Quote Essays (Examples)

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Quote Explanation Don't Confuse Legibility With Communication
Pages: 2 Words: 783

He has since received numerous awards for this style, which faced a lot of opposition at first, but then came to be widely-accepted, and is more or less, the norm today. I have included the links to two images that clearly depict Carson's style in the references section of this text. [2: CSUN, "David Carson," CSUN, http://www.csun.edu/~pjd77408/DrD/Art461/LecturesAll/Lectures/PublicationDesign/DigitalTimes/David-Carson.html (accessed April 25, 2014)] [3: James Peacock Designs, "David Carson: Graphic Designer," James Peacock Design, http://www.jamespeacockdesign.com/blog/david-carson-graphic-designer / (accessed April 25, 2014).] [4: CSUN, "David Carson," CSUN, http://www.csun.edu/~pjd77408/DrD/Art461/LecturesAll/Lectures/PublicationDesign/DigitalTimes/David-Carson.html (accessed April 25, 2014)] [5: Ibid]
People often make fun of Carson's success, and make it appear like people who act stupid always get ahead of those who stick to doing the 'right' thing. A popular image on social media, for instance, uses Carson's rule-breaking strategy, and the iblical example of David, the young boy who kills the mighty and armed warrior Goliath with a sling…...



CSUN. "David Carson." California State University, Northridge. (accessed April 25, 2014).http://www.csun.edu/~pjd77408/DrD/Art461/LecturesAll/Lectures/PublicationDesign/DigitalTimes/David-Carson.html

James Peacock Designs. "David Carson: Graphic designer." James Peacock Designs. / (accessed April 25, 2014).http://www.jamespeacockdesign.com/blog/david-carson-graphic-designer


Quote Comment
Pages: 2 Words: 764

Supertramp' is McCandless' literary alter ego. In his writings, McCandless portrays himself as a kind of spiritual pilgrim in the last, pure place on earth -- the Great White North. Writing under a different name allows McCandless to distance himself from the very real risk he is taking, and also the callousness he shows towards those who try to help him on his journey. He refuses all aid because he sees himself as a lonely, literary character on a spiritual voyage, unencumbered by friends and family.
To give dignity to what could easily be viewed as a pointless death, Krakauer stresses McCandless' fascination with authors like Tolstoy, Thoreau, and the Gospels. These authors stress a life of simplicity and oneness with nature. Krakauer is desperate that McCandless' death 'means something.' Krakauer, in a rebuttal to accusations that McCandless' actions were selfish, includes a Tolstoy quote the young man underlined proclaiming…...

Akhenaton Quote Honor Is the
Pages: 3 Words: 1088

There are relevant similarities and differences with these two quotes. The similarities relate to our relationships with our inner selves. Both the honor contemplated by Akhenaton and the thoughts referenced by Descartes come completely from within our own consciousness. That is to say, thinking and defining our core values are both the result of conscious acts (they are not instinctive like breathing or subconscious like dreaming) and they are both innately personal to us. Thus both quotes attempt to join our conscious selves with our innate, inner selves.

The difference between the two involves the motivation behind each quote. Descartes' quote seeks to justify man's individual existence. According to Descartes, without our thoughts, and the consequential proof that we exist, how we can believe in ourselves? Of even more import, without our thoughts to prove what are senses are perceiving, Descartes wondered how one could prove the existence of God. Akhenaton…...


Works Cited List

Freud, Sigmund. The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, Volume XXIII (1937-1939). "Moses and monotheism." London: Hogarth Press, 1964. Print.

Montserrat, Dominic. Akhenaten: History, Fantasy and ancient Egypt. Routledge, 2000. Print.

Moran, William L. The Amarna Letters. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992.

Print. pp230-260.

Relevance Quote Plot Interpret Quote Mention Literary
Pages: 3 Words: 964

relevance quote plot Interpret quote mention literary techniques devices This quote reflects theme ... (put a theme) CLEARLY STATE THE THEME rite occasions characters play embody theme Body 1: Topic Sentence connects thesis statement mention Occasion Character #1.
Being and seeming:

The contrast between surface appearances and true character in Shakespeare's Macbeth

hen Lady Macbeth learns that the witches have predicted that her husband Macbeth will be king she gloats and greets her husband with the words "…look like the innocent flower, / But be the serpent under't" (I.5). The fact that the three 'weird sisters' have predicted Macbeth's kingship is interpreted by Lady Macbeth as license to commit the murder of Duncan. Lady Macbeth's words indicate a contrast between 'being' and 'seeming' that runs throughout the play. Lady Macbeth urges her husband to seem as though he is loyal even while he conspires with his wife to kill the king. Yet…...


Works Cited

Shakespeare, William. Macbeth. Shakespeare Homepage. 4 Jan 2013.


Caesar's Irony Verbal Irony Quote
Pages: 2 Words: 648


Quote: "CAESAR: The ides of March are come. SOOTHSAYER: Ay, Caesar; but not gone" (pp. 40, III, i, 1-2).

Paraphrase/Context: Caesar is bragging to the soothsayer that the date he was warned about has come without any danger, but the soothsayer tells him there's still time. The soothsayer had previously warned Caesar to beware this day, but Caesar doesn't pay attention and thinks it's foolish.

Analysis: This represents dramatic irony because the reader/audience knows what lies in store for Caesar, but Caesar des not. The dramatic irony is heightened even more by the fact that Caesar is even told directly many times that something is going to happen, but he refuses to believe what the audience knows to be true. It is an important way to open the scene of Caesar's murder, and makes his death more bitter and tragic because it could have been avoided.


Quote: "And Brutus is an honorable…...

Frida Kahlo Is Quoted as Saying I
Pages: 3 Words: 1046

Frida Kahlo is quoted as saying, "I suffered two grave accidents in my life. One in which a streetcar knocked me down. The other accident is Diego," (cited by Botis 1). The love relationship between Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera is one of the most famous in modern art. Their relationship was tumultuous, which seemed to be a good recipe for creativity and artistic self-expression. "It is a well-known fact that they had a passionate and stormy relationship, filled with great love and also betrayals," ("Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera" 1). The relationship between Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera shows that love, even when it is painful, can be a powerful muse.
The term muse refers to any kind of creative inspiration. The ancient Greek muses were female beings who provided inspiration for scientists, poets, musicians, and comedians (Oxford English Dictionary). A muse can be anyone, but in legend a muse…...


Works Cited

Botis, Betty. "Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera...Love or Lust?" Retrieved online: http://www.diego-rivera.org/article2-frida-kahlo-and-diego-rivera.html

Budrys, V. Neurological Deficits in the Life and Works of Frida Kahlo. European Neurology 55(1): 4-10.

"Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera." Eyecon. Retrieved online:  http://www.robinurton.com/history/frida-y-diego.htm 

Herrera, H. Frida. Bloomsbury, 2003.

Polonius Quote One of the More Famous
Pages: 2 Words: 914

Polonius Quote
One of the more famous quotes in illiam Shakespeare's Hamlet not spoken by the titular character is given early on in the play by Polonius, adviser to the king and father of Ophelia and Laertes, when he instructs his son on how to behave during his travels abroad. Polonius' instruction is so oft quoted because it plays into a certain belief regarding honesty and self-expression that is wholly unobserved in reality, offering an eloquent justification for maintaining one's sense of self by falsely insinuating that being honest with oneself automatically precludes one from being dishonest with others. This idea is ridiculous, and looking at other instances from the play itself will help to demonstrate that being true to oneself often means being dishonest with others, because one may quite easily be honest with oneself about one's dishonesty to others.

Polonius' instruction to Laertes comes after a long list of dos…...


Work Cited

Shakespeare, William. "Hamlet." Shakespeare Navigators. Web. 16 Jul 2011.


IPO Leno's Quote About Creating an Artificial
Pages: 3 Words: 1067

Leno's quote about creating an artificial shortage of fish draws in some lessons about the business world to the old adage. The original adage is the first part of the quote about "Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he'll eat for a lifetime." This quote is talking about dependency, where the proverbial man is hungry. If you give him a fish, this is a short-term solution. He eats today, but then tomorrow he goes right back to being hungry with no fish. He needs charity again, because he lacks the skills to feed himself. When you teach him to fish, he then has the ability to feed himself. This is a skill that lasts a lifetime, so teaching the man to fish is a long-term solution to the man's hunger problem.

Leno adds the additional clause to the adage for humor.…...



MSN Moneycentral. (2013). Twitter. Retrieved November 25, 2013 from  http://investing.money.msn.com/investments/stock-balance-sheet/?stmtView=Qtr&symbol=TWTR 

Pepitone, J. (2013). Twitter soars 73% in IPO. CNN. Retrieved November 25, 2013 from  http://money.cnn.com/2013/11/07/technology/social/twitter-ipo-stock/

Copying the Quote or Paraphrase
Pages: 8 Words: 2991

The previous section discussed the advantages of ODR. This section will list some of its disadvantages and, likewise, analyze the advantages and disadvantages of online legal guidance in general

Positive sides


The merits of ODR, as stated, include the fact that users can save time and expense by scheduling their meetings online at the comfort and convenience of all parties. Disputes, too, such as those by virtual traders can be resolved in a timelier applicable manner to the greater satisfaction and contentment of all parties. Telephone conferencing can be a long and arduous process shorter. These are merely some of the benefits that the ADR has noticed emerge from ODR to the point that they train their practitioners in the system.

Online legal guidance

A plethora of websites exist where clients can access so called experts of law who will provide legal guidance at competitive prices and for a range of issues. These online…...



Christensen C. The Innovator's Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail (Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2000).

Mountain, Daryl R. 'Could new technologies cause great law firms to fail' [2002]

52 Syracuse L. Rev. 1065

Jassanoff, Sheila. Science at the bar: law, science, and technology in America (Harvard University Press, 1997)

Paul Valery Paul Valery Quote Beauty Is
Pages: 2 Words: 687

Paul Valery [...] Paul Valery quote "Beauty is a way of death. The novelty, the intensity, the strangeness, in a word, all the values of shock supplant it." Beauty is as intense, as strange, as novel as anything we know and appreciate. This paper will answer the question: Why is beauty so difficult to define?

Paul Valery wrote, "Beauty is a way of death." This of course can be defined in many ways. Some beautiful people believe they can trust no one, because they are not appreciated for who they are, but only for their beauty, so no one really knows what is inside them. This is a form of slow death for them - never knowing, never trusting. There are other forms of beauty however, that can be strange, or novel, or intense, and this is what Valery seems to be discussing in his quote. The beauty…...

Evidence Select Quotes Pages -Explain Evidence Proves
Pages: 10 Words: 3015

evidence (select quotes, pages?) -Explain evidence proves ideas -Main idea topic sentence -Define + Explain (develop) term Synonym main sources -Similarities (organize - topics) -Differences -Conclusion -Work cited page Don't give feelings, stories, opinions essay.
Comparative analysis of Dhowli by Mahasweta Devi and The Magic Chalk by Kobo Abe

The condition of mankind in the world is an inexhaustible source of tales and stories, one more impressive than the other. And even when the stories approach the same subject, they will still differ as the authors will address the ideas from different angles and the characters will feel different emotions.

Such is the case of Dhowli (Mahasweta Devi) and The Magic Chalk (Kabo Abe), which initially appear as two different stories, yet they also reveal some similarities in the ideas and themes approached. Both stories are strongly emotional and reveal the frustrations with the social conditions of the two characters Dhowli, the…...


Lamb, S., White saris and sweet mangoes: aging, gender and body in North India, University of California Press, 2000

Matthew, R., Japanese science fiction: a view of a changing world, Routledge, 1989

Sokolovsky, J., The cultural context of aging: worldwide perspectives, 3rd edition, ABC-CLIO, 2009

Operational Effectiveness Fully Explain the Two Statements Quotes
Pages: 12 Words: 3178

Operational Effectiveness
Fully explain the two statements/quotes below and why they are true. In the answer explain what is meant by "operational effectiveness" (first quote) and fit and sustainability (second quote). Please explain as if you are speaking top managers around the corporate office for them to realize how our company is going to achieve true competitive excellence and not settle for mediocrity.

First quote: "Constant improvement in operational effectiveness is necessary to achieve superior profitability. However, it is not usually sufficient. Few companies have competed successfully on the basis of operational effectiveness over an extended period, and staying ahead of rivals gets harder every day."

The first distinction that must be made is that operational effectiveness and strategy are two separate constructs; though the often reside in parallel and/or work in tandem. Strategy is a set of strategic goals in which the organization pursues while operational effectiveness is the ability to continue…...


Works Cited

Grossman, K. (2005, December). The No. 1 Nuclear Company Wants the No. 3 Network. Retrieved April 29, 2011, from Fair.org:  http://www.fair.org/extra/9511/nuke.html 

Harder, A. (2011, March 21). Energy and Environment. Retrieved April 29, 2011, from National Journal: http://energy.nationaljournal.com/2011/03/how-does-japans-crisis-affect.php

Hooley, G., Greenley, G., Cadogan, J., & Fahy, J. (2005). The performance impact of marketing resources. Journal of Business Research, 18-27.

Kazlauskaite, R., & Buciuniene, I. (2008). The Role of Human Resources and Their Management in the Establishment of Sustainable Competitive Advantage . Engineering Economics, 78-84.

Two Views of Education Pragmatism Notes and Quotes
Pages: 1 Words: 338

Both traditional and progressive views of education take into account the needs of the student, the teacher, and the role of the curriculum. However, traditional and progressive forms of education differ greatly in their approach. In a traditional classroom, the teacher is an authority figure. The format of instruction is lecture-based with minimal opportunity for democratic participation although some question and answer sessions may follow the lecture. The teacher alone formulates the curriculum and students offer little if any input into the lesson plans. A traditional lesson plan will not include trendy issues or matters of popular culture. On the other hand, a progressive view of education espouses a highly flexible curriculum that can be creatively changed by teacher or student to reflect social trends or popular culture. Rather than the lecture format, the classroom may foster democratic discussion and encourages participation by students. Both the traditional and progressive…...

Realism Notes and Quotes
Pages: 1 Words: 371

'Matter is the ultimate reality: hills, trees, cities, and starts are not simply ideas in the mind of observing individuals ... "This quote assumes that an objective reality is not impacted by the observer; that there is a reality "out there" that is completely independent. It is up to us, the observer, to learn about and interpret that reality. We can therefore be mistaken about the fundamental nature of reality: as when the earth was believed to be flat. Similarly, when change occurs in nature, it always does so in accordance with the laws of nature. If human beings are surprised, they should not attribute such anomalies to supernatural forces. Rather, they should acknowledge that they need only learn more about the physical universe.

Similarly, realists believe that values, as well as reality, are "permanent and objective." The purpose of education is to ensure that each student becomes an integral part…...

Jane Austen Quotes Austen Jane Pride and
Pages: 5 Words: 2348

Jane Austen Quotes
Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice. New York: Bantam Classics, 2003. Print.


"His pride," said Miss Lucas, "does not offend me so much as pride often does, because there is an excuse for it." (15)

"It has been the study of my life to avoid those weaknesses which often expose a strong understanding to ridicule."

"Such as vanity and pride."

"Yes, vanity is a weakness indeed. But pride -- where there is real superiority of mind, pride will always be under good regulation" (48)

When she thought of her mother, her confidence gave way a little; but she would not allow that any objections there had material weight with Mr. Darcy, whose pride, she was convinced, would receive a deeper wound from the want of importance in his friend's connections, than from their want of sense; and she was quite decided, at last, that he had been partly governed by this worst kind of…...

How do I write a paper for Bible College arguing my point-of-view with scriptures?
Words: 354

One of the great things about writing a position paper using the Bible to provide scriptural support is that the Bible is such a large document, full of internal inconsistencies, which means it can be used to support almost any position.  This is especially true if you are looking at scripture in isolation, rather than viewing it as an excerpt from a larger book or as part of a cohesive theme.  In fact, you might be surprised to discover that the Bible has text that can be used to argue against most of the ideas that we think of as....

I\'m searching for essay topics on paraphasing. Do you have any recommendations?
Words: 283

1. The importance of paraphrasing in academic writing and avoiding plagiarism
2. Techniques and strategies for effectively paraphrasing text
3. The impact of paraphrasing on comprehension and retention of information
4. Common mistakes to avoid when paraphrasing
5. The ethical considerations of paraphrasing in research and writing
6. The role of paraphrasing in promoting critical thinking and analysis
7. How paraphrasing can enhance the clarity and coherence of written communication
8. The challenges and benefits of teaching paraphrasing skills to students
9. The role of paraphrasing in developing strong argumentation and persuasive writing
10. The relationship between paraphrasing and effective summarization in writing.
11. The cultural implications of paraphrasing and....

Can you offer advice on outlining an essay discussing Poetry and music collaborations in Ireland?
Words: 414

I. Introduction

A. Hook: Begin with an anecdote or quote that highlights the captivating intersection of poetry and music in Ireland.
B. Background: Provide a brief overview of the cultural and historical significance of both poetry and music in Ireland.
C. Thesis Statement: Clearly state your central argument about the unique relationship between poetry and music collaborations in Ireland.

II. Body Paragraph 1: Historical Collaborations

A. Discuss notable historical instances of poetry and music collaborations in Ireland.
B. Highlight collaborative forms like the Irish bardic tradition, aisling poems with musical accompaniment, and the fusion of traditional Irish music with 20th-century poetry.
C. Analyze the impact of these....

Do you have any tips for outlining an essay specifically on the subject of Things to do at the beach?
Words: 398

I. Introduction

A. Hook: Begin with an engaging story, anecdote, or quote that captures the essence of spending time at the beach.

B. Thesis Statement: Provide a clear and concise statement that expresses the main argument of your essay.

II. Body Paragraph 1: Beach Activities

A. Describe various activities that people can engage in at the beach, such as swimming, surfing, sunbathing, and beach volleyball.

B. Discuss the benefits of these activities for physical and mental well-being, highlighting the sense of relaxation and rejuvenation that comes from being near the ocean.

C. Offer specific examples of how these activities can create memorable experiences and foster connections....

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