved in Another Incident" New York Times. Retrieved online December 14, 2008 at

Qantas financials retrieved from Reuters, online, December 14, 2008 at

Foley, Meraiah. (2008).…...


Works Cited

Robbins, Liz. (2008). " Qantas Involved in Another Incident" New York Times. Retrieved online December 14, 2008 at 

Qantas financials retrieved from Reuters, online, December 14, 2008 at 

Foley, Meraiah. (2008). "Safety and Labor Concerns Tarnish the Qantas Image" International Herald Tribune. Retrieved online December 14, 2008 at 

No author. (2007). PEST Analysis. Retrieved online December 15, 2008 at

Qantas Current Strategic Potential I Asked Qantas
Pages: 4 Words: 1545

Qantas Current Strategic Potential
I asked Qantas analysis current strategic potential. But I undertake task. I required write a background paper rationale analysis. I require: Identify sort information essential relevant analysis critically discuss tools analysis deliver information fundamental analysis.

ationale for the analysis of strategic potential

Kuwada (1998)

posits that to analyze the strategic potential of any company, there are three important considerations that should be made. The first is an analysis of the industry in which the company is operating. The second is an analysis of the business strategy being utilized by the company and the last is the strategic evaluation or a SWOT analysis of the organization to see if it has the necessary internal and external factors for success. It is only after these three considerations are met that the organization can be able to identify the critical issues that it needs to address and make necessary recommendations to address these…...



Baum, J.R., & Wally, S. (2003). Strategic Decision Speed and Firm Performance. Strategic Management Journal, 24(11), 1107-1129. doi: 10.2307/20060604

Belardo, S., Duchessi, P., & Coleman, J.R. (1994). A Strategic Decision Support System at Orell Fussli. Journal of Management Information Systems, 10(4), 135-157. doi: 10.2307/40398097

Boulding, W., Moore, M.C., Staelin, R., Corfman, K.P., Dickson, P.R., Fitzsimons, G., . . . Barton, A.W. (1994). Understanding Managers' Strategic Decision-Making Process. Marketing Letters, 5(4), 413-426. doi: 10.2307/40216360

Brandenburger, A. (2002). Porter's Added Value: High Indeed! The Academy of Management Executive (1993-2005), 16(2), 58-60. doi: 10.2307/4165841

Qantas Virgin Blue Overview and Contents
Pages: 5 Words: 1493

The steep reduction in revenue at Virgin Blue resulted in a reduction in their efficiency ratios. Given that the company continued to expand in size with only a minor expansion in revenue, their efficiency suffered. There is evidence of overcapacity, an issue that they have addressed in the interim with service cuts (Associated Press, 2009).
Financial Stability -- Short-Term

Both companies are liquid at present. Qantas, however, has seen the more significant decrease in its liquidity between 2007 and 2008. The company's cash holdings have been reduced significantly, while its "other" liabilities almost tripled. There have been some working capital issues at Qantas, with the firm increasing is turnover in days. Virgin Blue has also seen a reduction in its liquidity and an increase in its receivables turnover in days. For Virgin Blue, cash has declined in the past year, while interest-bearing liabilities increased. This is most likely attributable to a…...


Works Cited:

Qantas 2008 Annual Report. Retrieved May 3, 2009 from

Virgin Blue 2008 Preliminary Final Report*. Retrieved May 3, 2009 from

Qantas website. Retrieved May 3, 2009 from 

Creedy, Steve. (2009). Qantas, Virgin Blue tumble on pandemic fears. The Australian Retrieved May 3, 2009 from,28124,25392459-23349,00.html

Managing Diversity Matters a Study on Qantas
Pages: 11 Words: 3911

Managing Diversity Matters
A Study on QANTAS

Women Representation at QANTAS

QANTAS' Focus on Diverse Needs of Customers

QANTAS Ideology Regarding Recruitment of Youth

Challenges Faced y QANTAS

In today's challenging global scenario where competition is rising every day, it is necessary for Multinational organizations to address the basic need of today's business world: diversity. Customers, employees, strategic alliances, competitors, industry norms etc.; they are all subject to changes every day. This is the reason why organizations must need to show adaptability to the change and address the diverse needs of all these stakeholders. Furthermore, while discussing MNCs, it is noticeable that one of the industries (with highest degree of diversity in its operations) is the aviation industry. Australia is one of the most culturally diverse in the world, according to a 2009 study by L. Leveson in the International Journal of Manpower. The study explored current attitudes to diversity management in 15 Australian companies.…...



Arthur, J.B 1994, 'Effects of Human Resource Systems on Manufacturing Performance and Turnover', Academy of Management Journal, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 670-687.

Australian Human Rights Commission. 2008, The Right to a Discrimination-Free Workplace, Legal Section, Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission

Beer, M., Spector, B., Lawrence, P., Mills, D.Q. And Walton, R 1985, Human Resource Management: A General Managers Perspective, New York: Free Press

Berman, E., West, J. And Wang, X 1999, 'Using Performance Measurement in Human Resource Management', Review of Public Personnel Administration, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 5-17.

Qantas Group S Strategic Analysis
Pages: 10 Words: 3076

Strategic Analysis of Qantas Group
Qantas Group Overview

Key Problems and Strategic Issues

Diagnosis: Analysis and Evaluation

Porter 5 Analysis

Power of Suppliers: Low-to-Medium

Industry ivalry: High

Power of Buyer: Medium

Barrier of Entry: High

Availability of Substitutes: Low

The study carries out the strategic analysis of Qantas Group to identify the problems that the company is facing in the contemporary business environments and provide the recommendations that will assist Qantas overcoming its problems and record high profitability. The Porter 5 analysis reveals Qantas is facing the intense competitions at domestic and international routes leading to a decline in the profit margins. Moreover, Qantas has not been able to overcome the problems associated with the high costs of operations from the constant increase in the fuel costs. The paper suggests that Qantas should consider both vertical and horizontal mergers to enjoy economies of scales, which will assist in enjoying a decline in the cost of operations and having a high…...



Belobaba, P., Odoni, A., & Barnhart, C. (2009). The global airline industry (Vol. 23). Wiley. Com. 12-89.

CFA Institute (2010). Merger and Acquisitions. CFA Institute. USA.

Cowper-Smith, A., & de Grosbois, D. (2011). The adoption of corporate social responsibility practices in the airline industry. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 19 (1), 59-77.

Dallas, H. Michael, A.H. & Ireland, R.D. (2012). Strategic Management: Competitive Globalization. Victoria. Cengage.

Carbon Footprint Qantas Carbon Footprint Researcher One
Pages: 5 Words: 1487

Carbon Footprint
Qantas Carbon Footprint

Researcher One

Corporate Governance

Qantas corporate governance statement mentions that Qantas has an appropriate corporate governance structure to ensure the creation, protection, and enhancement of shareholder value (Qantas, 2012). Based on this statement alone it seems as if Qantas does not promote a triple bottom line or any other measure of sustainability in the summary of their corporate governance strategy. Other firms in the airline industry make a stronger dedication to social and environmental issues in their corporate governance. Continental for example has significantly more mentions of such causes as well as a plethora of various projects to address these causes (Continental Airlines, 2012). Although Qantas does address such business functions later in their document, their corporate governance strategy seems to be more focused on shareholder value than a more balanced scorecard.

In response to pressures to mounting pressures to address ecological concerns about issues such as climate change and…...


Works Cited

Airline Tickets, 2011. How Airlines Cut Costs. [Online]

Available at:   / [Accessed 5 February 2012]. 

Continental Airlines, 2012. Ethics and Compliance. [Online]

Available at:

Emirate Airlines Customer Service
Pages: 12 Words: 4373

Emirate Airline Analysis
What follows in this report is a review and summary of the customer services aspect of Emirates Airline. The firm in question has most certainly established a name for themselves and there is the common refrain about how adept they are. Even so, there are opportunities for them to get better and all firms should commit to a culture and mindset of continuous improvement, fettering out what problems what do exist and finding common sense solutions for dealing with the same. Regardless of what problems are found, there need to be evidence-based and realistic solutions put forth, and that shall be the goal of this report. While Emirates Airlines does a lot of things well when it comes to their customer services, they could do even better and strive to do so whenever possible.

Company Summary

Before getting into the minutia of what should change and why, there should first…...

Management Service Processes in a Specific Organization
Pages: 10 Words: 3496

Management Service Processes in a Specific Organization
Critical Evaluation of Effective Management Service Processes: Qantas Airlines

Effective and efficient management service processes are highly important when it comes to any organization that has dealings with the public in a service capacity. Addressed here will be the case and critical evaluation of Qantas airlines, which operates airplanes that shuttle individuals to vacation destinations and work-related conferences, among other needs. The paper will focus on three areas: the effective management of service processes, service people, and resource allocation. All three of these areas must be evaluated, in order to better understand the issues that the company faces. Additionally, all three areas generally work together to help an organization reach maximum efficiency and effectiveness. ith that in mind, examining all three issues for Qantas will show how well the company is doing and whether there are things it could do to improve in the…...


Works Cited

Bass, B.M. & Avolio, B.J. (Eds.). (1994). Improving organizational effectiveness through transformational leadership. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Bryant, S.E. (2003). The role of transformational and transactional leadership in creating, sharing and exploiting organizational knowledge. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies

Easdown, G. (2006). Qantas through the years. The Herald Sun.

Morrison, S.A. & Winston, C. (1990), The dynamics of airline pricing and competition, American Economic Review, 80(3).

Quantas Airways Limited Company Financial
Pages: 7 Words: 1840

" (Qantas Airways Limited and Controlled Entities - Preliminary Final Report, 2008)
In July, 2008 Qantas reported that it intends to "eliminate 1,500 jobs world-wide and it shed plans to increase flying capacity as it continues to battle high jet-fuel costs." (the Wall Street Journal, 2008) in addition, the plans to hire 1,200 people have been canceled. Qantas will also be retiring 22 aircraft from its fleet and call centers in Arizona and London will be closed as well. (Thurlow and McFarland, 2008)


Quantas Airways, Ltd. is the number one domestic airline industry in Australia and is a leader in the Asia-Pacific region. In fact, Quantas is among the ten largest airlines in the world and connects Australia in approximately 81 destinations and forty countries throughout the world. The company operates several regional airlines in the country of Australia and carries in excess of thirty million passengers each year. When…...



Thurlow, R. And McFarland, L. (2008) Corporate News Qantas Plans to Cut Jobs, Scraps Capacity Increase. Wall Street Journal. 18 Jul 2008.

Qantas Airways Limited and Controlled Entities (2008) Preliminary Final Report. 20 June 2008. Online available at:

Qantas Airways Ltd. (2008) Financial Times. Online available at

Leadership Styles and When They Should Be Used
Pages: 13 Words: 4751

The author of this report has been asked to answer four major questions when it comes to business, leadership and the skill sets required to excel in both. The first question will center on the role of Chief Executive Office. The role itself will be defined. There will also be a listing of the comptentcies and skills that a typical or desirable CEO should demonstrate and have. The second question will center on what the effective communication skills are. Indeed, it will be defined what skills will be mastered and displayed if a business and its leadership wishes to engage its employees and excel in business overall. Third, there will be an identification and definition of three different leadership styles and how each of those styles is best applied based on the circumstances and what is needed at the time. Finally, there will be a discussion of the role of…...



Baumgartner, J. (2016). The Innovation Process. Retrieved 21 May 2016, from 

Beck, R. (2012). Building a Talent Machine. Retrieved 21 May 2016, from 

Belbin. (2016). Belbin Team Roles -- Belbin. Retrieved 21 May 2016, from 

Chartered Accountants. (2016). Why business ethics your bottom line. Chartered Accountants. Retrieved 21 May 2016, from

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